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Canon Decepticon Profiles List

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:36 am
by Gatkowski
In this thread, the Decepticon canon profiles will be stored, in alphabetical order, for easy use. Only Moderators should post / edit in this thread, please do not post here!

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:41 am
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Horrorcons
Function: Saboteur
Alt. mode: Cybertronian beast, Cybertronian jet
Weapons: Semi-Automatic Sonic Boomer Gun
Height: 33ft / 10m
Quote: "Obnoxiousness is not a problem, it is an art."

Strength:10Intelligence:09Dexterity:10Speed:08Endurance:08Courage:08Firepower:07Accuracy:07Melee:08Tech Skill:07Charisma:04Rank:06

Profile: Apeface is a thuggish bully. He is loudly insulting, prone to violent outbursts, thoroughly messy and odiferous, and generally crass Decepticons smile to his face, but wary of becoming his next victims. Apeface is viewed as a simple-minded, violent hoodlum to be avoided by both his allies and his foes. His detractors are only half right. The highly intelligent Apeface had taken calculated steps to become the most foul, frightening being possible. His seemingly animalistic, savage demeanor is all part of a concerted effort to dominate all those around him through fear. With his overwhelming physical strength and abilities, he has no problem backing up his desired image. Though what truly lies beneath his sturdy hide, goals and purposes, only he knows.

Abilities: Apeface is a Triplechanger, able to switch between three modes at twice the speed of the average Transformer. In jet mode, maximum speed is 3250 mph, range of 7000 miles. In beast mode, pneumatic joints give him super-agility that he can partially access in robot mode. In robot mode, carries an electro-shield that emits a small force-field and a semi-automatic sonic boomer gun that fires blasts of concentrated sound.

Weaknesses: Lack of offensive weapons makes him fairly vulnerable in jet mode.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Triplechangers
Function: Military Transport
Alt. Mode(s): Cybertronian Starship / Cybertronian Locomotive
Weapons: Ionic Displacer rifle
Height: 33ft / 10m
Quote: "In confusion, there's opportunity."

Strength:09Intelligence:07Dexterity:06Speed:10Endurance:07Courage:07Firepower:07Accuracy:07Melee:07Tech Skill:06Charisma:07Rank:06

Profile: Creating confusion is Astrotrain's specialty. As a Decepticon Triple Changer he can switch form from robot to locomotive train to space shuttle almost instantaneously. This ability not only leaves unsuspecting enemies perplexed, but often vulnerable to his attack. His favorite ploy is to lure an Autobot to chase him as he enters a railroad tunnel in train mode and then exits in shuttle mode. The Autobot is usually ill-prepared to battle the shuttle-mode Astrotrain and rarely knows whether two Decepticons or one confront him. But it is that particular moment when his opponent realizes his mistake that epecially delights Astrotrain. He truly lives for that moment and thrives on his foe's panic and fear. "It makes it all worthwhile," Astrotrain says gleefully. "That part I enjoy even better than destroying him afterwards!"

Abilities: As a space shuttle, Astrotrain can achieve, under his own power, planetary orbit, where he can attain a maximum speed of up to 20,000 mph. He can launch weapons and satellites while in orbit, and carry other cargo as well. If he carries an extra fuel supply, he can leave his orbit and is capable of true space travel, boosting his speed up to 50,000 mph. He would be able to travel from the Earth and the moon and back, but not much more. As a train, his top speed on rail is 400 mph and he has a range of 1700 miles. In robot mode he has great strength and carries a powerful ionic displacer rifle, which destroys by disrupting molecular bonds in metal alloys with its beam.

Weaknesses: Astrotrain is prone to mechanical breakdowns as a train in his wheel assemblies. As a space shuttle his communications systems often fail him and he must be wary of burning up while re-entering the atmosphere.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:47 am
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Insecticons
Function: Gunner
Alt. mode: Rhinoceros Beatle
Weapon: Sonic Rifle
Height: 28ft / 8.53m
Quote: “Nothing left standing means nothing left to change.“

Strength:03Intelligence:08Dexterity:09Speed:03Endurance:07Courage:10Firepower:09Accuracy:08Melee:04Tech Skill:08Charisma:03Rank:05

Profile: When Barrage is deployed onto the battlefield, the other Decepticons warily step back and let him go to work. Barrage is a thorough and merciless warrior who keeps firing long after the battle has been won militarily. When resistance crumbles and the enemy starts to retreat, he’ll shoot fleeing forces in the back and then start picking off any wounded Autobots left behind on the battlefield. Once there are no survivors, he’ll keep his onslaught going until the landscape itself is charred and ruined. Barrage knows no fear, and kindness is an alien concept to him. He does everything in his power to crush any glimmer of hope his foes may have, and he expects the same from everyone around him; he once shot a Decepticon guard for offering medical assistance to a critically wounded Autobot prisoner. Unsurprisingly, Barrage is not very popular with his comrades-in-arms.

Abilities: Subject is a highly skilled gunner and adequate sniper. In insect mode, he can fire non-stop energy bolts from his multiple gun mounts. His antenna can shoot powerful photon blasts. In this mode, he can fly at 140 mph for approximately 500 miles. In robot mode, he wields an energo-sword and a sonic machine gun that shoots rapid-fire bursts of concentrated sound.

Weaknesses: Although heavily armed, Barrage is very slow and is relatively weak physically.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Triplechangers
Function: Ground & Air Commando
Weapons: Robot: electron-scimitar and gyro-blaster rifle; Jet: heat-seeking concussion missiles; Tank: track-mounted cannon that fires explosive shells to 3.5 miles
Alt. mode: Cybertronian jet and tank
Special Abilities: Triplechanger
Height: 31ft / 9,45m
Quote: "Destroy first, think later."

Strength:08Intelligence:05Dexterity:08Speed:09Endurance:08Courage:07Firepower:07Accuracy:08Melee:08Tech Skill:06Charisma:06Rank:06

Profile: Battle loving Blitzwing has a cruel sense of humor, he is loud-mouthed, belligerent, and brash. a fierce warrior known more for his strength and abilities than his intelligence. He finds pleasure in confusing his enemies by transforming in mid-attack. With the lightning quickness in which he can change his foes are rarely ever prepared to engage him. His favorite attack is to use his jet mode to strafe land-bound Autobots and smash down after transforming in mid air to land as a Tank to finish them off with his powerful energy mortar. . In robot mode, he prefers to use his electron scimitar to fight foes one on one. Especially since this hardly ever fails to defeat a foe or bemuse Blitzwing. His twisted sense of humor lends him to find humor in things that harm others, laughing at fellow’s miseries.

Abilities: His ability as Triple Changer to rapidly transform makes him one of the most dangerous Decepticons, As a jet fighter, Blitzwing can fly at mach 2.7 with a range of 1500 miles. He carries heat-seeking concussion missiles. As a tank, he can traverse most terrain, however rugged, and can achieve a speed of 28 mph. His track-mounted cannon fires an explosive shell 3.5 miles that can level a 5-story brick building. In robot mode he uses an electron scimitar which can short-circuit any electrical device with a touch of its blade, and a gyro-blaster rifle, which disrupts the sense of balance of anyone it hits for 30 minutes.

Weaknesses: Blitzwing sometimes gets his circuits scrambled, which results in him getting stuck in mid-transformation between forms. Also his cruel sense of humor sometimes distracts him from what is going on.


Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: Tank
Weapons: Electric cannon, energo-sword, electric discharge
Height: 29ft / 8.83m
Quote: "To know your own limits, you must first know your foes limits."

Strength06Intelligence08Dexterity08Speed02Endurance09Courage09Firepower07Accuracy08Melee10Tech Skill07Charisma07Rank06

Profile Calm and prepared invidual, Bludgeon is always giving the disconcerting impression that he knows something no one else does and frightens other Decepticons with his emotionless demeanor during combat. One of the few Decepticons who could be described as honorable, the aloof Bludgeon adheres to an archaic code which only he understands. He feels that each worthy opponent he conquers adds to his own abilities, bringing him closer to his ideal of the ultimate warrior. His superstitious ways and eerie religious practices disturb many of his comrades, but none can deny his effectiveness in combat. Nor would they try, lest he turn his seemingly supernatural abilities against them. For each one of his victories Bludgeon carves old religious symbols to his armor as trophies, each lifting him towards his goal of supremacy in his mind. Albeit intelligent no matter how you look at him Bludgeon occasionally puts too much faith in the spirit portion of his world, believing his rituals will aid him through almost anything Even thinking it'll give him success in technological advancements where the more scientific minds have failed.

Abilities Subject is one of the most skilled hand-to-hand combatants from Cybertron and is a master of the forgotten art of Metallikato. As such, the use of his blade and body parts as lethal weapons flows through his circuits like natural instinct. Finding and using his opponent's weak points, Bludgeon can cripple or even end them within one offensive move. Subject is armed with a high-powered energo-sword; the weapon of choice that Bludgeon more often than not uses to disect any and all of his problems in his way. Bludgeon also carries an high-voltage electric cannon that shorts out most circuitry; this particular cannon also serves as his main weapon in his tank mode. Subject possesses the ability to internally generate electric spheres that can be directed through his body, with a range of over 400 yards. In tank mode, Bludgeon can reach a speed of 55 mph.

Weaknesses Subject has no known physical weaknesses, but adherence to his superstitious beliefs and code of honor can hamper his battlefield effectiveness. Even though Bludgeon is only a little above average in terms of physical strength, his skills make more than up for it in combat. Although rare, Bludgeon sometimes experiences energy backlashes from some of his powers. For example his electrical discharge may be so powerful that they can short out even some of his own circuitry.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Combaticons
Function: Ground Assault
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Tank, Leopard Military Tank (Earth)
Weapons: Electron Gun, Twin Sonic Cannons, Double-Barreled Turret Gun in tank mode
Height: 26ft / 7.93m
Quote: "I was built to be wild."

Strength08Intelligence02Dexterity05Speed04Endurance09Courage09Firepower08Accuracy07Melee08Tech Skill04Charisma03Rank05

Profile: Brawl is loud. Whether he's talking, shooting, or merely moving, he makes a lot of noise- grating, clanking, booming noise that irritates all those nearby, friend and foe alike. As unpleasant as that side of him is, there are other aspects of his personality that his fellow Combaticons consider even worse. He has a hair trigger temper and expresses his frequent anger with a savage fury truly terrible to behold. But, at least this seething rage that drives him, that makes him so unpleasant to be with also makes him a terrifyingly effective warrior. He makes no secret of his blustering belligerence, the mere sound of his approach is enough to unnerve Autobots. His actual arrival can paralyze them with mind-numbing fear. If he weren't always so angry, Brawl might find this pleasing.

Abilities: Brawl possesses enormous strength and is resistant to most conventional artillery. In tank mode, he can reach speeds of 45 mph and has a range of 600 miles. His turret-mounted gun shoots a shell up to a distance of 3.5 miles with an explosive force of 200 Ibs. of TNT. His twin sonic cannon shoots powerful, ear-splitting bursts of concentrated sound energy of up to 300 decibels. He can manipulate this energy in stereo (a result of the cannons dual configuration) to shatter anything from a crystal wine glass to a cinder-block bunker. In robot made, he wields a 10-megawatt electron gun. He combines with his fellow Combaticons to form the giant robot, Bruticus.

Weaknesses: Brawl is virtually incapable of being quiet, making him an easily identifiable target as he approaches a battle. In tank mode, his turret is prone to getting locked in one position, particularly in dusty environments.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Strategist
Alt. mode: Hover Jet
Weapons: Two Photon Cannons
Height: 28ft / 8.54m
Quote: “The greatest power is the power to control.”

Strength:06Intelligence:09Dexterity:08Speed:06Endurance:06Courage:08Firepower:06Accuracy:09Melee:09Tech Skill:06Charisma:07Rank:07

Profile: Bugly’s tactics are meticulous and exact. He takes pleasure in performing his function because it allows him to manipulate others through his battle plans. Bugly is exploitative and cruel, and most wither beneath his intense stare. Highly disciplined, he spends his free time practicing martial arts. Bugly believes that all transformer energy is linked and that intense self-control allows one to dominate others. His elitist, mystical mentality alienates him from other Decepticons.

Abilities: Subject is a practitioner of Circuit-Su. Subject transforms into a hover-jet armed with two photon cannons that are hand-held weapons in robot mode.

Weaknesses: Subject’s elitist attitude causes him to overestimate his capabilities and reduces his comrades willingness to assist him during high-risk situations.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Cassetticons
Function: Reconnaissance
Alt-mode: Data-disk to Condor
Weapons: Twin Mortar Cannons
Height: 10ft / 3m (wingspan)
Motto: “My bite is worse than my bark.”

Strength:05Intelligence:08Dexterity:07Speed:05Endurance:04Courage:07Firepower:04Accuracy:05Melee:07Tech Skill:09Charisma:06Rank:06

Profile: Given his reputation for civility and sophistication, it might seem surprising at first that Buzzsaw is also one of the cruelest and most destructive of all Decepticons. But his two sides are not contradictory. He carries out his lethal tasks with the careful, reasoned approach of a fine artist with the cool precision of a neurosurgeon. He views every awful undertaking of his as the beginning of a new masterpiece. Every opponent he defeats marks a completion. And, like any true artist, nothing can sway him from his commitment to his deadly craft. He will only end his career when the Autobots are no more.

Abilities: Using his optical sensors, Buzzsaw can pinpoint and photographically record a thumbtack at 20 miles, making him invaluable on spy missions. He can fly virtually soundlessly at speeds up to 250 mph for a distance of 1500 miles. He's equipped with twin mortar cannons that can fire five rounds per minute. His most feared weapon is his beak, which, with its diamond-hard, micro-serrated edges, he can use to carve up all except the most strong-skinned opponents. And, like the artist he is, he uses his beak with great finesse.

Weaknesses: Buzzsaw has a tremendous ego. If one of his carefully planned operations should go astray, ruining what he considers a work of art in progress, he will often stop and sulk rather than improvise and proceed. He is also vain and very protective of his beak, his primary ‘artistic’ instrument.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:50 am
by Gatkowski
Chop Shop

Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Insecticons
Function: Infiltrator
Alt. mode: Stag Beetle
Weapons: Pincers, Photon Cannon, Distruptor Spear
Height: 29ft / 8,8m
Quote: "I don't take prisoners, just spare parts.“

Strength:07Intelligence:08Dexterity:09Speed:04Endurance:06Courage:09Firepower:06Accuracy:07Melee:07Tech Skill:09Charisma:06Rank:05

Profile: Chop Shop is so sly and skilled that his comrades still haven't recognized his secret. Regularly finding their quearters ransacked, many Decepticons openly wonder what daring Autobot manages to routinely infiltrate their base and take their valuables. Chop Shop wonders out loud right along with them, but inside he's always laughing - he's the unrepentant kleptomaniac responsible. The other Decepticons don't suspect him because he's even compelled to take his own stuff, so it looks like he's been victimized too. He always has to find come up with a new excuse on the fly for why he's later found using someone else's missing rifle or Energon dispenser, but the thrill of getting caught only makes it much more exciting for Chop Shop. The greater the challenge of getting something, the more greedy and daring Chop Shop wants to take it for himself.

Abilities: Chop Shop has great intelligence and above-average strength that allows him to carry up to 50 tons. He is the most skilled thief among the Transformers, and is an expert at infiltration and bypassing security systems. In insect mode, he flies at speeds up to 195 mph thanks to his dual jets. His razor sharp pincers can slice through steel, and he has two precision lasers in his mouth. In robot mode, he carries a photon cannon and a distruptor spear that can short out most security devices.

Weaknesses: Subject's kleptomania is difficult to control and can put him in awkward dangerous situations. His comrades are starting to suspect his activities.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Obliterators
Function: Commando
Alt. mode: Cybertronian hover tank
Weapons: Dual rail cannon and Gatling gun.
Height: 36ft / 11 m
Quote: "I will not rest until the last Autobot is crushed to nothing and Decepticons rule."

