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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 5:28 pm
by Foximus

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Ground Forces Commander
Alternate Modes: Cybertronian half-track tank
Weapons: Twin plasma blasters, twin rust-bomb launchers, battering ram, Multi-Use Knives, thermal force field
Height: 31ft / 9.45m
Quote: “To show fear is to admit defeat."

Strength: 08
Intelligence: 08
Dexterity: 06
Speed: 07
Endurance: 09
Courage: 10
Firepower: 09
Accuracy: 08
Melee: 08
Tech Skill: 06
Charisma: 08
Rank: 07

Profile: Roadblock knows no fear, and he’ll gladly spit hydraulic fluid on the graves of those who do, Autobot or Decepticon. He has no compassion for those who show weakness, and his troops often fear him more than what might happen to them in battle. In this respect, Roadblock is an excellent leader and motivator. Since his troops know they’ll get no aid from him should they fail, they fight their hardest to avoid being left to die on the battlefield. If his troops are ever reluctant to fight, Roadblock just enters the fray by himself. Few are foolish enough not to follow him into battle after he does this…they know what will happen to them once Roadblock returns, as he always does.

Roadblock’s nature comes from his past. He began his existence as a lowly, golden load bearer whose name has been lost to history. He acquired a small yet more combat capable form and joined the Decepticon forces. He was seen and treated as a grunt. He began working in the Decepticon factories, then as a guard, then as a technician on ships and then as a soldier in a unit. It was as a soldier than he acquired his current name. His unit was charged with holding a defensive position which blocked a key road to a city the Decepticons where besieging. The forces within attempted an all-out attack on that position and the cowardly captain of that position decided to flee. Only one soldier refused to move and he courageously moved from artillery to artillery shooting at the Autobot force coming towards him. His stubbornness delayed the position from being overrun just enough to allow reinforcements to arrive. When his commander returned to the position he was greeting with death at the hand of the courageous soldier’s blaster. Word soon moved through the channels of this brave soldier until it reached Megatron himself who sought him out. It is not known what words were exchanged in that meeting but the soldier left with a new commission and orders for a new, more powerful, body to be built for him. When he next emerged he decided to rename himself to the nickname that the soldiers who had called him in that battle had given him, Roadblock.

Having clawed his way from grunt to one of the most respected commanders in the Decepticon army gives Roadblock no patience for cowardice or weakness. He does not understand why others cannot achieve what he has seemingly oblivious to how extraordinary he is. However, to a rare breed of Decepticon soldier, he is actually very popular. As a commander, Roadblock knows no fear or no defeat. Soldiers who serve under him know that they will not be distracted by internal Decepticon politics. They also know that no matter how seemingly suicidal the task that their commander gives him, Roadblock will not only walk into it with them but he would be willing to do worse. Roadblock is seen as a mech’s mech and arguably the best ground soldier in the Decepticon army

Abilities: Roadblock possesses excessive strength as well as impressive levels of resistance to damage. Highly intelligent, he combines his skills as a warrior, tactician, and strategist with absolutely unshakable courage to be one of the finest combat commanders in the Decepticon Empire. He is especially good in high stress situations where his coolness under fire helps to keep his unit focused. He is the commander of choice for “At all costs” situations.
In his half-track tank mode, Roadblock can attain a speed of over 200 miles per hour, using his sloped rams and treads to go through or over most any obstacle (especially Autobots). His toughness is further generated by a thermal force field. He does not utilize it unless needed in order to conserve energy. In both modes he sports a twin-tube rust-bomb launcher that fires armor-devouring explosive projectiles. He also carries twin blasters which he utilizes in robot mode and also a pair of utility knives.

When his current form was designed Decepticon scientist realized that Roadblock is a much more powerful of a load bearer that was originally thought. His current form, powerful as it is, provides no stress at all to his systems. It is believed that he could handle three times the current weight with no problem. His importance in the battlefield has prevented this be explored further. If it were, however, the results would be frightening.

Weaknesses: Though he lacks any physical weaknesses, Roadblock’s leadership style sometimes invites mutiny by his terrified underlings.