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And that's when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the side...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:27 pm
by Mr Skram
I liked Slash so much I invented a reason to buy more of her. So I took inspiration from Jurassic Park and decided the Dinobots weren't going to have one recon raptor, but a pack of them. My plan was to simply paint their robot heads to differentiate them. One red, one blue, and one left stock since Slash is nigh-perfect as it is.

This honestly barely qualifies as a custom but I still love the crap out of the idea. The blue didn't exactly work, it just looked black. I could have solved that by using a white primer but all I have handy are some paint markers. I may yet try to do a blue one later on.

Anyway, here's the pack!

I also added a little detail on the legs of the yellow one.
(looks gold from the crappy lighting, which I should have used in the first place)

My two small regrets are that the blue didn't work out on the black, and that I didn't use gold instead of yellow. Oh well, guess it's just enough of an excuse to get more!

My other goal of this mini project is to find small suitable weapons for the group. I'd really like to have two small axes like the AOE slash for one, and daggers for another, with the third using a classic sword and blaster combo.

Re: And that's when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the side...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:41 am
by Decepticon Stryker
Okay this is awesome. As for weapons, reprolabels is selling weapons for the clones from TR. Those are the only Legends sized weapons I can think if that you can without having to get a whole figure.

Re: And that's when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the side...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:14 pm
by MeGrimlock78
That is brilliant! I've wanted to do the same thing, and was thinking red and black stripes on two of the dino modes to differentiate them.

Would love to see what Volcanicus looks like with three raptors scampering around his feet!

I found you can perch Slash in bot mode on Volcanicus's shoulder, holding onto one of Grimlock's t-rex arms.

Re: And that's when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the side...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:35 am
by wolverinetodd
Mr Skram wrote:I liked Slash so much I invented a reason to buy more of her. So I took inspiration from Jurassic Park and decided the Dinobots weren't going to have one recon raptor, but a pack of them. My plan was to simply paint their robot heads to differentiate them. One red, one blue, and one left stock since Slash is nigh-perfect as it is.

This honestly barely qualifies as a custom but I still love the crap out of the idea. The blue didn't exactly work, it just looked black. I could have solved that by using a white primer but all I have handy are some paint markers. I may yet try to do a blue one later on.

Anyway, here's the pack!

I also added a little detail on the legs of the yellow one.
(looks gold from the crappy lighting, which I should have used in the first place)

My two small regrets are that the blue didn't work out on the black, and that I didn't use gold instead of yellow. Oh well, guess it's just enough of an excuse to get more!

My other goal of this mini project is to find small suitable weapons for the group. I'd really like to have two small axes like the AOE slash for one, and daggers for another, with the third using a classic sword and blaster combo.

While you were thinking Jurassic Park, I was thinking Jurassic World as I purchased four Slashes back in December with the intent to also have a pack of recon raptors. However, I've not done any painting or kitbashing to my four raptors yet as I keep hoping Reprolabels will come out with a set of labels for a pack of raptors. But naming my other three Charlie, Delta, and Echo is a strong possibility.