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Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:38 am
by Bun-Bun
I decided to help you out Burn ;)^

Since you want the Hell payouts to stay where they are I worked out a new set of formulas that do roughly that while keeping the overall Energon payout fairly consistent with your formula.

Bx2 Standard wrote:XP = (Mission level average x 320)+100
Energon = XP x .6

With some help I did a little research on the current crop of missions and found that most of them fall far short of the Burn Standard payout schedule...

XP-Energon chart.png

Also, there don't seem to be very many missions once you get out of the low levels...

Mission Distribution.png
Mission Distribution.png (13.02 KiB) Viewed 195688 times

In fact the options for higher levels are pitifully small, though they are the only ones that have the updated payouts... So they have that going for them, which is nice.

Mission Level percentages.png
Mission Level percentages.png (24.27 KiB) Viewed 195688 times

So, I guess I change my request from "Could you please increase the Hell mission payouts to the BS levels of the other high level missions?" to "Could you please increase/decrease the payouts of all the other missions to the Bx2 levels for consistency's sake and maybe reactivate some of the higher level missions for variety's sake?"

or, you know, "**** off Bun" is still a valid response. >:oP

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:42 pm
by Burn
I decided to ignore customers this morning and start looking into this.

All those lower level missions that are active versus inactive higher level missions? I have no idea how that's come about, I would say it was before my time and definitely before that part of the control panel was fixed.

I've gone through and activated a few higher level missions, changed the level spread on a couple (e.g. level 7 only to level 7-9) and updated the payouts.

I haven't changed any of the weighting values (the value that determines the priority of mission generation).

Once again, if people want to see new missions then they need to write them up, I seem to recall putting out that call a while back and only got criticised for it for it "not going to make a difference" ... yet here we are asking for more missions at higher levels. heh.

I have absolutely no doubt that what I've done will not meet your expectations Bun. I'm sure though that some people will appreciate me taking the time to ignore customers at work this morning to do this, and if they don't, oh well. I don't really give a **** one way or another.

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:53 pm
Some of those missions broke during the Christmas missions. I remember the smelting pools mission kicking off more frequently than Inferno. Then, after Christmas, it stopped popping up entirely. In any event, we do appreciate it.

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:09 pm
by Wingz
Thank you, Burn! :x That's a lot of variation, too! :BOWDOWN: I was gone so long that I forgot anything existed in the upper bracket except what I came back to, unless these were added after I left. I honestly don't remember 6-11 or 7-11 missions at all :lol:

I've never really thought of creating mission texts, because I don't feel I'm that great as a writer :-? Might create some for fun, though. If nothing else, reading them might be entertaining :lol: Actually...I just had an idea...must ponder further.....

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:10 pm
by Burn
KAMJIIN wrote:Some of those missions broke during the Christmas missions. I remember the smelting pools mission kicking off more frequently than Inferno. Then, after Christmas, it stopped popping up entirely.

It's active for 2-4, the weighting though is different to the Inferno missions...or rather, was.

I think the whole idea behind the "weighting" system was for different mission types (standard, energon, armour and weapon) with some being more frequent than others. I don't know the full reasoning behind it but I would guess that standard would be the common with energon then armour then weapon in that order of less frequent.

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:20 pm
by Bun-Bun
Thanks Burn!

You can ask the FB clique, I noticed the mission changes on my (before I got any notification email) and was very pleasantly surprised :-D

As for the new missions, iirc there are a few waiting for implementation, I believe I wrote a set myself to test asymmetrical sides (20 low levels vs 1 high level)

Anyways, we've got new toys to play with so I'm set til Xmas... or at the very least Halloween :-P

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:39 am
by Bun-Bun
Again I awake to a pleasant surprise!
Thanks Burn and my apologies to any customers you had to toss to the dingoes to make it happen.

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:46 pm
by Burn
Didn't work this weekend.

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 1:02 pm
by Bun-Bun
I've heard through the fb clique grapevine that there's some discontent over the 1v20 missions. I didn't get exact wording of the complaint but I'm sure its probably shared by others & I can guess the issue is one or more of the following...

They spawn too frequently
- don't really know how low Burn has it set or how much he can really fine tune that but even with the new level range missions (increasing the possible options of what mission is spawned) its still possible that it can be generated by 7 different levels at varying rates (presumably) so its really down to the RNGod.

The Low levels leech a ton of XP from the High levels
- Uhm. Yeah. Kind of the point. Ask a low level player why they avoid Hell missions when that has the greatest potential for XP growth and they'll most likely tell you its too frustrating get SL'd in under a minute 10 times for that 1 mission where maybe they make 5 digits. These missions increase the potential for xp growth while diminishing the risk making them a sweet treat in an otherwise tedious grind. Let them have it.

The payout & potential gains for level 10/11's are not worth it.
- The payout is already much higher than what Burn is happy with I'm sure so deal with it. Its not like 10/11's don't have other options especially now that Burn increased the possible missions. If you pull one of these and don't want it just wait a minute, someone else will either take it or generate something else. Many of us fb types look at it as community service; giving back to the less fortunate.

Overbuilt level bully's can get a win for the low level teams too easily
- Yup. I spent the last couple days testing and proving that to be true. Possibly if the low level side was adjusted to level 0-3 instead of a max of 4 or the high level side was increase to 2 players that outcome may not happen as much but I doubt you're going to see a bunch of people purposefully leveling down to a 15 Mil "Blackhole Rammer" build when they could be doing something more interesting at higher levels... so I dont think its a long term problem exclusive to these missions.
The fact that a maxed Rammer/Biter can SL a level 11 in 4-5 moves is more an indictment of tactics being OP than anything else.

If there's some other problem else yinz have with it ya might as well bring it out into the open so we can all possibly brainstorm a solution (if there is one to be found)

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 1:45 pm
by Absolute Zero
My problem is Burn claiming to have customers in a made up land.

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:15 pm
by Burn
Bun-Bun wrote:They spawn too frequently

It's been about three and a half days since I implemented them, the Autobot solo set has had 70 missions, while the Decepticon solo set has had 83.

I don't know what we define as "too frequently" though, but I can change the figure if people want.

The concept is good but I expected it may need tweeking.

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:00 pm
by Bun-Bun
Personally I like the rate they spawn at. I didnt think they came up too often but I was throwing that out to pre-empt a possible complaint.

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:42 am
by steve2275
level 0-6 or 7

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 4:17 am
by Burn
steve2275 wrote:level 0-6 or 7

You'd have to increase the participants of the other side though.

I'm happy to put another one up if people want to try it.

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 7:37 am
by Psychout
I am loving these new missions. I'm just gutted that my last level 4 is only an ineffective punch away from level 4 now. I put my 11 in every one I can find.

Burn wrote:
steve2275 wrote:level 0-6 or 7

You'd have to increase the participants of the other side though.

I'm happy to put another one up if people want to try it.
I like this idea, but we do face the potential issue of two L11's vs very few low level opponents and them not getting a chance to get a good score in. Maybe make it L10&11 to give the cannon-fodder a chance?

Re: Proposals for MINOR Changes

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 5:21 am
by Bun-Bun
A very minor change request but something that will take Ryan (but since he seems to be fiddling around in the background refining the usage of the sites radio buttons of all things it seem possible)

Can we please add "Next" & "Previous" links to the top of mission/Arena logs?
I wouldn't think it'd be a hard thing to add & it would make the life of people that dredge through logs a whole lot easier. (admittedly that's likely only me right now but if anyone ever gets the motivation to run an event in the future it'll help them too)