Strength:10Intelligence:08Dexterity:06Speed:06Endurance:10Courage:10Firepower:10Accuracy:07Melee:10Tech Skill:07Charisma:08Rank:08

Profile: Clench once led the illegal ring of gladiatorial games that were fought under the optical sensors unsuspecting senate until the circuit caught the attention of the then Autobot leader, Sentinel Prime. Before the Autobots could track them down, the mighty Clench lost his position to a new arising star of the gladiatorial games - Megatron. Despite the change of leadership was carried out with a gruesome and most painful manner, Clench wouldn't have it otherwise for the next dozen of breems it opened his optics to realize how he had grown content with his position and stopped seeking self improvement. That orn Megatron earned his loyalty and respect - not hatred and will for vengeance. Ever since Clench has been one of Megatron's most loyal and powerful allies. Despite having experience as a field commander, Clench prefers to lead a smaller commando units made of the some of the most dangerous Decepticons in existance whom have earned the name Obliterators from their enemy - the Autobots.

Clench is a calm and reliable individual, a strong leader who guides his commando unit with a steady hand and no unneccesary dramatics. But it is only one aspect of his nature. In truth his whole being is dedicated to vengeance; his underlings can only guess at what crime the Autobots must have committed against him, for he will not speak of it. Rather he gathers his loathing into himself and lets it simmer, in order to release it as a terrifying force on the battlefield. There he plows through any enemy foolish enough to get in his way, crushing them relentlessly under his massive vehicle mode, or ripping them apart with his bare hands in robot mode. But it's precisely this unstoppable onslaught and the terror that it spawns among the Autobots, that gives his warriors boundless courage to follow him into the fray. As much as he is a nightmare opponent to the Autobots, so his warriors respect his power and determination to an equal degree.

Abilities: Clench has great intelligence and immense strength and resistance to damage. He is one of the most legendary practitioners of pit fighting style that largely relies on brutal attacks and improvisation - in the history of gladiatorial games of Cybertron, among with likes of Megatron and Grimlock. In hover tank mode he thunders forth at speeds up to 195 mph. In this mode he is equipped with dual barreled rail cannon that fires varieable caliber hyperspeed missiles, a grenade launcher and a gatling cannon that fires incendiary rounds. In robot mode, he can use both the gatling cannon and the grenade launcher and an energon blade that can slice through most materials with ease.

Weaknesses: Clench remains somewhat unapproachable on a personal level, trapped as he is in an element of the past that he will not share, and convinced that hatred gives him the strength to do what must be done.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Warrior
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Space Jet
Weapons: Oxidating Laser, Side-mounted Lasers, Incendiary Bomb Rack
Special Abilities: Able to reach escape velocity from a planet’s gravitational pull, interplanetary travel capability
Height: 35 ft / 10.68 m
Quote: "Compassion is the Autobots’ downfall."

Strength:09Intelligence:09Dexterity:09Speed:10Endurance:09Courage:09Firepower:08Accuracy:09Melee:09Tech Skill:07Charisma:08Rank:09

Profile: Cyclonus radiates might and confidence. Although he is intelligent and powerful, he doesn’t use his abilities to attain political advancement like some lesser Decepticons. He is a cold, consummate professional who harbors deep seated contempt for those who would undermine the Decepticon cause and goals for the sake of personal advancement. Cyclonus know that his formidable powers would allow him to rule over the Decepticons if he wished; instead, he places his faith and loyalty in his cause, and, moreover, his commander. He is a harsh but fair lieutenant who has earned the respect of his troops as well as the disdain of those who seek to overthrow Megatron. They know anyone seeking command for himself would have to face the merciless Cyclonus first, and that’s a risk few are willing to take.

Cyclonus was created as part of the same project as Scourge and Sixshot. He is a perfect vision of an aerial combatant, with unparalleled speed, strength and dexterity. It is obvious to most that Cyclonus was built as a challenge to Starscream. His capabilities and fierce loyalty to Megatron seem to put the two Decepticons on a collision course.

Abilities: Cyclonus is one of the most physically powerful Transformers in existence, as well as being highly intelligent. In his jet mode, he can reach speeds of Mach 5 in the atmosphere. He is capable of reaching escape velocity and travelling between planets in a standard solar system. He is armed with two side mounted lasers and an incendiary bomb rack. In robot mode, he wields an oxidating laser that fuses its targets’ internal mechanisms.

Weaknesses: Cyclonus exhibits no known physical weaknesses.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:51 am
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Assault
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Jet
Weapons: Laser-Guided Electro-Kinetic Blasters
Special abilities: Can combine with Dreadwind to from the super-jet Dreadwing, which possesses heavy firepower and faster than light speed
Height: 33ft / 10.1m
Quote: “Things are never as bad as they seem - usually they're worse.”

Strength:06Intelligence:07Dexterity:08Speed:08Endurance:05Courage:07Firepower:07Accuracy:07Melee:08Tech Skill:05Charisma:04Rank:05

Profile: If Dreadwind is the ultimate pessimist, Darkwing completes the equation by being a manic-depressive. He believes that life is one long ordeal of pain and suffering, and that it's pointless struggling against it. However, where his brother-in-arms just sits back and lets this bleak outlook get him down, Darkwing is no passive bystander. If he's destined to suffer, then by Primus he's going to make others share it… only more so. His avowed purpose in life is to make the lives of others worse than he believes his to be! To him, death is getting off lightly. Better to leave a foe still alive, in terrible pain. He somehow feels better knowing that others are suffering more than he is. But there is a side to Darkwing that's every bit as gloomy as Dreadwind. No matter how well things are going for him, he's convinced that it’s not going to last. To Darkwing, the next personal disaster is always just around the corner. If nothing else, this attitude keeps him alert to impending attack.

Abilities: Darkwing's jet mode abilities mirror Dreadwind's almost exactly. Darkwing combines with Dreadwind to form the vehicle Dreadwing, so they are not so much two jets as two halves of the same jet. Fast and deadly, Darkwing is similarly laden with weaponry, the most deadly of which are his two laser-guided electro-kinetic blasters, which turn an enemy's power against its owner. The more powerful the foe, the more Darkwing can hurt him. Unlike Dreadwind, he is mobile and lethal in robot mode, specializing in hand-to-hand combat.

Weaknesses: Darkwing hates combining to form Dreadwing, and is often distracted by continually bickering with Dreadwind.

Dead End

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: Crimson Cybertronian Hovercar
Weapons: Compressor-air Gun
Special Abilities: Dead End emanates a radar signal that allows him to detect the movements of any vehicle or robot within a 200-mile radius, and he can use it to mentally map the surrounding terrain as well.
Height: 26ft / 7.93m
Quote: "We are all just food for rust."

Strength:07Intelligence:06Dexterity:07Speed:07Endurance:07Courage:09Firepower:05Accuracy:06Melee:07Tech Skill:05Charisma:03Rank:05

Profile: Sullen and fatalistic, Dead End sees little reason to continue the Autobot-Decepticon War since all Transformers eventually become inoperative anyway, even though it might take tens of thousands of years. Yet he spends more time keeping himself unmarred and shiny than any of his fellow Stunticons, an irony not lost upon Motormaster, who speculates that Dead End wants to at least make sure he leaves a pretty wreck when he dies. This vanity leads to a lot of teasing and derision directed toward Dead End, which just makes him feel worse. The only thing that can lift his spirits is blasting Autobots in battle, despite what he says about the pointlessness of it all. It seems he's too busy trying to save his own life to get depressed about the possibility of losing it.

Abilities: In car mode, Dead End can reach speeds of up to 220 mph. He emanates a radar signal that allows him to detect the movements of any vehicle or robot within a 200-mile radius, and he can use it to mentally map the surrounding terrain as well. He's adept at using this ability to lead enemy Autobots into traps - such as dead ends! In robot mode, he carries a compressor-air gun, which can let out a blast of air that packs a 40,000 psi punch, enough to splinter a grove of oak trees.

Weaknesses: Dead End is a fearless fighter in battle, but getting him motivated to begin fighting is always a problem. Sometimes he can be so listless and depressed that it takes a direct hit with a cluster bomb to spur him to fight. When that happens, he's usually no longer in any condition for battle.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: (Cybertron) Tetra jet / (Earth) Heavily modified air superiority fighter of Earthern design
Weapons: Machine guns, Heat-seeking missiles
Special Abilities: Fear engine
Height: 31 ft / 9,46 m
Quote: "Fear is the element that unites all losers."

Strength:07Intelligence:08Dexterity:09Speed:09Endurance:07Courage:05Firepower:08Accuracy:09Melee:07Tech Skill:07Charisma:08Rank:06

Profile: Other Decepticons have learned not to talk to Dirge when he's preparing for combat. He becomes even more morose than usual, silently focusing all his mental energies on the task at hand. For Dirge, the key to being an effective fighter is to terrify his opponents before he even fires a shot. His deserved reputation as a fearsome warrior is only part of his carefully crafted strategy to instill and manipulate terror in his enemies. To fully master the art of war, Dirge has schooled himself extensively in the power of fear and its ability to crush the resolve of even the strongest foes.

Abilities: Subject is able to cause a fear reaction in nearby opponents by internally generating sub-sonic vibrations that affect most beings' nervous systems. Only the strongest-willed are able to resist. This ability is most effective in his jet mode, where his powerful engines have the same effect on a much wider scale. Like his fellow Decepticon jet fighters, Dirge can attain speeds of up to 3000 mph and more. He carries a variety of missiles and two high-velocity machine gun.

Weaknesses: If the subject feels like he is losing control of a combat situation, his own fear can diminish his effectiveness as a warrior.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Materials transport
Alt. mode: Dump Truck
Weapons: Double shot missile launcher, Crusher Claw
Height: 33ft / 10.1m
Quote: “Move it or lose it!”

Strength:08Intelligence:03Dexterity:02Speed:02Endurance:09Courage:06Firepower:07Accuracy:05Melee:04Tech Skill:02Charisma:02Rank:04

Profile: Dirtbag’s main function in the Decepticon army is to transport munitions to his fellow Decepticons, making sure that they’re always armed, no matter what. It’s a task that he excels at, since Dirtbag is physically strong, yet mentally weak. Though Dirtbag does his menial task without much complaining, his true passion lies in when he’s called to battle. He’s resistant to laser fire due to his Titanium/steel composite armor, so he can take a hit and keep on swinging. However, Dirtbag constantly chooses to forgo tactics, and to just plow through the enemy lines, destroying everything in his path (or trying to.) He’s a formidable fighter despite his lack of tactics and speed.

Dirtbag is very coarse, and mouths off to just about any Transformer unfortunate enough to get in his way. He has no patience for other people’s problems, in fact he has no patience at all. Dirtbag is much more likely to simply smash through anything in his way, instead of waiting for it to move. In fact, the only time Dirtbag could be seen as admirable is on the battlefield- not due to his prowess but due to his devotion to the Decepticon cause. Dirtbag is quick to abandon his other duties and leap into battle if he sees that the Decepticons need his help. The only time Dirtbag exhibits true, undeniable camaraderie is on the battlefield.

Dirtbag is, in a nutshell, a big, dumb, rude brute that, despite these flaws, is a fairly devoted Decepticon.

Abilities: Dirtbag is incredibly tough due to his Titanium steel composite armor. This armor makes him resistant to laser fire. Also, Dirtbag is armed with a double shot missile launcher and a Crusher Claw that he can use to crush even the most tempered steel.

Weaknesses: The same armor that makes Dirtbag so tough also hinders his speed and agility, making him very slow in battle. Also, like it was said before, Dirtbag is a big, dumb, rude brute.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Subgroup: Predacons
Function: Aerial Assault
Alt. mode: Eagle
Weapons: Particle-beam rifle with infra-red sight, laser-guided sword
Special Abilities: Enchanced visual sensors
Height: 28ft / 8.54m
Quote: "Conquer the skies and what's below you will fall."

Strength:07Intelligence:08Dexterity:09Speed:07Endurance:08Courage:08Firepower:07Accuracy:09Melee:08Tech Skill:06Charisma:06Rank:07

Profile: Divebomb is like a kid at a candy shop-as he flies high overhead looking down at the ground below, he's so delighted with all the targets he has to choose from that he doesn't know where to begin. But it usually doesn't take long before he's gleefully shooting up the countryside. He's almost always in good spirits. The only thing that consistently ruffles his carbon-steel feathers is when he must surrender his own independence to combine with his fellow Predacons. He doesn't care for his fellow Predacons and detests sharing his components with them. When not engaged in combat, Divebomb usually busies himself in the building of his latest mechanest. Perched atop tall buildings or mountain peaks, these fanciful, fortified constructions are commonly composed of late model sports cars, wings of low flying jets and theater marquees. "I like to live comfortably," says Divebomb.

Abilities: Rocket thrusters mounted on his back allow Divebomb to achieve speeds of 500 mph when in eagle mode. He has a 2000 mile range and can reach an altitude of 18 miles. High resolution telescopic lenses within his optical modules enable him to spot a dime from 10,000 feet. He can lift a tank and tear through its armored skin with his beak. In robot mode he uses a particle beam rife with infrared sight and a laser guided sword, which is guided to its target after Divebomb first pinpoints the target with a laser beams that shoots from the sword's tip. Divebomb combines with his fellow Predacons to form the giant robot, Predaking.

Weaknesses: Divebomb's internal guidance system is easily thrown off by magnetism. Such interference causes him to lose control while he's flying and makes him prone to crashing.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Air Defense
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Jet
Weapons: Air-to-air Proton missiles, Thermal Melters, rapid-fire machine guns and lasers, multi-shot wrist guns
Special abilities: Can combine with Dreadwind to from the super-jet Dreadwing, which possesses heavy firepower and faster than light speed
Height: 33'/10.1m
Quote: “Fear is a friend whose presence is felt long after he's left.”

Strength:06Intelligence:08Dexterity:07Speed:08Endurance:08Courage:07Firepower:07Accuracy:08Melee:07Tech Skill:05Charisma:03Rank:06

Profile: Dreadwind is the proverbial "deactivation of the party," a mournful presence always first to look on the bleak side of things. Grim and gloomy, he always acts as if his best friend has become permanently inoperative. Most other Decepticons avoid him like the plague, knowing that however buoyant their mood, Dreadwind is sure to bring them to Earth with a bump. As ominous as a storm cloud and as chilling as a winter breeze, Dreadwind somehow manages to convey his doom-laden message when he's in battle, even in jet mode. Foes have been known to feel despair at Dreadwind's approach, even at a vast distance. Dreadwind doesn't appreciate the advantage this gives him in battle; it just serves to further depress him. He's been known to wade through a battlefield, blasting Autobots and shouting, "Why does no one like me?" But Dreadwind has been known to come close to reveling (in his own low-key way) in the carnage he wreaks, knowing that perhaps his only true friend is fear. He sees it in the visual receptors of enemies and feels slightly better himself. Though the two profess to hate each other, and certainly detest combining to form Dreadwing, Dreadwind and Darkwing are the perfect partners in crime, almost trying to outdo each other in the bleakness stakes.

Abilities: In jet mode Dreadwind can reach speeds up to mach 2.6, and is able to climb to sub-orbital altitudes. When combined with his fellow Powermaster Darkwing, as the vehicle Dreadwing, they become capable of space flight, reaching light speeds and beyond. His jet mode is armed with air-to-air missiles, thermal melters, rapid-fire machine guns and lasers. He's a flying armory with a vast capacity for devastation. In robot mode he's more cumbersome and less effective, presenting an easy target. But at close quarters, his bulky strength and multi-shot wrist guns give him an advantage.

Weaknesses: All of Dreadwind's weaknesses stem from his continual brooding and permanent depression. He's so busy feeling sorry for himself, he tends to forget he's in the middle of a battle, leaving himself wide open to attack.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:01 pm
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Tracker
Alternate Mode: Savage Winged Monster
Weapons: Ion Pulse Gun, Negative Charge Shield
Special Abilities: Hyper Senses, Tracking Radar
Height: 30ft / 9,34m
Motto: “Leaders are for fools who need to follow.”

