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Custom Ultra Magnus, the first version I've ever done. Really!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:03 am
by Jin Saotome
It's Ultra Magnus, my first ever version of him! I've had 1000's of requests for an UM but I didn't want to do a repaint of a prime like everyone else. So I searched and searched for the perfect form. One day I was on David Willis of Shortpacked's LiveJournal chatting about the new Star Wars Transformers, the Turbo Tank in particular. Someone suggested I make it into an Ultra Magnus and whatta ya know, it's exactly what I was looking for. Here's where I'm kinda 'meh' tho. I tried a new approach to the custom instead of the drybrushed/paint wash theme I usually give my figures. UM was done in primary colors with some line-in detail and other shades of the same color over top. I've keep getting asked people on the TF boards ask me to change my style from making 'weathered' TFs to cleaner one. You know, like you'd see from a factory (ok, a little more detailed). Gundam-kit-esq I guess.

I'm not impressed with the end result, nor did I have fun painting the figure as if I had gone all out with wild paint wash shading and drybrushing. It was just as boring to me as what you see in on the shelf at Wal Mart. I could mistake this for the Titanium UM without a second look. So lesson learned, changing your style doesn't make you a better painter, it just makes you a sucker, heh. Stick with what you like, not what other people think you should do and develop it to the best of your ability. Ultra Magnus was made from the Turbo Tank body, Cybertron Long Rack head and front grille, Jazz's spearguns, and various fodder pieces. In keeping with my 'partsformer' theme, the chest 'v' and waist grille magnetically attach, whee!


More pics and alt-mode! ----> Ultra Magnus

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:19 am
by ThunderZap
awesome stuff(as always) ;)^

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:30 am
by Dead Metal
Cool, that looks cool, but I agree, stick to your usual style I like it a lot more.

That mold looks badass, that and the Deathstar will be the only SWTF I'll ever buy.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:30 am
by Justicity
I agree, not as good as your usual style, but good nonetheless. I like the idea, I may have to try it myself when the Turbo Tank hits the UK (unless it already has :P ).
I like how the spearguns make smokestacks XD
The alt mode is very Magnus. Well done! Oh and you managed to give a white alt mode while giving a blue & red robot mode. Thumbs up! Good homage to both Ultra Magnus & Nudie Magnus.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:37 am
by Jin Saotome
LOL! Nudie Magnus! Thanks for the replies guys. I painted the alt mode all white because it was going to be the cab and I had a blue trailer planned for it. I just wasn't feeling the figure tho so it never happened.

Re: Custom Ultra Magnus, the first version I've ever done. Really!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:42 am
by Burn
Jin Saotome wrote:Stick with what you like, not what other people think you should do and develop it to the best of your ability.

Wise words.

I've spent many years explaining to people I like a matt finish while they keep trying to convince me a gloss look is better.

Why? They're alien war machines, they're not going to be perfectly polished, the paint job is going to be worn and weathered and flat looking.

All that aside, this is definitely one of my favourites from you, for the simple fact i'm an Ultra Magnus fan and you chose to base him on something other than a Optimus Prime figure (as a lot of kitbashers tend to do).

I'm suprised though that this is actually a SWTF figure and am some what torn, normally I hate and despise the SWTF line but heck, if it can provide such a great base for a UM then maybe they're not so bad after all!

Though the alt mode doesn't scream Ultra Magnus, but that doesn't matter when you have that sweet robot mode to stare at. :grin:

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:15 am
by olokin
Nice work, but you're right, it sort of lack your signature flourishes. For one, it is too clean. BUt its still a great custom.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:20 am
by TheStarScreamer
I think it's just a great and creative idea! I love that! Great work Jin!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:29 am
by Sherade
This looks real nice. I don't think it looks all bad, it blends with your other figs rather well, it's just that UM's colors are annoying anyhow. But the head, I didn't see anything about that, where did it come from? Is it a modified original or from another toy?

Re: Custom Ultra Magnus, the first version I've ever done. Really!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:52 am
by Sonray
Burn wrote:
I've spent many years explaining to people I like a matt finish while they keep trying to convince me a gloss look is better.

Why? They're alien war machines, they're not going to be perfectly polished, the paint job is going to be worn and weathered and flat looking.

By what measure do you arrive at that conclusion? They are made out of METAL, metal has a shine to it. Granted some bots wouldn't be shiny, but they are still supposed to be made from metal and thus should have at least a bit of shine to them, especially if they are an autobot and turn into a car or something similar.

