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Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:19 pm
by Superwheeljack
I'm a Trekkie fan, but after the reboot...
What do you other st fans think?
Remember the rules

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:40 am
by Burn
It won't fail, but the lens flares will piss me off.

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:07 pm
by Rodimus Prime
The new Star Trek was 1 of the best movies I had seen in years. It was fun, made sense, and provided a good story for the start of the characters. I consider it my 2nd favorite after Generations. Yes, that's what I said. I'm not a "Trekkie" but I am a fan of Shatner and thanks to the 1st film and Unstoppable, a fan of Chris Pine. Hopefully he can put a good stamp on the character, maybe even make it his own for the younger fans. I can't wait for Into Darkness, it looks to be a hell of a sequel and 1 of the best films of the year. Probably gonna see it more than once.

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:51 pm
by OptiMagnus
The name "Star Trek" is enough to guarantee it not failing. Besides, I liked the reboot, although I never really got into Star Trek.

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 12:34 pm
by Red 50
Well, I'm not a Trekkie, but I liked the first movie. Given that they don't screw up, I believe the second movie will be as enjoyable.

Though I've understood that Nimoy won't be making a guest appearance as Spock Prime. Is it true or false?

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 1:09 pm
by Superwheeljack
Red 50 wrote:Well, I'm not a Trekkie, but I liked the first movie. Given that they don't screw up, I believe the second movie will be as enjoyable.

Though I've understood that Nimoy won't be making a guest appearance as Spock Prime. Is it true or false?

It's true. He's not returning. It kind of wouldn't make any sense in a way
Well guys, two weeks from today we will learn the truth

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 1:42 pm
by Va'al
Superwheeljack wrote:
Red 50 wrote:Well, I'm not a Trekkie, but I liked the first movie. Given that they don't screw up, I believe the second movie will be as enjoyable.

Though I've understood that Nimoy won't be making a guest appearance as Spock Prime. Is it true or false?

It's true. He's not returning. It kind of wouldn't make any sense in a way
Well guys, two weeks from today we will learn the truth

One week for us UKers! :DANCE:

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 5:44 pm
by Rodimus Prime
Here's the 1st review I've seen for the film:

Star Trek Into Darkness
Reviewed by: Silas Lesnick
Rating: 4 out of 10
Movie Details: View here

Chris Pine as James T. Kirk
Zachary Quinto as Spock
Karl Urban as Dr. McCoy
Zoe Saldana as Uhura
Benedict Cumberbatch as John Harrison
Alice Eve as Carol Marcus
Simon Pegg as Scotty
Anton Yelchin as Chekov
John Cho as Sulu
Bruce Greenwood as Christopher Pike
Peter Weller as Admiral Marcus

Directed by J.J. Abrams

Following an attack on Earth, the U.S.S. Enterprise is tasked with leading a manhunt to bring the terrorist responsible to justice.

In 2009, J.J. Abrams pulled off the nigh-impossible task of creating a "Star Trek" film that could not only bring in new audiences to Gene Roddenberry's incredible science fiction universe, but one that respected the more than four decades of continuity adored by die hard fans. Four years later, there is, at least, some balance to the universe, as it's hard to imagine "Star Trek Into Darkness" pleasing just about anyone.

Although the film is directed with the fervor and intensity of a tie-in theme park ride, the script, sadly, has precisely the same narrative aspirations. Offering a nonsensical mess of conspiracy theory, "Into Darkness" ends up becoming something stuck midway between a muddled Truther metaphor and a nearly beat-for-beat remake of the identically-plotted "Star Trek: Nemesis," widely regarded as the franchise's worst entry.

Although this review will do its best to avoid spoilers, it should be noted that the film's "surprises" are delivered with such a lack of creativity that to hold them back in the first place is much akin to, say, if Len Wiseman's "Total Recall" insisted that it not be referred to as a remake for precisely the same reasons.

Suffice to say, as delighted as "Sherlock" fans might be to embrace Benedict Cumberbatch as the Big Bad of "Into Darkness," his talents are wholly wasted. The best Trek villians have been grand, literate challengers of dangerously disparate ideologies. "John Harrison" is played instead as a tedious, monotone exposition robot with (particularly for Trek fans) a confusing backstory and nonsensical tech gadgets. (He beams, for instance, from Earth to Qu'onos, effectively the equivalent of having a character in San Francisco jump on rollerskates so that they might flee to the moon.)

