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Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:51 pm
by Dr. Caelus
Well, since the game has been down, I've gotten roughly 8 Bios done, though technically it's 4 Double-Bios.

Road Ranger
Function: Supply Transport
Primary Weapon: Targetmaster Shotgun
Transformation: Semi Truck

“Never forget.”

Road Ranger served with distinction during the Renegade War as a frontline infantrybot. It was just before the end of the war received a severe head wound, which permanently damaged circuitry between his sensor and data storage systems. As a result he began experiencing sensory and emotional flashbacks to the conflict. Sometimes he’d experience intense moments of virtual reality, as if he had suddenly been transported back through time and space to the carnage of the war’s worst moments. Other times, he would simply be overcome by old feelings of fear, remorse, grief, or rage. Feeling uncomfortable working closely with other bots, especially non-veterans, Road Ranger became a cargo hauler on Earth after the war. He soon found that something about being on the open road – perhaps the freedom – put his mind at ease and suppressed his troubling flashbacks.

On Earth, Road Ranger revived the ideal of the trucker as the “Knight of the Road”, applying his Guardian honor code to life in general. He always looked for people to help while burning the midnight oil and though he is general contemptuous of speed-limits he looks even less favorably upon selfish bullies, and so maintained a reasonable speed when sharing the road.

It was his old army friend Night Ranger that retrieved him from Earth when Primus called for aid. Though he was reluctant to return to the nightmares of war, Road Ranger felt that he had a responsibility to uphold, and joined the expedition to Cybertron. There, he was upgraded by Primus, along with most of the other Guardians, to include Cybertronian technological advances and special powers.

Now Road Ranger serves alongside Staks as the Guardians’ primary transport and supply specialists. Hauling cargo for a faction with no permanent territory or official resources on a war torn planet is about as challenging as it gets, but Road Ranger excels at the task, using tricks he learned during the Renegade War and on Earth afterward. He’s not afraid to take wild risks in order to get his cargo where it needs to be on time.

Strengths: In robot-mode, Road Ranger is a skilled combatant, both in hand to hand and ranged combat. His Targetmaster partner Night Ranger becomes the equivalent of a sawed-off double-barreled shotgun, which Road Ranger uses to end fights by intimidation as often as by violence. In vehicle-mode, Road Ranger features some of the same technology as the Stunticons, allowing him to plow through blockades, barricades, and enemies with little damage to himself. Though not at all fuel efficient, Road Ranger’s large fuel tanks allow him to transport cargo long distances in vehicle-mode. On level highways, he can attain a speed of 110mph, even when fully loaded with cargo. Primus modified Road Ranger’s hand-mounted energy blasters to emit waves of radiation which disrupt the link between targets’ sensor and data storage systems causing them to suffer confusing flashbacks.

Weaknesses: Road Ranger’s most obvious handicap is his damaged circuitry, which can potentially paralyze him at the worst possible moment. In robot-mode, Road Ranger is not particularly fast. In vehicle-mode, attempting to slow or stop on steep down-hill grades can damage his brakes, and sharp turns at high speeds can cause him to roll over or, worse, jack-knife. In this form he is also very large and loud, making it impossible for him to sneak anywhere. Since Road Ranger combines with his trailer when transforming to robot-mode, he cannot transform while loaded with cargo, so he must rely on Night Ranger for his defense while burdened. His tendency to dodge Autobot, Decepticon, Maximal, and Predacon tariffs whenever possible, has earned him a mark as a smuggler in all of their records.

And his partner:

Night Ranger
Function: Convoy Defense
Primary Weapon: Tungsten Chain
Transformation: Harley Davidson Motorcycle/Shotgun

“Vengeance is a dish best served charred.”

Held in a Renegade Stalag for nearly a decade during the Renegade War, Night Ranger watched helplessly as hundreds of fellow Gobotronians were tortured and executed all around him. Though a strike team (which included Road Ranger) rescued him from the camp before the end of the war, no amount of time in the repair bay could mend the damage to his spark. He vowed to have revenge on his captors. Following the war he tracked down every surviving member of the prison’s staff and terminated them with extreme prejudice. But as the last Renegade on his list died in his grasp, Night Ranger realized that he’d accomplished nothing except carrying the slaughter of war into peace-time.

Night Ranger was horrified by what he’d done, and when he put away his weaponry, he swore it would be forever. He traveled to one of Gobotron’s largest cities, and lost himself in its slums and ghettos, helping those whose lives had been ruined in the war in an attempt to redeem himself. He was working on a neglected power relay one day when a pack of Gobots led by the ex-Renegade Tux came screaming down the street shooting everything in sight. As they began shaking down the under-fueled empties something dark stirred within Night Ranger’s scarred spark…

When Night Ranger awakened in one of the ghetto’s back alleys, he dimly remembered a ferocious fight, which he later discovered ended with Tux and his thugs dismembered. Overtime, as more black outs occurred, Night Ranger realized that no matter how much he tried to leave behind his thirst for vengeance, an angry demon lurked within him, ready to burst out on the sight of evil. When Primus called for Guardians, Night Ranger saw an opportunity – either Primus could heal his spark and purge the evil within him, or he’d at least be able to direct his murderous tendencies toward enemies more deserving of his wrath. Sadly for Night Ranger, it turned out to be the latter.

Now Night Ranger wanders the highways and byways of Cybertron alongside his fellow troubled spirit Road Ranger. He spends most of his time serving as Road Ranger’s bodyguard on long hauls, but when off duty, Night Ranger stalks Cybertron’s streets searching for those who prey on the innocent.

Strengths: In robot-mode, Night Ranger’s Gobotron-standard hand-mounted energy blasters have been modified to emit large quantities of infrared energy. He can use this ability to launch ‘fireballs’ short distances, or to superheat his tungsten chain weapon. In vehicle-mode, Night Ranger is fast, maneuverable, and fuel efficient. In targetmaster-mode Night Ranger is the equivalent of a sawed-off double-barreled shotgun. In this form, he maximizes the energy channeled to his infrared emitters, allowing him to fire destructive blasts of heat energy, in either a coherent fireball form, or a shorter range spread pattern.

