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A "My style" Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge and more 0.7

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 4:58 pm
by deceptispoon
So with each passing series the style of the show changes and the characters get a 'new look' for the new show, and yet with TFP being followed by RiD'15 and the upcoming Cyberverse I am still left with no Galvatron to enjoy...
Then I decided "What if I draw Galvatron as if I made the series? With my ideas and thoughts regarding him?"

BIG EDIT: Right, so this post is starting to get long. Very long. Especially with me rattling on some headcanons and ideas.
So I present you with this Tumblr!
That's right this ended up becoming like it's own fan-made universe for me.
That's tumblr, it allows for things I wouldn't put on this post. Such as OC's and shipping. So be warned that will be there too. But it's all tagged so you can avoid it or block it out if you so wish OR you can simply scroll through all the images featured here to find the one showcasing the character you want and merely read the link TO their headcanons. Which is what I'll be doing as well in order to decrease the long length of this post.

So this is it! Headcanons and such below the image!
I hope to eventually draw a companion Cyclonus and Scourge piece, however, their designs are... holding out on me haha
EDIT.3: Added Cyclonus and Scourge/the Sweeps AND Starscream, to prevent the title from getting too long I'll simply update the number at the end from now on with each new addition.

:CON: Just as you'd expect he was created by Unicron, however, it took at least a week for Megatron to become Galvatron. Why? Because Unicron enveloped him within a fluid-filled chrysalis and left him to mutate from his power and blood. The 'hatching' was messy.
:CON: As this implies he is part-organic. (The TransOrganics the Quintessons made are actually their prototypes at imitating Unicron who I envision as a colossal semi-organic abomination of the vilest degree).
:CON: He has a unique 'consumption system' dubbed a "Garbage Gut" (image warning for open mouths I guess), but being created by a creature that eats planets, well one thing Unicron did know how to make it was a digestive system.
:CON: The War with Unicron lasted nearly two years here, although Unicron himself only showed up nearer the end.
:CON: Galvatron quickly became aware that Unicron was an awful and vile master not above abusing and torturing him and his fellow "Unicronians" for his own pleasure let alone as punishment. This lead Galvatron to subtlely allow the Autobots certain 'little victories' out of spite of his master which subsequently lead to more torture.
:CON: When inside Unicron the Matrix almost opened for Galvatron. It responded to his genuine desire to destroy Unicron and be free, but he was still a Decepticon and Unicron still infested his mind so it did not.
:CON: Given the last two points it's of no surprise he didn't do as much as possible to fight when Hot Rod showed up (I mean really he probably could've popped the poor kids head off but instead chose to 'strangle' him) and wasn't exactly too worried when Hot Rod got the Matrix, though Unicron still screamed and twisted him to attack.
:CON: When Unicron was "destroyed", he like the other 'Unicronians' went inert for a couple months without their 'primary power source'.
:CON: He spent an entire year soaking in a pool of plasma on the planetoid Thrull; said plasma seeped into his cranial chamber and caused a slew of problems for him:
- He suffers from occasional severe failures in reality processing, leaves him on the bring of a perceptual crash most of the time.
- A Malignant Plasma-neural tick.
- His metaprocessing circuitry is brittle.
:CON: Is actually aware of this and has issues regarding himself in many, many ways (I mean he did canon-ly imply he has issues with believing in himself in "The Big Broadcast of 2006").
:CON: Guess this technically means he shares more in common with Rodimus than you'd expect.
:CON: Aware of his own break downs and turning on his own troops he does occasionally try to 'make it up to them' by being protective or friendly. Honestly, the Decepticons aren't sure which makes them more uncomfortable, angry Galvatron or awkwardly 'friendly' Galvatron.
:CON: Due to being a “perfect” form of the Quintessons TransOrganic experiments the Quintessons both view Galvtron as a severe issue yet an invaluable test subject.
:CON: To transform his arm folds up and the ‘wing’ stretches out from his elbow, arm and body.
:CON: His cannon only ‘moves’ like a head while he’s transformed, otherwise it remains static.