Strength:06Intelligence:08Dexterity:08Speed:06Endurance:08Courage:08Firepower:06Accuracy:06Melee:08Tech Skill:06Charisma:01Rank:06

Appearance: In his winged monster mode, Fangry is a large, hulking juggernaut colored both dark purple and black. His head hangs low on his frame, swaying from side to side as large, vile teeth jut forth from his gaping jaw. Huge wings spread wide from his shoulders, often wrapping him like a cloak when not in use. His hands and feet are well defined, with razor-sharp claws ready for attack. Upon transforming, Fangry retains his bulky nature. He maintains his general color scheme, which accents his breast plate and various armor attachments. Only his face stands out as different, being highlighted in a pale, moonlight yellow.

Profile: Fangry is known far and wide as the most abominable, foul and uncontrollable Decepticon there ever was. Believing he is above following a leader, he does not take commands of any kind. Hurried through the Decepticon War Academy because he was deemed unteachable, Fangry was tossed onto the front-line of combat. He now wages war against the Autobots his way, with no input from his superiors. Undoubtedly, Fangry would be obliterated if it wasn’t for the fact that his personal kill ratio is one of the highest in the Decepticon Empire! Only the slightest hinting and nudging can be employed to get him to perform as needed on a mission. No matter what the situation, Fangry is doing things his way!

Abilities: Foremost, Fangry is a highly skilled tracker, possibly the best on Cybertron. In his winged monster mode, Fangry can fly for short distances and shoot two-hundred mile per hour gale force winds from his mouth. When transformed, Fangry makes full use of his Ion Pulse Gun, which can totally fry an enemy’s circuitry. His Negative Charge Shield can deflect relatively any energy-based blast.

Weaknesses: Perhaps Fangry’s greatest weakness is his inability to follow any command, no matter how simple. This compromises missions where strict orders are required to be followed. Fangry also makes it near impossible for anyone to work with him in a team capacity.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Cassetticon
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: Data-disk
Weapons: Laser Cannons
Special Abilities: Sonic screech, robot mode flight
Height: 7ft / 2.1m
Quote: “Sow panic and surrender will bloom.”

Strength:02Intelligence:05Dexterity:06Speed:02Endurance:06Courage:10Firepower:09Accuracy:07Melee:06Tech Skill:04Charisma:06Rank:05

Profile: If it weren’t for conflict, there would be a vacuum at the core of Frenzy’s being, rendering his life meaningless. He knows no cause or purpose other than violence and warfare. So, he eagerly laps up his role in the Decepticon army, throwing himself headfirst into conflict with fervor worthy of his name. He is always ready to attack and is absolutely fearless in battle, traits that the other Decepticons greatly admire despite his overall standoffish attitude and diminutive stature. Frenzy is a belligerent and unprofessional soldier who might be considered as much of a thug as his frequent partner Rumble if it weren’t for his devotion to Soundwave’s commands.

Abilities: Frenzy has low physical strength but has an internal drum mechanism that generates sonic vibrations. When concentrated, the vibrations can reach hundreds of decibels in volume, and Frenzy is capable of completely controlling their direction and focus. In addition to causing physical damage, these high-frequency attacks can also disrupt the target’s balance centers and auditory functions. Subject is also armed with two hand-held laser cannons that can be mounted on his back for aerial attacks.

Weaknesses: [From the personal datatracks of Rumble, Decepticon demolitions] Frenzy’s nuts, but he can’t always back it up. See, Frenzy’ll come at an Autobot all crazy-like, but he ain’t that strong. If they stay cool and don’t freak out, they can usually find a way to beat ‘im.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:52 pm
by Gatkowski
Saved for character names with letter G.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:54 pm
by Gatkowski

Alleigence: Decepticons
Sub-Group: Constructicons
Function: Surgical Engineer
Alt Mode: Cybertronian Construction Crane
Abilities: Gestalt component (chest component to Devastator)
Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Laser pistol
Height: 26ft / 7.92m
Quote: “Strive for Perfection, even if others must suffer.”

Strength:08Intelligence:09Dexterity:07Speed:03Endurance:06Courage:06Firepower:05Accuracy:09Melee:05Tech Skill:10Charisma:06Rank:06

Profile: With the care and precision of a fine jeweler, Hook performs his job with a skill unparalleled among all the transformers. It doesn’t matter whether he’s reconnecting damaged microchips or setting a two-ton girder into place. In each case, hi final goal is perfection. Perhaps because he is such a perfectionist, he has a snobbish, supercilious attitude towards his fellow Constructicons, since he considered them generally crude and dim-witted. Although Hook may not win any popularity contests, there is no denying his superior abilities and the important role they have in the Decepticon’s evil schemes.

Abilities: In vehicular mode, Hook can use his crane to lift objects weighing up to 20 tons. In positioning these objects, his error tolerance less than .00001%. In robot mode he shows equal precision repairing comrades as the Decepticon surgeon. He carries a rocket launcher in vehicular mode and a laser pistol in robot mode. He serves as the shoulders and head module that, when combined with his fellow Constructicons, forms the giant robot known as Devastator.

Weaknesses: The extreme care Hook takes in performing his job often slows down his work to the point of antagonizing his fellow Decepticons and endangering whatever operation they are involved in. Overuse of his crane can result in metal stress fractures.


Allegiance: Decepticons
Subgroup: Terrorcons
Function: Terrorcon Commander
Alt. mode: Two Headed Dragon
Weapons: Sonic Stun Gun, Improvised Missiles
Height: 35ft / 10,66m
Quote: "Eat only what you need -- destroy the rest."

Strength:10Intelligence:08Dexterity:07Speed:03Endurance:10Courage:10Firepower:09Accuracy:07Melee:09Tech Skill:05Charisma:07Rank:07

Profile: Hun-Grrr is a mecahnoid of extremes and excesses. When it comes to destruction, refueling, and his own personal well-being, Hun-Grrr’s desires can’t be sated. He spends most of his time appropriating energy and material goods for himself, taking an interest in the Decepticon cause only when they offer him an opportunity for his other primary goal: mindless destruction. In creature mode, Hun-Grrr can be found devouring a fallen foe to fuel his arsenal, shouting orders over the crunching metal in his mouths.

Hun-Grrr has been put in charge of some small Decepticon units and led some raids and attacks. He has proven effective at these assignments when he is not consumed with his own needs and desires. High Command has some special plans for him.

Abilities: Subject possesses phenomenal physical strength and endurance as well as great intelligence. When not focusing on his own immediate goals, he is an excellent military strategist and a fearsome soldier. In creature mode, he can convert the raw materials he consumes into primitive projectile weapons, spitting them at targets like missiles. In robot mode, he wields a powerful sonic stun gun.

Weaknesses: Subject’s focus on himself diminishes his focus on Decepticon goals. When in creature mode, his orders are often misunderstood due to his mouths being full. Subject is disgusted by the idea of organic creatures and refuses to use his creature mode’s mouths on them, preferring to blast them from a distance.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:13 pm
by Gatkowski
Saved for character names wih letter I.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:14 pm
by Gatkowski
Saved for character names with letter J.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:15 pm
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticon
Subgroup: Insecticons
Function: Espionage
Alt. mode: Giant Grasshopper
Weapons: Sub-Machine Gun
Special Abilities: Cloning
Height: 21ft / 6.4m
Quote: "Friend is another word for fool."

Strength:03Intelligence:09Dexterity:09Speed:04Endurance:09Courage:06Firepower:05Accuracy:06Melee:08Tech Skill:04Charisma:10Rank:05

Profile: Kickback is as charming a guy as you'll ever meet - but it is a charm rooted in an uncommonly cruel cleverness. The singular purpose of any friendship that this Insecticon begins is to dig up embarrassing facts about the other robot or person so that Kickback can influence his "friend" into doing his bidding. Humans are particularly susceptible to his seductive talents, but even Autobots have been known to succumb. The only thing Kickback enjoys more than recruiting these unwilling double agents is destroying them after he's exhausted their usefulness.

Abilities: In his insect mode, Kickback can use his powerful leg modules to propel him up to heights of 40 feet and over distances of a tenth of a mile. Although small in this form, a single kick of his can punch a hole in a 1/4" steel plate. In robot form he can use his wings to fly at speeds up to 30 mph for distances up to 100 miles. He carries a sub-machine gun that can shoot up to 300 rounds per minute of armor-piercing titanium-coated bullets.

Weaknesses: Kickback's lack of weaponry makes him extremely vulnerable in insect mode. The nature of his leaping and flying abilities hampers his mobility in moderate winds.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:17 pm
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Cassetticon
Function: Interrogation
Alt. mode: Data-disk (robot mode = ‘bird’)
Weapons: Two ruby crystal-powered laser cannons
Height: 10ft / 3m (wingspan)
Quote: “The only point I like in Autobots: melting point.”

Strength:05Intelligence:06Dexterity:09Speed:05Endurance:05Courage:02Firepower:08Accuracy:07Melee:04Tech Skill:09Charisma:07Rank:06

Profile: For an undeniable coward like Laserbeak, interrogation is the ideal job. His enemies have already been beaten and restrained, so all he generally has to do is use his sadistic skills to wrest information out of the unfortunate captive. Laserbeak attempted to broker his skill at his function into favor in the eyes of Megatron, a ploy that woefully backfired. Megatron was so impressed by Laserbeak’s viciousness and efficiency that he started employing him for other, more dangerous uses like spying. This was a terrifying prospect for a Decepticon who prefers picking off wounded stragglers rather than actually fighting. Only Laserbeak’s loyalty to Megatron and the Decepticons keeps him from running scared… most of the time.

Abilities: Laserbeak is a skilled interrogator and adequate spy. He can fly at 250 MPH for up to 1,500 miles at a time. Subject is armed with two powerful ruby-crystal-powered laser cannons. The cannons are independent and can each track different targets.

Weaknesses: If threatened, Laserbeak will retreat to safety, and most Autobots are aware of this. Shortage of the crystals that power his weapons can send him into a panic.

Long Haul

Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Constructicons
Function: Transport
Alt. Mode: Terex Titan Heavy Hauler
Weapons: Dual Heat-Seeking Missle Launcher, Laser Pistol
Special Abilities: Gestalt component
Height: 25 Feet
Quote: "A battle front is only as good as its supply line."

Strength:09Intelligence:05Dexterity:06Speed:02Endurance:09Courage:08Firepower:07Accuracy:05Melee:05Tech Skill:04Charisma:04Rank:04

Profile: Long Haul isn't too thrilled with his unglamorous role in the Decepticon cause, but he understands its importance. Along with his fellow Constructicons, his function is to help build the massive energy-recovery installations that fuel the Decepticon onslaught. But he'd much prefer the excitement and glory that come with being a full-time warrior. And he knows better than to tell anyone of his secret desire- Megatron allows no dissent among the Decepticons' ranks.

Abilities: In vehicular mode Long Haul can carry up to 90 tons for 1200 miles. He can also add on a dual heat-seeking missile launcher. In robot mode he carries a laser pistol. When combined with his fellow Constructicons, he serves as the torso module in the giant robot known as Devastator.

Weaknesses: Long Haul is slow and sometimes his unhappiness reduces his effectiveness. He's sensitive to teasing about the mundane nature of his job and can often be goaded into fights in which he may be clearly overmatched.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:20 pm
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Decepticon Supreme Commander
Alt. mode: Heavily-armed Cybertronian tank, handgun of Cybertronian design
• Fusion/plasma/anti-matter cannon, optical lasers, hidden laser cannon on the right side of his torso
Special Abilities:
• Able to link inter-dimensionally with a black hole to draw anti-matter to power himself.
• Able to create devastating neutron implosions with means unknown to all but Megatron himself.
• Equipped with highly advanced sensory capabilities.
Height: 35ft / 10.67m
Quote: "Peace through tyranny!"

Strength:10Intelligence:10Dexterity:09Speed:06Endurance:10Courage:10Firepower:10Accuracy:10Melee:10Tech Skill:09Charisma:10Rank:10

Profile: Some know him as the Slagmaker of Tarn, and some know him as the Emperor of Destruction, but when the name Megatron is spoken, all Transformers pause, even if only for an astrosecond. No other Decepticon so utterly embodies the potential for evil that flickers and flashes in the spark of every Transformer.

Many Autobots believe that the aggressive nature of the mechanoids who became the Decepticons would have driven many of them to revolt even if someone hadn't organized them. This may be true, but only one being on Cybertron had the will and charisma to turn them into a fighting force so powerful that it quickly overran the entire world. That being was Megatron.

Even before the war, Megatron was a well-known figure in Cybertronian culture, being the brightest star in the increasingly popular sport of gladiatorial combat. Formerly a symbolic contest between Cybertron's city-states, the ascension of Megatron turned it into violent, aggressive sport and re-ignited public interest. The Autobots referred to him as "The Slagmaker.” It was a title of fear, a title of respect – a title Megatron relished. Arenas were packed both with Autobots and future Decepticons, which was something that Megatron found delightfully ironic. Countless Autobots paid to see the bloodshed of his matches, despite their claims of pacifism and enlightenment. When the Cybertronian Civil War began, Megatron treated the Autobots to a performance of carnage and barbarism such as had never been seen – and this time, the Autobots did not have to pay for a front-row ticket. They were the famed Slagmaker’s victims.

Megatron had always felt that he was destined for great things, and he allowed nothing to interfere with his vision of future. He rose to the leadership of the Decepticons through a combination of brute strength, military cunning, ruthlessness, and terror. Megatron is the ultimate command figure among the Decepticons. He is tremendously powerful and mercilessly intelligent. His charisma, passion, and indomitable courage in the face of great odds are an inspiration to those who follow him, while his unyielding determination and ruthlessness in battle strike terror into the Autobot ranks. Megatron intends to claim all of Cybertron as his own, and from that point on, to spread the Decepticon Empire outward to the surrounding stars. The Slagmaker sometimes lets his temper get the better of him, but he also displays a brilliant tactical sense and an instinct for innovation, making him an extremely effective leader.

Abilities: Megatron is incredibly powerful, intelligent, and resistant to physical damage and fatigue, more than the equal to any Prime that has ever existed. He is one of the best melee and mid-range fighters ever walked on Cybertron, perfecting his skills in the gladiatorial contests back on Cybertron's "Golden Age." His trademark enforcer is the jet-black fusion cannon he carries. Harnessing the same atomic energy that powers stars, it represents arguably the most advanced weaponry known to Transformer science. The cannon can fire a blast to a range of up to fifteen miles and release enough energy to flatten an Earth city block. In gun mode, his destructive power is even more concentrated. One blast from him in gun mode can inflict critical damage even to likes of Omega Supreme.

In robot mode, he can combine his fusion cannon with other extensions to form a particle beam cannon or a slightly less powerful but more accurate telescopic laser. In terms of brute firepower, Megatron's most destructive mode is his multi-barreled tank mode in which his fusion cannon functions as the main weapon with two powerful laser cannons augmenting its destructive might. Megatron can use his internal circuitry to connect the cannon inter-dimensionally with a black hole, from which it can draw on anti-matter as a power source. The full extent of his destructive power when doing this is yet to be determined, but doing this for even a single blast creates a tremendous strain on Megatron. Megatron is also able to create devastating neutron implosions with means unknown to all but Megatron himself. Regardless of the origin of these powers, it seems that Megatron is also able to concentrate this energy at will to strengthen his already powerful physique.

Weaknesses: Megatron lacks any physical defects, but he does tend to overreach himself. He has a tendency to grow impatient in trying to make his master plans become victories if he feels his control over the situation is diminishing. Linking himself to a black hole is incredibly draining on his fuel resources.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Hypnotist
Alt Mode: Shrikebat of Dromedon
Weapons: Fangs and talons (Shrikebat), Viper Pistol (Robot)
Special Abilities: Hypnotism
Height: 33 feet / 10.06 meters
Quote: “Just one look from me and you've lost."

Strength:08Intelligence:08Dexterity:08Speed:07Endurance:06Courage:08Firepower:05Accuracy:05Melee:09Tech Skill:08Charisma:07Rank:07

Profile: Mindwipe is perhaps the most mysterious and definitely the most mystical of all the Decepticons. Though a talented warrior, he is not one to stand and fight. He would rather subvert his opponents’ will or strike from the shadows. He serves the warlord Scoponok in the Research and Development department. He is often employed to procure Empties and Autobot prisoners for experimentation, a task for which his hypnotic powers make him ideally suited.

