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Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:15 pm
by Windrazor_BW
Why not get your afts out of the arena and help out us 'Bots trying to survive in the missions!!??!!!!!
Earlier today there were no less then 5 different 'Bot commanders with their level 1 'Bots in the arena. Meanwhile there are no decent mission to join because we have no back-up. Come on Autobots we're never going to take back Cybertron sitting idle in the arena. :evil:

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:29 pm
by Jason_Tyler
Can you really blame them for fearing the onslaught of the Decepticon army?

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:58 pm
by Editor
Good Luck AC.

Con's have been calling for bots to stop hiding in the arena for years.

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:20 pm
by The {Rage Bot}
Join the Club.


Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:03 am
by Wheelimus Prime
i only do arena when:
A: a mission is heavily lopsided against me with only 2 minutes left on the counter
B: at the same time, i go straight into a fight, not sitting idle.

if you are going to sit idle, might as well log out of HMW and pat yourself on the back right there.

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:13 am
by Burn
Wheelimus Prime wrote:i only do arena when:
A: a mission is heavily lopsided against me with only 2 minutes left on the counter


Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:26 am
by alldarker
Burn wrote:
Wheelimus Prime wrote:i only do arena when:
A: a mission is heavily lopsided against me with only 2 minutes left on the counter



Going in a lopsided mission can sometimes be a good way to make extra XP, at least more than you'd ever get in an Arena fight. The reason why I gave up on Arena fights was mostly due to the fact that my XP return on time spent fighting in the missions was a lot more profitable.

Even with my level 4-6 'Bots I always like the backup of as many Autobots as possible in the level 1-11 'Inferno: Hell Unleashed' missions, as well as the level 2-4 missions. I'm in the missions 16 hours a day, and RoS is in the missions even more than I am, so there's no need to complain about a lack of higher level Autobot backup anyhow.

So I agree with the OP: Autobot's, get out of the damn Arena and come play where it's REALLY at.

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:34 am
by Burn
alldarker wrote:Going in a lopsided mission can sometimes be a good way to make extra XP, at least more than you'd ever get in an Arena fight.

Case in point.

Yes, I lost both times. But both times I earnt more than my base xp AND put some 'Bots into the cr chamber for a few minutes.

Yes, i'm in there for an hour, but two bots just inconvenienced four bots for nearly 30 mins.

Now in a time of tournament, depriving the opposition of four bots even for only 30 mins can make a big difference.

That's how I wage war. What do you do?

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:49 am
by Windrazor_BW
I have had my level 1 'Bots lose in plenty of missions but still end up with more xp then they would have had in an arena battle. And more often then not in the arena you would end up almost in stasis anyways so why not take the chance. So you might get out of the CR a couple minutes earlier but isn't the xp gain worth it. I will say, tho, that I still go into the arena but only if there are no 'Con's in the current missions and there are 'Cons in the arena waiting.

The saddest thing is I doubt many of the Autobots this is aimed at even post in the forums so it is highly unlikely it will change. But remember this Decepticons, not all Autobots are cowards and hide in the arena.


Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:03 am
by Burn
Aerialbot Commander wrote:The saddest thing is I doubt many of the Autobots this is aimed at even post in the forums so it is highly unlikely it will change.

It's how it's always been FOR BOTH SIDES.

Some people join up, find the game a bore and move on.

Some join up, play on but are more of a dump-and-run sort of person and don't have time to post.

Others might just be hesitant to dive into a established community.

I'm always open for suggestions on how to get more people to the forums. Perhaps a low-level tournament? (complete with news announcement just to stomp on some news crew toes! mwahahahahahaha)

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:04 am
by steve2275
im tryin
i really want to be a mission man
i love tag missions

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:04 am
by Bristleback
Maybe you could push the two on two missions as the all new arena, but better, it might work.:roll:

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:32 am
by The {Rage Bot}
Well the good thing is that some bots are starting to see the light!

MIssions=THe possibilities of having More XP are much higher.
Arena=long lines for a dismal amount of XP, just so you wont sit idle.

GO for the missions GUYS!!! more bots=more fun yayyyy!!!!!!!!

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:50 pm
by Windrazor_BW
Case in point. Sure the Autobots lost and Warzone went into stasis lock but even with all that he still made a bit more xp then he would have in the arena. Most importantly I Warzone was there to help the Autobot cause the best way he could. With time he will be more effective but for now he is what he is.
I blame Swooshinator for the missions failure :p

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:14 pm
by The {Rage Bot}
the dice just didn't roll in our favor this time.

