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A question for higher levels

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:43 am
by _Anshin_
Right now I am testing at lower levels as some of you know. However I don't have the capita to rebuild every week and go through the tests. So I have to ask this to some of the people that have been around for a while.

What is the difference between a weapon that say does Moderate to heavy and costs 12,000 and one that costs 22,000. Both of these weapons are at the same Firepower/skill level. I have tried a few tests, but I believe at my levels (3/2/1) I do not have the necessary points to get an accurate damage display since I am not really seeing a difference between the weapons.

Has anyone noticed anything between weapons of same damage range, but different prices?

Re: A question for higher levels

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:58 pm
by Name_Violation
if memory serves, its been said the weapon prices are completely made up. And don't necessarily mean anything. Like how a null ray is better than an x-ray lazer, but the lazer cost more.

that said, a 5 str out damages any weapon that cost less than a combination of 10 stats between fpr and skill.

Re: A question for higher levels

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:12 pm
by _Anshin_
Thanks. I didn't think there was any difference, however I wanted to check. I do know that STR is a multiplier for a weapon's damage, however you are right 5 STR will out damage most weapons below a combination due to a cap on weapon damage (from what I have seen at my low level). I do not see any real cap on damage done by Raw STR though.

Re: A question for higher levels

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:19 pm
by Redimus
The costs are meaningless. Only the power rating means anything. Unless it changed back to the pre OS system when he left, the power ratings should be accurate, if not, good luck working it out sparky.