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LEGO Red White and Blue

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:31 am
by alanyap
You guys must be wondering why I name my MOC this way this time around (no its not related to Xmas) . Ah well I reckon that what you will be seeing below will need no introduction to Transformers fans, I guess i shall skip the formality of implicitly qouting his name.

And oh yes... a lil favor: Do play along with me. If you were to post any comments , don't mention the 'bot which Im homaging shall we? great!

*Well after showing my friend the photos of this MOC for the first time , he mentioned that this RWB I meant to homage be actually looked like another RWB character from the same series.. well the jet mode that is. Perhaps it's the general shape of the jet mode which sways towards the other RWB he implied. Still not confused? Great!

This MOC has half the work done for me the very first hour I started to build it. I just copy the leg design from my previous MOC, [url=""]Misfire[/url]. But as I go along building the remaining half , I noticed that the leg design doesn't quite cut it. So it's rebuilt again to resemble a more realistic jet back, the tailfins positioning and all.

- If you compare Misfire's feet with this one, the front feet-backheels design were swapped coz this decision seems to offer better stability. Hence I finally managed to snap even more photos of him in unique "outrageous" poses.
- Wrestled with the idea of making a bigger "null ray" rifles (like the G1 toy) but it looked ridiculous in both modes . Sometimes simplicity is bliss , so I finally settled and make them 1 brick thick and using just 5 parts each side I think.
- I decapitated Misfire's head and modified it to be used for this MOC. hehhe.
Major time-waster? It's the freakin landing gears which took me 3 days to get right.





two of my favorite poses of him:


The "Pledging loyalty/allegiance to you-know-who and then betray him some episode down the road"


The "Oppa Seeker style" or simply "ready for a soccer/football kickoff".

Complete set of photos can be found in my blog entry below:
Alanyuppie's LEGO Transformers: LEGO Red White & Blue

And oh yes... Merry Xmas everyone!

Re: LEGO Red White and Blue

PostPosted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:57 am
by wulongti
nicely done sir. Though that last pic had me thinking "aw crap, what did I just step in??" :lol:

Re: LEGO Red White and Blue

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:18 pm
by kirbenvost
Looks super awesome! Not sure what other bot it could look like (other than the 2 most obvious choices with different color schemes) but maybe I'm just not thinking hard enough. :lol: I wish I had the time and bricks to build stuff like this!