When not performing his duties as a Decepticon warrior, he devotes his time to trying to establish contact with the electromagnetic essences of long-dead Decepticons. He hopes that by communicating with them he can learn from them and avoid making the same mistakes they did when they fought and were eventually defeated by the Autobots. So far, despite designing and constructing numerous receivers, antennas and other equipment, his labors have borne only limited success. He swears he can hear the cries of the dead in the garbled noise emanating from his machines, and that he is very close to “Learning the Secrets of Death.” Most simply think he is insane. Scorponok tolerates his eccentricities because he is a subtle agent and a capable lab assistant.

Abilities: In shrikebat mode Mindwipe can fly at a maximum speed of 700 miles per hour and has a range of 1200 miles.

He is an extremely skilled fighter; Mindwipe developed his skills while studying ancient mystical arts. He has great strength in both forms, and his shrikebat jaws and foot talons can tear standard armor to ribbons with ease. His eyes emit a sub-optic radiation that, although invisible, has the effect of overriding the self-will circuitry of almost any mechanical being that is unfortunate enough to look into them. In other words, he has the power to hypnotize Transformers. In robot mode, he uses a viper pistol, which shoots a stream of liquid that overloads the pain receptors of any mechanical being it hits, essentially freezing the affected body part for up to 30 agonizing minutes.

Weaknesses: -In his attempts to contact departed Decepticons, Mindwipe often becomes so involved in his self-induced trance-like states that he is unaware of anything else. This leaves him extremely open to enemy attack.

-Mindwipe’s armor is not as thick as that of most close-combat specialists. This is not a serious issue with his preferred methods, but if forced to fight openly he is often among the first reduced to stasis lock.

-His strange habits are tolerated because of his powerful patron, Scorponok. Should he displease his commander, suspension of his experiments may be the least of his worries.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Constructicons
Function: Materials Fabrication
Weapon: Infrared Cannon
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Cement mixer
Height: 28ft / 8.5m
Quote: "How strong the steel, how quick the conquest."

Strength:07Intelligence:06Dexterity:08Speed:03Endurance:08Courage:06Firepower:07Accuracy:06Melee:06Tech Skill:08Charisma:05Rank:05

Profile: Nothing is safe from Mixmaster's seething cauldron. He will use any material necessary, whether unliving rock or living robot, in the making of some new material. He's been known to swallow up brand new limousines and reduce them to steel girders. And he performs his often grisly tasks with an evil, cackling glee that more befits a medieval witch than a Constructicon. The manner in which he creates new materials resembles an arcane ritual. Sometimes his fellow Decepticons wonder it perhaps Mixmaster hasn't a few microchips loose in his logic center, but they never question the results of his efforts.

Abilities: While having the appearance of a standard concrete mixer, Mixmaster can, by using various acids and bonding agents, reduce and recombine virtually any substances put inside his drum and use them to form new substances. He is a chemistry lab on wheels. Atop the root of his cab, he can mount a powerful infrared cannon which emits bursts of 8000° C heat for an effective range of .8 miles. In robot mode, he carries a laser pistol and a shoulder-mounted optical distortion projector, which, by bending light waves, disorients the vision of anyone caught in its field. When combined with his fellow Constructicons he serves as the left leg module in the giant robot known as Devastator.

Weaknesses: Mixmaster's mixing drum can be rendered inoperative by the addition of certain chemicals, particularly alkalides.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Stunticons
Function: Stunticon Leader
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Heavy Trailered Vehicle
Weapons: Atom-smasher Rifle, Energo Blade
Height: 35ft / 10.67m
Quote: “These wheels are made for crushing.“

Strength:10Intelligence:06Dexterity:06Speed:06Endurance:10Courage:09Firepower:08Accuracy:07Melee:09Tech Skill:04Charisma:07Rank:07

Profile: [Incarceration Report D3111934: Red Alert, Autobot Security Director] The best way to put Motormaster in perspective is this: How vile must a Decepticon be to earn the hatred and disgust of his own comrades? Motormaster is the answer to that question. It’s not just his absolute cruelty and remorselessness that make him a menace; it’s the unhidden joy he takes in causing pain and suffering, even among his own troops. He’s a master of simple-minded bullying psychology, mentally torturing his warriors into effective soldiers. Motormaster acts from the sense of entitlement that defies conscience, never letting anyone forget that he’s utterly convinced of his own invincibility. And he’s not far off in that respect, since his level of power makes it difficult to hinder, let alone stop, him from performing whatever atrocity springs to his diabolical mind.

Abilities: Motormaster’s physical strength and resistance to damage is exceptional. At his vehicle mode’s top speed of 198 mph, Motormaster can crush a 20-foot block of concrete into powder with no apparent damage to himself. He’s been known to claim that not even the legendary Optimus Prime could withstand being rammed by him. As a robot, he wields an energo-blade and an atom-smasher rifle, which shoots a high-energy beam of protons that can shred all but the densest materials.

Weaknesses: Although he consumes fuel at a high rate, Motormaster has no real physical liabilities. The utter contempt most Decepticons have for him limits his chances of getting help, but he rarely needs any.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:20 pm
by Gatkowski
Saved for character names with letter N.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:21 pm
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Combaticon Commander
Alt. Mode: Cybertronian Missile Trailer
Weapons: Photon Missiles, Sonic Stun Gun
Height: 33 ft/10.07 m
Quote: “The mind is the greatest weapon.”

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 3
Endurance: 7
Courage: 8
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 9
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 7
Charisma: 7
Rank: 7

Profile: Perfection is what Onslaught seeks. He believes the key to a mission's success lies in its planning, not in its execution. Thus, a perfect plan virtually guarantees a victory. Onslaught prefers the intellectual battlegrounds of the mind, where he can carefully devise and polish his sinister schemes, to the physical battlegrounds of the war, where events don't always unfold as expected. The four Combaticons under his command consider him aloof, even dreamy, but a brilliant tactician. Typically, Onslaught takes a backseat role in the assaults he plots, choosing to observe and re-evaluate his strategy rather than actually engage in combat. But, when stirred to action, he is a relentless, furious fighter, a terrifying contrast to the reserved thinker he is otherwise. This side of Onslaught's personality comes as a surprise to most of the other Decepticons, but those who understand him know his violent behavior is born out of frustration that his plan didn’t work, forcing his involvement, rather than any suppressed lust for battle hidden in his character.

Abilities: In missile trailer mode, Onslaught can reach speeds of 100 mph. His range is 2400 miles. He can launch photon missiles, with a range of 6500 miles. Each missile contains three independently targetable shells, each of which has an explosive force equivalent to 3000 tons of TNT. In robot mode, he uses a sonic stun gun, which is capable of crumbling a hillside with one blast.

Weaknesses: Onslaught often puts too much faith in his plans and winds up going along with them longer than he should. Consequently, he doesn’t get personally involved as quickly as changing situations might warrant. Electromagnetic interference can impair the accurate targeting and delivery of his missiles.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:21 pm
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Infiltrator
Weapon: Missile Launcher
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Beast
Height: 25ft / 7.6m
Quote: "Terror is the stage on which I perform."

Strength: 05
Intelligence: 07
Dexterity: 09
Speed: 04
Endurance: 05
Courage: 07
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 09
Charisma: 05
Rank: 06

Profile: Violent, vicious, and all around a nasty individual, Pounce is one of the worst of the Decepticon breed. Pounce specializes in striking where no one would expect and striking just as fatally, not even the other Decepticons know who or what his next target will be. He performs jobs no other Decepticon would consider, acting deep within enemy territory more often than remaining at a Decepticon base, making him the most efficient Decepticon when it comes to black ops. Most Decepticons prefer this, however, as he is known for attacking his fellow Decepticons almost as frequently, and were it not for his absolute hatred of Autobots he probably would wipe out the Decepticons as well. The more dirty and disgusting a job is, the more Pounce wants to perform it, citing an old phrase "It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it."

Abilities: Pounce is one of the swiftest and violent Decepticons around, generally striking so fast that his victim has only enough time to realize that they have been caught before being executed. Because of this, Pounce is an excellent assassin and is reserved for missions of utmost silence. He also has the apparent ability to dissapear into shadows, though this is only unique use of his stealthy capabilities.

His alternate form is a Cybertronian beast, a sleek and swift form which further builds on his legendary status. In this form, he is able to move about in almost perfect silence and the amazing ability to jump an astounding seven miles in one pounce, thus his namesake. Both in his beast form and robot form, he possesses enhanced eyesight, including highly defined night vision, as well as an enhanced olfactory sense. With this, he can track nearly anything anywhere with the least bit of evidence.

He possesses twin anti-personnel missile guns, each equipped metal shearing bayonets. With his robot mode's internal laser sight targeting system and highly defined tracking system, he possesses a 99.4% accuracy with said weapons.

Weaknesses: Pounce's only apparent weakness is his oftentimes over-inflated opinion of his own abilities, he possesses no obvious physical weaknesses.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:22 pm
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Ground Assault
Weapon: Plasma Cannon
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Tank
Height: 31ft / 9.44m
Quote: "Nothing lasts forever...So why not destroy it now?"

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 04
Dexterity: 05
Speed: 03
Endurance: 09
Courage: 09
Firepower: 09
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 04
Charisma: 05
Rank: 05

Profile: A berserker in every essence of the word, most of the time he couldn't care less whether his intended target is an Autobot or a fellow Decepticon as long as he gets enjoyment out of beating them to a pulp. Build specifically for destroying entire Autobot installments, he rarely stops shooting until he's wading in complete destruction and can level an entire installment in only a matter of minutes. He possesses frightening endurance and firepower, making him an all-but-unstoppable force, especially when his eyes are set on a group of Autobots. Among Decepticons, Quake is both respected and even more feared for his abilities.

Abilities: A veritable walking armory, Quake possesses nearly unmatched endurance and firepower as well as great physical strength. When the situation calls for heavy firepower, Quake is not one to dissapoint. However, his rough and tumble attitude tends to cause other Decepticons to come out with a few scrapes of their own courtesy of his raging attacks.

Designed with an even more heavy armored tank mode, Quake is able to reduce an entire class 5 defensive installation to rubble in a few minutes single-handedly, making him one of the Decepticons' greatest advantages when it comes to breaking enemy flanks. His titanium-alloy threads can not only take severe punishment, but also are able to secrete a special adhesive that allows him to move over uneven terrain, even capable of climbing sheer cliff surfaces.

Quake's plasma cannon fires powerful plasma shells that detonate on impact, spreading large amounts of plasma that can easily destroy most fortifications. In tank mode, Quake is able to easily lob shells into Autobot defensive stations as well as crush everything to get in his way. Also, due to his great strength, Quake is quite well adapted to fighting hand to hand as well.

Weaknesses: Quake's greatest weakness is a combination of bad maintenance and a lack of common sense. He possesses a poor coolant system, which has been known to fail and overheat him, especially when attempting vertical climbs. Due to his lack of common sense of such a flaw, he tends to push on regardless and often finds himself temporarily broke down in the midst of a perilous situation.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:25 pm
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Heavy Assault Fighter
Weapons: 2 cluster bomb launchers, 2 laser rifles
Height: 31 ft / 9,46 m
Quote: “If it flies, crash it.”

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 05
Dexterity: 08
Speed: 09
Endurance: 09
Courage: 09
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 07
Tech Skill: 04
Charisma: 06
Rank: 05

Profile: If it hurts – someone else or him, it doesn’t matter – Ramjet likes it; he gets his kicks from pain. He’ll punch, bash, or ram anything he can just for the thrill of it. He particularly loves to knock other aircraft out of the sky. Whether a civilian airliner or Autobot flyer, it makes no difference to Ramjet. He loves the feeling of smashing into something at high speed, and he’s built to survive these collisions with little damage – unlike his foes. Ramjet is particularly fond of the surprise his victims feel, since they rarely expect another jet to willingly crash into them. Ramjet strives to keep the skies clear of anything he considers unworthy of sharing the air with him, and he’s insufferably boastful and arrogant about it.

Abilities: Subject has great strength, and amazing endurance and resistance to damage. He is heavily armored throughout his body and especially his nosecone, which can shrug off an impact with a 3-foot concrete wall at 1,500 mph with no ill effects. In jet mode, he flies at speeds of Mach 2.8 and is armed with two cluster bomb launchers. As a robot, he’s armed with two high-powered laser rifles. A glitch in his pain receptor wiring gives him and amazingly high pain threshold.

Weaknesses: Subject’s delusions of invulnerability and masochism cause him to overestimate his resistance to damage. His pride makes him refuse to admit it when this occurs, resulting in his sustaining severe damage rather than admitting he couldn’t take it.


Allegiance: Decepticons
Sub-group: Predacons
Function: Gunner
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Tiger
Weapons: Lightning Rifle, thermo sword, four twin gun ports (in tiger mode); claws and teeth
Height: 33ft / 10.07m
Quote: "Those who conquer act; those who are conquered think!"

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 03
Dexterity: 09
Speed: 05
Endurance: 07
Courage: 08
Firepower: 09
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 03
Charisma: 05
Rank: 07

Profile: Like an elemental force of nature, Rampage barrels through life with unabated, uncontrolled fury. He has difficulty talking coherently for more the a few seconds at a time before he reverts to his "normal" state, violently lashing out at anything or anyone nearby, even fellow Predacons. Wherever he goes, he leaves a trail of wreckage that's as clear-cut as a black line on white paper. Although feared by his comrades, he's appreciated even more so for the unequalled ferocity with which he fights. Strangely enough, the only thing that has any calming effect on this mechanical menace is television. The more mindless the program, the more Rampage is entranced. He's been known to stare for hours at rock music videos.

Abilities: In tiger mode, Rampage can leap to a height of 300 feet over a distance of 500 feet. He's incredibly strong- a kick from one of his forelegs can crumble a cinder block wall. He has four twin gun-ports, one mounted above each of his legs, and each capable of shooting 300 rounds of small-calibre ammunition per minute. In robot mode, he also uses a powerful lightning rifle, which shoots beams of 60,000-volt electricity. He also has a thermo-sword, which has a blade that heats up to 5000 degrees Centigrade, allowing it to cut through most metals like butter.

Weaknesses: As a consequence of the punishment they take from his constant leaping, the springs and suspension system in Rampage's four legs often break down and require near-constant maintenance


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Insecticon
Function: Warrior
Alternate Modes: Hunter-killer VTOL (Cybertronian), locust (Earthen)
Weapons: Concussion blaster cannon, shield
Special Abilities: Electricity generation, sonic vibrations
Height: 21’/6.4 m

“The sight of ruin only makes me crave more.”

Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Dexterity: 8.0
Speed: 5.0
Endurance: 8.0
Courage: 9.0
Firepower: 9.0
Accuracy: 6.0
Melee: 6.0
Tech Skill: 5.0
Charisma: 5.0
Rank: 5.0

Profile: Ransack requires no more rewards for his toil as a Decepticon than the heaps of twisted steel and smoldering rubble he leaves in his wake. Nothing delights his optics more than the sight of tumbled buildings and scorched earth, and nothing excites his olfactory sensors more than the aroma of burnt Autobot. Though most of the Insecticons pride themselves on their cunning and innovative tactics, Ransack is much more direct in his approach and follows two simple maxims: if it stands in between you and your prey, destroy it; if it doesn’t stand between you and your prey, destroy it anyway. This method of hunting down Autobots is not quiet or clean, but Ransack doesn’t much care. It gets the job done, and the resulting square kilometers of destruction resulting are a beautiful thing to Ransack. Besides, the other Insecticons are around to help Ransack when subtlety, stealth, and smarts are required.

Abilities: Possessing impressive strength and durability, especially for a Transformer his height and mass, Ransack is arguably the most combat-oriented Insecticon. In addition to allowing him to leap up to two hundred times his own length, Ransack’s powerful legs can crack reinforced steel like plywood with a single kick, and he is capable of generating sonic vibrations that shatter audio receptors and ferroconcrete alike. Adding to his firepower in robot mode is a powerful concussion blaster cannon, and he protects himself with a highly reflective, energy-absorbent shield. In both modes he can generate intense blasts of electricity from his antennae, up to and even exceeding a magnitude of eighty kilovolts.