Viewers will be hard-pressed to find a single memorable Harrison scene or line that hasn't already been revealed in trailers and that's symptomatic of one of the bigger failings of "Into Darkness." It feels incredibly small, limiting itself to a handful of familiar sets with action choreography that does little more than shake those same sets violently. Added to that problem is the fact that the characters, in scene after scene after scene, survive impossible odds, not through intelligence or ingenuity, but through dumb luck.

The difficulty in becoming invested in the characters is amplified by the fact that they're just not all that likable. Chris Pine's Kirk is headstrong to the point of arrogance. It's one thing to have him dodge the Prime Directive to accomplish the greater good, but it's very much another to outright mock what should be Starfleet's central principle, then lie about it and ultimately throw a hissy fit when Starfleet calls him out on it.

The film's female characters fare even worse, relegating Zoe Saldana's Uhura to nothing more than "Spock's girlfriend" and treating Alice Eve's Carol Marcus as expository eye candy. That scene in the trailer where she's in her underwear? That's it. She just takes her clothes off in front of Kirk for a second for no real reason. It all feels dangerously misogynistic and very, very far from Gene Roddenberry's egalitarian future.

Although there are cute little shout outs to just about every iteration of Trek, "Into Darkness" misses the big picture. As much fun as it is to reference "The Deadly Years," fans are going to find that major elements of Trek lore simply don't sync up. Klingons, for instance, are now cultureless monsters, sharing much more in common with Nemesis' Remans.

There's much more to be said about the sheer incompetence of "Into Darkness" on a narrative level, but it can wait until the "spoiler" threat has fully cleared. Anxious fans, however, would do well to remember Mr. Spock's wise words from "Amok Time":

"After a time," he says, "you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."

The Bottom Line:
It's hard not to wonder if the reason Abrams is so big on secrecy in the first place is because he knows his mystery box is empty. This is a "Star Trek" film designed for audiences distracted by shiny objects. Die hard fans -- and the moviegoing public in general -- deserve better than this shameful franchise entry.

To me it just sounds like a butthurt fanboy more than anything else, but there it is.

Source: ... ?id=103724

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 5:52 pm
by Va'al

Interesting review, thanks Rodimus.

I'd like to see one written by a non-fan of the preceding series, though. :-?

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:33 pm
by Superwheeljack
Read a review, and Pike dies. Gary Mitchell is the villan and and reveals himself to be Khan. Sounds....fairly interesting.

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 4:56 pm
by Rodimus Prime
I just got done with it. I'm not a Trekkie, but even I had to change my underwear.

Some spoilers:

Yes, John Harrison is indeed Khan.

The movie is somewhat a re-telling of Wrath of Khan, with lots of references. If you haven't seen that 1, you probably should. Even if you don't, it's still a great movie.

Simon Pegg get a major character boost as Scotty, and is probably tied for 3rd with Khan behind Kirk and Spock in terms of screen time. And he's hilarious.

Leonard Nimoy makes a brief appearance as Old Spock.

This time, Kirk dies and Spock gets to scream "KHAAAAAAN!!!"

The space battle at the end is between Spock and Khan.

And lastly, KLINGONS! They're not there much, but the parts they are in (as well as Kirk's death) serves to set up the next film, in which they will no doubt be the main villains.

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 5:37 pm
by Superwheeljack
Rodimus Prime wrote:I just got done with it. I'm not a Trekkie, but even I had to change my underwear.

Some spoilers:

Yes, John Harrison is indeed Khan.

The movie is somewhat a re-telling of Wrath of Khan, with lots of references. If you haven't seen that 1, you probably should. Even if you don't, it's still a great movie.

Simon Pegg get a major character boost as Scotty, and is probably tied for 3rd with Khan behind Kirk and Spock in terms of screen time. And he's hilarious.

Leonard Nimoy makes a brief appearance as Old Spock.

This time, Kirk dies and Spock gets to scream "KHAAAAAAN!!!"

The space battle at the end is between Spock and Khan.

And lastly, KLINGONS! They're not there much, but the parts they are in (as well as Kirk's death) serves to set up the next film, in which they will no doubt be the main villains.