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:22 pm
by Windrazor_BW
Here is another mission that we Autobots were outnumbered and outgunned yet Warzone still scored 440xp. Well over the amount he would have gotten in the arena.

I think I am starting to see a pattern. ;)

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:14 pm
by Wheelimus Prime
Burn wrote:
Wheelimus Prime wrote:i only do arena when:
A: a mission is heavily lopsided against me with only 2 minutes left on the counter


pft, low level one.

i would rather be stasis'd by 2 lv2s with 50 XP than stasis'd by 4 lv3s with zero XP :BANG_HEAD:


he went in with 3 on 1 i went in to back him up, i usually always go in to meatshield, i just never go in if it is me vs 100. outcome is always the same as this (minus another bot). it isn't cowardice, its being strategic :P

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:31 pm
by Windrazor_BW
Wheelimus Prime wrote: i went in to back him up, i usually always go in to meatshield, i just never go in if it is me vs 100. outcome is always the same as this (minus another bot). it isn't cowardice, its being strategic :P

The problem is that most 'Bots have this mind set so no one ever gets into these missions to help out. If one or two 'Bots would help as back up they might fill up. Granted I know that isn't always the case but it couldn't hurt.

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:41 pm
by Wheelimus Prime
Aerialbot Commander wrote:
Wheelimus Prime wrote: i went in to back him up, i usually always go in to meatshield, i just never go in if it is me vs 100. outcome is always the same as this (minus another bot). it isn't cowardice, its being strategic :P

The problem is that most 'Bots have this mind set so no one ever gets into these missions to help out. If one or two 'Bots would help as back up they might fill up. Granted I know that isn't always the case but it couldn't hurt.

no, i always back up people, i have the credits to meatshield, i am just not gonna provide the cons with easy XP ;)

and it is true that most of the time autobots never back each other up, unless it is that rare occasion where it starts of 1vs0, then autobots flock to them* :P

*I had a perfect example of a mission where it was 6 autobots on 0 decepticons, i can't find it

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:32 pm
by ProwlJazz
I always go with missions today, I got about 4000xp with 25% health which isn`t anything to sneeze at, at all. So Autobots missions all the way and as for all you Decepticons go rot in the Arena.

By the way it seems your a active Autobot poster Aerialbot Commander, just what we need in the AWC just post in that thread if you want in (and trust me you want in).

edit: 2nd mission after that I got some more and I`m only a level 2!

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:55 pm
by Neo Crusader
ProwlJazz wrote: as for all you Decepticons go rot in the Arena.

But then we wouldn't have cons to earn xp from, would we ? ;)

ProwlJazz wrote:the AWC just post in that thread if you want in.

And i think you'll find AC doesn't actually want in, as he decided to leave the AWC earlier in the year.

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:17 pm
by ProwlJazz
Neo Crusader wrote:
ProwlJazz wrote: as for all you Decepticons go rot in the Arena.

But then we wouldn't have cons to earn xp from, would we ? ;)

Truth to that!

Neo Crusader wrote:
ProwlJazz wrote: the AWC just post in that thread if you want in.

And i think you'll find AC doesn't actually want in, as he decided to leave the AWC earlier in the year.

That`s rather unfortunate... :sad:

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:18 am
by steve2275
too many cross level missions
too many bots going im em
too many higher level cons kicking my ass

hardly any level 1 only missions
which could be 6 vs 6 arena mission
id rather lose to cons my own level (1)

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:29 am
by Burn
ProwlJazz wrote:
Neo Crusader wrote:
ProwlJazz wrote: as for all you Decepticons go rot in the Arena.

But then we wouldn't have cons to earn xp from, would we ? ;)

Truth to that!

Yeah, didn't think that one through too well did you chuckles? :P

Re: Hey Autobots!!!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:40 am
by Windrazor_BW
Neo Crusader wrote:
ProwlJazz wrote:the AWC just post in that thread if you want in.

And i think you'll find AC doesn't actually want in, as he decided to leave the AWC earlier in the year.

I did think about joining before, and did for a very short time, but I would like to see more of an AWC here before I jump into it. Maybe if they showed themselves here more they would get greater numbers. Not to mention the help it would bring for the few Autobots here.

Who runs the AWC? and do they post here?