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Need help with BW Transmetals 2 Scourge custom (kitbash)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 3:30 am
by Lunatic Prime
Hey guys,
I could use some help. I wanted to do a kitbash with Beast Wars Transmetal 2 Scourge (gallery).


I love his beast mode but his robot mode has "some" flaws.


It looks a bit messy and kibbly and some design choices I just don't like. So I thought about giving him a new robot mode body. "Making a kitbash". And somehow Studio Series #22 Dropkick came pretty quickly to my mind.


If you don't wanna read everything I'm telling about my ideas and so on below then just skip to the line with all the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXs.

I had none of the figures so far but I already did all the logistics in my mind. I watched videos of Dropkick's transformation. Imagined it with Scourge's beast parts attached at several spots and after a couple of days I had everything figured out. And I had some great ideas:
The locust's abdomen would be attached at the helicopter's tail so that it forms arm shields in robot mode.


The locust's rear legs would be attached behind the helicopter's wings to the parts that are the robot mode's upper arms so that the robot has another pair of arms with blades at their ends and they could help form a second robot mode with four legs.
And the locust head would attach at the tip of the cockpit and therefor be at the robot's chest. And looking at Dropkick's head it looked more and more like an updated movie version of Scourge's.


Everything was practiclly done in my mind and lookd amazing and made me hyped so I ordered both figures. Coincidentally both arrived yesterday. And when I put Scourge next to Dropkick and removed some parts of him to look how they would fit on Dropkick I realized: Dropkick is a tiny mutherfocker.


It's perfect for the beast mode because everything fits great on the helicopter parts but for robot mode...
Scourge's locust head covers everything from Dropkick's crotch to his nose. It's waaay too big for his chest. It would look like he's pregnant with a whole locust larvae swarm. And Dropkick's arms and legs... Scourge's abdomen halves would cover Dropkick's arms completely. And the upper arms are pretty thin for attaching the locust's rear onto them. And Dropkick's legs are a bit small and thin in general for what he will look like having all the locust parts attached to him.


So does anybody of you know another mold that would work for this kitbash and maybe even with my ideas I had for this one? OR does anybody know about an upcoming (not too much) upscaled/oversized SS-22 Dropkick? :lol: :roll:
I already thought about some helicopter molds like Th30 Whirl, HftD Tomahawk, DotM Skyhammer, DotM Whirl, Th30 Springer, SIEGE Springer, SIEGE Spinister. But TO ME so far none of them would work because of some important requirements:
1. Scourge's wings (position in both modes).
2. Scourge's abdomen's position in robot mode.

It doesn't necessarily need to be a helicopter in alt mode. Just something thin and long preferably. And of course the transformation needs to work for it.
I would really appreciate some help and ideas here :x

Re: Need help with BW Transmetals 2 Scourge custom (kitbash)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 9:15 pm
by megamanfan
maybe generations whirl? it's a bigger figure so you have more real estate.

Re: Need help with BW Transmetals 2 Scourge custom (kitbash)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 12:42 pm
by Lunatic Prime
megamanfan wrote:maybe generations whirl? it's a bigger figure so you have more real estate.

I don't know what to do with Scourge's wings on Whirl's mold. And I don't really like how that mold looks.
But thanks for trying to help ;)^