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My first Alt re-shell

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 9:53 pm
by TM Wreckgar
The kitbash itself has already met its end. I did it sometime last year and just found the pics. It was a weekend project and pretty much a testing of abilities. A test project if you will. So here goes.


Here's what I started with. A Smokescreen Alt and a 71 GTX model. I had no dremel at the time so I used a fine tooth hacksaw blade.

And what I ended with was an okay looking car.



But a pretty nice Alternator Kup.




PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:10 pm
by Pun-3X
Wow. Pretty good for a first shot.

He looks a little small for the shell in Bot mode--just the proportion of parts to the body I think. You might want to work out some kind of hinge-concept for allowing the arms to come out more fully. Something that swings those parts of the car around the wheel well out of the way. (perhaps towards his back) Otherwise, I quite like it. :)

EDIT: And I had a concept for what to do. Perhaps take the wheel-well sections and 'gullwing' them in robot mode, but have their be some hidden rocket launchers under them that would then sit on his shoulders. That way you have room for the arms, and the 'kibble' would have purpose.

I know, this is coming from someone who couldn't reshell an Alt. to save his life. Still, I had to put it out there. ;)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:40 pm
by Bumblebee1251
great job!

more American can't ever go wrong

looks great and a great choice for a character..kup is underrated

i didn't really like him as a kid..but now...i get it

also i have a kup head you can use if you want to
it's from 2 g1's cobbled together and they make a great looking
alt head (same size even)
all you would need to do is prep it to use a ball joint

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:35 am
by TM Wreckgar
thanks for the offer but Kup has since departed from this world. I ended up taking him apart. because it was just a practice run. If I do another Kup, Ill make sure to let you know.