Weaknesses: Night Ranger’s diminutive size is his only weakness in robot-mode. In vehicle-mode his engine is extremely loud, making all attempts at stealth pointless, and his fuel tank is quite small, reducing the advantage created by his high fuel efficiency. In targetmaster-mode, he has a very low rate of fire, having to recharge after every two shots.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:13 am
by Bun-Bun
I posted this along while back for the RDD, but what they heck I'll throw it here to see if I get any opinions,
Besides Burn needs more reasons to make fun of me :lol:

Please keep in mind:
Bun-Bun = Fail @ writing

So I finally wrote out most of my team history, at least in short form.
Apparently a side effect of me not being able to think clearly for the past month or so is that I'm able to write down alot of the stuff that's in my head... unfortunatly alot of that stuff doesn't make sense to anybody except maybe me. <_<

So i need people to look this over and tell me if its ok or if I'm just nucking futs.

*important note S.A.U.R.O.N. = Spatial Agitation and Ulterior Reality Orientation Network
Also it was my original username when I joined Seibertron

*Also these 'Chapters' are really more of Summaries of that part of the story.

Chapter 1
The Beginning.

A loner by nature, the Decepticon known as Dark Claw decided early in his life that the only person he could really tolerate was himself. Unfortunately for him, lone transformers on Seibertron have a very short life expectancy… he needed a team.

Using a bastardized combination of spark splitting and cloning, Dark Claw managed to split himself into 12 parts, all with their own strengths, weaknesses, powers, and, ultimately, personalities.

The 12 parts working together proved to be much greater than the original whole & soon used their combined intellect to design the S.A.U.R.O.N with the intent to improve the planet.

At first the team used the system as a group, deliberating pros and cons of any action, then using the network to alter reality in a way as to create the most benefit for all Seibertronians. Eventually the changes the team made starting to affect them as well and began to subtly warp their personalities, driving them apart.

Chapter 2

Having become so fractured, the team began fighting amongst themselves nearly destroying each other attempting to gain sole command of S.A.U.R.O.N.. The greatest of the 12, retaining the name Dark Claw, backed by 4 of the others gained the upper hand and seized S.A.U.R.O.N. for their own.

The remaining members decided to temporarily put aside their differences and rallied around Fire Claw, the nearest equal to Dark Claw, to try to retake the machine.

Though Dark Claw’s team battled ferociously, he could tell that it was a fight they would lose. In desperation Dark Claw decided to use S.A.U.R.O.N. to wipe his opposition out of existence. Halfway through the machine simulation run, the door to the control center was blown in and Dark Claw, not knowing if the wipe will work but having nothing else to lose, hits the initiation button.

Chapter 3
Time Storm.

Seibertron is warped by time/space distortions. Many transformers are reverted to weaker versions of themselves… most are shunted back to protoforms. Of the Mechs remaining most retain their knowledge of what was lost, but cannot explain what happened to them and their planet.

Out of the main time rift in the S.A.U.R.O.N. control room, a small furry creature appears. Bun-Bun is a talking, switchblade wielding, rabbit with a bad attitude and a penchant for violence. He had been thrown from his own timeline by Santa Clause after a failed attempt to rule the Holidays (See Sluggy Freelance from 10-19-03 to 1-11-04 for most of the story)

After receiving a briefing about his location and recent events by S.A.U.R.O.N. (which is shielded against its own distortions) Bun-Bun decides to stay on Seibertron in the attempt to build an army of transformers that he can use against Santa and the rest of the holidays once he can figure out how to transport them all to his timeline.

Chapter 4
Bring on the Elves.

Finding the lifeless protoforms of Dark Claw and his team, Bun-Bun has S.A.U.R.O.N. reformat them using Headmaster technology then uses the machines’ reality altering capabilities to grab some of his former associates from his home dimension.

Now that he has a full team Bun-Bun begins to incorporate them into the RDD in an attempt to build alliances with other mechs that he may be able to convince to join him in his future plans of domination.

Chapter 5

The ruling body of Seibertron has been cracking down on dissidents. After the Council infiltrates RDD headquarters and learns of Bun-Buns attempts to sow discord he becomes their number one target.

Knowing that his troops are not strong enough to take a full frontal assault by the council and their followers, Bun-Bun decides to use S.A.U.R.O.N. to transport him and his troops back to their original timeline. During the process of setting up the transport, the entire base is hit by a high intensity Electro-magnetic pulse. Though S.A.U.R.O.N. is still functioning, the pulse scrambles the circuitry of the teams’ robot bodies.

Bun-Bun orders his troops to disengage from their Headmasters, leave the robots behind, and continue with the transport. Before leaving, Bun-Bun programs S.A.U.R.O.N to attempt repairs on the transformers and retrieve him from his timeline once the council has forgotten about him.

In the powered down base after the transport, S.A.U.R.O.N. begins reformatting the shells.

Chapter 6
Echoes of Life

After many stellar cycles of repair work S.A.U.R.O.N. is finally ready to re-activate the shells. Though initial tests conclude that the bodies are in complete working order, they lack any personality programming and would not properly function.

Detecting residual neural activity in the headmaster suits that the Black Op. Elves left behind, S.A.U.R.O.N. equips each with a signal amplifier and reattaches them to the shells. Immediately upon re-activation it becomes obvious that even though they now functioned properly, each of their personalities were differently fixated on a single emotion and that their memories were fragmented. They all understand that they’re incomplete, mere echoes of what they used to be.

The shell that once belonged to Bun-Bun organizes them and names them each for their mental fixation. Taking the name Disillusioned, he vows to learn about their past and to make the beings responsible for their current condition pay.

Chapter 7
Bun-Bun Returns!!!

Using the S.A.U.R.O.N computer, Disillusioned pulls Bun-Bun back into this timeline with the intention of killing him for deserting himself and the rest of the team, leaving them all with fractured personalities.

Because of the experimental and unstable nature the S.A.U.R.O.N., the Bun-Bun that he pulls through is not the same being that abandoned Disillusioned and his crew. The alternate Bun-Bun is much older than the original and lacks the cybernetic enhancements that would allow him to take a Mech form and do battle with his summoner.

Disillusioned, confronted with the aged bunny and knowing that this creature was not the same one that wronged him, could not bring himself to destroy him. Bun-Bun listened to what had happened to the team since his alternate self had left them and decided to stay and help them to stabilize themselves.

This Bun-Bun does not actually fights in the war, though he did have a new body made and had himself equipped with the cybernetic needed for the Headmaster process. He now monitors his teams’ progress and the progress of other Decepticon teams and uses the data collected to help the Decepticon cause.

