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Beularnum8: G1 Customs Collection :D

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:43 pm
by beularnum8
Hey guys!

I'm sure I share a similar disease to a lot of people posting here of being obsessed with transformers as a kid. Around a decade ago I decided to rekindle my love for the toys and became a bit of a collector. sadly that seemed like a phase as the evils in life took my attention away. You know what they say right? A girl will love you when your flavour of the month, but your toys will never leave you :p

Anyway I stopped collecting around six or seven years ago, and I'm sad to say my entire army of Transformers have been waging a war with dust, in which dust is the clear victor.

I managed to tease my girlfriend into watching the 1986 transformers cartoon (no idea how!) about a month ago and have since had a taste for getting a few bots out and even adding to my collection.

But, as you shall now see, I have issues.....
this is the only room viable for displaying and adding to my collection and its safe to say its not doing well for space. As you can see I'm a music lover also and my cd's and dvd's take up the space I assume most would have their figures on show. But I have a plan.

These white cupboards have been around no doubt much longer than most posters on this website, and are currently the home to my entire unboxed transformers. Where you may ask? Hidden at the top!


As you can see my transformers are not enjoying life right now. Inside these cupboards are also disgusting!

So basically to avoid this being a decorating thread or self loathing themed, I've set a goal and taking down the 30 year old plus cupboards, re-decorating and sorting out this collection. I do feel like I have amassed a decent load of toys over the years and they deserve to either go to an owner which will love them or be displayed properly.

So I'm thinking of the Ikea glass displays mixed with black wall paint should do the trick! Here's hoping.

I mean to keep this blog/collection thread as a way of keeping my spirits and motivation up and hopefully by the end i'll have a decent display to be proud of :)

Any thoughts and ideas? :)

Re: Beularnum8's Lair

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:55 pm
by beularnum8
One of the reasons I decided to restart my collecting was this quirky bunch of G1 Customs I bought from a sole trader/painter around 2007 time.


I know that most serious collectors will not care much for these but I find a lot of joy in these as they are obviously rare and very creative. I guess I'm a sucker for repaints also, having caved towards my first two purchases in recent times with two custom painted seekers.

From left to right:
Back Row:
Vision (Decepticon) - Smokescreen Custom
Unnamed (Autobot) - Smokescreen custom (shame I lost the box)
Blue Bluetreak (Autobot) - Bluestreak Custom
Bulletproof (Decepticon) - Bluestreak Custom
Bottom Row:
Engage (Autobot) - Bluestreak Custom
Vector (Decepticon) - Wheeljack custom
Backtrack (Decepticon) - Tracks Custom
Pursuit (Autobot) - Jazz Custom

In total I have 17 customs made by this guy and the quality is awesome :) Its a shame after I tracked him down recently that too long has passed and he's been out of the game for years. But still, worthy of a post I think :D

If you guys want robot modes and more of them let me know :)

Re: Beularnum8's Lair

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:01 pm
by Cobotron
Man! You got stuff!

I not only want to see more about those customs, I wanna see you take your entire collection to the next level. So....

Get to work! :lol:

Re: Beularnum8's Lair

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:00 pm
by donny1975
Oh yeah, you have a ton of really great toys! They need some display love!

I think the Ikea Detolfs are a good call, and fairly inexpensive. You could also (if you are planning on ripping out those cabinets) do floating shelves in their place that could be a neat look. Of course with the Detolfs you won't have to dust as often.

We have a ton of music in the house as well and the only suggestion I have is to maybe convert it all to an electronic format...and store the discs away somewhere else. It took me forever but I ripped all of our hundreds of CDs and now they all live on networked media drive so they are easily accessible from our devices. Now I use a thumb drive for my car instead of constantly having a collection of discs strewn about :D .

I will be interested to see what you come up with and how you display your figures.

Re: Beularnum8's Lair

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:13 pm
by beularnum8
Cheers for the replies guys :)

I've been pretty busy cleaning up the room which so far has almost filled two wheelie bins, i had no idea how much stuff was being kept in here that i don't actually need! I've made a few new purchases and enjoying my transformers again! The displays aren't up yet but like i say, we are making good progress :)

Ah yes the customs. I figured since i do enjoy these a heck of a lot i'd take a few photo's while there's nothing else to show! I'll start with two of my favourites for looking like proper evil decepticons!


We'll start with these two dudes.:)

Bulletproof is a Bluestreak custom which is one of my favourites. Note the bullet holes along his side! I did like the custom makers imagination in this instead of just going for flat out green! I think i have his tech spec somewhere, but i think the theme is rather Stunticon-like, abit of a brawler/warrior and found outside of battle winning destruction derbies! I like the fact also that he dosen't look sleak, he looks like he's been battered!


Re: Beularnum8's Lair

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:20 pm
by beularnum8
This one is called Backtrack. A tracks custom :)

I would say like the Autobot he's based on his prefers his sleak look instead of fighting. Strikes me abit of a imposing looking commander who stays well back incase his fender gets dinted or his paintjob gets marked :) (even though i cleaned him the cam still picks up the dust! Damnit :-(


Re: Beularnum8's Lair

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:20 pm
by donny1975
Hope to see more when you get it situated. Thanks for the diversion till then. 2 of my fav G1 characters and molds in evil colors/badging...I am kinda diggin these!

Re: Beularnum8: G1 Customs Collection :D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:17 pm
by beularnum8
I have changed the name to this thread as i'm still not ready for my collection setup. Getting there though! The mess of a pile of toys is now gone and they are packed neatly ready for housing :D

In the meantime i have a couple more Decepticon Recolours to keep me entertained :D

Meet Cold Snap! The Evil recolour of Sideswipe. I do like it when a custom has a gimmick as well as a unique paint job, this guy has pirate badgers on him as well as his name on his bad bumper, which sadly has worn away :(




The pirate emblems are clear on the overhead picture. Perhaps his back story is that he is some sort of hired muscle? Space Pirates!


Re: Beularnum8: G1 Customs Collection :D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:22 pm
by beularnum8
Next up is Vector!

A Wheeljack custom which i think deserves a lot of praise! A nice theme which i guess is a stock car/racing car livery, which hides the Decepticons Crazy Inventor! Perhaps he used to be Wheeljack's Understudy and wants to show him who is best!

This Wheeljack toy is also in incredible condition, the only one i've ever had which can stand up without props!


As an added bonus, here's the decepticon Custom Army so far! :D