Weaknesses: Ransack is powerful but not terribly precise. His warrior skills are quite average, and given that his usual tactic is to simply blast away until there’s only wreckage, he can get into quite a bit of trouble when faced with opponents who possess strength as well as savvy. Compared to most of his Insecticon brethren, he is not very smart or subtle, and to a large degree depends on them for guidance.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Cassetticon
Function: Saboteur
Alt. mode: Data-disk (robot mode = creature)
Weapons: Proton bombs
Special Abilities: Invisibility, Enhanced Senses
Height: 6ft / 1.82m
Quote: “Today’s Autobots are tomorrow’s scrap metal.”

Strength: 05
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 09
Speed: 05
Endurance: 06
Courage: 08
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 08
Charisma: 06
Rank: 07

Profile: Ravage is dedicated to the Decepticon ideology, and he’s one of the best examples of their ideal war machine. He is as ruthless to his foes, loyal to his leaders, and operates largely without fear. In addition, he is surprisingly clever and useful in the plotting of new and unexpected strategies to use against the Autobots. Yet Ravage only truly comes alive when he is working alone under the cover of the darkness he loves. Only then, when he is directly enacting the Decepticons’ diabolical plots, does he feel like he’s living up to his dedication to their cause. Ravage stays quiet and aloof among most Decepticons, who respect his deeds but sometimes underestimate him because of his form. Ravage is unconcerned. He knows it’s no coincidence that he has been present at many of the Decepticons’ most stunning victories.

Abilities: Ravage is highly intelligent and skilled in infiltration, demolitions, and information gathering. He is also a capable tactician. In jaguar mode, he can practically disappear from detection thanks to many redundant stealth systems. He has an internal emissions damper that can absorb most of his electromagnetic and other energy emissions, keeping him hidden from detection devices. He walks without sound and has a skill for remaining unseen in darkness or dim light. He possesses enhanced hearing and sense of smell, plus a range of electromagnetic wave monitors. Subject is armed with two proton bombs with a yield of 1 megaton. They can be fired over 3 miles or set with a timer.

Weaknesses: Ravage has an acute light sensitivity and can be blinded by sudden or direct light.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Predacons
Function: Predacon Commander
Alt. Mode: Drill Tank
Weapons: Twin Concussion Blasters, Sonic Sword
Special Abilities: Enhanced Sensors
Height: 34 feet/10.38 meters
Quote: "All good things succumb to those who wait."

Strength: 09
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 09
Speed: 04
Endurance: 09
Courage: 10
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 07
Rank: 08

Profile: Razorclaw is most dangerous when he's seemingly motionless. Inactivity simply means that he's sizing up the best moment to strike, focusing all his keen intellect on the prey around him and their respective weaknesses. When Razorclaw does finally strike, his victim is usually a shattered, smoking memory in less time than it takes for them to scream. Razorclaw doesn't waste time, fuel or words unless he is certain the action will achieve an immediate, desirable result. The fearless, business-like Predacon is known for his unwavering loyalty to the Decepticon cause, a peaceful solution to the Autobot/Decepticon conflict is an alien concept to him. For Razorclaw, the war will only end when he has personally extinguished the spark of the last surviving Autobot.

Abilities: Razorclaw has enormous strength and even greater intelligence; he is both a skilled battlefield commander and long-term strategist. In vehicle mode, Razorclaw's diamond-studded drill can pierce armor as much as a foot thick, leaving most any structure on Cybertron vulnerable to his assault. His serrated treads can move through any terrain at a constant speed of 80 to 90 mph, leaving a flattened trail in his wake. Whether in robot or vehicle (or lion) mode, he has twin concussion blasters that shoot capsules that explode on contact and release volatile gas. In robot mode he wields a sonic sword. It emits powerful vibrations that shatter the crystalline molecular structures of metals on contact, enhancing the sword's cutting power tenfold.

Weaknesses: Razorclaw sometimes ignores seemingly obvious opportunities while waiting for the "perfect" chance to appear.


Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Spy
Alt. mode: Cybertronian recorder
Weapons: Cybertronian rifle, internal flash disruptors
Special Abilities: Highly advanced visual scanners that can "see" through a variety of camouflage techniques
Height: 15ft / 4.57m
Quote: "See and you can know, know and you can destroy."

Strength: 07
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 01
Endurance: 06
Courage: 07
Firepower: 06
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 04
Tech Skill: 09
Charisma: 05
Rank: 07

Profile: Reflector is not one, but three robots, designed as something of an experiment to allow a mechanoid to be at different locations at the same time. The three share the same mind, and have the natural look of each other. The three components transform into a reliable, handheld visual recorder which is used for gathering secret information.

Reflector loves to observe things: vegetation, architecture, Earthen topography, and particularly his comrades' mistakes. Likes to blackmail his associates and is impressed with his own ability. Whereas Soundwave has become the standard bearer in terms of audio detection and manipulation, Reflector strives to become the same in the visual realm.

Despite all of this, Reflector has no aspirations for command. Instead, he uses his deceptive skills to secure the power base of someone else, and enjoys the benefits of security and privilege that their being in power provides to him.

Abilities: Has highly-developed infra-red vision that can record images in darkness, through camouflage and at great distances. In camera mode, can emit powerful flash explosion that leaves enemy blind and disorientated for up to 15 seconds

Weaknesses: Subject is not physically designed for combat and can be easily overwhelmed in such scenarios.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Ground Forces Commander
Alternate Modes: Cybertronian half-track tank (inner robot); air skimmer (Pretender shell)
Weapons: Twin plasma blasters, twin rust-bomb launchers, twin shatter cannons, hydraulic battering ram/dozer blade, acetylene cutting torches, thermal force field
Height: 31ft / 9.45m (inner robot); 35ft / 10.67 m (in Pretender shell)
Quote: “To show fear is to admit defeat.”

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 07
Endurance: 09
Courage: 10
Firepower: 09
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 06
Charisma: 08
Rank: 08

Profile: Roadblock knows no fear, and he’ll gladly spit hydraulic fluid on the graves of those who do, Autobot or Decepticon. He has no compassion for those who show weakness, and his troops often fear him more than what might happen to them in battle. In this respect, Roadblock is an excellent leader and motivator. Since his troops know they’ll get no aid from him should they fail, they fight their hardest to avoid being left to die on the battlefield. If his troops are ever reluctant to fight, Roadblock just enters the fray by himself. Few are foolish enough not to follow him into battle after he does this…they know what will happen to them once Roadblock returns, as he always does.

Recently Roadblock underwent the Pretender process devised by Scorponok, and is the first successful example of a Pretender Transformer. With the addition of a synthoplasmic outer shell and a large, heavily armed and armored vehicle shell, the “locomotive of destruction” has become an even more fearsome foe.

Abilities: Roadblock possesses excessive strength as well as impressive levels of resistance to damage. Highly intelligent, he combines his skills as a warrior, tactician, and strategist with absolutely unshakable courage to be one of the finest combat commanders in the Decepticon Empire. In his half-track tank mode, Roadblock can attain a speed of over 200 miles per hour, using his sloped rams and treads to go through or over most any obstacle (especially Autobots). In both modes he sports a twin-tube rust-bomb launcher that fires armor-devouring explosive projectiles.

In his Pretender shell, Roadblock benefits from a modified CR chamber device that provides self-repair abilities. The synthoplasmic shell is capable of independent operation and can transform into an air skimmer that can carry Roadblock or another Decepticon, and is armed with twin plasma blasters. It can fly at speeds approaching twice the speed of sound.

Roadblock also sports another, larger vehicle shell in the form of a six-wheeled dozer tank. With its spiked-studded Cybertronium-belted tires and hydraulic battering ram/dozer blade augmented with acetylene cutting torches positioned around the vehicle, it is even more capable than Roadblock’s original form of smashing through enemies and fortifications. Internal heat generators surround the vehicle with a thermal force field that neutralizes some projectiles as well as prevents enemies from coming too close. Twin shatter cannons mounted on a swiveling turret provide additional siege-class firepower.

Weaknesses: Though he lacks any physical weaknesses, Roadblock’s leadership style sometimes invites mutiny by his terrified underlings.


Allegiance: Decepticons
Alt. Mode: Cybertronian All-Terrain Buggy
Weapons: Twin Heavy-Duty Rocket Launchers
Height: 25 ft/7.62 m
Quote: “I take a licking and keep on ticking.”

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 07
Speed: 05
Endurance: 03
Courage: 10
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 06
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 06
Charisma: 06
Rank: 05

Profile: Ruckus is a deadly, devastating warrior whose usual state is a state of disrepair. This rolling bucket of loose bolts and peeling boiler-plate always looks like he just lost a demolition derby. It's not surprising that he's always willing to take the biggest risks on the battlefield, since he doesn't care what sort of shape he's in after the battle is over. All he cares about is winning. He is one of the bravest, nastiest and most daring of the Decepticons. He can be among 100 fighting Transformers and still stand out from the crowd. With his bullhorn voice, his high-amplification, stereophonic, constantly revving motor and his plunge-forward-never-retreat style of combat, he makes his presence known to all those around him, particularly those enemy Autobots who suffer the savageries of his onslaughts. Millions of years ago, on Cybertron, Decepticon Commander Megatron employed Ruckus primarily as an errand droid. At that time, Ruckus was considerably smaller: he had been designed to perform only a non-combat messenger's role. But at the battle of Valvolux, Ruckus proved his true worth when, after having been caught by surprise behind enemy lines and smashed to pieces by an Autobot-launched proton missile, he was still able to warn an approaching squad of Decepticons of the impending Autobot ambush with the part of him that still functioned: his voice module. Megatron rewarded him by rebuilding him into the stronger, larger form that he still has to this day and by granting him status as a full-fledged Decepticon warrior. And Ruckus has returned his commander's faith in him with unflagging loyalty and unyielding effort.

Abilities: In vehicle mode, Ruckus is particularly adept at ramming and running over opponents. He's been known to send the wheels of enemy vehicles flying in four separate directions with one of his charges. With his titanium nail- studded tires, he can grip and roll over virtually anything. He can achieve a maximum speed of 190 miles per hour and has a cruising range of 570 miles. He can expel a viscous, noxious-smelling oil-slick from his tail pipe that can send any vehicle in pursuit of him into an uncontrollable tailspin. In both vehicle and robot modes he is armed with heavy-duty rocket launchers that fire mercury-tipped exploding missiles. The detonation of a single missile can create a crater 50 feet deep and 500 yards wide.

Weaknesses: Although not known to have any specific weaknesses, Ruckus' penchant for charging into battle without concern for his own well-being creates a constant need for spare parts to patch him up. Although he is usually suffering from several ailments at any given time, he rarely allows any of them to keep him off of the battlefield. He doesn't let pain stop him from doing his job.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Cassetticon
Function: Demolitions
Alt. mode: Data-disk
Weapons: Laser Rifles
Special Abilities: Robot mode flight, pile-driver/earthquake generation
Height: 7 ft / 2.1m
Quote: “Destroy what’s below and what’s above will follow.”

Strength: 03
Intelligence: 05
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 02
Endurance: 08
Courage: 08
Firepower: 06
Accuracy: 06
Melee: 07
Tech Skill: 04
Charisma: 06
Rank: 05

Profile: If someone looks at Rumble the wrong way, they’ll catch a punch to the optic sensor - if they’re that lucky. Rumble acts without hesitation, and it doesn’t matter to him that he’s much smaller than many of his foes. Because of his size, most aren’t prepared for the ferocity of the mean-spirited Decepticon’s attack, let alone his ground-shattering powers. He’s a tough and foul-mouthed street punk whose violent nature has blossomed to its true calling within the ranks of the Decepticon army. Rumble loves being in the toughest ‘gang’ in the galaxy, and he’s eager to follow the battlefield orders of proven warriors whom he admires, like Soundwave and Megatron. His rebellious attitude occasionally manifests itself when faced with a task he finds boring or wasteful of his time, but fear of retribution quickly puts it in check.

Abilities: Rumble can internally generate intense vibrations that can tear the ground apart, destroy equipment, or even shatter his foes. He can end these waves into the ground through his feet, or he can transform his arms into drum-like appendages (aka pile-drivers) to physically direct their power. The quakes caused by him have measured as high as 5.4 on the Richter scale. He is also armed with two laser-rifles.

Weaknesses: Rumble is extremely weak physically. Despite his impressive powers and fierce attitude, most Autobots can best him easily in a physical contest - if they can make it far enough to reach him.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:32 pm
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: High Commander
Alt. mode: Scorpion, Spacecraft
• Electron stinger
• Six twin photon cannons
• Support weaponry that includes lasers
• Nigh indestructable claws
Special Abilities:
• Enchanced sensors and radar equipment
Height: 66ft / 20.11m
Quote: "Only the weak fear death - the strong embrace it."

Strength: 10
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 05
Speed: 10
Endurance: 10
Courage: 09
Firepower: 10
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 10
Charisma: 09
Rank: 09

Profile: A firm even fanatical believer of Megatron's ideology and goal of galactic conquest to protect the lesser races through force. A former officer of an infamous peacekeeping unit during the Golden Age of Cybertron earned a reputation of a cold, cruel and calculating Decepticon villain with mind of a wicked genius and aggressive streak miles wide already during the early days of Megatron's campaign. Grown frustrated with the cowardness, inaptitude and uneffectiviness of Cybertron's ruling class during the Golden Age of Cybertron, Scorponok was one of the first to join the Gladiator from Tarn when Megatron began his campaign to reclaim the past glory of Transformer race.

Being a commander in the Decepticon army requires a Transformer to be constantly on guard, physically and emotionally, while radiating an aura of fear and power. Thus, Scorponok actively works to hide a second, secret side of himself: the noble warrior who hopes the conflict will eventually be resolved to the benefit of all Cybertronians. He hides it well, but as time goes on and he has began to question the morality of his actions. Only time will tell if the vorns of projecting a cruel persona will completely overwhelm his more noble character, or finally break him down.

While accomplished soldier and military leader, specialized on missions of total destruction of the target, Scorponok is also involved with many successful and not so successful scientific experiments like Targetmaster project. Currently he is believed to be working on a process to create a fusion between mechanoids and organic lifeforms. This work has been labelled the Pretender process by Autobot intelligence. While so far failing with creating a truely functional binding process instead of just handful of working Pretender shells, many Autobot scientists that have been involved researching the stolen project data believe Scorponok is close to a breakthrough with his experiments.

Abilities: In his robot mode Scorponok stands almost two times as tall as Megatron. Scorponok possess monstrous strength and durability. In fact Scorponok's brute strength rivals even the strongests of Transformers; the combiners. Physically there are very few that can claim being match for him. Scorponok is also the few mechanoids that have successfully gone through Shockwave's modifications to achieve ability to perform a secondary transformation - thus becoming a triplechanger, able to transform from robot into scorpion and spaceship/weaponsplatform. In his scorpion mode Scorponok's main weapon is a powerful electron stinger mounted to his tail that can shoot up to 50 megavolt electric bursts. In this mode he also has six devastating twin photon cannons with enough firepower to level a city block in few seconds. Scorponok also has some weaker support weaponry like blinding fire laser cannons attached all over his massive frame. All of the photon cannons are usable to Scorponok in his all modes. In robot mode he uses a claw-held anti-gravity gun. His spaceship mode has a full complement of scanners, communications equipment, offensive weapons batteries, and repair equipment. His main asset in melee combat are his enormously powerful xentronium claws which can crush even hardest of alloys with ease. Scorponok also possesses a remote controlable drone, Fast-Track, that he often uses to secure his back and perform functions he is not able to perform himself due to his claws.

Weaknesses: Scorponok's claws limit his functionality on tasks that require nimbleness. Fast-Track is his weakest point and the pain his drone unit suffers, Scorponok feels ten-fold. While fast in spaceship mode, Scorponok is not very maneuverable - the exact opposite of his scorpion mode. In addition to the earlier, Scorponok has no serious physical weaknesses but his self-doubt may end up being the weakness that may eventually bring the gargantuan down.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Sweep Leader
Alt. mode: Sweepcraft (Cybertronian hovercraft)
Weapons: Heat Laser, Various Fusion and Incendiary Explosive Devices, Disintegrator Cannons
Special Abilities: Capable of escape velocity; FTL-capable
Height: 33ft / 10.07m
Quote: "Desolation follows in my trail."

