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I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:32 pm
by Joshua Vallse
So per request of Mytltron, I'm posting work here that I did for a Fan film involving Transformers. For those of you who want to know everything in depth, please visit my older link here,


To also view the short film itself as well. Which is on Youtube, and browse around the channel to see vids on other short films I was involved with. Just so I can say this ahead of time, yes those are real swords....

So here are the two robots I built for this film, who also doubled as set pieces when we unveiled them in Lake Arrowhead. They're huge, the villan (Dubbed Destronicus) reaching a good 15 feet and he doesn't have any legs! The herobot, named Alpha Primus reaches a good 13ft with legs. It's also a working suit in which an actor can climb inside and move around....very limited movement....but movement. This isn't showcased in the film sadly, but I might revisit this world just for this purpose.

Image ... tron03.jpg

Image ... tron02.jpg

Image ... tron19.jpg

Image ... tron22.jpg

Image ... tron24.jpg

Image ... tron30.jpg

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Image ... uff328.jpg

Image ... rime05.jpg

Image ... rime01.jpg

Image ... lete06.jpg

Alright thats about it for pics. I have a few more production pics in terms of how things looked while I built them. I'll try to get those loaded as well. Till then, I hope everyone enjoys.

Re: I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:30 am
by Mykltron
Awesome. I'd love to see these for real some day...

Re: I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:09 am
by Convotron
Wow, very cool work. :)

Re: I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:54 am
by shonenfan4
Nice :APPLAUSE: That thing looks like a walking killing machine.

Re: I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:55 am
by Joshua Vallse
Thanks everyone for your kind comments. And for those of you who visited the other thread in the fan art album...thank you twice! :grin:

I luv the comment of Killing machines, because thats very true really. While I was filming and even during fabrication these robots tried their hardest to kill me I swear. Most of the attempts from the Decepticon, go fig. I have more scars on me now just from them then I did while I was fencing. It's redic. Also, if you notice on the previous pics of Primus at the Basketball court we built him at, the sword arms are facing forward. Then at Arrowhead, they're facing to the side. This was to prevent any accidental impaling that would happen due to the musicians that were on stage alot of the time. We also had a hazard team on site as well as med kits because when people first see these bots, they don't think the sharp parts are real, and they very much are, and they wanna touch. Thats all real steel and metals, and if we didn't have them I'm pretty sure some poor kid would have been trapped in there like some poor pin cushion with multiple lacerations. Thankfully, all the kids were accounted for :lol:

Anyways I have more pics, stole from the producers cameras including pics of me fabricating and my father!!! Yup, giant robots run in the family heh. He was also a trucker strangley, it all comes full circle.

Here ya go,

Image ... CT0385.jpg

Image ... CT0396.jpg

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Re: I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:32 am
by a3.trion
by no means ill allow any of my shard replicas come near your shop! too dangerous! dont want any of those bots of yours come to life! haha! :grin:

great work, joshua

Re: I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:33 pm
by Doubledealer93
**** awesome. nuff said. :APPLAUSE:

Re: I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:29 am
by Joshua Vallse
Thanks Doubledealer25. I appreciate it, is that a Daft Punk robot you have as your avatar? That is too groovey, major points for that.

a3.trion wrote:by no means ill allow any of my shard replicas come near your shop! too dangerous! dont want any of those bots of yours come to life! haha! :grin:

great work, joshua

Ha ha ha, best comment yet. I wouldn't mind Primus, but Destronicus I know would be pissed being I never finished building it's body. That could be a cool concept of a sequel. Guy builds a shard which actually brings a robot to life, gotta explore that a little. Thanks for the support. Means alot.


Re: I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:56 pm
by a3.trion
i sure had fun watching your videos! :APPLAUSE:

Re: I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:34 am
by Joshua Vallse
a3.trion wrote:i sure had fun watching your videos! :APPLAUSE:

Thanks again,
It was lots of fun making them, and lots of work.....lots and lots and lots of work Ha ha ha

Re: I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:35 am
by Blurrz
Hot diggity dog. That **** is mighty tight. Keep up the good work Joshua!

Re: I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:33 pm
by Name_Violation
wow. truly impressive

Re: I'm Joshua Vallse, and I build giant robots......

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:09 am
by Joshua Vallse
Thanks N_V and Blurrz,

Sorry for the late reply, computer hacked up it's lungs and one of those lungs was my Photoshop I've been slow in terms of projects.

I've been wanting to do more, but the people running the property where we filmed and where the robots are currently housed are mucking things up royaly. So any plans I had of re-visiting this world are in limbo. Pitty too, would have been fun.

Anyways, I've been working on a movie Treatment for Unicron, hopefully I can get something posted by this year at my other album. Maybe even do a tin-steel sculpture or Bust and post it here. I'll keep you guys updated now that I have my computer back.

Thanks for the compliments as always,