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Kanrabat's Kreo Kreation: Cybertronian Tank Megatron! (It suck...)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:52 pm
by -Kanrabat-
I dunno if it's the right place to post this, but I think a 100% original Lego/Kreo creation count as a fanart and not as a custom, right?

After building a couple of Kreo sets, I used my leftovers and some of my old Lego/BTR/Megablocks to make this Megatron. Sure, it's "cybertronian" and once again, I fell into the "build it too big" trap.

Anyway, I made a Megatron that is transformable with a minimum of partforming. Sure, it's not very pretty and it have too much colors. Meh, I'm not a pro and I had fun to build it. So, here it is:


As you can see, it's the tank mode. I'm very surprised of the final result. I designed the thing as I built it so this progect is just a big unplanned improv.


That's the best way I figured how to tuck away the arms, by making some kind of rear "bumbper".


The two arms are different so it make some assymetrical sides.



The turret can rotate 360°.


It even have his little driver... who lay on his back, but still.


Now, let's transform this thing.
First I unpeg the arms from the sides and I remove the cockpit and the cannon. That's the only parforming for the whole transformation.


Then, I unroll the legs.


There is several steps to accordeon the torso into place.


Then, I plug the cockpit to the back.


Unpeg the legs place the feet, and unfold the heel-spurs.
By the way, I squished my finger at work in a machine last Friday. Nasty business. I build my Megs with this added difficulty. Anyway, moving on.


Now here is Megatron in his very tall, very slender, and very unstable robot mode. He got the cannon attached to his right arm of course. Oh yeah, the "shoulder pads" have beed rotated into place. This is the only pose Megs can be.


Even if these ball joints are perfect and can support a lot, I still managed to build something that is way too big to pose and it can barely support himself.


He's not bad looking in the back.



And that's it for my personal Megatron. I dont know how long he'll stay buildt, but at least, he will be remembered in pictures.

This Megs sucked more than a vacuum cleaner. So I destroyed it and built CYBERTRONIAN STARSCREAM instead.