Chapter 8
Starting Over.

With the help of other Cons of the RDD and DSA, Bun-Bun was successful in restoring the members of his team into full functioning. Now able to move beyond their common past the team disbands to seek their own way in the world.

Disillusioned stays with Bun-Bun as his pupil and bodyguard and helps him assemble a new team. This new version of the Black-Op. Elves incorporates past members Dark Claw and Bunzirra, both of whoms’ consciousnesses were stored in S.A.U.R.O.N. as well as Cons that aligned themselves with Bun-Bun because of his demonstrations against Seibertronian leadership.

With Dark Claw teaching him more about S.A.U.R.O.N., Bun-Bun is starting to consider using it to reset Seibertron, hoping that he will be able to retain what he has learned and help shape the fledgling planet into something greater than what it has become.

Chapter 9
The Enemy Within.

Bun-Bun is dying.

In an attempt to prolong his life, Bun-Bun modifies his Mech to include a very sophisticated life support system which will sustain him until he can find a way to store his consciousness in S.A.U.R.O.N.. To reach these goals Bun-Bun enlists the help of the teams acting medic Necropsy in building the needed interface.
Necropsy takes this opportunity to bring Limit, a Mech he has been blackmailing for years, into the team ostensibly to take advantage of his extensive knowledge of ‘Biologicals’.

Once the two Mechs begin working on Bun-Bun they install various mind controlling devices into his life-support system, giving Necropsy complete control of the team. The devious medic then brings the similarly twisted virus specialist Disruption to the team and begins making plans on how to use S.A.U.R.O.N. for his benefit. During this time Bun-Buns’ erratic leadership is causing some on the team to consider whether or not it is time to put the old rabbit down.

Chapter 10
The Chosen


Criticism? (constructive or otherwise)
Whiskey? Makes you feel better.

I actually have a rough outline of a more complete version of the story from Chapter 9 to the end of V2... but since my mind is slowly coming back to me it may never become anything.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:16 pm
by Burn
Seeing as we don't have a story time thread and so Caelus doesn't have a chance to run around calling me a hypocrite again, i'm hijacking this thread from the "Help save HMW" thread.

Psychout wrote:
Burn wrote:Mini-Psychout?

1/8th the size of a cassette? Id be even shorter than Tammuz.

It was a quiet Friday at Freak HQ ... with the war once again on hiatus, Gore and CATalyst were once again engaging in their latest hobby ... impersonating snobby british aristocrats.

"I say old chap" Gore said from behind the daily edition of The Sun "this Rachel Aldana lass does most certainly have a large pair of bosoms" he continued

"Quite indeed" CATalyst replied.

Their diaglogue would have continued were it not for a gentle rap-tap-tapping on the front door.

"Where's the midget?" Gore asked worringly.

"Accent old bean, don't forget the accent" CATalyst responded.

"The last time we had that sound the damn midget clone reappeared and we've been stuck with him since! I don't have time for the accent if he's gone and done something OLD BEAN!" Gore snapped.

"He's his quarters ... " CATalyst mumbled "Now if you'll excuse me, there's an interesting article on Page 3 I need to study"

Leaving CATalyst to his 'study', Gore thundered his way to the front door where upon he opened it.

Nothing ...

Closing the door again Gore began to walk away when again came the rap-tap-tapping on the door.

Opening the door and this time looking down, Gore again saw nothing, except for what seemed to be a rather odd shaped lump of metal. Putting on his monocle and adjusting his optics he looked again.

"Not another one ..." he mumbled.

"Hi!" squeaked the little odd shaped lump of metal

"Right, which git are you cloned from and which twit did it?" Gore asked.

"I'm cloned from Psychout! So you can call me Mini-Psychout! As for my origins, they must for now remain a mystery as Burn is suppose to be working!" squeaked the rather odd shaped lump of metal now known as Mini-Psychout.

"Note to self" Gore muttered "Kill Burn while he sleeps tonight."

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:34 am
by Psychout

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:01 am
by Burn
I'm tired! I need sleep! But you know ... "can't sleep, Gore will kill me"

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:29 am
by Archanubis
Mini-Psychout? What is that, an inch tall clone of Psychout that transforms into a flash drive? At least he'd be up-to-date in terms of his alt-mode. :p

Burn, if you're not careful, you'll have as many Mini-cons as Wayward! :P

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:43 pm
by slip
The begining story of my hmw team little more of a fan fic then a profile.

Early in the seibertronian war megatron converted protoforms for his use. The stratacons once twelve ariel knights of seibertron then became the original clan of the seekers. Advance several solar cycles and battle wages every where the guardian seintnels roam with the bots.

To combat this starscream, thundercracker and skywarp are sent on search and destroy missons with the stratacons. During one such misson the bots set a trap a group of guardian seintenls ambushed the con force. The mostly heavily damaged members of the stratacons were pulled to saftey by their more lightly injured brothers.

Starscream had a different idea loading all the stratacons on to a medical evac barge. Starscream convinced the other to seekers to help him place timed explosives on the ship as they could not be seen burning down the barge them selves.

Terrotran being the most functional of the group detected the explosives and just managed to get every one out in time.
The blast did leave every one inactive drifting in space just there central core's still active. Till a freak accidental passing by
of a supernovaing nucleonic star recharged and reactivated them enough
that they could make repairs.

end part 1

by the way does any one else see a similarity in burn's story to Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven just made me think of that.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 6:33 pm
by Archanubis
New character; finally got a name for him.

Name: Ectane
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Quartermaster
Transformation: MV-22 Osprey
“An army runs on its fuel tank – sign here please.”

Profile: “Obsessively fastidious” is probably the best way to describe Ectane’s regard to his job of supervising the supply depots that support the Eisen Dragoons and their operations. He knows the inventory of the warehouses he oversees down to the last bolt and meticulously catalogs any item that comes in or goes out. He seems to instinctively know when something is being taken without his permission and, like a dragon with its horde, will swoop down on the site with surprising speed, often catching the offender in the act. No one, not even Megatron himself, can take anything from Ectane’s depots without signing it out first, a personality quirk that some find annoying, especially in critical situations. But Northclaw is willing to put up Ectane’s eccentricities because he is so effective at keeping the Dragoons well supplied. In a pinch, Ectane’s been know to deliver whatever equipment is needed to the battlefront himself, after checking it out and locking up the warehouse first, of course.

Abilities: Ectane is capable of a maximum speed of 275 knots (509km/h) in aircraft mode and just under Mach 1 when in robot form. The tiltrotor design of his alt-mode allows him to perform missions like a helicopter with the long-range, high-speed performance of a turboprop aircraft. It also gives him short and vertical take-off and landing (S/VTOL) capabilities while in aircraft mode. He’s only lightly armed in aircraft mode, with a small 7mm electron Gatling in his rear and a retractable 12mm quark tri-barreled Gatling under his nose. He is capable of carrying an internal payload up to 13.5 tons and lift half nearly that amount while in flight. In special circumstances, he can be fitted with a pair of refueling drogues and hoses to refuel his aerial-capable teammates. In robot mode, he can use the massive propellers of his vehicle mode as high-speed, saw-like weapons; when not in use, the blades can fold up and retract into his arms for storage. His fingers can retract into the palms of his hands, revealing four high-powered, fully automatic energy cannons that can do significant damage to an opponent. Ectane is equipped with a cloaking device, which he usually uses when on a supply run to combat zones. He’s also equipped an EMP pulse generator as a weapon of last resort; when activated, this weapon is capable of shorting out the electronics of any mechanical pursuer, giving Ectane the chance to escape.

Weakness: Ectane is lightly armed at best and though he’s trained to defend himself, he’s not really suited for a long, drawn out fight. His best defense is to use his cloaking device, call in support, or run. His EMP generator is considered a weapon that can only be used once, as it drains a lot of energy from Ectane’s systems and takes awhile recharge; he’s been known move slowly and awkwardly afterwards. Although Ectane is virtually undetectable while his cloak is engaged, prop wash and noise can give away his position, especially if he’s hovering; he also can’t use any of his weapons while cloaked. During the circumstances when he’s equipped for aerial refueling missions, the extra fuel tanks he carries essentially turns him into a flying bomb; if hit, the resulting explosion would severely damage him and anyone else who is unfortunate to be caught in the blast.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:52 pm
by Archanubis
Last of the new characters to be brought in:

Name: Razorwing
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Eisen Dragoons
Function: Aerial Support
Transformation: MiG-29 “Fulcrum”
“Loud and proud.”

Profile: Razorwing lives by his personal motto, “Loud and proud.” He believes himself to be the most capable and physically striking Decepticon to that’s ever been, or will ever be, constructed. His fellow Eisen Dragoons describe him in other terms; a narcissistic, obnoxious braggart – at least, that’s what they call him when they’re in the mood to be nice. There’s no denying that his combat skills are first rate, they just don’t want to hear about it from him, especially since he tends to exaggerate his accomplishments. They find his inclination to play pop or rock music at an extremely high volume when he’s approaching his target particularly galling, especially when the mission would be best served by stealth and guile. Razorwing is unapologetic; he wants the enemy to know he’s coming, to be awestruck by his presence before he takes them down. It doesn’t endear him to the Dragoons or to any other Decepticon unfortunate to have to work with him. Razorwing is an incorrigible rake who believes himself “Primus’s gift to femme-mechs” and will not hesitate to flirt with the first attractive chassis he sees, no matter which faction to which they belong. Most femmes find him anything but charming and either ignore him or reject him outright, though sometimes neither is enough to dissuade him. He did stop harassing fellow Dragoon Celaeno after she shoved a live missile up his exhaust.

Abilities: Razorwing is able to reach speeds of up to Mach 2.3 at sea level and is agile enough to avoid just about any form of artillery. He possesses a pair of air-intake shields that prevent foreign debris from entering his engines, thus he is able to take off and land on runways with less than ideal conditions. His sensor system is one of the most advanced in the Decepticon arsenal; he can track up to 32 targets and engage up to six simultaneously. He can also passively detect targets with an infrared search and track system, located in a glass ball in front of his cockpit, allowing him to follow his victim without using his active sensors and thus giving away his position. His name comes from the pair of retractable scythe-like blades hidden in the leading edges of his wings; deployed, they can be energized with plasma energy and be used to slice any aerial opponent in half. The leading edges of his tail have also been sharpened to a razor’s edge and can be used for a similar purpose. He’s armed with a 30mm cannon in his forward fuselage, which converts into a direct-current laser rifle in robot mode and is equipped with six ordinance hardpoints under his wings; he can carry up to 8,000lbs of ordinance at any one time. His favorite weapon is a spark-seeking cluster missile that can target and hit an opponent up to 80 miles away. His engines have been fitted with thrust-vectoring nozzles, giving him an enhanced degree of maneuverability over his opponents. The blades in his wings can be used as scimitars in robot mode.

Weakness: Razorwing’s arrogance and obnoxious attitude are perhaps his biggest handicaps; he’ll sometimes take on odds that are beyond his ability, and his comrades aren’t always eager to rush to his aid. The sound of him approaching with his music blasting and afterburners roaring can be heard for miles, giving away not only his position but the positions of any of his teammates in the region. His wing scythes and sharpened tail fins are best used on thinly armored aerial opponents; using them against a more heavily armored target will not only break the blades, but will also rip the wings and tail off.

Critiques welcomed and encouraged.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:03 am
by Archanubis
Forgive the triple post, but I figure it was better to catch people's attention to this thread than editing an old post.

New, non-playing character I came up with last night while working on my college essay:
Name: Ratcracker
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Eisen Dragoons
Function: Assassin
Transformation: MP3 Player/Saber-toothed clouded leopard
“I am NOT a ‘nice kitty.’”

Profile: Ratcracker is a real nasty piece of work – literally. He is a snarling, foul mouthed, anti-social, ill tempered mass of metal and circuits who would love nothing better than to be left alone. Woe to anyone who disturbs his solitude, for his temper is on a hair trigger and he’s been known to lash out at the slightest provocation – or even without provocation. It was this behavior that earned him his name as he was once observed snapping Earth rats in half for no other reason than they “got in his way.” When he’s not tearing out processors or breaking small animals, he’s hurling insults at anyone who so much as crosses his path, which are usually laced with profanities. No one is immune, from the lowest grunt to Megatron himself, and most Decepticons do whatever they can to avoid him when he’s prowling the corridors. Most of the time, Ratcracker sequesters himself in his quarters, refusing to associate with his fellow Decepticons even on a professional level, preferring to be alone with his thoughts. No one’s really sure what goes through his processors in these moments, but no one’s crazy enough to ask.

