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Climate change: present day reality or future problem?

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:29 am
by Rodimus Prime
I understand this may not be the most ideal topic on a Transformers message board, but it is the General Discussions section, so why not? And please, if possible, let's keep the the discussion to the presented topic, and not wander off into politics or religion or anything else. Regardless of who you believe in or who you support ideologically, the weather affects us all. The question I am asking is not whether who can do what about it, but whether you think (based on recent weather patterns, natural disasters, etc.) climate change due to global warming is happening now, as predicted in the last decade, or do you think it's still something future generations will have to deal with. Also, what do you think the main reason (if only 1) is for the change (whether now or later), the human race and our industrialization and other developments, or is it part of the natural course of the planet, such as ice ages occurring every however-many-years?

I thought of this topic because I read this article earlier today: ... hes-n98011

Re: Climate change: present day reality or future problem?

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 6:56 pm
by MGrotusque
I agree with this

Re: Climate change: present day reality or future problem?

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:11 am
by Dead Metal
It's both, a current and future problem. We're currently suffering the consequences of the last century, and it's pretty obvious if you actually look.

Over here in Germany for instance, when I was a kid we had snow in winter, I used to build snowmen and have snowball fights. But the last 10 years or so we've had terribly bad winters on average. Barely any snow or real cold weather, last winter was the worst actually, we had about 3 days of snow - in February.
I didn't even bother getting out my winter jacket due to the weather being pretty much the exact same as in Autumn, just with the nights being colder.

The Summers have also changed, it takes longer for the heat to kick in, with last year's being particularly cold, it felt more like Spring with about two weeks of actual Summer heat.

And that's just the change I myself experience.

Yes there is natural climate change, caused by the CO2 emissions from animals and Volcanoes. However, those emissions used to be balanced out by all the trees and plants, cleaning up most of it, but we throw the whole thing out of balance with massive deforestation, industry and animal farming for meat production.

We gotta change and find newer better ways of dealing with that stuff, well, unless we really, really hate our grandchildren and want them to live in an environment they can't really survive in.