Really it all comes down to personal preference, doing it either way doesn't make a repainter better or worse, its just their taste but personally a metal robot should have some shine to him amongst the dirt.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:54 am
by Sonray
This is one of the few things you have done lately that i like. The bot mode is superb, especially the head. Im not too keen on the whole "partsformer" thing though, but since the alt mode sucks (no fault of your own, its the mold) i dont see this as a problem since its something to be displayed in robot mode only.

The alt mode could have used a bit more detailing though as he does have that white prime clone feel to him when in that mode, but the bot mode totally doesnt have that feel to it.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:09 am
by DeepWater
Hmm. I'm kinda torn. There are a lot of things I like about this guy and a lot of things I don't. The main thing, however, is that I can tell that you didn't enjoy painting him.

I applaud your decision to try something new and admit that it didn't really work.

But, he is a fairly awesome Magnus. The alt-mode takes a little getting used to, but I think he'd fit in fairly well with some of the various other pre-Earth designs I've seen from various continuities.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:28 am
by Sentinel Pax
I like! Any chance you'll do another one in your usual style? Also, how's the articulation on this figure? I know most of the Star Wars TFs are terrible, but I really like this mold. Awesome work, as always.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:40 am
by frenzy_rumble
Excellent work! I love it.

The matte finish really makes this look professional. I know you don't even read certain threads, so keep it up. You get better, and it seems, they get more jealous.

I am switching to matte finish, gives it much more of a 'collector's' look

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:48 am
by Sonray
frenzy_rumble wrote:Excellent work! I love it.

The matte finish really makes this look professional. I know you don't even read certain threads, so keep it up. You get better, and it seems, they get more jealous.

I am switching to matte finish, gives it much more of a 'collector's' look

Jealous? Listen buddy i know what you are implying and who to, and trust me you couldn't be further from the truth.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:07 pm
by Asepticon
Jin, you said-

I'm not impressed with the end result, nor did I have fun painting the figure as if I had gone all out with wild paint wash shading and drybrushing. It was just as boring to me as what you see in on the shelf at Wal Mart.

OK, GREAT! You had no fun because it was not your style. Lesson learned, never do it again. If you would have listened to what I've been saying in regards to your work, then you would not have had to learn this lesson. You see, some fans and artists want their stuff to look like cartoons. That is what you have done. It looks like a cartoon UM. The problem with the marketed movie toys is that Hasbro was still trying to make cartoon toys, but they should have made them live action toys. I think this is how you made your name in the TF community and inspired the crap out of me to learn your way. You made them look real as they should be, and awed us doing it. Cartoons are not your style. Many different types of artist struggle with compromise and straight out conforming to please the public. This selling out can be more lucrative, but you lose the joy in exchange for money. You just have to decide if you are an artist first, or a business person. I understand you wanting to listen to fans and make them happy so the bid on your stuff. I mean, I can do whatever I want because I don't sell the stuff, but this is your bread and butter, so do what you have to do. I only ask that you keep as much Jin in it as possible because that is my favorite part. Just remember that everyone's a critic, but at the end of the day, nobody sells TF art like you, and you made your name by developing your art your way.

That said, if you did love this method, Id suuggest you do it often because from the cartoon aspect, this piece is VERY nice.

I really hope I didn't come off too condescending. If I did, I apologize. Don't change.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:09 pm
by frenzy_rumble
maybe I wasn't reffering to you, but the author of this post has 1 post in his own thread... while you have 3 or 4 so far

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:12 pm
by Justicity
Sonray wrote:
frenzy_rumble wrote:Excellent work! I love it.

The matte finish really makes this look professional. I know you don't even read certain threads, so keep it up. You get better, and it seems, they get more jealous.

I am switching to matte finish, gives it much more of a 'collector's' look

Jealous? Listen buddy i know what you are implying and who to, and trust me you couldn't be further from the truth.

Oh Geez Sonray, I like you so don't take this as an attack, but stop taking everything so personally. Besides, even if you do take offense to his comments you've no need to reply & justify yourself. You know you're not jealous, I know you're not jealous, Jin probably knows, along with a lot of other people; you're a great kitbasher! But no matter what you say you can't justify yourself to someone who appears to have such a high rivalry with you! That would be like Megatron telling Prime "Seriously, I promise I'll look after the universe!" He just won't listen.

Now stop continuing these stupid arguments that ruin these threads. I hate it! I see you two arguing EVERYWHERE!
Its... Boring...
I know you don't always start them but if you continue to reply when F_R makes his usual "your jealous, teeheehee" comment, then you're just as bad.

