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Thor: The Dark World

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 1:26 am
by Burn
Got to see it today. It's your typical Marvel movie outing. This one of course follows on from Avengers and throws in enough to link it directly (including a cameo from "Captain America").

For those wondering, there's a mid-credits scene (which sets up what HAS to be the theme for Avengers 3) and a post-credits scene (boring). You also get to play the "Spot Stan Lee" game.

Re: Thor: The Dark World

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:51 am
by Cyber Bishop
Burn wrote:For those wondering, there's a mid-credits scene (which sets up what HAS to be the theme for Avengers 3)

Nope, that scene is the set up for Guardians of the Galaxy..
It was directed by James Gunn and Del Toro has a role in GOTG.

Re: Thor: The Dark World

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:25 pm
by SlyTF1
Saw it yesterday. Probably my favorite of these Marvel movies. Loki was the best thing about the movie. I didn't even care for him in the other movies he was in, but this one, he's pretty badass.

Re: Thor: The Dark World

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 1:37 pm
by Dead Metal
Yup much better than Iron Man 3.
Really liked that we got to see more of Kirby's Technomagic goodness, oh and the Darkelves where cool.

But it did seem like it was missing scenes or did things incredibly fast, like the Kursed infiltrating Asgard. One moment they bring him that helmet, and the next he's escorted into the cells.

I kinda want to know how Loki's and Odin's talk went.

I haven't read much of the Thor comics, but from what little I did, Odin didn't feel quite right, compared to the comic version this one seemed like a total dick and asshole.

Re: Thor: The Dark World

PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:20 am
by SJ21
I saw it last night. I was impressed. I thought it was right on par with the first Thor movie. The scene when Loki was changing them into different people while they were walking was clever. The Captain America line was hilarious.

I also wish they would have shown more of what happened when Loki took Odin's throne. I can't see that Loki overpowered Odin. I also don't think Loki killed him. Did I miss something?

i also saw the Winter Soldier trailer. I am even more excited about that. The elevator scene was bad@ss.

Re: Thor: The Dark World

PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:59 pm
by Rodimus Prime
Saw it this week, I thought it was pretty good. Better than the 1st. I would also like to know what happened between Loki and Odin. Maybe we'll find out in Guardians. Hopefully we won't have to wait until Thor 3, if there will be a Thor 3.


Re: Thor: The Dark World

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:59 pm
by VirusCarnage
I saw the movie yesterday in 3D and I loved it, probably my favourite Marvel movie Beating out the first Thor film.

Re: Thor: The Dark World

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:57 pm
by captain craig
As it's theatrical run is winding down it should be noted that it crossed $200m US domestic and $630m WW thus far. Probably has a few more US weeks left in it via the discount $1 theaters. Finish around $205m I suppose.

It's up for DVD/BR already at Amazon for February.

I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the BR release and especially what the Marvel Short will be!!