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Surgery with Ratchet and First Aid: Episode One

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:00 pm
by prjkt
Greetings viewers, for those who have just joined us, we're about to jump back to the repair bay, where Ratchet & First Aid have their first patient of the day, Electro


Electro: Hi Docs
Ratchet: What appears to be the problem here?
Electro: I can't seem to stand up straight, getting grinding gears around my transformation cog.
First Aid: Here?
Electro: Yeah, right there.
Ratchet: Hmm, sounds like a common issue with your body type, but we'd better open you up to make sure. Just lie face down here please.
Electro: Uhh, is this safe?
Ratchet & First Aid :Perfectly!


Ratchet: Okay, an incision here, here, and there. WOuld you mind removing these securing screws?
First Aid: You betcha!


Ratchet: Here hold this.
First Aid: Ooof
Ratchet: Just as I suspected, damn simpletons at the factory put this stabiliser widget the wrong way around....
*click* *zap* *tap-tap-tap* *thunk*
Ratchet: Right, let's get him back together


Ratchet: First Aid, could you please escort Electro here to recovery slab 3 while I greet our next patient?
First Aid: Just this way buddy, how do you feel?
Electro: My gyros are all out of whack, but the problems around my transformation cog are all gone. Thanks!
First Aid: You're welcome!

Ratchet: Nova! How can we help today?
Nova Prime: Well, it's like this.... I was driving home after visiting Maccadams and well, someone had changed the streets on me, that building just wasn't there yesterday!
Ratchet: I see, well, looks like a bit of impact damage here, looks like your shoulder actuators are out of alignment, stopping you from fully transforming I bet.
Nova Prime: You can damn well see that, look at my arm! Get it fixed.
Ratchet: Don't blow a gasket, just take a seat.


Ratchet: First Aid, see here around the shoulder actuator, the hydraulic line's been crushed, we'll have to replace it.
First Aid: Wow, takes a fair bit of force to bend one of those, let alone crush it!
Nova Prime: Shut up and just fix it!
*click* *zap* *whirr*
Nova Prime: Ouch! Be careful!
Ratchet: That's good advice, especially when taking, uh, "new," corners.
Nova Prime: Grrrr

*door slamming*

First Aid Not even a thank you?
Ratchet No, he's a Prime, he's above all that...
First Aid Pfff...

And that's all we have time for tonight folks, thanks for stopping by, and tune in next time!