Frenzy, if you use my comments as an opportunity to attack Sonray... Just don't get me started on your behaviour, I have a lot I can say.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:19 pm
by Autobot Snake Eyes

as with every bash you do.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:39 pm
by Insurgent
An impressive piece, and using a mould I never thought would fit as Magnus. But like others have said, this different style lacks your certain flair.

Justicity, I have to sig quote that Megatron bit.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:44 pm
by Justicity
Insurgent wrote:Justicity, I have to sig quote that Megatron bit.

Go ahead John.

(To non-Britons: I know he's not called John, or i think not, hell he might even be a girl for all I know. Anyway, John-bull was a term for the English during one of the world wars, & being the traditionalist I am, I sometimes use this.)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:53 pm
by Insurgent
Justicity wrote:
Insurgent wrote:Justicity, I have to sig quote that Megatron bit.

Go ahead John.

(To non-Britons: I know he's not called John, or i think not, hell he might even be a girl for all I know. Anyway, John-bull was a term for the English during one of the world wars, & being the traditionalist I am, I sometimes use this.)

Correct on one count. I ain't called John, and I ain't a lass. But traditionalist Britishness is always allowed.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:00 pm
by Justicity
Insurgent wrote:
Justicity wrote:
Insurgent wrote:Justicity, I have to sig quote that Megatron bit.

Go ahead John.

(To non-Britons: I know he's not called John, or i think not, hell he might even be a girl for all I know. Anyway, John-bull was a term for the English during one of the world wars, & being the traditionalist I am, I sometimes use this.)

Correct on one count. I ain't called John, and I ain't a lass. But traditionalist Britishness is always allowed.

I thought you were a lad, but I just wanted my bases covered, didn't want a repeat of the events of 1605.
Poor guy, 'e didn't even realise they were onto 'im...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:17 pm
by Jin Saotome
Sherade wrote:This looks real nice. I don't think it looks all bad, it blends with your other figs rather well, it's just that UM's colors are annoying anyhow. But the head, I didn't see anything about that, where did it come from? Is it a modified original or from another toy?

It's Cybertron Long Rack's head with lil' smokestacks on the side. Check the link under the pic, it'll take you to the full page with all the pics and the write-up.

Sentinel Pax wrote:I like! Any chance you'll do another one in your usual style? Also, how's the articulation on this figure? I know most of the Star Wars TFs are terrible, but I really like this mold. Awesome work, as always.

Maybe, dunno yet. The artic works for me but the legs are kinda stuck in the wide-stance. Arms rock, waist/forward lean works, and now his head is on a ball-joint. Overall a very TF body that can be used for different stuff.

frenzy_rumble wrote:Excellent work! I love it.

The matte finish really makes this look professional. I know you don't even read certain threads, so keep it up. You get better, and it seems, they get more jealous.

I am switching to matte finish, gives it much more of a 'collector's' look

I've been messaged about looking for a post, gonna go see what's up.

Asepticon wrote:Jin, you said-

I'm not impressed with the end result, nor did I have fun painting the figure as if I had gone all out with wild paint wash shading and drybrushing. It was just as boring to me as what you see in on the shelf at Wal Mart.

OK, GREAT! You had no fun because it was not your style. Lesson learned, never do it again. If you would have listened to what I've been saying in regards to your work, then you would not have had to learn this lesson. You see, some fans and artists want their stuff to look like cartoons. That is what you have done. It looks like a cartoon UM. The problem with the marketed movie toys is that Hasbro was still trying to make cartoon toys, but they should have made them live action toys. I think this is how you made your name in the TF community and inspired the crap out of me to learn your way. You made them look real as they should be, and awed us doing it. Cartoons are not your style. Many different types of artist struggle with compromise and straight out conforming to please the public. This selling out can be more lucrative, but you lose the joy in exchange for money. You just have to decide if you are an artist first, or a business person. I understand you wanting to listen to fans and make them happy so the bid on your stuff. I mean, I can do whatever I want because I don't sell the stuff, but this is your bread and butter, so do what you have to do. I only ask that you keep as much Jin in it as possible because that is my favorite part. Just remember that everyone's a critic, but at the end of the day, nobody sells TF art like you, and you made your name by developing your art your way.

That said, if you did love this method, Id suuggest you do it often because from the cartoon aspect, this piece is VERY nice.

I really hope I didn't come off too condescending. If I did, I apologize. Don't change.

Not at all man! At least you have useful advice unlike people like Sonray you just can't keep their mouths shut. I guess I've always had both, the joy of painting and the money, people obviously like how I was doing my customs. I just decided to try a new style and it really left a bad taste in my mouth.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:29 pm
by Asepticon
OK, cool. You rock and you still know it. I WILL win one of your pieces one day. I gotta hava Saotome :grin: