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Transtopia: Painting Guide

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:24 am
by Stormrider
Are you interested in learning how to do repaints but you don’t know where to begin? Omega666 gives us a demonstration on how to repaint Universe Galvatron into something more formidable. Check out his guide.

Universe Galvatron Repaint

I have been doing repaints for over a year now. I started by following Jin Saotome's tutorial. I then found a You Tube clip of Chih doing custom repaints. My style is now a combination of the 2.


I prepped the figure by cleaning it with soap and water. Once dried, I took the figure apart at the joints like the left arm, the legs and the back kibble. I unscrewed the head and right arm/turret and taped up the canon. Once I had all the pieces, I used Krylon flat black and sprayed them. After all the pieces have dried, I used Testors Silver Argent and drybrushed them. I like the weathered look so I try to keep some of the black base coat when I apply the silver. Then, I assemble the pieces together. Galvatron looked pretty cool all silver.


I drybrushed gunship grey to the tank mode. In robot mode, I again drybrushed 2 shades of purple to the left arm, torso, crotch, head, feet, right forearm and canon. The first shade gave him a more metallic look and the second shade just made it look better with the grey. I added some red to the torso, knees, and eyes. The parts that were left silver were the face legs and tank treads. Some of the orange joints and pieces were left alone because they probably would have flaked. Overall, I am very happy with how he turned out.





Do you have an interesting custom guide that you would like to share? Send us your submissions here and we may post it in the next monthly update.

Re: Transtopia: Painting Guide

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:30 am
by Narc
Looks great! Do you clearcoat?

Re: Transtopia: Painting Guide

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:13 am
by Solrac333
WOOOO!!!! This is awesome! No, I didn't clearcoat. Everything was drybrushed.

Re: Transtopia: Painting Guide

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:49 pm
by Stormrider
Can you describe what drybrush is?

Re: Transtopia: Painting Guide

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:19 pm
by Archatron
Looks aweswome, as usual Omega. I really like your style of drybrushing, leaving the black showing and all.

To answer the question about drybrushing, you coat the figure first, usually black depending what your going for, then dip your brush in the paint and wipe almost all of it off on a rag or something leaving almost nothing on it and brush it over the surface back and forth leaving barely any paint on it. It'll build up over several passes, that real metal look Omega666 achieved is a prime example of good drybrushing technique and as you can see you can do it with regular colors. With regular colors you usually use a darker shade then go lighter but it can be done in reverse, artists preference really.

Other than that, Omega made the best Universe Galvatron I've seen, props man. :APPLAUSE:

Re: Transtopia: Painting Guide

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:05 am
by Solrac333
Thanks for the compliment. I guess I got good at drybrushing because that is the only thing I have been doing for over a year. :grin:

Re: Transtopia: Painting Guide

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:38 am
by rpetras
Cool stuff!

(woo hoo!!! 900th post!)

Re: Transtopia: Painting Guide

PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:45 pm
by Solrac333