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Deadput's Old Art thread

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:51 am
by Deadput
Might as well as start a thread of my own just in case I die or something and no one ever gets to see my art which is mostly just repaints of other art mostly WFC/FOC styled things I do have more but it's just other peoples fan arts that I used as a base for my stuff so I wont upload those unless I get permission from them.

Here is my Flickr for most of my other things mostly FOC and Movie fan art mixed in with official art and renders that were hard to fine and were uploaded to spread around.

Uploading some custom made renders I made for myself as ideas for fanfictions I write that I never post public in the future I might use this thread to post Digibash stuff or other things.

First is my proudest achievement here which is a FOC styled Ricochet in Sg colors (Is not an ag character himself though just inspired colors)


I thought the Aerialbots did not have a good representation in the games due to only Silverbolt and Air Raid appearing so I made some art for missing members starting with Slingshot.


Then Alpha Bravo

I did not make Fireflight or Skydive since I found art to fill in the missing members for Fireflight he has that Shockwave retool that was renamed to Air Raid for some reason that and there is some concept art for the nintendo ds versions of WFC that depict Fireflight in WFC style you can find the art on Flickr if you search for it.

For Skydive I found concept art for Air Raid that re uses Jetfire's body but has a black color scheme I resized the image so here it is but it's not art I made but the original image was tiny.


Fire Guts Ginrai was something I wanted to make and I used the WFC body so in my mind I can imagine that the WFC Optimus design could exist in universe alongside the FOC one.

Since Prime was meant to be in the same universe as the Cybertron games I wanted to recolor Bee into Hot Shot like the Prid toy so I took the head and flames from the box art of Hot shot and applied them to a recolored FOC Bee.

Same reasoning with Tailgate and Cliffjumper the original image is a Cliffjumper model ripped by Goreface13 on Deviantart.

The WFC Ds Autobot Rookie I have a really strong connection with since I was a kid playing those DS games was quite upset we never saw more of him (and what happens to him on the Decepticon side) I have given him a name in my headcanon which is Evac as in the Autobot from Transformers the Ride in WFC form.

I made a terrible one first years ago but I made a better one last year and I made the image a .PNG

from the game

Hardtop is my fave Transformer ever do to nostalgia reasons I have every single version of the mold.

Flatline is a cool photo yet there are no clear pictures of him from either the movie or idw universes so I just made an wfc version using Ratchet concept art.


Which I edited into Stockade cause Stockade nuff said.


And the generic con medic from Dreamwave.


I used old Don idw art to make a WFC like Bludgeon the colors are mostly inspired by the ROTF version of the character since at the time I did not like the bright orange most Bludgeon's had.

Finally my first real projects and the remake of one of them a friend did for me.

First is my oc and my namesake Deadput an't remember how the name came to be but the intention was to give the Takara purple repaint of Terrocon Cliffjumper his own identity so I made both WFC and Prime versions of the character, His story is that he is a Decepticon grunt of minor status whose only notable act was to be killed during the war whose body was used as an experiment by Megatron for Dark Energon out in space somewhere about a year or so before Prime happens in some headcanon universes where he stays alive he is either a cranky Decepticon Dark energon junkie defector who fights for the Autobots or is still a Decepticon grunt who so happens to resemble a purple Cliffjumper.


Next is Tapout this one has always been special for me I made it right around the first week FOC came out in 2012 and I made a green Cliffjumper in multiplayer I google up if there were any green Bumblebee/Cliffjumper characters besides Wasp from Animated and I came across Tapout on TFwiki I stumbled on some package art for WFC Cliffjumper who had a G1 styled head not used in the actual game and the idea happened in my brain.

This was the one I made back then which obviously is not amazing by professional standards

This one was made by a good friend of mine Barricade24 who makes art similar to mine but leagues better seriously check his stuff out
