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Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:56 pm
by Bloodlust
Burn wrote:nah, just a bunch of wankers. :P

I think if we were a bunch of wankers, than NOBODY would be playing the game as we would all be involved in said activity ;)

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:39 pm
by Burn
oh please, there's at least 20 minutes between missions, what are you going to do for the other 19? :wink: :P

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:10 pm
by Bloodlust
Burn wrote:oh please, there's at least 20 minutes between missions, what are you going to do for the other 19? :wink: :P

The human body can only take so much :P

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:10 pm
by Redimus
You must try harder, bitch, HARDER!

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:23 am
by steve2275
im givin all her all she's got captain

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:20 am
by Flashwave
This, is why some of us don;t conbverse outside of Iacon...

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:26 pm
by Windrazor_BW
Flashwave wrote:This, is why some of us don;t conbverse outside of Iacon...

Which is why the Autobots have a hard time communicating because some Autobots never leave Iacon. Suck it up man and join in the fun that is the chaos that is the craziness... oh you get the idea. :grin:

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:03 pm
by Burn
They don't talk in Iacon anyway. What posts there are just the occassional chest thumping "I IS AWESOME!" stuff.

But yeah, suck it up Flashwave. Kick back and have a little fun. Go out and insult Neo Crusader! Join in the "I miss the Pre-N_V days!" chats. Start a topic that's pointless and take bets on when Crazyfists will swoop in and lock it! :P

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:15 pm
by Name_Violation
i love how the time is measured by "B.N_V" and "A.N_V"

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:51 pm
by Flashwave
Aerialbot Commander wrote:
Flashwave wrote:This, is why some of us don;t conbverse outside of Iacon...

Which is why the Autobots have a hard time communicating because some Autobots never leave Iacon. Suck it up man and join in the fun that is the chaos that is the craziness... oh you get the idea. :grin:

Chaos and Criaziness I live for, but if I wanted to read bad sex innuendos on a regular basis, I'd go back to High School. (Here's a hint, I don't.)

And your right that the bots need to come out of Iacon, but for this, they don't psy me enugh. (Oh boy, that's gonna get a few jokes...) (And Burn, up until last week we had a regular running treasure hunt going, so Nyah. We do do stuff.)

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:06 pm
by Burn
I've said this before.

If people have a problem with stuff that is posted in these forums then either use the "report this post" button or contact a Moderator

If you don't want to deal with me, that's fine, there are three other Moderators who you can talk to. Psychout may take a while in replying but he WILL reply when he gets the chance and the other two are around.

I'll be blunt, this isn't the first time someone's raised this issue and rather than addressing it they just walk away. Frankly, it's a slap in the face to the staff and also does nothing for the community. We always looking for ways to improve things (within our abilities) but walking away from a problem is not going to help.

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:04 pm
by Flashwave
Burn wrote:I've said this before.

If people have a problem with stuff that is posted in these forums then either use the "report this post" button or contact a Moderator

If you don't want to deal with me, that's fine, there are three other Moderators who you can talk to. Psychout may take a while in replying but he WILL reply when he gets the chance and the other two are around.

I'll be blunt, this isn't the first time someone's raised this issue and rather than addressing it they just walk away. Frankly, it's a slap in the face to the staff and also does nothing for the community. We always looking for ways to improve things (within our abilities) but walking away from a problem is not going to help.

Slaps aren't really neesary though. I don't like it, but for my tastes, the "report" button should be held more drastic things. I'm happ I've seen forums that got reported for someone opening their mouth to breathe, and therefor respect the button. Though I don't like the tastes of the conversation. I just voie my preferences, and if the duys decide to accomodate, great. An if you'd rather continue the style of the post, which is not unwelcome but more along the lines of a "gentleman's club" (not an elitest club, but the discussions that happen without the wives and children... Sorry Sustain) than the cleaner open forum, than it is what is.

Also, I'm not sure how well it goes from the mod perspective if the public doesn't see someone's preferences. And no one's gonna drive me out of HMW for the cnversations, though I may lurk more for lack of anything to say. But it just seems easier for all for someone to say "I'm not really fond of the drection these comments are going" and have the community mull it over than for a mod to have to change the direction.

Ah, that dosn't make any sense. There's a concept in there somewhere. And if you'd rather, we can do this further in PM. I have no qalms with you Burn, but I don't think it's anyrhing that needs to move off public.

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:27 am
by Neo Crusader
Burn wrote:They don't talk in Iacon anyway. What posts there are just the occassional chest thumping "I IS AWESOME!" stuff.

But yeah, suck it up Flashwave. Kick back and have a little fun. Go out and insult Neo Crusader! Join in the "I miss the Pre-N_V days!" chats. Start a topic that's pointless and take bets on when Crazyfists will swoop in and lock it! :P

Insult me? At least I post here :P

Also I just realised I am also pre-N_V. Those were the days. Being a decepticon and stuff. Back when things worked properly

edit: If the sexual innuendo here offends you watch Robot Chicken. You'll love it

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:07 pm
Jason_Tyler wrote:I want to start by saying that I'm not trying to create a complaint thread.

Level Zero is such a tedious grind to get up to Level 1. :BANG_HEAD: I'm not saying the rest of the levels are amazing and easy, but everything gets much more exciting once you reach that first real level.

Different mission dynamics, wider level gaps, all that fun stuff.

So to any new people out there like me, keep at it because Level 0 can be repetitive at times, but reaching level 1 makes it that much more worth it. :APPLAUSE:

Lvl 0 is the shiz. You get to crush bots that never stick around to get past that level. I like to see the new players to the game. The damage dished out is also more balanced. You get to stay in the fight for more than 3 hits before you go down. The higher levels are fun as well, but lvl 0 is not without it's merit. I try to keep some of my guys in that level because I don't really see new players getting past that level too often. That gives new Cons some backup so they won't feel so out numbered. Hopefully that would give a new player incentive to keep playing.
I'm busy trying to level up my monster and destroying Kurn96(ifhedidn'tknowbe4he doesnow) , but if any of my 0's are needed post somewhere or PM me. I have no problem helping out.

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:11 pm
by Flashwave
Neo Crusader wrote:
Also I just realised I am also pre-N_V. Those were the days. Being a decepticon and stuff. Back when things worked properly

edit: If the sexual innuendo here offends you watch Robot Chicken. You'll love it

Yeah, I guess I am too, but my life-induced hiatus bumped me back.

And I've never been fond of most of the stuff turned out by CN, Adult Swim especially.

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:04 pm
by Psychout
Neo Crusader wrote:
Also I just realised I am also pre-N_V. Those were the days. Being a decepticon and stuff. Back when things worked properly
You, sir, are a liar.

Things here have never worked properly.

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:28 pm
by Neo Crusader
Psychout wrote:
Neo Crusader wrote:
Also I just realised I am also pre-N_V. Those were the days. Being a decepticon and stuff. Back when things worked properly
You, sir, are a liar.

Things here have never worked properly.

Also I just realised I am also pre-N_V. Those were the days. Being a decepticon and stuff. Back when things worked properly better than they do now N_V is here.


and in my defence things seemingly worked well for those first few months after I joined

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:07 am
by Psychout
And thus we have established that the route of all evil is in fact Name_Violation.

Now where's my pitchfork...

Re: Level 0

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:39 pm
by Burn
No no, the root of all HMW evil is still OS.

N_V's just the best scapegoat we have.