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Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:30 pm
by ServO

I started this Arcee custom, and by looking at the pics you will see that she is in pretty rough shape at this all the nasty flaws in the paint and stuff...well I know they're there and I'm going to fix all that, but my real troubles are coming from her head...I tossed a RH head up there cause it was readily avalible, and it helps my creative I realize that the RH head is rediculously question is - is there an Arcee head out there that would fit this mold?



Thanks for any help!

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:03 pm
by Grimpoo
first off....that looks awesome. Secondly the only Arcee i know of is the energon or the movie arcee. But i think the energon will be more to scale

Energon Arcee

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:47 pm
by ServO
First! Thanks! It's really nothing more than the 2 primary colors at this point...I can't wait to get started on cleaning it up and doing the details.
Second, I also thought that Energon Arcee would be right, so I grabbed a cheap on on came today and would you believe that Energon Arcee's head is actually SMALLER than the Robot Heroes fig!?!?!? I was amazed. So who knows...I might be S.O.L. on this project...I just coulda swore there was an Arcee head that was closer to deluxe scale.

As soon as the pics of this figure surfaced I knew it had to be made into her.
Hopefully someone else will do this custom too and improve on it!

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:07 am
by Trikeboy

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:38 am
by ServO
As soon as I saw the pic of the Palisades Arcee, I started to think I recognized her head from somewhere else...It almost looks like a somewhat normal human female face wearing an X-Wing pilot's helmet.
Might have to look into that a bit.

It's a good idea tho!

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:37 pm
by Solrac333
That is awesome! I knew there was a reason to buy that hideous Blurr. Look great as Arcee.

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:15 am
by Stormrider
Nice work.

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:22 pm
by Baneblade
is there any more work to be done on this custom? would sure love to see it with the final head sculpt

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:15 pm
by ServO
Yeah...sorry about that...I've been neglecting my custom figs for the past couple of weeks as I have been building a couple of 1/48 WW2 fighters for my father in law...basically at the moment I have an extra Sunstreaker head all cut down and rounded to match the general shape of the head, but I am still looking for that perfect part to duplicate those big round circles on the sides of Arcee's head...I still say that her had looks like an X-Wing pilot's helmet, but as soon as I figure out how I'm going to finish off the shape, I'll paint it up and post some pics...hell...I only have to install a couple of antenneas and clearcoat a fighter tonight, so I'll take another look around the house and see if I can scavenge something appropriate.
Thanks for looking though!

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:16 pm
by Baneblade
neglecting your customs? tisk tisk bad ServO, bad! bad!

im tryin to think what could be idea.. (i have a box of scrap in my room and i rummage through it to see if there is something that an come up with an idea or an option)

the only way to possibly do it it to build one from greenstuff or layer three different sizes of sheet styrene to get a pyramid effect and smooth it off with greenstuff (the blue yellow stuff) or use almost paper thin sheet styrene to wrap round it to seal it off...

mind you if you use the greenstuff, you can sculpt/cut in ridges or vents or other quirky bits here and there

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:08 pm
by ServO
LOL I know I know....besides Arcee I have 3 other customs I need to get moving on, and like 5 other model kits...sometime I get burned out on a project and have to put it aside for a week or so and then come back to it newly inspired.

I isn't THAT terrible that I stepped aside from Arcee build something as beautiful as this is it???


ANYWAYS...I was messin around with her head last night and I kind of roughed in something that I think will work...


There's obviously alot of work to do here, but I think that I like the size of the...well buns, and I choose to believe that once I get it filled in properly, sanded and painted it will look appropriate...

What do you think?

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:40 pm
by Baneblade
yup its starting to get there... you just need to femminize the face a bit more... you know i just thought, the only other tf thats female is that boat shell former from cybertron (she was chromia in galaxyforce)

so if this scratchbuild dont work you could alter that one to see if it works...

anywhoo.. its starting to get there, just umm make sure you dont make her look so butch in the end lol

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:15 pm
by Grimpoo
YO ServO it's looking awesome. And getting burnt out on a project...I'm there now :lol:

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:43 am
by Emperor Primacron the 1st
:shock: :arrow: :idea: Hmmmm, might get a Blurr now to begin making a Cherrybomb custom. :mrgreen:

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:46 am
by Emperor Primacron the 1st
How easy was it to take Blurr apart and paint? And what paints do you use? :?:

Re: Arcee WIP

PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:13 pm
by ServO
Blurr was fairly easy to disassemble...just take your time and dont lose any screws!!! LOL
I really hunted for the perfect pink, and ended up using a Tamiya spray (TS-25) for the bulk work, and then I bought an acrylic Tamiya pink (x-17) for the details...the white is just a flat white...

I already have Thunderblast earmarked for a Scourge re-paint/bash, but I still think the head might be too small...

I think that if I round off the chin a bit more, and make that jaw line a bit less square, it will go a long way towards making it look less butch...the last thing I need is for someone to look at my Arcee and say "Now there's a fancy lookin fella right there!".

Another thing that might help with this is shortening the "neck" a bit...basically the head is ball jointed to a post that sticks up out of the torso...I'm thinking that I can cut this post in half, remove a cm. or so of the legnth and then re-attach it so she doesn't end up with a chicken neck.
I have the weekend off, so I will be plugging away at this during the next couple of days.