And don't forget Pike dies, and Khan is trapped in cyro space for three hundred years. He's gotta be pissed off at everyone.
And Kirk lives, why does everyone dead come back in an over-dramitic way?

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 5:45 pm
by Rodimus Prime
Superwheeljack wrote:And don't forget Pike dies, and Khan is trapped in cryo space for three hundred years. He's gotta be pissed off at everyone.
And Kirk lives, why does everyone dead come back in an over-dramitic way?

Yeah, I know, I didn't want to give everything away, but I guess that's what spoiler tags are for. And BTW, I knew Kirk was coming back with the blood, as soon as I saw Bones mess with it I knew it was gonna be significant later.

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2013 2:39 pm
by captain craig
I don't think so.
I know people who are now, after the '09 aka Trek 11 film, eager to see a Star Trek film when before they wouldn't have been.

I'm thinking it does OPEN quite well. The real question is will it have enough legs when Hangover 3 and Fast&Furious 6 opens the following weekend to keep doing well.

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 10:40 am
by 5150 Cruiser
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Superwheeljack wrote:And don't forget Pike dies, and Khan is trapped in cryo space for three hundred years. He's gotta be pissed off at everyone.
And Kirk lives, why does everyone dead come back in an over-dramitic way?

Yeah, I know, I didn't want to give everything away, but I guess that's what spoiler tags are for. And BTW, I knew Kirk was coming back with the blood, as soon as I saw Bones mess with it I knew it was gonna be significant later.

Saw the movie last night. Fantastic! :APPLAUSE: One thing i will say is I'm very happy that i kept off all Trek forums and resisted the urge to click on links about the new movie. I went into it blind not really having any clue who the vilian was, nor the plot. Now i'm a big fan of star trek (Call me a trekie if you must i guess), and I thought everything fit together quite well. Trekkies seriously just need to get over that this isn't the origanl series, there's an intirely new timeline so now anything goes. The review that was posted in the 1rst page couldn't be farther from the truth. The characters had great depth, dialog, everything was set up very well. However...
I did feel that knowing who Khan was to start with helped understand just how evil and demented he was. When he reveals his true idenity to Krik...
"My name.... Is Khan!" ..wouldn't have had the same impact had i not known who Khan was in the first place. (although i figured who he really was when he started battling the Klingons and jumping 40+ft without problems as well as demonstrating his strength.

Overall i think everything fit very well. Although i know hard core trekkies didn't care fore all the changes in the timeline, i think that's what i love about these movies. There's nothing that's off limits, and endless possibilities now. And Kudos to J.J. Abrams for paying homage to ST-II. I really liked how he worked in simular lines that were in The Wrath of Khan.

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 10:54 am
by njb902
On it's own star trek into darkness was a good movie, though I thought the first movie was better.

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:24 am
by Rodimus Prime
5150 Cruiser wrote:I really liked how he worked in similar lines that were in The Wrath of Khan.

Yes, I thought that Spock's version of "KHAAAAAN!!!" was much more vicious and menacing than the original by Shatner.

I also thought they should have kept up with the original movies and kept Kirk dead until the next film.

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 5:17 pm
by Superwheeljack
Saw it.
I'll give it a 9.5/10. I actually enjoyed it more than the first one, and the first one was pretty good
But,Where was the war admiral Marcus want?
Maybe the next film will be centered on that.

And when Khan smashed Ad. Marcus' head, where was the blood on his hands?
Did he go wash his hands in 5 seconds and then do the transmission?

Re: Do you think Star Trek into darkness will fail?

PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 11:58 pm
by 5150 Cruiser
Rodimus Prime wrote:
5150 Cruiser wrote:I really liked how he worked in similar lines that were in The Wrath of Khan.

Yes, I thought that Spock's version of "KHAAAAAN!!!" was much more vicious and menacing than the original by Shatner.

I also thought they should have kept up with the original movies and kept Kirk dead until the next film.

Although i appreciated Spock's version of "Khan!!!" scream, nothing is going to beat the original done by Shatner. Also I'm glad they didn't keep Kirk dead until the next movie. I like how this movie takes Que from "Wrath of Khan", but didn't follow it to the the "T".

Here's hoping for a Klingon battle in the next movie.