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Attention: Maximals and Predacons **UPDATED**

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:50 pm
by Mogwai Prime
The process of joining your factions has begun ...

Predacons: You now have access to the Decepticon Faction forums and the Predacon Faction forums have been closed down for now. They are not gone, just hidden until the expansion comes.

Maximals: You now have access to the Autobot Faction forums and the Decepticon Faction forums have been closed down for now. They are not gone, just hidden until the expansion comes.

I invite all Autobots and Decepticons to embrace their new brethren.


To clear up some confusion. They are just joined in the forums until the end of the game. When the new game releases there will be a FULL RESET of the game. EVERYONE will start from scratch. In missions right now everyone is still maximal/predacon/autobot/decepticon. I will no be rolling the maximals/predacons in with the autobots/decepticons respectively at all for the remaining time of v1.