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Bullycon Collection

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:13 pm
by Bullycon
I'll start with my workplace collection of Legends figures. Forgive the poor lighting; I took these with my iPhone.
Jazz, Trailbreaker, Optimus Prime, Hound, Prowl, Bumblebee, Smokescreen
Red Alert, Leo Prime (Not pictured)

Soundwave, Starscream, Megatron (G1), Onslaught, Megatron (G2)

I started this with the release of Jazz and Hound in Universe 2.0, and built it from there. I had a few other figures like Spychangers Prowl and Classics Legends Prime, but those were happily discarded for the newer molds. I'll be happy to ditch Red Alert, Onslaught and Soundwave as well, someday.

Other Legends class figures like Brawn, Beachcomber and Cosmos, sit with the Classics collection at home. Warpath might make the transition to my desk after the Deluxe version is released.

I'm still bitter that I don't have Hot Rod. I repurposed his ROTF redeco as G1 Smokescreen. Also repurposed is Cybertron Soundwave as G1 Soundwave.

Hey, Hasbro! I need more G1 Decepticon Legends!

Side note: I just figured out the proper way to transform Onslaught while setting him up for this photo. This has made the figure about 1000X better. He's still the weakest figure of the group, though.

Re: Bullycon Collection

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:17 pm
by The Arc
Your "redalert" is actually movie smokescreen.Its a repaint of legends jazz.

Re: Bullycon Collection

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:03 pm
by autbotfelks
great little collection

Re: Bullycon Collection

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:39 pm
by bionic_radical
i think he's saying that red alert and leo prime aren't pictured. I see what you meant though. And I think the smokescreen is a repaint of legends rodimus, but Im not positive.

Nice legends collection!! When the DOTM Ark comes out, make sure you get it!! That would look sick.

Re: Bullycon Collection

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:43 pm
by Bullycon
bionic_radical wrote:i think he's saying that red alert and leo prime aren't pictured. I see what you meant though. And I think the smokescreen is a repaint of legends rodimus, but Im not positive.

You are correct. Leo Prime and Red Alert were not pictured.
You are also correct that Smokescreen is a repaint of Universe Rodimus.

Nice legends collection!! When the DOTM Ark comes out, make sure you get it!! That would look sick.

I was very strongly considering it, but I've recently come to the conclusion that I'm buying way too many of these toys with no place to put them. They were cluttering up my condo to the point it was looking like a candidate for that Clean Sweep or Clean House or whatever that show is.

As such, I think I'm going to take a break for DOTM. I've boxed up my home collection and put it in storage. I was planning to take pictures of it for here, but that's obviously on hold. One day, I'll have a house big enough that I can devote a full room to the collection. Where I can enjoy it, yet it is out of the way. Either that, or I'll have to part with it. But let's not think such dreadful thoughts.

Re: Bullycon Collection

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 7:09 am
by bionic_radical
two words:

tree. house.

Im talking professional grade. Ill bring the mini fridge and bean bag.