  • To paraphrase the things he shares with Galvatron, he is techno-organic too having 'hatched' within Unicron, can make his optics 'aflame', has a "Garbage Gut", was tortured by Unicron while under his servitude, also had extreme power while Unicron was alive as he drew from the dark god's own strength and fell inert upon his defeat.
  • Cyclonus was indeed promised an ‘Armada’ however they did not survive the mutation process, getting reabsorbed into Unicron’s mass, and so he was left with nothing.
  • He can roar, as in freeze-a-battlefield-roar. It's intimidating.
  • Is feirceley loyal to the Decepticons. He would dismantle Cybertron by hand if he thought it was of benefit to the Decepticons or Galvatron.
  • Is an absolute physical powerhouse, he is strong as heck, it's wiser to avoid fighting him physically.
  • His loyalty to the Decepticons seems to extend beyond their own leader and to the troops themselves, he acts as an effective SIC and will actively train and work with troops to make them more effective in battle and keep them at optimal efficiency.
  • Awkwardly became a "therapist" among the Decepticons by complete accident. After the Torkulon incident, he learnt about psychology solely to help Galvatron cope with his neural issues better but other Decepticons hooked onto this and realised he can be of help to them with some of their own issues and woes.
    Cyclonus has learnt not to listen to them when they do this, finding that just talking tends to be good enough for them to de-stress but in the interest of keeping the Decepticons functioning as best as possible he has learnt to pick out certain keywords and give out appropriate advice.
  • He has been pegged as both noble and honourable before which is weird for a lot of people. It's largely because he hates fighting an enemy with no weapon or that cannot match him be it by skill or strength so is fine with sparing enemy lives or helping those he has respect for.
  • The end of his tail not only expels energy to help him fly but in battle it can fire off a small burst of condensed power against foes.
  • The launchable spine drains energy from its victims and Cyclonus can feed off said energy.
  • He can ‘paralyse’ people for up to a minute max, depending on the individuals will, with his optics. The hypnotising part is actually pretty useless, yelling a command at someone frozen by Cyclonus causes them to uncontrollably perform said action, if capable (but not very well) but it also immediately frees them from Cyclonus’s ‘command’. More than once an Autobot has managed to yell “Punch Cyclonus in the face!” and gotten the Decepticon clocked in the face. Hence why it is never used for such a function.
  • Because of the prior two facts, the Decepticons claim him to be a 'vampire'.
  • Was created from 90% Skywarp parts and 10% of Bombshell.
  • Design notes: The tail is a vague callback to his Armada-self's "Heli-tail", the hypnotising and energy syphoning is a reference to his Combiner Wars toy where he is capable of mind control and syphoning power from victims, the arrow-shaped head is due to how I portray seekers (IE Skywarp) in my style, his optics are based of a octopus's eye, his teeth are that of a Dunkleosteus and face a little like a snapping turtle (so yes he is capable of biting someone's arm off) and his feet are pig trotters.
    His alt mode is heavily based off of a Manta Ray/Sting-ray. He is a majestic Space flap flap.

  • Check out the first bullet point on Cyclonus, it applies for Scourge too.
  • The Sweeps are all identical but Scourge is distinguished by the extra fur on his tail, bigger 'crest' and pink wing-claws.
  • About the Sweepcubs... No one knows where they come from... They just appear and seem to be the reason why there are varying numbers of Sweeps. Scourge seems to take great amusement in all the theories about where they come from and just how freaky/scary some are. He won't actually say where or how they're made.
  • That being said, when not boggling their processors at their mysterious origin, the Decepticons have the same reaction to the 'Sweepcubs' as humans do towards kittens. (Hey a silly cute headcanon every now and then is fun).
  • When Scourge and the Sweeps argue amongst themselves they sound like THIS. The Decepticons are thankful they don't make that noise when arguing with them. On the rare times Scourge argues back with Cyclonus and Galvatron he will make that noise at them, Galvatron or Cyclonus will respond with their own... 'noise' in turn and that makes up the entire 'argument'.
  • Their optics are worryingly organic and are reflective.
  • Scourge comes off as sour and rude but that just seems to 'be him'. He's actually a surprisingly simple mech, fuel and shelter is more than enough to keep him happy.
  • Despite being the most animalistic in behaviour and appearance it's somewhat ironic that their alt mode is the most vehicular of the trio.
  • The Sweeps and Scourge will go out, hunt and kill many animals at their leisure. It's not uncommon to find them either eating such creatures or carrying around teeth, bones and pelts from their prey.
  • The Sweeps and Sweepcubs can be distracted with a laser pointer. Scourge can be too, just good luck trying to tell people before he gets you.
  • The Sweeps are all designated by a number, no name, Scourge can tell them all apart easily. Galvatron and Cyclonus can too... sort of... not very well... but better than any other Autobot or Decepticon.
  • Notes: Not much to say here really, I've just always thought of them as being very feline-like and their wings were always amazingly cool so it was always sad to see him get overlooked. Naturally, the pink claws were not going to be lost either haha. The wings actually come from a Transformers: Animated design of Scourge I made as do the crest and legs.
    Regarding the Sweepcubs, it's not meant to be taken 100% seriously. I mean they could be anything from little constructs/clones built out of the bodies of fallen enemies to furballs that the Sweeps cough up that uncurl and quickly grow into new Sweeps (Gremlins style) they're just an amusing/small headcanon I like messing around with.

