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An observation of forums and

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:48 am
by SJ21
I recently bought a new car. I was looking around some online discussion groups for ideas to customize it. As I was doing so, I realized how impolite, rude, or downright mean the members of these forums were. These behaviors ranged from harsh criticisms of other cars to intimidating "noobs". When I started looking I thought "maybe it's just this site." Nope. Wrong. Other car sites were the same way. So, since I own a motorcycle, I looked at some of those forums. Same rude behavior. Am I the only one who notices this? Why would anyone belong to a community like that?

I am not the type of person that reads or participates in a lot of discussion forums. Seibertron is the only one I am signed up for. I read some other TF forums but don't participate. Apparently I have been spoiled, over the past few years, by the people on this website. Everyone here seems to want to help other collectors with their collections. For the most part, everyone here is respectful of other peoples opinions. I have never been intimidated here or made to feel inferior because I didn't know some information or just signed up.

I am happy to be a member of this website and community. I think the owner, the staff, and the members of Seibertron should be commended for the way you conduct yourselves. Thanks guys and keep up the good work.

Re: An observation of forums and

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:03 am
by RhA
Honestly I sometimes am flamebait. I enjoy a slight troll once in a while. I'm not innocent by any means. The fact that this forum doesn't go full retard from time to time is, in my opinion, the strict mods we have over here. They're active and alert and do their jobs well.

I'm gonna agree with you SJ, this is a great place and the mods deserve a compliment.

Great job!

Re: An observation of forums and

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2013 2:38 pm
by SlyTF1
HA! You should see what I post on other forums I'm a part of.

Re: An observation of forums and

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:43 pm
by Twitchythe3rd
Because you're essentially anonymous when posting on forums, some people take it as a golden ticket to be a giant asshat.

I also play League of Legends. That community gets bad to the point you instantly ignore everyone in the game upon loading in.

Re: An observation of forums and

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2013 2:21 pm
by Me, Grimlock!
I find the opposite. I've been pretty lucky with forums. Been on comic book forums (you'd be surprised how civil they can get), writing forums.... This one's been good to me, but even here I've run into some trolls or users who aren't trolls but have short tempers. The only really bad one I've been on was a forum for a comic strip where I signed up, made a suggestion, and got lambasted by all the starry-eyed fan-bots. Can't remember which one it was, but never suggest that a weekly comic strip can pick up the pace a little.

This one's always my home, though. Ten years! :shock: I missed our anniversary here! Can you guys forgive me? Fine. I'll sleep on the couch tonight.