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Galvatron Cake

PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:17 pm
by NeonPrime
I'm not sure if this the right place to post this or not so I apologize in advance. I just recently found this pic and thought everyone would get a kick out of it. Back in November 2010 my wife and I basically eloped and got married in Niagara Falls. Family members on both sides insisted on a full family ceremony so in June 2011 they put together a formal one. mother in law went above and beyond by having her friend make me a groom cake ( apparently this was a popular trend at the time). My lovely wife suggested my favorite 'con Galvatron ( because Hot Rod didn't go with the wedding color theme ) and gave her some pics. They totally kept it a surprise so mt mind was TOTALLY BLOWN when I saw it at the reception! For the record it was purple but the digital camera we had at the time was kinda crappy.

The cake was massive!!! To give you an idea the sand vase in the foreground is 12" tall so Galvy's head was probably probably topped off around 14"with at least a 12" diameter. Seriously, this thing took up most "milk & wine" shelf in the fridge. So how did it taste you wonder? Delicious! The fondant was better than most I've had (but fondant is still fondant) over a vanilla pound cake that wasn't too sweet. It stayed pretty fresh too. Every night for about 4 months we'd open the fridge, carve off a slice of Galvatron's head and enjoy. Personally I liked it better with age because it kinda had the taste and texture of biscotti so it was great with my morning coffee too!!!

Re: Galvatron Cake

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:09 pm
by primalxconvoy
That's nice. If it were me, I wouldn't eat it though. I'd cover it in resin and preserve it for life.

Re: Galvatron Cake

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:33 am
by NeonPrime
Believe me, I thought about it and held off cutting into it for about a week. Eventually though we just had to dig in especially the kids. Oddly enough, after it was gone it made it more special than if we'd kept it.