Strength: 09
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 08
Speed: 09
Endurance: 09
Courage: 09
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 08
Charisma: 07
Rank: 08


"That Terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with… it can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely WILL NOT STOP… EVER… until you are dead!" -- Kyle Reese to Sarah Connor, Terminator

Imagine a being with no capacity for remorse, warmth, or even compassion - a being for which friendship and basic camaraderie were totally alien concept that suggested only weakness and folly. Such a being would be more monster than mechanoid, which is an accurate description of Scourge. He is a singularly merciless and unstoppable hunter and killer. Scourge's fearsome disposition and physical powers make him a virtual god among the Transformers, which should be enough to frighten anyone. But perhaps the most terrifying thing about him is that he represents only the smallest fraction of the strength and evil of the Decepticon Empire.

Scourge is the first of a new breed of Decepticon envisioned by Megatron: a prototype tracker/terminator capable of giving the far more numerous Seekers a run for their energon, and utterly loyal (some might say fanatical) in preserving Megatron and, by extension, the Decepticon Empire. Some projections indicate that the potential of "The Sweeps" is sufficient to make the Seeker design obsolete, especially if Scourge's vision to make his Sweeps a pack of tracker/terminators under his own command becomes a reality. Only time will tell, but Scourge intends on testing those projections to their utmost and see the results for himself. Needless to say, this intention makes the Seekers very nervous.

Abilities: Scourge is highly intelligent. His physical strength and endurance are exceeded only by the likes of Megatron. His scanning equipment is powerful enough to trace someone or something from one end of the galaxy to the other based on the smallest traces. In sweepcraft mode, his is armed with disintegrator cannons that break down the molecular bonds of targets, dissipating them. In robot mode, he is armed with a heat laser that can turn most armor into slag, as well as a variety of fusion and incendiary explosive devices.

Weaknesses: Scourge exhibits no physical weaknesses. His only failing point is his arrogance.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Constructicon
Function: Engineer
Al. mode: Wheel loader
Weapons: Laser Pistol
Height: 26ft / 7.93
Quote: “My work is a monument to – and of – my enemies.”

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 04
Endurance: 07
Courage: 06
Firepower: 05
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 06
Tech Skill: 10
Charisma: 08
Rank: 07

Profile: Scrapper’s ability to conceive and execute feats of engineering wizardry is matched only by his intense, sincere modesty in the face of praise from his fellow Decepticons. The artistic Scrapper manages to entertain himself and his allies by indulging in his sadistic habit of incorporating defeated Autobots into his construction projects, which is one of the reasons he is the best-liked of the Constructicons. Despite Hook’s equally impressive (arguably superior) skills as an engineer, Megatron appointed the sociable, likeable Scrapper the leader of the Constructicons over the snobbish, aloof Hook precisely because he knows how to bring a team together. The Slagmaker considers Scrapper the most valuable member of the team, and one of the most valuable Decepticons in the Empire. Of course, modesty prevents Scrapper from agreeing.

Abilities: Scrapper’s natural talents for design and construction are equaled by few others on Cybertron, and when working with his team of Constructicons there is simply no better builder. In wheel loader mode, Scrapper can lift up to thirty tons and handle such loads with surprising delicacy. The sharpened edge of his shovel can slice through a foot-thick steel plate with minimal effort. When necessary, Scrapper can deploy a wing and additional engines that allow him to fly at velocities of about double his land speed. In robot mode, he is every bit as strong as in his loader mode, and carries a laser pistol.

Weaknesses: Scrapper is a clumsy, slow flier when using his wing unit in vehicle mode. His shovel is prone to stress fractures if overused. Though a formidable close-range fighter because of his brute strength and lethally sharp shovel, Scrapper’s firepower is miniscule compared to most combat-dedicated Transformers.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Military Operations Commander
Alt. mode: Ray-gun
Weapons: Built-in gunbarrel, replacing left hand
Special Abilities: Total command of the electromagnetic spectrum; ability of generate variable rays from infrared to ultraviolet and so on.
Height: 35ft / 10,67m
Quote: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."

Strength: 10
Intelligence: 10
Dexterity: 07
Speed: 09
Endurance: 09
Courage: 09
Firepower: 10
Accuracy: 10
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 10
Charisma: 08
Rank: 09

Profile: The Guardian of Cybertron, Shockwave is logical, efficient, and a relentless perfectionist. He specializes in maintaining and fortifying all aspects of the Decepticon military, overseeing supply and communication lines as well as weaponry, ships, and bases. He is adept at maximizing available resources and seeking out every possible advantage in any situation. Even though he is most comfortable in his support role, Shockwave is well aware of the contribution he is able to make on the front lines, often overwhelming multiple opponents with his sheer firepower. In person he has a quiet energy and absolute focus on whatever task is at hand, and some who see only this side of him mistake his personality as coldly logical in all things. During the few moments of relaxation he allows himself however, his more sociable nature is evident. Of all the Decepticons, Shockwave's method of operation is most characterized by the cold, brutal efficiency one would expect of a purely mechanical being. He enters every battle not with the bloodlust of his comrades, but with a scientist's approach to solving a problem. He seeks Megatron's position of supremacy over the Decepticons not because his ego demands it, but because his logic-circuits dictate it. He feels Megatron's all-consuming thirst for power only hinders its achievement. With smug certainty Shockwave believes the reins of Decepticon power will inevitably be his - after all, he reasons, its only logical.

Abilities: Among the Decepticons. Shockwave's power is said to be second only to Megatron's. His total command of the electromagnetic spectrum allows him, in his ray-gun mode, to emit a coruscating beam of energy in a wide variety of forms: high-energy explosive gamma rays, x-rays that allow him to see through almost anything, blinding visible light, super-hot infrared rays and radio waves that can either send messages or jam other radio signals are but a few of the weapons in Shockwave's arsenal. Shockwave remains size consistent with his robot mode when he transforms to jis alternate mode, a ray-gun, that is, more than 40 feet long. He can fly in either mode using powerful jet thrusters in his boots (which become the handle in his ray-gun mode).

Weaknesses: Although his logical brain center is usually an advantage, more intuitive and emotional thinking processes often confound him, particularly when his adversary is human.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Subgroup: Insecticons
Function: Electronic Warfare
Alt. mode: Attack Jet(Cybertron), Stag Beetle(Earth)
Weapons: Electrical bolts, Grenade Launcher
Special Abilities: Generate electrical bolts, control electrically powered devices
Height: 21ft / 6.04m
Quote: “Control electricity and you control the world, world.”

Strength: 09
Intelligence: 06
Dexterity: 08
Speed: 04
Endurance: 07
Courage: 06
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 07
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 05
Rank: 06

Profile: The crackling sound of fused body parts short-circuiting is a sure sign of Shrapnel's work ... and is music to his audio modules, the characteristic quirk of Shrapnel’s speech, the eerie and sibilant way he repeats the last word of every sentence, is actually the least disturbing thing about him. He’s fascinated by the power of electricity, especially its effects on living subjects. He uses his amazing mastery over electricity to painfully dismantle his foes, one charred circuit at a time. In fact, whether he's scrambling microchips or shattering an armoured torso, it isthe noise of war, the scream of his victim that Shrapnel considers the true rewards of his work. He relishes these sounds much the same way an actor relishes applause. The pitiful wails resulting from his evil handiwork elicit unabashed glee in Shrapnel, whose terrifying battle cry can be heard for almost 8 miles when he gets excited. Once a simple electronics engineer creating electronic equipment suited for all sorta of transformer hardware in the beginning, Shrapnel turned his ways around and left his stagnant, boring, everyday job for that of the promise of glory and recognition that the decepticons had promised him upon entering their domain-- the gladiator pits. He had his unique ability to manipulate electricity, often downing opponents faster than the blink of a human eye. Or even becoming a momentary puppeteer, making his weaker foes bend to his will, often humiliating them. This was the start of his huge egotistical battlecry, his thirst for his victim's painful cries.. the Decepticons allowed him freedom that a normal everyday transformer could not do in the open. Over the course of time, his original hovercar mode had been forcefully replaced, to that of a fast attack jet capable of launching aerial strikes. The process itself was but a small price to pay for the Decepticon cause.

Abilities: Subject’s twin antennae are able to attract, generate and control electrical current. On their own, they can generate up to 40,000 volts of energy and can channel even more current in proper weather conditions. By careful manipulation, Subject can use his antennae to control almost all electrically powered mechanical devices. In jet mode he can fly up to 50 miles at up to 100mph. In robot mode, he can send a bolt of searing, raw, channeled electricity towards a foe through his hands. He also wields a grenade launcher that fires 30 lb steel shells. The shells explode in mid-air and shower targets with thousands of razor sharp projectiles, tearing most armor to shreds. With his high strength and electrical power, Shrapnel is physically the most dangerous Insecticon.

Weaknesses: Insulating materials, such as rubber and glass, can be used to thwart Shrapnel's electronic assaults. Also, his habit of making his presence known audibly makes him an obvious target.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Subgroup: Sixchangers
Function: S.T.A.G. (Solo Transformer Assault Group)
Alt. modes: Jet-Propelled Laser Pistol, Cybertronian Jet, Siege Tank, Armored Personnel Carrier, Wolf
Weapons: Hypersonic Concussion Blasters
Special abilities: Sixchanger, can achieve escape velocity from a planet’s gravitational pull
Height: 44ft / 13.4m
Quote: “Life is worth living only as long as there are enemies worth destroying.”

Strength: 10
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 08
Speed: 10
Endurance: 09
Courage: 09
Firepower: 09
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 06
Rank: 07

Profile: Sixshot is a bloodthirsty living weapon who is worth twice as many troops as he has transformations. As a further evolution in Transformer technology, Sixshot is the first Decepticon or Autobot who has successfully adapted to more than three modes without serious side effects. He manages each of his separate modes with the same determined intensity and lethal efficiency, taking great pride and pleasure in his destructive work. He routinely takes on large groups of foes with ease, scoffing at weaker Transformers' meager combat skills. Although he will resort to underhanded tricks to win a fight, Sixshot does have a less treacherous side, if he feels a foe is worthy enough, he will face him honorably in one-on-one combat to the death. Sixshot has obviously never lost in such a match. It is said that his only true redeeming quality is how respectfully he speaks of foes that he has dispatched in this type of contest. Perhaps this is because Sixshot knows the inevitable and a warrior faces, and he hopes that when that far off day comes that he is outmatched, someone will remember him with honor.

As a living weapon Sixshot feels awkward and unnatural outside of combat. He doesn’t engage in idle chatter or banter. He exists only for combat. When he looks at another creature, he gives the feeling that he is studying them, sizing them up, and determining the quickest and most efficient way to dispatch them. The feeling is an accurate one. Sixshot’s cold nature combined with his awesome power and lethal expertise makes him one of the most feared Transformers in existence, by both sides.

Sixshot was created as part of the new breed of Decepticons. His ability to change into six different forms represents the height of Decepticon technology. His loyalty to Megatron and his impressive skill and power make him, perhaps, the ultimate Decepticon

Abilities: Sixshot has exceptional physical capabilities, he is immensely strong with great intelligence, endurance, and resistance to damage. He is a Six Changer, able to transform between modes three times as fast as the average Transformer. In addition to his robot mode, he is capable of transforming into a Transformer-sized, jet-propelled laser pistol, a treaded siege tank with reinforced ramming capabilities, a wheeled armored personnel carrier, a star fighter with a top speed of 80,000 mph and a range of 800,000 miles, as well as a fanged wolf creature with razor-sharp claws and incredible leaping and flight abilities. All of the modes except the wolf utilize Sixshot's powerful hypersonic concussion blasters that turn sound into solid force. Sixshot prefers to rend his enemies with teeth and claws in wolf mode. He is an amazingly capable warrior.

Weaknesses: It would seem that Sixshot possesses no glaring physical weaknesses. Subject is somewhat arrogant of his prowess, albeit justifiably so.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: (Cybertron) Tetra jet / (Earth) modified F-15 Eagle
Weapons: Machine guns/lasers, Heat-seeking missiles
Special Abilities: Able to make an instant teleport with range of 2,5 miles. Also possesses a radar.
Height: 31 ft / 9,46 m
Quote: "Strike when the enemy isn't looking."

Strength: 07
Intelligence: 05
Dexterity: 09
Speed: 09
Endurance: 07
Courage: 08
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 07
Tech Skill: 05
Charisma: 07
Rank: 06

Profile: Skywarp is a classic Decepticon air warrior - swift and deadly, quick to follow orders, highly-trained and efficient in flight formation, and during off-duty moments having an element of the blustering bravado so common to those who consider themselves the elite air guard. His desires in life are for unlimited flight, the chance to revel in a battle victory, the camaraderie of his fellow flyers, in particular his best friend Thundercracker - though he is not much of a deep thinker, nor is he practiced in a great deal of empathy or consideration for those who cannot match his skills. He is one of the thousands upon thousands of flyers who make up the Decepticons' aerial superiority, without whose dedication and obedience the Decepticon cause would grind to a halt - someone who thoroughly enjoys his role in the world and has no real aspirations of moving beyond it.

Abilities: Like his follow Decepticon jet fighters, Skywarp can attain speeds of up to 3000 mph and more. But what makes him unique is his ability to instantly teleport himself a maximum distance of 2.5 miles. He also carries a heatseeking missile launcher and a variable-caliber machine gun. Skywarp can hold his own in ground-based combat better than the average flyer, and does not suffer the claustrophobia in close quarters that is common to many specialized air warriors.

Weaknesses: Skywarp's control of the accuracy of his teleportation power diminishes as the distance he teleports increases. As a result, if he's not too careful, he's likely to crash into things when he arrives at where he's teleporting. Not being too bright doesn't help him avoid these accidents either.


Allegiance: Decepticons
Subgroup: Headmasters
Function: Swamp Warrior
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Alligator-like creature
Weapons: Tissue demolecularization gun, serrated sword
Height: 34ft / 10.37m
Quote: "Autobots are like bad fuel -- weak and greasy."

Strength: 10
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 04
Speed: 03
Endurance: 10
Courage: 09
Firepower: 05
Accuracy: 06
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 06
Charisma: 05
Rank: 05

Profile: Although nervous habits tend to crop up in a tense environment like war, Skullcruncher’s are perhaps the most irritating. When in his alligator mode, he has a tendency to unknowingly grind his teeth together in anticipation of combat, producing a high-pitched screeching noise that sets most Transformers’ entire neural clusters on edge. Although it does occasionally terrify Autobot targets, it also lets them know that Skullcruncher is coming, making sneak attacks impossible. Decepticons avoid partnering up with him, and the try to keep him in robot mode if they’re forced to. His other battlefield habit is a conscious and even more disturbing one. Despite his claims that they “taste terrible,” Skullcruncher likes to consume his foes when in alligator mode. He’ll damage them enough so they can’t escape and then chew them into tiny bits before swallowing them. For a race that doesn’t require the consumption of living creatures for sustenance, Skullcruncher’s acts are particularly grisly.

Abilities: Subject has incredible strength and endurance. He is covered with thick, reinforced armor plating that makes him extremely resistant to physical attacks. In robot mode he wields a serrated sword and tissue demolecularization gun that makes metal surfaces soft and weak. In alligator mode his sharp fans can tear through most armor plating. He prefers to devour his Autobot victims after hitting them with a blast from his gun, making them easier to consume. Once inside him, a unique “digestive” system breaks them down into their component parts. The more Skullcruncher eats, the faster he can regenerate battle damage.

Weaknesses: Subject is slow and not just physically. Although not exceptionally unintelligent, Skullcruncher is slow to react or think of counterattacks. His physical attacks are powerful, but they are slow and awkward, particularly in alligator mode.