  • This is the general basic shape/body of Seekers (and also why Cyclonus too has a triangular head)
  • He actually joined the Decepticons because of Skyfire. He was upset the council wouldn't allow him fuel and resources to go find him and announced his friend 'dead' so naturally when he heard of a rebellion he decided to get his claws in that gig.
  • When he can stop being his usual snide self he's actually very scientifically gifted. The best example of this? He was the anonymous donor who gave Megatron his fusion cannon.
  • His distinctive screech only came about because of eventual permament damage to his vocal unit. Because Megatron wasn't the nicest to him and his treachery.
  • Like all Seekers he can run on all fours and do a bird-hop
  • I bet you're all wondering about the ghost thing huh? Well that's simple!
    Starscream was the first to die at the hands of the Unicronians, he was their sacrifice to Unicron.
    Being marked with Unicrons energy and practically like a homing beacon for the colossal abomination to reach Cybertron he really should have been consumed by the chaotic entity but instead his proximity to the AllSpark ended up shielding him but rejected his Spark due to the chaotic/poisonous energy that surrounded it from Unicron.
    Thus he was left in limbo, gradually recollecting himself until he became the ghost we know.
  • After two failed attempts at getting his body back his ghost now lingers on Chaar, what's worse, after being "killed" by a Unicronian a second time his energy is now much weaker, a third time and who knows what will happen to him, he doesn't want to risk dissipating and merely ceasing to exist rather than properly joining the AllSpark.

  • You know you screwed up as a leader when even your own team can agree that you dying was the best thing you did.
  • doled out liberal physical punishment for even minor offences.
  • You'd never believe Megatron was once a wide-opticed, naive, happy-go-lucky miner utterly unaware of the social injustices going on and content in his life shrouded by ignorance.
    It all went downhill as soon as he began noticing.
  • Violent, psychopath and sociopath all apply to him.
  • Only dishes out compliments when it either serves him or will cause in-fighting because he thinks it's entertaining to cause his own troops ire.
  • His design is mainly a mix of G1 and TFP but I put a few little dashes of TFA megs in for it too.

It's about time I drew up an Autobot and with all the hype why not this little dude? As always the design will be explained too, just felt like pointing that out immediately.
  • So the bug features and mandibles?
    Well, he’s small, named Bumblebee, black and yellow… why not just dive even further into the bug aesthetic?
    His protoform was originally meant to be an insecticons but instead, he ended up in a vehicle-dominated area so instead of going the way his initial coding meant to take him he scanned a vehicle upon activation and became as he is now.
  • He is generally over the self-conscious part of his life regarding his features and error in mode, but he still rarely uses or exposes his insecticon-mandibles. Even then, they’re small and rounded, not very threatening or useful.
    If anything he thinks/knows he's cute now.
  • Despite being probably the youngest Autobot he has the makings of a good leader in him and has been put in high-ranking positions within teams and groups before and is likely to start leading his own missions and teams soon.
  • Shaped like a friend.
  • Often keeps his small arms tucked up under his chest so they end up looking like just another part of his plating til he takes them out.
  • If he closes his smaller optics, they look like eyebrows.
    Yes. He finds some amusement in that fact.
  • Was impressed by Earth Bumblebee’s when he first saw them exclaiming “They’re yellow and round like me!” because he is adorable.
  • Ride or Die, Mothertrucker.