Abilities: Ratcracker is a master of the ambush and knows how to use his surroundings to conceal himself in the best way possible until its time to strike. His reflexes are second to none; he can strike as fast as lightning from a prone position in less than a second. The large saber-like canines of his feline mode are razor sharp and optimized for slicing into the necks of his victims, severing critical cables and fluid lines there in, thus cutting off the flow of electricity and hydraulics between the body and head. He’s armed with a pair of particle bolt rifles on his back, which are capable of penetrating three meters of medium strength armor. In MP3 player mode, he can transmit false communication signals that can lure his target towards him or divert curious patrols from his position. In either mode, he can send out electronic signals that create false readings on sensor viewscreens.

Weakness: A calm, reasoned approach is the best way to battle Ratcracker, especially when he’s in the middle of the fits of rage he’s prone to. His saber teeth are prone to breakage.

Also, new profiles for Kumiho and Venomstrike:

Kumiho wrote:Profile: Moving among the shadows comes naturally to Kumiho; she’s been moving amongst the dark alleys and smoldering ruins of Cybertron for as long as anyone can remember. Not much is known of her before she signed up with the Eisen Dragoons, as data on her past is sparse to practically non-existent. In fact, although most refer to her as “she,” a more proper, if slightly less polite, term would be “it.” Her physical features only show the faintest hint of either male or female; even her voice is gender neutral in tone. If Kumiho is a mystery to the Decepticons, among the Autobots, her mere existence borders on mythical. To the frontline grunts, she’s a lethal, ghostly bugaboo, as dangerous as any landmine, a specter so awful that to merely lay optics on her is to invite termination. Kumiho greets these tales with a sly smile and a gleam in her dark orange optics. She considers sowing fear among the enemy ranks to be a more potent weapon than any sword or rifle, and these stories are, to her, proof of this concept. Using terrain, weather, the dark of night, and her own abilities, she stalks her prey as if they were petro-rabbits, taking care never to be seen by the enemy until she’s ready to strike, and making sure her victims are reduced to nothing more than spark-less hulks, leaving nothing behind but panic and terror.

Venomstrike wrote:Profile: Vemonstrike is the ultimate prankster; there’s almost nothing he won’t pull in order to get a laugh. Unfortunately for the Decepticons, many of his high jinks target the systems of their own facilities; it’s not uncommon for him to cause power blackouts, fuse circuits, or even delete entire data libraries. His antics keep the repair crews busy, and while the damage is usually repairable, it does nothing to endear him to his comrades. Stopping him is fairly difficult, however; he’s only slightly taller than a human in robot mode and is extremely quick, agile, and intelligent. In an effort to focus his destructive tendencies elsewhere, Venomstrike was assigned the task of infiltrating and sabotaging Autobot installations, a mission he thoroughly enjoys. It is here he can indulge himself to his spark’s content, incapacitating the defenses of an Autobot fortification or outpost to the point where it would take decacycles to repair his handiwork. It’s a task made all the more easier by his alternate form, which is sometimes mistaken for a simple repair or defense drone – something that amuses Venomstrike greatly.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:53 pm
by Burn
Bolly Knickers
A joint concept between Burn and High Command - two "Ashes to Ashes" fans. A very rough draft and if we're stupid enough it will be expanded.

Bolly Knickers is like an annoying kid sister. Constantly following you around whining and crying and wanting attention. It's no wonder the squad of Decepticon's she was assigned to left her alone on a planet filled with Sharkticons armed only with a hairbrush.

If only they'd left a beacon behind warning travellers to stay away from that planet. But they didn't.

With nothing to do on a Sunday morning Gore decided to take his look-a-like High Command out for a spin, with the idea to also leave him stranded on a planet for all the times HC had tried to impersonate him.

But in typical Freak luck, he just happened to set down on Bolly Knickers planet and that's where High Command and Gore found her. Despite running like Simon Pegg from committment, they weren't able to escape without Bolly Knickers getting on board.

After a long journey back to Cybertron (Gore and HC spent most of their time arguing about who was going to pull the lever to jettison Bolly Knickers but spent so long arguing the ship automatically landed) Bolly Knickers is now back amongst the Decepticon ranks and splits her time running back and forth between Gore and High Command, unable to leave either of them for so long because of how grateful she is to them for rescuing her.

Gore and HC now spend Sunday's devising ways to be rid of her. Bolly Knickers however spends her Sunday's wooing Psychout.

ABILITIES - Bolly Knickers posseses overamped vocal processors which allow her whining to be heard across the noisiest of battlefields. She is also armed with off the shoulder cannons.

WEAKNESSES - Bolly Knickers can't handle her energon too well and will often end up in bed with the first Decepticon she sets her optics on. In addition, no one really likes her so she's often first into battle ... because her comrades launch her in the hopes the Autobots will keep her.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 4:06 pm
by Jeep?
"Ashes to Ashes" rocks hardcore. I'll donate you all my energon if you kill off Gore and replace her with Bolly Knickers.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 4:44 pm
by Burn
I have over 50 million in energon, you're going to have to do better than that!

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 4:56 pm
by Jeep?
I'll put my willy in your bum.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:22 pm
by -Soundwave-
LMFAO!! :grin: Good stuff Burn

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:09 pm
by Burn
HC had his hand in it as well. :wink:

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:51 am
by Archanubis
Burn wrote:In addition, no one really likes her so she's often first into battle ... because her comrades launch her in the hopes the Autobots will keep her.

Are you sure they don't launch her into a fight hoping an Autobot will blow her head off? ;)

Cute bio, in any case.

Wrote a new profile for Lohikaarme. I also made some slight adjustments to his abilities and weaknesses, but I only include the profile as that's the one that had the bigger overhaul.