Allegiance: Decepticons
Sub-group: Horrorcons
Function: Interceptor
Alt. mode: Dragon / Futuristic Jet
Weapons: Gyro-gun / Laser Cannon (Robot and Dragon mode), Four Laser Cannons (Jet Mode)
Height: 34ft / 10.37m
Quote: "If it doesn't get you dirty, it's not worth doing."

Strength: 10
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 08
Speed: 09
Endurance: 08
Courage: 07
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 06
Charisma: 06
Rank: 05

Profile: Wading up to his neck in grease is Snapdragon's idea of a good time. And if a grease pit isn't handy, he'd be just as happy cracking open an enemy and bathing in his fuel. Not surprisingly, Snapdragon drips a petrochemical trail wherever he goes. His penchant for lolling around on his back in sludge pools gives many the impression that Snapdragon is lazy and difficult to motivate. He is. But he also hides a hair-trigger temper. Cross him and he'll rip your chest plate off with a lightning-fast slash of his claws. When Snapdragon says he doesn't want to be disturbed, he means it.

Abilities: In jet mode, Snapdragon uses dual turbo-booster rocket engines to reach speeds of 8800 mph. Four independently targetable laser cannons mounted on his tail wings make him a challenge to anyone flying within 12 miles. In reptile mode, Snapdragon has heat-treated carbon-steel claws and teeth that can cut through virtually any substance. In robot mode, he uses two gyro-guns, which interferes with the balancing circuitry of any robot its beam hits. Both of these gyro-guns can also be used as laser cannons. Snapdragon is also extremely intelligent which is made more dangerous by the fact that his nature hides that intelligence.

Weaknesses: Snapdragon's can be prone to bouts of extreme laziness. When relaxing in a grease pit it can be a very difficult process to get him motivated enough to do whatever task is required and it usually triggers his hair-trigger temper on whoever dared disturb him. Apeface usually has an easier time of it but it is still not a quick process.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-group: Seacons
Function: Seacon Team Leader
Alt. mode: Shell-Armored Aquatic Quadruped Beast
Weapons: Rapid-Fire Sonic Shell Cannons, Atom Smasher Cannon, Incendiary Sword
Height: 33ft / 10.07m
Motto: "Broken Autobots never mend."

Strength: 09
Intelligence: 07
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 02
Endurance: 09
Courage: 08
Firepower: 09
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 08
Rank: 08

Profile: Snaptrap was nicknamed "The Butcher of the Bogs" after he singlehandedly scrapped an entire regiment of Autobots in the Toxic Sludge Swamps of Cybertron. He's a one robot wrecking crew who creates havoc and chaos wherever he goes. Both admirers and enemies agree that Snaptrap is as cold-hearted and cruel as any machine ever manufactured, Megatron included. Snaptrap's battle tactics are a brutal confirmation of this observation. With lethal efficiency, he methodically advances against the enemy, swaying his head right and left, picking off anyone he sees. He's unconcerned about counterattack since he's virtually invulnerable to weapons-fire. Those merely wounded by his first assault earn his extra attention; he moves to close range so that his next attack will leave no survivors. He continues this strategy until either he's sent his foes running or he's left their twisted, charred bodies to rust on the battlefield. Snaptrap most notably appreciates the honor in a sword fight. Don’t let his use of ranged weapons fool you; Snaptrap is one of the most lethal swordsmen in the universe. As Seacon Commander, he leads a specialized team that doesn’t do their job just for the glory. Rarely do the Seacons receive accolades for the missions they quietly complete behinds the scenes. Instead, Snaptrap leads the Seacons into missions other Decepticons are either too ill-equipped or scared to do.

Abilities: In beast mode, Snaptrap is nearly impervious to weapons-fire. Durabyllium-steel alloy armor shields his body. He carries two audio module-shattering, rapid-fire, retractable Sonic Shell Cannons, eight turret-mounted photon beam ports and a turret-mounted, semi-automatic Atom Smasher Cannon, which he can also use in robot mode. In both modes he is slow. His maximum speed is 20 mph on land, 30 mph in beast mode at sea. In robot mode he also uses an Incendiary Sword.

Weaknesses: The armor plates on Snaptrap's underside in beast mode are relatively thin. Designed to facilitate his ability to float and maneuver in the water, they also leave him vulnerable to attacks from below. Luckily for Snaptrap, few of his enemies, and even fewer of his so-called friends, are aware of this weakness.


Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Communications
Alt. mode: Cybertronian light-armored tank ( )
Weapons: Concussion blaster
Special Abilities: Highly advanced sensory, especially audio; ability to read electrical impulses (telepathy); photographic memory; cassettes
Height: 33 ft / 10.07 m
Quote: "The secrets of the Universe reveal themselves to those who listen."

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 02
Endurance: 06
Courage: 06
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 10
Charisma: 07
Rank: 08

Profile: What is more valuable to a commander: loyalty or reliability? Loyalty is a luxury, but reliability is a necessity for effective military operations. Soundwave exemplifies the latter while projecting as much of the former as realistically possible. Soundwave is an indispensable lieutenant and a fierce warrior, with seemingly unshakeable loyalty to Megatron and the Decepticon cause. Whenever the Decepticon leader enters combat with Soundwave beside him, he is assured that he will perform his duty unerringly.

Soundwave is a Decepticon of many talents. His highly tuned sensors can intercept enemy transmissions and detect the faintest whisper of a sound; his scientific background was the basis for his largely self-taught repair skills (his area of particular expertise is cerebral neurocircuitry); his unique telepathic powers let him extract information from an enemy or assess the cause, and often the cure, for problems in a comrade. He is a skilled and ruthless fighter when necessary, though not a warrior by nature. He is calm, patient, and composed, often to the point of seeming emotionless - but in truth he is deeply dedicated to his cause, protective of the other Decepticons, and unfailingly loyal to those who have earned his friendship.

In stark contrast to Soundwave's feelings about his own kind, Soundwave holds a deep-seated disdain and loathing for the Autobots. He equates their destruction with the preservation of that which is most precious to him, most notably his creations and their chance at a better future. So he has come to consider the Autobots little more than vermin to be wiped out, the roadblock in the way to Decepticon destiny, and is coldly ruthless in his dealings toward them. Having experienced firsthand what they're capable of, he has no compunctions about using any means, even the most vile and merciless, to work toward the downfall of the Autobots. Fellow Deceptions who know what he's like among their own kind, are often shocked at this other side to Soundwave; likewise Autobots would be shocked to know what he's like among his own, because all they ever see of him is a lethally efficient adversary - one who is formidable not only on the battlefield, but who can attack by more insidious means as well. As an expert in cerebral neurocircuitry and memory processing, Soundwave is able to utilize Autobot prisoners in some truly unique ways when necessary, and has no moral constraints against doing it. To him, Decepticon victory is the most important goal, and that end justifies any means that might be used against his enemies.

Abilities: Soundwave has great physical strength and intelligence. He is a skilled and highly professional soldier and lieutenant. His internal scanners can detect even the lowest level energy transmissions for communications purposes, as well as sounds that are nearly inaudible to most audio sensors. He can even "read minds" by monitoring the electrical impulses inside someone's brain circuitry, if he's standing within 100 yards of the subject. He can act as a communications center for the Decepticons, keeping all units within 2000 miles in contact. He has internal equipment that allow him to jam enemy transmissions within the range of 100 miles without help of external amplifiers. His photographic memory is due to the immense information storage capacity of the magnetic disks in his chest. He wields a concussion gun and a shoulder mounted, multi-chambered mini-rocket launcher. Soundwave also has great physical strength and is a skilled fighter, able to stand his ground in battle. In both modes, his chest cavity can store the compressed forms of the assorted Decepticon cassettes (aka, Cassetticons), which he can select and launch.

Weaknesses: He has no specific physical weaknesses. The only thing that can really rattle his composure is a threat to his Cassetticons.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Assault
Alt. mode: Assault Helicopter
Weapons: Flame Thrower, 2 X Particle Beam Canons, 2 X Remote Control-Guided Fusion Bombs
Height: 28ft / 8.5m
Quote: "Respect your foes' abilities as you would your own."

Strength: 06
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 08
Speed: 06
Endurance: 09
Courage: 09
Firepower: 09
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 06
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 06
Rank: 07

Profile: Spinister is as mysterious to his fellow Decepticons as he is to his enemies. He says little about himself and reveals even less. But in action he is as deadly as a computer virus. "I don't care if he never utters another word, as long as he keeps scrapping Autobots," says Decepticon Commander Megatron of this eerie aerial adventurer. "We have enough big-talk, small-results types here already." Spinister's favourite and most effective battle tactic is to sneak up on unwary Autobots, scare them, fly away... and then return to destroy them while their guards are down. How this loner manages to surprise as many opponents as he does is a secret to which not even his commanding officers are privy. But the suspicion among many Decepticons is that Spinister has developed a "cloaking" system --a technology that allows him to turn invisible and avoid detection-- that he refuses to share with his comrades... just in case he should decide to one day use it against them.

Abilities: Spinister transforms into an assault helicopter equipped with two batteries of automatic particle beam cannons and two remote control-guided fusion bombs. His maximum speed is 520 miles per hour and his range is 1300 miles. In robot mode he can also utilise a hand held Flamethrower.

Spinister is primarily an excellent Marksman, this combined with his both high and wide range firepower makes him a fearsome long range opponent in the field.

Weaknesses: Spinister's rotor blades are prone to stress fractures after 12,000 miles of continued use. The blades require a vigilant maintenance schedule to avoid in-flight failure.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Saboteur
Alt. Mode: Crab Creature
Weapons: Spiked Mace, Over-Rider Rifle
Height: 30ft / 9.14m
Quote: “Place brawn before brains and victory is yours.”

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 05
Dexterity: 05
Speed: 02
Endurance: 09
Courage: 10
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 06
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 06
Charisma: 05
Rank: 05

Profile: Squeezeplay is smart enough to know that the aggressor in combat always has the advantage against a surprised foe. He strikes without thinking, always using rampaging, destructive attack techniques that keep his opponents off balance. This type of fighting spirit has served Squeezeplay well. It's not that Squeezeplay is a total moron, he just knows he can accomplish more by charging in and wrecking everything.

Abilities: Squeezeplay is an expert at sabotage and demolitions, particularly underwater. In his crab creature mode, his titanium claws can slice, crush and destroy almost any armor or obstacle. When transformed into robot mode, Squeezeplay uses his crab creature’s tail as a spiked mace with deadly skill. He also carries an Over-Rider rifle in robot mode that can fry an opponent’s electrical circuits.

Weaknesses: Squeezeplay can be quite slow at times, especially in his crab creature mode. His unthinking approach can get him into a heap of trouble if overwhelmed by superior and smarter forces.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:38 pm
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Seeker Commander
Alt. mode: Cybertronian tetrajet
Weapons: Arm-mounted Laser Guns, Cluster Bombs
Special Abilities: Null rays
Height: 31ft / 9.5m
Quote: "Conquest is made of the ashes of one's enemies.“

Strength: 07
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 10
Speed: 10
Endurance: 07
Courage: 09
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 09
Charisma: 09
Rank: 08

Profile: Starscream makes no secret of his ambition to overthrow Megatron as Decepticon Leader. He is ruthless, cold-blooded and cruel. In that sense the two rivals are very much alike. But he has a vain side that clearly distinguishes him. He considers himself the most sophisticated and handsome of the Decepticons. He exudes a high-class, urbane air that provides a certain irony to his murderous tendencies. He looks down at Megatron for being antiquated in his military strategy. Starscream believes the Decepticons should rely more on guile and speed rather than brute, destructive force to defeat the Autobots.

Starscream displays a kaleidoscope of personality facets and emotional undercurrents of which he himself is not fully aware, but which are not entirely lost on his comrades. He can be arrogant, selfish, and single-mindedly ambitious, forever seeking to unseat Megatron and assume command himself - but his schemes always seem to backfire as though he were subconsciously sabotaging himself. He forges ahead with supreme confidence, and can display astonishing perseverance in the face of repeated setbacks, but then may trip over his own insecurities.

Acknowledged for his combat skills but otherwise often disdained by his comrades despite his constant scrabbling to gain respect, he isolates himself further in a bristling shield of psychological armor. He can waver in an instant from deathless courage in battle to desperate pleas for appeasement in response to an enraged Megatron, when he's stepped too far over the line. Megatron overlooks the potential threat Starscream represents for one very good reason: Starscream is very good at his job.

Abilities: Starscream is one of the fastest flyers of the Decepticons, Mach 5 being nothing more but a cruising speed for him. He can climb to sub-orbital altitudes of 52 miles and nose-dive down to near ground level in mere minutes. This makes him particularly effective in surprise attacks and hit-and-run actions. He can shoot cluster bombs a distance of 40 miles, each of which can level an area 10,000 feet square. His null-ray rifle can interrupt the flow of electricity in any circuitry it hits for periods of up to two minutes, effectively preventing the operation of many machines dependent on those circuits during that period.

Weaknesses: Starscream tends to overrates himself often, and finds himself in situations that are more than he can handle. His nose-dives often overload his gyro-circuitry leaving him disoriented briefly. But, overall, he is a very tough nut to crack.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Undersea Warfare
Alt. mode: Submarine
Weapons: Proton cannon, Deflector Shield, Organic-steel Sword
Height: 28ft / 8.54m
Quote: “Conquer the seas and the rest will fall!”

Strength: 07
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 07
Speed: 05
Endurance: 07
Courage: 09
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 06
Rank: 06

Profile: Submarauder is a reclusive intellectual who likes to ponder the mysteries of the sea in total solitude, making other Decepticons wonder exactly what he finds so fascinating down there. Hovering in the darkest depths of the ocean, Submarauder is content to observe the undersea creatures he so respects as they swim with and around him. Despite his quiet, scholarly demeanor, it doesn’t take much to activate Submarauder’s hair-trigger anger; just seeing and autobot penetrate his watery domain is usually enough to make him explode with hatred and rage. Submarauder is a diabolically clever warrior, known for appearing suddenly and silently among his prey. He attacks with a blind fury, rending and blasting his foes before composing himself and floating off to return to his lonely undersea travels.

Abilities: Subject has great strength and intelligence as well as overall endurance. He is an expert in marine science; there is also some evidence that he can communicate with and command some sea creatures. He's armed with a proton cannon, deflector shield, and an organic-steel sword that eats through metals. He can also transform into a deep sea attack submarine armed with the proton cannon.

Weaknesses: Subject sometimes stays in the water too long, neglecting to refuel. He is also extremely protective of marine creatures and will even confront fellow Decepticons who carelessly threatened them.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Seeker
Alt. mode: Tetrajet
Weapons: Heat-seeker Missiles, Mass-driver Cannons, Electromagnetic Energy
Special Abilities: Self-generating energy source
Height: 31ft / 9.5m
Quote: "Unchecked power is the true path to divinity."

Strength: 06
Intelligence: 07
Dexterity: 08
Speed: 10
Endurance: 07
Courage: 10
Firepower: 09
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 05
Charisma: 09
Rank: 06

Profile: Sunstorm's original manufacturing took place during a fierce period of insurgency in one of Cybertron's chief industrial sectors. As the result of a riot at a nearby power substation, quality control was disrupted along the assembly line for Sunstorm's model type and a host of electromagnetic abnormalities crept in to his individual design. These anomalies produce a continual, cascading effect in Sunstorm's primary fusion reactor, allowing it to operate at power levels that are far greater--and far more hazardous--than those of many of his fellow Decepticons. Consequently, Sunstorm is engaged in a near-constant struggle to control the energy emissions that radiate from his superstructure, lest they cause severe damage to the systems of those around him.

Sunstorm's unique condition has bred in him a zealous belief that his strength and abilities derive from some mystical source and that the potential immensity of his power is indicative of some supernatural endowment. He will often make rambling statements that appear to his fellow Decepticons as nothing more than senseless babble, but the truth to these outbursts is far more disconcerting: Sunstorm is nearly convinced that he is, in fact, a living god.