STOP: Before you read any further, check out this amazing fanart of this design done by Kido! Thank you!
  • Honestly bit of a love letter to his TFP design as I just really like the looming, alien, spindly feel to it.
  • The screen IS his face (none of that Empurata rubbish, let ALIEN robots look ALIEN dangit without making some boring punishment of it).
  • Is surprisingly a bit of a meme-er. It's terrifying sometimes. You wonder if a strange silent fellow like him has a sense of humor then, oh god, you find out he can 'troll' you six different ways before the day is out. Someone stop him playing bass boosted meme's over the intercom when he thinks he can get away with it, please.
  • The two tentalcles emanate from his back are used for basic machinery and data interaction as well as extra limbs when it comes to battle.
  • Just under his chest he has two small tendrils of roughly 4-5ft length. These are the ones specially adapted to read brainwaves/'processorwaves'.
    However, due to their length, Soundwave must be holding onto a victim to read their mind, even when retracted the two tendrils are obvious targets on his body. Shooting them or landing a good, strong enough hit on them will effectively knock Soundwave out of the fight or at least for 95% of it.
  • Soundwave's Mini-cons are referred to as his 'Troop'.
  • When he doesn’t feel up to talking he plays edited sound bites of various people/broadcasts or plays a gif on his screen.
    Likes using his recorded sounds to mess about with others when he’s in a more jovial mood.
  • His ribs open up to store his Mini-cons when needed, they give him a themed power boost (Ex. Having Laserbeak within him upgrades his flight systems for the duration) and they get protection and travel.
  • Some self-indulgent headcanons here: Took on a more 'fatherly' role to Galvatron upon seeing the Torkulon medical report and discovering he's actually not very violent, just has violent mental breakdowns. As such he takes to watching out for warning signs of a breakdown and trying to prevent it.

Finally another Autobot haha, but seriously, again, check out this amazing fanart of this design! People tryin' to get me to cry tears of joy over here gosh darn ya'.
  • Mirage is a friendly well-meaning bot, it’s just that it’s painfully obvious sometimes he was raised in the exceedingly wealthy parts of Cybertron. He doesn’t mean to be rude or condescending about such things but they occasionally just slip out even though he’s done his best to uninstall such thought processes.
  • This did lead him to be considered enemies with more aggressive Autobots from less-wealthy parts of Cybertron; most notably Cliffjumper, but when the Red Mini finally figured out he wasn’t actually being rude, just oblivious/unaware of his own faux pas they became good friends and he’s been instrumental in helping him be more “down to Earth” as they believe the expression goes.
  • His friendship with Cliffjumper is odd as they have a lot of falling-out’s, over the same reason Mirage tends to be at odds with other Autobots for. Which is his ultimate distaste in the war in general, he sees no good coming from it and feels there’s just something plain wrong with all of it, especially how nasty the ‘cons are, there’s got to be a valid reason for all that hate, right?. While he’s not the only one who wants peace as quickly as possible the attitude doesn’t stick well with many others.
  • He once used his odd frame to his advantage by going limp and passing off as a “funny looking test dummy” while infiltrating a Decepticon camp. It only really worked because he was only noticed by ‘cons of lacking processor power.
  • Once used his invisibility to sneak up behind Starscream and shove him off where he was perched for shits and giggles. I mean sure he flew before he hit the ground but the startled squawk and flailing was worth it.
  • He was initially reserved about using his invisibility, only using it when needed or for battle but now he’s been introduced to how much fun it can be to play sneak tricks on others with it. It’s both humorous and troublesome at times.

But wait! I hear you cry, all of these have been generally G1-ish up until this point and I've already done Cyclonus!? How can this one exist!?
Well, this design for Armada!Cyclonus just popped into my head and I ended up really liking it and had fun making it.
So there, nothing else to say about this one really other than I had to draw it up. Y'know, inspiration strikes at funny times...
As for headcanons and ideas hmmm
  • Given there being a Cyclonus (as seen above) he'd probably be named "Cyclone" instead.
  • He's like an awful rooster... Mainly in that he wakes everyone else on the base up at the crack of dawn because he either decided to play target practice in the halls or is just running around cackling until everyone is up and about trying to shut him up.
  • Has the worst sense in humour but it's hard to tell seeing as 90% of things make him laugh.
  • Hyper little gremlin boi.
  • If he's not awake and running around everywhere, he's asleep. It's 0-60 dude.
  • Hangs out with Demolishor most of the time who seems to be his only friend, though he's started chilling out with a big black and purple moose-horned fella too.
  • He is very important to game nights on his base. Why? Because some 'con will try and jump on his back, hold onto the rotors like handles and see how long they can stay on his back. Yup, bots try and time how long they can stay on like the worlds giggliest mechanical bull.
  • Ironically, despite his claim of never having morale, he's actually the guy who consistently keeps morale from hitting rock bottom. Why? Well he's always up to some stupid antic and it's usually great fun, be you laughing at him or at whoever suffered from his stupidity.

I don't strictly have any headcanons for Dirge despite him being pictured, so take this as general headcanons about Coneheads in general.
  • They have a "megatooth" at the front of their mouths, which is just their front dental units merged to create one big 'beak' tooth.
  • Coneheads are very proud of their 'beak' and do not like people mocking it. Though they can peck you pretty hard with it haha.
  • Just like other seekers they use their wings to emote.
  • Their wing-tails have a couple joints on them, this goes towards emoting and to help them sit and move about in places their tail would get in the way.
  • Coneheads are more prone to chirping than other seekers.
  • Yes, they too can move on all fours and hop like a birdy.
  • Oh wait, I do have one idea regarding the characters: Dirge is probably that guy who is comically unlucky.