Lohikaarme wrote:Profile: Autobots who come across Lohikaarme in battle often don't know what to make of him. Propaganda and experience has ingrained the idea that the terms “deceit” and “treachery” are catchphrases for the typical Decepticon. Such is not the case with Lohikaarme; his conduct is based on a system of virtues that many Autobots would recognize, though with a distinctly Decepticon slant. This is due to the fact that he belongs to an ancient though small sect of Decepticons whose primary principle states that with honor and integrity, one will reap the rewards much faster than with duplicity and betrayal. In Lohikaarme’s case, it seems to be working; his comrades might not agree with his ideals, but they know that they can count on him to back up their skid plates when needed. This can be especially surprising when one considers that he’s from Cybertron’s elite “upper crust,” especially since he shows no sign of distain for his current circumstances; in fact, he seems to be enjoying it. Some believe that Lohikaarme joined the fight simply because he was bored, but Lohikaarme and those he considers his closest comrades know the true reason behind it: because his honor demanded it. But just because Lohikaarme is an honorable character doesn’t mean he’s naïve; he understands that not everyone, Decepticon or Autobot, conforms to his principles and he has no intention of trying to do otherwise. After all, that wouldn’t be honorable.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:14 am
by Dragonoth
Sounds like Bolly Knickers is the female, Decepticon version of Wheelie. I wonder if her Japanese version is cool?

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:31 am
by galvason ... r_id=67961

Can I get someone to coment on this, just wrote it,


Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:21 am
by Lord Gothika
Finally decided to get round to doing team member bios, i'll do the team one later

So i proudly-ish present

Asgard's Hunter
Asgard's Hunter wasn't originally called that, he was once known as Vector Historia, and was tasked with being the record collector and historian for the Lions of Death.

The reason for his dramatic name change occured about 4 Earth years ago, he was flying back after reconnoitring a excavation close to the teams base, looking back over the files relating to the Norse and their beliefs. Engrossed in his work, he didn't notice the three autobot warriors who had trailed him.

The first hint he got of his enemies was the missile that punched threw his tail fuselage. Spinning towards the ground, he didn't have time to transform and crashed into a rocky outcrop, statis locking him. Satisfied, the Autobots left him for dead.

It wasn't until his commander got concerned about Vector Historia not returning, that a search party was sent out to locate him. When they found him, he was in a critical state. When this information was relayed to the commander, he ordered the team to bring him back, either to heal him, or to give him a proper cybertronian send-off.

When they returned, he was placed in the medcentre, and working feverishly the medics eventually managed to repair his systems.

When the historian woke up however, everyone realised that while his body was repaired, his mind wasn't. For whatever reason, he now believed himself to be a prophet of the ancient Norse Gods.

In order to work out why the historian believed this, the medics and the technician of the team were tasked to trawl through his memory banks to see if they could uncover the problem. Eventually, they found that he had been remembering about the Norse Gods at the time of his crash, and the crash, combined with the data, had somehow affected his inner circuitry and, worse, there was nothing they could do to remedy the situation. Things seemed grim for the insane historian.

However, the commander of the Lions had recently heard of a new squad of Decepticons, The Cult of the Aesir all of whom were named after Norse Gods, and wanted to create an alliance of sorts with them. His mentally damaged historian allowed him to try. So he sent out a summons to Vector Historia.

When the commander had briefed Vector of his mission to become his ambassador to the Aesir, Vector was told his name was not Vector Historia any longer, he was to become Asgard's Hunter

Tell me what you think

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:03 am
by Supercollider
Since I lost most of the fanfic I was working on, which explained my team's origin, I've done a very potted history on the team bio.

This isn't complete yet as I've got to add more about Supercollider himself (especially his weaknesses i.e. doing anything in robot mode) and explain their transition from Post-Unicron G1 Earth to cybertron alongside Predacons & Maximals.

Waxahachie, Texas. The Superconducting Supercollider Project is suddenly re-instated and the 14 mile diameter facility appears almost overnight.

Dan Drevin (reporter for the Texas Chronicle, Waxahachie Branch) breaks into the facility and discovers that it is being run as a joint venture between the Autobots and the Department of Energy and seems to have a surprisingly large military presence from both the Autobots (Team: TeraElectronVolt) and the US Army.

Dan is caught but is given a guided tour of some aspects of the facility and is allowed to report on it.

Texas Chronicle prints an article slamming the project claiming that it is a Secret Weapons Research project.

National TV picks up on the story as more information is leaked by the human collaborators. The broadcast catches the attention of Warporn Industries who arrange the capture, torture and almost accidental death (Psychout: Oh, well - that solved that problem.) of Dan Drevin.

The partnership between the Department of Energy, US Army and Autobots breaks down leaving the Autobots in sole control of the facility.

Warporn Industries mount an assault on the facility in order to steal a disintegrator Higgs Boson intended for refuse disposal purposes but it later transpires that this was the "weapons research" Dan Drevin spoke of. The assault is mostly successful but it has far reaching consequences.

Wagon Ryder accidentally left the main gates open while attempting to show off, allowing WarPorn very easy access and with the added element of surprise they quickly overpowered Team Teraelectronvolt while Psychout & Mal Practice stole the disintegrator, commenting that the layout of the lab felt familiar. Cloudstrafer, Seekorsky, Autofire, Cannon Feeder, Bootlegger & Vincent were damaged to offline status. Fort Worth was left on the verge of going offline.
Wagon Ryder was bodily damaged almost to the point of spark death by Zombie Cheerleader.
Acclamator, Pailload, Higgs Boson & Cauterise managed to surprise Primal Fear and damage him to offline status.
Acclamator, Pailload, Higgs Boson & Cauterise then caught up with Psychout & Mal Practice as they were exiting, Acclamator battles Psychout but the disintegrator goes off in the struggle and hits Acclamator square in the chest. Higgs Boson transforms to weapon mode and seems to fire some energy beam at Acclamator, presumably to reverse to disintegration, but to no avail and Acclamator dying scream echoes long after his body is gone.
WarPorn close in on the remaining three just as something happens to the facility, it rises and slowly transforms into a giant robot, announcing itself as Supercollider who promptly levels his Particle Accelerator directly at Psychout and advises them to leave, Psychout responds by pointing the disintegrator at it and pulling it trigger, only to hear a dull whine as it's batteries are empty. WarPorn reluctantly retreat, still clutching the disintegrator.

Supercollider returns to his base form while Higgs Boson, Cauterise & Pailload set to work repairing the rest of the team. Fort Worth demands an explanation from Higgs regarding Supercollider as it transpires that only Higgs Boson, Cauterise & Pailload were aware Supercollider existed, Higgs Boson promises to explain all later.

