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The Mighty Replika!!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:28 am
by Zeek99g
In Soundwave's laboratory, Soundwave builds the most powerful decepticon ever, even more powerful than Megatron: Replika. Replika was made with indestructible armor that absorbs the energy of the blows and blasts his enemies deal to him. Given a fusion shotgun and a sword, Soundwave gave him one mission: return the Decepticon Empire to its former glory. Replika set out on this mission leaving a trail of terror where ever he went. Soon, Replika found that no bot could rival his power. As he continued on his conquest, his enemies fell without any effort. Those that survived Replika's conquest say that Even Unicron trembles in fear of the power that is Replika.

Re: The Mighty Replika!!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:19 am
by Lockdownhunter
Nice and interesting!!!!!!!!!