Abilities: In vehicle mode, Sunstorm's top atmospheric speed is just under mach 2.0, though he is capable of reaching interstellar velocities well in excess of 15, 000 kilometers per hour. In truth, he is capable of space travel at speeds that are virtually immeasurable, based on the as yet untested capacity of the power core that Shockwave has modified. He wields two mass driver cannons in robot mode which fire high-speed projectiles capable of punching through most types of advanced Cybertronian armor. In jet mode, he is armed with two heat-seeking missile launchers. When Sunstorm is able to maintain control of his reactor core, he is capable of using it to generate incredibly powerful bursts of electromagnetic radiation.

Weaknesses: Sunstorm's peculiar habits, in addition to the deleterious effects that he is capable of causing teammates by his sheer presence, will likely cause him to be excluded from key missions until he has learned more control or his design has been further modified. In jet mode, he rarely employs his own heat seeking missiles; on the occasion that his target may evade their reach, they are liable to turn back and target his own substantial heat signature.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:41 pm
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: (Cybertron) Tetra jet / (Earth) Heavily modified air superiority fighter of Earthern design
Weapons: Compressed air rifles, Heat-seeking missiles
Special Abilities: Temporary speed increase above normal limits.
Height: 31 ft / 9,46 m
Quote: "My engines' roar is my enemies' song of doom!"

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 06
Dexterity: 07
Speed: 09
Endurance: 06
Courage: 04
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 06
Tech Skill: 05
Charisma: 06
Rank: 05

Profile: Thrust sees no point in trying to be subtle or sneaky to accomplish a military goal, and he often mocks those Decepticons who specialize in such work. Much like Dirge, he projects a carefully prepared image, although Thrust's is much less sophisticated. He brags about his toughness incessantly and makes every attempt to make his presence known both before and after he gets to the battlefield. He feels that trying to "psych out" his opponents with a dramatic arrival is half the battle. He delights in causing noticeable collateral damage on his way to battle just to let his foes know he's coming. Thrust never hesitates to announce his predestined victory before a fight has even begun.

Abilities: Subject possesses above-average strength and intelligence, and he is a highly skilled warrior. Like his follow Decepticon jet fighters, Thrust can attain speeds of up to 3000 mph and more. But he can accelerate to twice of maximum speed in a few seconds and maintain that for .25 breems. The vibrations from his rapid acceleration can destroy nearby constructions. He carries a variety of missiles and two compressed air rifles; each one can punch a hole through steel at a distance of 1000 meters.

Weaknesses: Although subject has above-average courage, a strong counterattack can break his nerve and cause him to retreat. He is unable to follow through on plans involving extreme subtlety.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Jet
Weapons: Incendiary Guns, Drone Rockets
Special Abilities: In addition to radar, Thundercracker is able generate controlled, deafening sonic booms.
Height: 31 ft / 9,46 m
Quote: "The deadliest weapon is terror."

Strength: 07
Intelligence: 07
Dexterity: 09
Speed: 09
Endurance: 07
Courage: 07
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 07
Tech Skill: 05
Charisma: 06
Rank: 06

Profile: Thundercracker is the epitome of loyalty in mind and heart, a rank-and-file warrior who sees beyond his daily duties to an awareness of the bigger picture. More compassionate and insightful than his best friend Skywarp, his steady common-sense outlook and personable nature make him well-liked in the Decepticon ranks; he is often the peacemaker among the flyers when tempers get out of hand. He sometimes grows weary of the war upon seeing so many of his companions fall - but this just redoubles his dedication to an eventual Decepticon victory. His place is at his comrades' side, a thing he can never forget, and he would shirk no duty or danger to do his part for the cause. Yet he is not totally convinced of the cause that he serves. Only the words of his Decepticon companions about the rightness of their cause, the destiny of conquest that is their birthright, convince him to go on. He is persuaded because he wants to be persuaded. Without a sense of purpose, Thundercracker would find his life unbearable.

Abilities: Like his follow Decepticon jet fighters, Thundercracker can attain speeds of up to 2000 mph and more. He has the additional ability to produce controlled sonic booms of deafening magnitude that can be heard within a 200-mile radius. He can launch a drone rocket with a range of 500 miles that behaves similarly to a cruise missile and has the concussive force of 3000 lbs. of TNT. He has a shoulder-mounted automatic incendiary gun that shoots at 100 rounds per minute heat-resistant ceramic bullets containing a highly explosive flammable material that ignites on impact. Thundercracker can hold his own in ground-based combat better than the average flyer, and does not suffer the claustrophobia in close quarters that is common to many specialized air warriors.

Weaknesses: Due to being more of a thinker than most Decepticon Seekers, Thundercracker can’t help but doubt the Decepticon cause but remains quiet out of fear of what Megatron would do if he learned of it. The fear of losing his friends because of his hesitation compels him to ignore his doubts.


Allegiance: Decepticons
Function: Warlord
Alt. mode: Cybertronian jet (War Within Jetfire)
Weapons: Particle rifles and lasergun
Special Abilities: can detect energy output, whether from animate or inanimate sources.
Height: 33ft / 10.07m
Quote: "Empires are gained and lost on a moment of opportunity."

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 09
Speed: 09
Endurance: 09
Courage: 10
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 08
Charisma: 09
Rank: 09

Profile: Quite literally created to command, Thunderwing is supremely confident in his ability to do so - a confidence that automatically inspires others to trust in him as well. Convinced that he has an important role to play in history, to provide a benefit that only he can offer the Decepticons, he seeks to take his place among the great leaders of the past and future. Physically swift and powerful in both robot and gunship modes, highly educated in history and the arts and sciences of war, and always open to the innovative, he presents a fine balance of self-controlled discipline and passionate inspiration. Possessed of an infinite patience and keen observational skills, he will lurk in wait for the single perfect opportunity, then strike with blinding speed, willing to commit the entirety of his resources to the pursuit of a vital goal - a strategy that has won him many struggles just on the overwhelming unexpectedness of his attack, but one that may leave little in reserve for a fallback position at some future time. He has an uncanny ability to sense "energy readings", be they from inanimate phenomena or living beings - something that gives him both a potential edge in the form of a warning signal, and a potential vulnerability to be drawn to that which he may not be able to handle.

Abilities: Thunderwing attacks in both robot and gunship modes with a double set of particle rifles and an additional smaller laser gun, a triple set of weapons which attach themselves to his wings when flying. In robot mode he can strike with great speed and agility in hand-to-hand combat, and in gunship mode he tempers raw power with a good deal of maneuverability. He can rain artillery from multiple gun ports, as well as fire rockets and carry moderately-sized bombs. His armor is unique among Transformers in that it is simultaneously light and strong - an alloy which is both tremendously durable and extremely flexible, and has long been a closely-guarded secret of the Valckasta ruling class. His high intelligence and thorough knowledge of history, politics, and mythology make him an extremely adaptable Decepticon - much to the surprise of those enemies and detractors who expect to encounter a tradition-bound aristocrat. The aforementioned ability to detect energy output, whether from animate or inanimate sources, has several times saved him from ambush or led him to a useful source of power.

Weaknesses: Thunderwing does not blindly plunge toward reckless action, but once he is committed to a particular course, no matter how crazy or risky it may seem, then almost nothing can dissuade him. This is fine on the many occasions when he has proven to gamble correctly, but holds the potential for disaster when circumstances turn against him and he refuses to realize it. His borderline-empathic affinity for strange energy readings leads him to be susceptible to outside mental control despite his own great strength of will, and his desire for historical immortality can sometimes override his cautious, calculating side and lead him to take dangerous risks in the name of his ultimate goals.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Gunner
Alt. mode: Futuristic Jet
Weapons: Photon Machine Gun, two twin side mounted photon pulse guns in jet mode
Height: 30ft / 9.1m
Quote: "Have gun, have fun!"

Strength: 07
Intelligence: 07
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 07
Endurance: 07
Courage: 09
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 04
Melee: 06
Tech Skill: 05
Charisma: 05
Rank: 05

Profile: Long suspected of having one too many disconnected circuits in his logic center, Triggerhappy is a crazed, computerized creep who thinks everything is a big joke. Even in the midst of a raging battle, he's usually too busy laughing uncontrollably and drooling lubricant to look where he's shooting. Worse for him, he doesn't pay much attention to who's shooting in his direction either. He is seemingly intoxicated by the sounds of his own gunfire, staggering about blissfully as he blasts away. The occasional battlefield success he has is a result of the panic his wild shooting sprees sometimes generate among opponents. Those who've known him for a long time trace his erratic behavior back millions of years ago, to an episode in a Decepticon warrior-trainee boot camp: Triggerhappy was practicing the use of a proton machine gun while riding a hoverboard. He slipped and fell on his head, all the while firing wildly away. A half dozen of his teachers were unintentionally disintegrated. Fearing the worst, Triggerhappy was happily surprised when the camp's commander lauded him for his lethal expertise and graduated him on the spot. He has adopted that manic offensive strategy ever since, although no one is sure if he acts this way because of his initial success with it or because the bump on his head shook a few wires loose.

Abilities:Triggerhappy transforms to a turbo-thrust jet fighter, with a maximum speed of 1980 mph and range of 4,000 miles. He's equipped with two twin side-mounted, rapid-fire photon pulse guns, used mostly for attacks on other flying craft.

Weaknesses: Needless to say, given the wasteful manner in which he uses his weapons, Triggerhappy often finds himself out of ammunition during the most inopportune occasions- such as in the middle of a full-scale Autobot counterattack.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:43 pm
by Gatkowski
Saved for character names with letters U-V.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:44 pm
by Gatkowski

Allegiance: Decepticon
Subgroup: Headmasters (in pre-Headmaster form)
Function: Tracker
Alt Mode: Wolf-like Cybertronian beast
Weapons: Thermal sword, photon pistol, triple-stage missile launchers, claws and teeth
Special Abilities: “Sixth sense,” enhanced sensors and senses
Height: 33ft / 10.06m
Quote: “My pleasure with my enemy’s pain comes.”

Strength: 09
Intelligence: 10
Dexterity: 08
Speed: 05
Endurance: 09
Courage: 09
Firepower: 05
Accuracy: 06
Melee: 09
Tech Skill: 06
Charisma: 05
Rank: 06

Profile: [From the personal work journal of Scrapper, Deception engineer] Despite the best efforts of Hook - that shining star of a surgeon - and my own more humble efforts, we were unable to have any luck remedying our comrade Weirdwolf’s non-standard speech patterns. The configuration of his neural processing grid is absolutely unique and, well, absolutely twisted. I’ve never seen anything like it in a Transformer. Just where you think Part A should connect to Part B, it connects to Part Q! Frankly, I’m amazed Weirdwolf’s strange way of talking is the main side effect of his oddball configuration. I would expect something much more catastrophic from such a bizarre processor layout.

Still, speech impediment aside, there isn’t much wrong with Weirdwolf, at least from the perspective of our respective superiors. He’s cruel, vicious, downright sadistic, and horribly brilliant at the core of it all. In other words, an ideal hunter-killer who can be relied upon to eviscerate as many Autobots as he can get his claws on. If only he would stop thinking out loud in that crazy mumbo-jumbo of his…half the time he tries to sneak up on someone, he ends up tipping them off by snarling some confusing yet terrifying threat. Oh well, let’s look on the bright side of things. Even when he does tip off the Autobots to his location, he still usually kills them!

Abilities: Weirdwolf would be considered among the most intelligent and creative Transformers alive if we could understand even half of what he said. Despite a lack of ready communication with his fellow mechanoids, Weirdwolf is still fantastically smart. As well, his unique neural setup gives him a sort of “sixth sense” that aids him in tracking and locating his prey. He is nearly impossible to sneak up on, and almost never surprised as a result of this strange additional sense. Augmenting his “sixth sense” is a battery of powerful, finely-tuned radars, magnetic anomaly detectors, olfactory sensors, and other scanners built into his head.

In combat, Weirdwolf is an utter beast. He is immensely strong, even more durable and gifted with incredible endurance. Though equipped with a photon pistol (firing destructive high-energy particles) and triple-stage guided missile launchers, he prefers to get up close and personal with his prey, employing his teeth, claws, thermal sword, and tremendous strength. He travels quite quickly for a beast-mode Transformer, leaping up to .8 miles in a single bound and possessing amazing fuel conservation systems, making him a tireless tracker.

Weaknesses: Weirdwolf lacks any physical weaknesses, but his tendency to think aloud often alerts his enemies to his presence despite his stealth and skill as a hunter.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Terrorist
Alt. mode: Black Cybertronian Hovercar
Weapons: Scattershot Gun
Special Abilities: Like all Stunticons, Wildrider possesses energyfield that makes him extremely resistant to physical damage and allow the reckless driving Stunticons are famous of.
Height: 26ft / 7.93m
Quote: "Either you're out of my way or you're out of luck."

Strength: 07
Intelligence: 06
Dexterity: 08
Speed: 08
Endurance: 07
Courage: 09
Firepower: 08
Accuracy: 06
Melee: 07
Tech Skill: 05
Charisma: 05
Rank: 05

Profile: Anyone who has seen Wildrider on the roadway and managed to survive later harbors no doubt about how the Decepticon earned his name. With endless malicious energy, Wildrider destroys property and lives with the same grating cackle and careless, erratic manner. His insane antics have been so effective at spreading fear and terror that Wildrider's superiors have taken notice, congratulating him on his technique. These accolades are lost on Wildrider, who responds only with a quizzical look and terrifying laugh - he knows he's not following any plan, he really just is that crazy. Wildrider can't stand quiet, so his actions are all geared toward making the loudest ruckus possible. To torment him, Motormaster sometimes orders the other Stunticons to be utterly quiet; the devilish leader then laughs about Wildrider's frantic reaction.

Abilities: Subject possesses above-average strength and intelligence. He is very maneuverable in vehicle mode and reach top speed of over 300 mph. He can also deploy a trunk-mounter double-barreled plasma cannon in this mode. As a robot, he wields a scattershot gun that fires an erratic flurry of powerful laser beams at a range of 1/4 mile. The beams' firing pattern fills 50 square feet and can destroy a building in a fraction of a breem.

Weaknesses: Subject's driving makes him prone to damage such as blow-outs, which require maintenance. His irrational fear of quiet can make him nervous and ineffective as a warrior. Subject's need to create noise makes it impossible for him to follow through on plans requiring secrecy.


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Data Processor
Weapon: Electro-burst Rifle
Alt. mode: Cybertronian avian beast
Height: 25ft / 7.6m
Quote: "Knowledge is the deadliest weapon of all."

Strength: 05
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 08
Speed: 06
Endurance: 05
Courage: 07
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 06
Tech Skill: 09
Charisma: 05
Rank: 06

Profile: A reknown intelligence officer, but just as reknown for his nosey nature. Wingspan is the premeir intelligence gatherer of the Decepticon forces, so obsessed with his purpose is he that he will often go out of his way to gather the most trivial gossip if he does not have an intended target in mind, making him heavily disliked amongst Decepticon grunts. His tendency to peer into windows when not on the job has unnerved many Decepticons, and perhaps Wingspan is one of the best reasons that the Decepticon forces are well-organized, since he reports directly to Megatron.

Abilities: In robot mode, Wingspan is an excellent hacker and data analyzer, possessing a voracious appetite for his job. He can easily break into almost computer database with ease, rarely leaving even the slightest hint that he had ever been there. He is also particularly capable of sneaking around Autobot incampments and catching onto the smallest conversations with his excellent hearing.

His alternate mode is that of an avian beast, allowing him the advantage of swift flight over all forms of terrain. In this form, he possesses excellent eyesight, allowing him to see Autobot activity while maintaining a safe altitude above Autobot bases. He also possesses specialized chemical and infra-red sensors that allow him to collect and analyze geographical data and locate resources. His talons are easily able to cut through most armor as well.

Wingspan's weapons of choice are twin electro-burst rifles, perfect weapons for his purpose. The weapons create short, intense bursts of electromagnetic energy which can easily scramble circuits, either of computers or of Autobots unfortunate enough to be his victim. The rifles are furthermore useful in covering his tracks after gathering data, or just to disrupt whatever's left.

Weaknesses: Wingspan's only noticeable weakness is the frailty due to his lightweight body (for flight), unfortunatley he's intelligent enough to utilize cover and anything else to cover himself, if located in the first place.