A ceremony to mark Acclamator's passing is held, afterwards Wagon Ryder is held to account for his careless attitude, throughout the proceedings Wagon Ryder says nothing and quietly leaves the facility later that night and does not return.

WarPorn Industries return to their base and repair themselves while Psychout & Mal Practice investigate the disintegrator to discover that, when full, it's battery only holds enough charge for one blast and that it would require an astronomical amount of energy to recharge it. Psychout notes that frankly it doesn't matter as Swindle would accept it anyway. Both of them ponder where this "Supercollider" has come from.

Higgs Boson, Cauterise & Pailload meet up with Fort Worth on a hill overlooking the facility and Higgs Boson surprises him by removing his Autobrand to reveal scars where a Decepticon logo had once been.

He reveals that he had previously been a decepticon scientist and research librarian working under Shockwave. Cauterise & Pailload had been slaves kept by the decepticons as their skills had been useful.
All three of them had been extensively reformatted and adopted new names to disguise themselves.

Higgs Boson went on to reveal that while he had been researching Cybertron's ancient data archives he began to notice several irregularities within it's portal & search engine, in particular items being returned that did not match his query but were exactly the record he was looking for. He told of his trepidation when he eventually summoned the courage to type in “Are you there?" and his shock of the response "where is there?" for the following five years Higgs remained almost glued to the portal investigating and conversing with this sentience behind the search engine.

He eventually concluded that the program had somehow gained sentience some one and a half million years ago and while it had a vast amount of knowledge gained from the databanks was a part of, it had a childlike naivety, partially due to it's lack of contact with any other beings. It was also deeply religious and was convinced that Primus had awakened it and would give it purpose.

Higgs realised that the logical thing to now do would be to report this back to Shockwave, he found that could not, as he could not subject his new found friend to Shockwave's cold methods of "investigation".
The sentience had a religious experience at this time and was compelled to arrange its transport off cybertron. Gaining Cauterise & Pailload's help Higgs contacted the Autobots on Earth to arrange his defection, the only he could be sure to save his friend.

The destruction of the database was faked, the data storage and portal were teleported to a secure location on Moon base and eventually jettisoned into space where Higgs and his cohorts began building a structure around them while they slowly drifted towards Earth. The sentience's prediction seemed to be proved true as Unicron attacked Cybertron during the time they were drifting to Earth.

A Female Pretender Communications officer, Ordanance, briefly joins TeraElectronVolt and works with Higgs, Fort Worth & Supercollider to upgrade their communications technology.

Wagon Ryder returns in an upgraded form. Now calling himself Freelander he vows to make up for past mistakes.

Ordanance is asked to leave by Higgs Boson, much to the relief of the team. Autobot Command drafts the anomaly Wreckwind into TeraElectronVolt despite Fort Worth's protestations.

The team begin to receive reformatting and upgrades from Higgs Boson, Pailload undergoes a serious reformatting and decides to rename himself Rebuild.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:54 am
by Lord Gothika
Number 2 of 12, hope you like it

Leo Angelo is the chief communication officer for Gothika Mortiis, and it was a job he did with consumate ease, even going so far as to improve his systems to help him gain a larger range on his communication array.

Where he really shone, however, was in the swirling maelstrom of combat. He was the most bloodthirsty and ruthless fighter in that team, leading decepticons under his command to many victorious skirmishes against the Autobots

It was during one of these skirmaishes that Leo came into contact with an Autobot by the name of Crisis Fortuna. Cris Fortuna was as good, if not better, at leading his troops in battle than Leo and for the first time he could remember Leo's forces were annihilated.

This was not the only time Leo was to face Fortuna, they battled each other many times. The outcome was always the same though, Fortuna's tactical thinking always beat Leo's brutal savagery. And so, in time the two become bitter enemies.

After many defeats at the hands of Crisis Fortuna, Leo asked his commander to help him learn some strategies that would enable him to win the next battle he fought against the Autobot that plagued him so much. So the two stayed in Leo's chamber for three Earth days, and when they finally emerged, Leo was grinning. He finally could beat his rival.

During the next battle, Leo and three other warriors waited in ambush for a rearguard attack that was sure to come, and was sure to be led by Fortuna, as it was his most used tactic. Sure enough, one of the warriors signalled that there were a small group of Autobots, small enough to not be noticed by the combatants but large enough to send the Decepticon forces into disarray, approachiong the rear of Leo's warband.

As he was instructed, Leo waited until the Autobots were committed to the charge, then led his hand-picked fighters into the midst of the Autobots causing confusion and panic.

While every other Cybertronian was confused, Leo headed straight for Fortuna, punching Fortuna repeatedly in the chest and face. The Autobot staggered from the onslaught, allowing Leo to sidestep and deliver a kick to the side of Fortuna's head, dropping him to his knees. Walking to in front of the defeated Autobot, Leo grinned sadistacally, before attempting to twist Fortuna's head off his shoulders. As he finished, the Autobots routed leaving Leo's forces the victors, for the first time ever.

However, over the next few days, Leo started hearing a voice, that wasn't his own, inside his head. And worse, it was a voice he recognised, it was the voice of Fortuna constantly whispering nonsense. For decades, he looked for a way to rid himself of the reminderof his enemy, even going so far as to throw the head he kept as a trophy into an ocean. But to no avail. He could only ignore in the rush of combat, leading him to become even more bloodthirsty, and reckless.

In mockery of Leo's misfortune, his teammates started to call him 'Crisis Ghost'. This nickname has stuck, despite Leo's best efforts to get the team to call him by his original name.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:11 am
by -Soundwave-
Again nice work.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:23 pm
by Archanubis
New Profile for Razorwing
Profile: To say Razorwing is opinionated is probably stating it mildly. He’ll express his views on just about anything, usually to the tune of how superior he is and how inferior everyone else is in comparison. He also has an annoying habit of playing rock music at extremely high levels of volume, so loud that it can be heard – and felt – for miles. It can be especially galling on missions that require a high degree of stealth and guile; many such missions have been spoiled by his antics. Razorwing is unapologetic – he wants everyone, even his enemies, to know how great he is. To this end, he’s often frustrated that’s he’s relegated to background roles; he believes he could support the Dragoons better in a primary role. To the other Dragoons, however, Razorwing is a narcissistic, obnoxious braggart who’s done nothing constructive during his time with them; hence his relegation to support roles. In fact, there are those who believe Northclaw’s simply waiting for the moment he can dump this insufferable character on another team – or until someone runs out of patience and kills him during a recharge cycle.

