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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:23 pm
by Cravex

Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Chief Medical Officer
Alternate Modes: Cybertronian Jet
Weapons: Assortment of medical tools and stun rifle
Height: 30ft/ 9.114m
Quote: “If everything is under control, then you’re doing it wrong.”

Strength: 05
Intelligence: 8
Dexterity: 08
Speed: 09
Endurance: 06
Courage: 07
Firepower: 04
Accuracy: 07
Melee: 05
Tech Skill: 10
Charisma: 05
Rank: 07

Profile: For a time Pharma trained under the tutelage of Ratchet. The physician excelled in all manners of mechanics, field repairs and surgery. Pharma was a natural with a laser scalpel and as such worked primarily in the surgical theater.

The work ethics and excellent performance provided by Pharma only confirmed Ratchet’s belief that he was the best choice to succeed him as the next Chief Medical Officer. When the time came to speak with Pharma, Ratchet hesitated. Unfortunately, before Ratchet could speak with his protégé he was asked to leave his position as the CMO at Iacon’s most prestigious medical facility in order to join Optimus Prime and his team. This left the position of Chief Medical Officer open to a new candidate and Ratchet had the perfect medic in mind.

When Ratchet finally spoke with Pharma the medic was humbled. He vowed to perform his new duties to the best of his ability, but there was one condition. Once Ratchet returned from his mission Pharma would relinquish the title back to the senior medic. The announcement came as a surprise, but Ratchet reluctantly agreed.

Vorns passed and most of the medics under Pharma’s direction were relocated to outposts across the galaxy providing medical, repair and surgical services to the soldiers battling on the front lines. It was at that time that Pharma was stationed on Delphi, an Autobot infirmary located on the planet Messatine.

Pharma continued to perform as CMO at that location for several hundred vorns before he was forced to transfer to one of the largest shipyards used by the Autobot forces. His duties included, and were not limited to, performing repairs, seeing to the everyday medical needs of the laborers and engineers, and providing a sympathetic ear to those who might need it.

The position was not well received by the new CMO and thus his bedside manner has suffered greatly, but he is still considered an excellent doctor and a highly capable medical director.

Abilities: Pharma once performed a 4-way fuel pump transplant while being one of the donors himself. This is the type of dedication that elevated Pharma to the position of Chief Medical Officer. Although he is considered to be one of the best doctors Cybertron has to offer, Pharma is a haughty control freak.

Pharma transforms into a sleek Cybertronian jet that can reach a top speed of Mach 4 with a range of 3,000 miles. In robot mode Pharma is equipped with an assortment of medical devices he can use for defensive purposes. His stun rifle fires a projectile where upon hitting its intended victim sends a highly concentrated electrical shock temporally cutting off his enemy’s motor sensors rendering them paralyzed for up to 2 breems.

Weaknesses: Despite his imposing size, Pharma has only average strength and melee ability. He was never a fighter but he is and always will be a healer. His hatred for Decepticons runs deep enough that he would actually go against Article 7 of the Autobot Code. Pharma’s controlling and condescending nature does not sit well with those under his direction often alienating him from others and causing considerable tension. His domineering persona makes it difficult to receive help from comrades.