Ravage headcanons/info I ended up having a lot of sad/angsty thoughts about him.

Astrotrain headcanons/info

Rumble and Frenzy headcanons/info

Perceptor headcanons/info

Skyfire headcanons/info

Cosmos headcanons/info

Arcee headcanons/info

Re: A "My style" Galvatron

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 11:02 am
by Wingz
deceptispoon wrote:So this is it! Headcanons and such below the image!


I love headcanons, especially regarding the inspiration they provide for artistic abilities like this! Loving the detail on the chest, where it looks like he has multiple eyes. Personally, I'm a big fan of the technorganic timelines, though I gravitate more towards the beast era. Seeing a G1 character created in a technorganic way like this (where the organic nature is based from chaos rather than a biological form), is actually rather awesome! :lol:

The texture around the canon's 'eye' and the way the canon appears to mold to the arm are also very cool. Can tell you put in some time ;)

deceptispoon wrote:I hope to eventually draw a companion Cyclonus and Scourge piece however their designs are... holding out on me haha


Do they have their own headcanon also? I imagine it'd be similar, considering they were all reformatted by Unicron in the movie, but considering it's headcanon... :lol:

deceptispoon wrote::CON: Aware of his own break downs and turning on his own troops he does occasionally try to 'make it up to them' by being protective or friendly. Honestly, the Decepticons aren't sure which makes them more uncomfortable, angry Galvatron or awkwardly 'friendly' Galvatron.

...I can't imagine that thing smiling at me, either... :-s

Re: A "My style" Galvatron

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 11:19 am
by deceptispoon
Wingz wrote::APPLAUSE:

I love headcanons, especially regarding the inspiration they provide for artistic abilities like this! Loving the detail on the chest, where it looks like he has multiple eyes. Personally, I'm a big fan of the technorganic timelines, though I gravitate more towards the beast era. Seeing a G1 character created in a technorganic way like this (where the organic nature is based from chaos rather than a biological form), is actually rather awesome! :lol:

The texture around the canon's 'eye' and the way the canon appears to mold to the arm are also very cool. Can tell you put in some time ;)

Well, Galvatron has always been my favourite so it was easy to pull up a load of headcanons on him and I have thought about him... a lot... Heh

He and the other Unicronians are the only purely 'technoorganic' one because I envision Unicron to be so too, one way to describe how I envision that fella is like a huge featherless, bloated, horned, cyborg owl, mixed with AKIRA aesthetics haha So they sorta take after him. You can't blame Galvatron for wanting to get away from that! Then again it's Unicron, the 'big bad' and liberal with the punishment/torture...

The whole change to the canon came about because I always disliked his weird alt mode in G1 so I decided to make it weird but in a weird way that I liked haha so he ended up with the weird bat-dragon-thing as an alt mode. I can see those 'eyes' on the canon never blinking, cue scared Decepticons wondering if he's asleep or not hahaha.

Wingz wrote: ;)^

Do they have their own headcanon also? I imagine it'd be similar, considering they were all reformatted by Unicron in the movie, but considering it's headcanon... :lol:

They do!
I have a google document for both of them hahaha, I mean currently their designs are still eluding me but I can say Cyclonus's alt mode looks more like a Manta-ray/stingray spaceship and Scourge has fur and a very cat-like face.

In the meantime I may update this post (or reply to it) with some "own designs" of other characters too, even if they don't have headcanons (The Unicronians only do 'cos boy I love those three) as I've been having fun with them.

Wingz wrote:...I can't imagine that thing smiling at me, either... :-s

It's concerning on multiple levels... I mean He has a throat that looks like a leatherback turtles so maybe it's okay as long as he doesn't open his mouth! :lol:

Thank you for the comment though! I had a lot of fun designing him and I'm really glad you like it! :-D

Re: A "My style" Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge and more 0.3

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:16 pm
by Sheba
Haha awesome. Sweepcubs eh? :-D

Re: A "My style" Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge and more 0.3

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 5:18 pm
by deceptispoon
Sheba wrote:Haha awesome. Sweepcubs eh? :-D

Yeah, I mean Sweeps gotta come from somewhere... and while I don't say where they come from might as well balance out the creepy semi-organic idea of them with some silly "weird robo kitten" ideas hahaha.