Re: THE NEW Team profile/Character profile thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:18 am
by Dr. Caelus
The intended archenemy of my team of Guardians:

Function: Renegade Commander
Primary Weapon: Integrated Battle Armor
Transformation: Two Wheeled Armored Vehicle

Scooter was one of the kindest, gentlest, and most altruistic Guardians, if not the bravest. Though some would have called him a coward, close friends like Turbo recognized him as greater asset outside of battle. Though Turbo frequently teased him about his timidity and physical weakness, he, and others like him, respected and appreciated Scooter’s ingenuity and dedication. While muscle and firepower helped the Guardians hold the line against the Renegades, it was the cunning and inventiveness of Gobots like Scooter that defeated the megalomania of Cy-Kill and his troops.

Fate proved to be a harsh mistress for Scooter though. After years of fighting the Renegades, and narrowly escaping certain death time and time again, Scooter would suffer a traumatic loss. In one of the final battles of the Renegade War, Cy-Kill himself seized the opportunity to kill Nick Burns, a human astronaut who had befriended the Scooter when the Guardians first arrived on Earth. The act was of little consequence in the war, but the sound of the human’s body liquefying under his foot was justification enough to Cy-Kill and the blow to the Guardians’ morale was undeniable.

Inevitably Scooter took the loss harder than the other Guardians. In the years since they came to Earth, Nick had become Scooter’s courage, urging him into action when the fighting got hottest. Loosing Nick was like losing a vital part of himself. At first Scooter grieved his friend’s death, but there came a point when something inside of him just broke. He came to believe that Nick wouldn’t have died if he had just been braver, stronger, and more willing to cross ethical lines the other Guardians shied away from. He realized that, in fact, a lot of Guardians and humans wouldn’t have died if someone had just given the Renegades what they deserved centuries before.

Scooter left the Guardians without notice. He disappeared on Earth and setup a private lab for himself in a fortified bunker abandoned by the Renegades in an earlier conflict. There he unleashed the fullest extent of his scientific genius, and turned it with full fury on the cause of defeating Cy-Kill, unfettered by the Guardian’s code of ethics. He began by upgrading himself. After testing his techniques and inventions on Renegades he’d captured with a series of clever traps, he mutilated himself, carving ‘unnecessary’ hardware from his structure to make room for new crystadraulics and powercells for advanced weapons. He incased himself in layers of armor derived from alloys of his own design, and added yet more physical enhancements to the growing carapace. When at last he felt that he had a structure to rival even the most powerful of the Gobots, he began outfitting himself with a brutal assortment of unique weapons – so many and so varied that his enemies seldom know what to expect. His final, morbid augmentation was redesigning the interfaces he utilized for hacking computers. He reconfigured them and boosted their power – for use on other Gobots.

Finally satisfied that he was prepared to do what had to be done, he tracked down Cy-Kill, and with a cunning ruse, managed to isolate the powerful Renegade. The one-on-one battle was long and brutal in spite of Scooter’s upgrades, but eventually the vengeful Gobot got the upper hand, and was able to forcefully interface with Cy-Kill’s nervous system. He finally revealed his true identity to his enemy, as he forced the Renegade to tear open his own chest plating and crush his own spark.

By this time Cy-Kill’s troops had arrived, coming to their leader’s rescue only to find him in the grip of defeat. Scooter prepared to die fighting, intent on taking as many Renegades with him as he could, but was shocked when they lowered their weapons and knelt in fealty. Having killed the leader of the barbaric band, he’d unwittingly usurped his rule. Scooter embraced the opportunity, and assumed the mantle he’d been offered, cynically renaming himself “Psycle” to distance what he’d become from what he once was.

He rallied the Renegades that were now loyal to him, and led them in a bloody civil war against those that refused to accept the former Guardian as their new leader. Using his genius-level intellect, he turned the Renegades under his command into cutting edge war machines. He conquered one subfaction after another, ‘experimenting’ on any prisoners who refused to recognize his station, all the while avoiding any head on confrontation with the Guardians, who were still unaware of the true identity of Cy-Kill’s successor. When at last he had consolidated his power, he struck the final blow to the Renegade faction. Save for a few, whom he favored for one reason or another, he committed his forces to a series of clumsy, intentionally poorly planned offensives. The offensives were all bold and aggressive, very pleasing prospects to the warlike Renegades that leapt into the battle blindly, but all of them were carefully and subtly planned to end with a victory by the Guardians. Psycle eliminated the most fanatical of the Renegades by simply sending them on suicide attacks against targets that were ultimately of little consequence.

In the end, about three-fifths of the Renegades were out-right killed within a few months; a quarter were captured and a tenth simply scattered to the winds. Psycle had convinced the remaining five percent that they were the ‘Elect’, the best of the best. He confided in them that he had intentionally led the Renegade army to its defeat, but claimed that he did so to cull the weak from its ranks and ultimately strengthen the Renegades for a war he had planned ‘for the long run’.

Under these pretenses, he led the Renegade Remnant into deep-space, and dropped completely from the Guardians’ radar…

Strengths: Psycle is a scientific genius, truly a prodigy from his very creation as the Guardian Scooter. Though his intellect is primarily invested in theoretical and applied science, with new found boldness, confidence, and aggressiveness he has also become a brilliant strategist and manipulator, seeing all the individuals within his schemes as components in an amazingly complex machine. The powered armor he has grafted to his body improves his physical strength and speed to match that of Gobots like Cy-Kill and Leader-1. Furthermore, he embedded minimal nerve-receptors in the armor, meaning that he can shrug off painful trauma that would send other Gobots into stasis-shock. He carries a sophisticated and widely varied complement of weapons, including wrist-mounted energy blades, a tractor beam projector, high-heat sabot machine guns, a gamma-laser, and thermal-implosion missiles. The upgrades to his computer interface systems now allow him to read and influence the thoughts of other sentient mechanoids, and with direct physical connection, control their bodies. The hologram generator he utilized as a Guardian is still functional.

Weaknesses: It’s hard to peg down Psycle’s true weaknesses since his motivations have become so convoluted that it’s hard to know whether one has defeated him or not. On some occasions, the low sensitivity of his outermost armor can be exploited, but not often.