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Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 10:34 am
by skywarp-2
:CON: Here is a link to the updated image of Unique toys take on a Masterpiece TLK Optimus prime! The image is of a fully painted prototype alongside the Unique toys Peru Kill their take on a Masterpiece AOE Lockdown! Merry Christmas indeed!

Check out the link here:

Mirrored images below:









Soooooo Getting this! Looks like they did some final mods to the figure based on feedback. Namely the lower legs, and under the sides of the chest, along with a more accurate sculpted head, and small mods to the forearms. Early Protype images included in the mirrored ones for comparison.

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:51 pm
by retrothrust
I can't spot a single shared part between the prototype third image and the others. Isn't the truck in the second image a non-transforming die-cast thing?

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 6:03 pm
by skywarp-2
retrothrust wrote:I can't spot a single shared part between the prototype third image and the others. Isn't the truck in the second image a non-transforming die-cast thing?

It is the diecast model, I think they put it next to it for show. From the research I did before posting, it doesn't look like the bot mode is the 3A, the comicave studios, or DMK version either. It does match the proportions of the original, however, there is a lot of resculpted parts. If you compare it to the other figures, you'll see they are very different. The site it's on says it's the unique toys version. I've tried to debunk it, but I can't find a match.

If this is truly legit, it's the greatest single engineered 3rd Party figure ever to be produced. I wish I had a translation on the page itself.

It DOES MATCH THE PROPORTIONS OF THE PROTOTYPE...exactly.. I'm convinced. But nice to have a second pair of eyes on this. If it's truly their final version. I'm going to be in nerd heaven!

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:30 am
by retrothrust
Yeah the comicave has more solid feet and blue toes, the dmk has huge shoulders, and the 3a seems to have different thighs and toes. The extra cut in the toes hinting at a hinge, and the acute angle of the smoke stacks, almost pointing straight up, seem to be the most identifiable differences for this guy.

The website you linked, I Google translated it. Grammar was a mess but they do call it the utr02, however they also call the older prototype that, and sell it for a different price. In the q&a section it looked like the seller was saying that a lot of the original had sold but that UT was still in the process of improving the aesthetics, and this was the newest release. I think it looks 3a quality, I can't spot any kibble, exposed hinges, or indications of transformation at all besides the possible compromise of leaving out the last curve in the smokestacks. I hope this is challenger, but I'm afraid to get my hopes up.

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 12:39 pm
by skywarp-2
Well the thighs certainly match the prototype, and the crotch armor looks the same too. The proportions of the arms, chest, leg length, and the body do match the prototype. The head is a totally new and better proportion sculpt, as well as the chest and stomach details. If this is truly the final product, I don't see how anyone could do better or even come close. I think there were a limited run of the prototypes that were produced, before they refined the aesthetics due to fan feedback. So maybe that is why the first one is up for sale lesser priced. If that's what we are seeing, then it should be noted that when ordering caution is required so as not to purchase the first release. I'll have to remember to ask about that when I order off TFdirect.

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 7:35 pm
by skywarp-2
Check out the ratchet joints behind the knees,and in the battle pic, look at the knee joints. This is definitely a transformer. Also, look at the back detail, you can see where the back splits open into a panel of some kind. I used my smart phone to zoom in.

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 8:28 pm
by skywarp-2
Update... I went on TFW2005 to see if anyone there knew what the image above was, it looks like that Figure of AOE-TLK Optimus prime is actually a 4ever toys remold of the DMK. So, bad news..but still pretty good news as far as Challenger is concerned. It looks like the you is very close to the custom figure. So, hopefully Unique toys will take some cues from it and really go that extra mile to make a statement with their first movie Optimus prime release. Time will tell when they're ready to show off their final product. But if they can get the legs, knees, waist, back and head reformatted to more accurately emulate that 4ever toys figure, then it'll be the hottest Transformer any third party has put on the market.

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 4:25 am
by retrothrust
Honestly it already looks way better than the alien attack, in everything but the feet, so if they just fix the feet I would have no complaints at all.

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:59 am
by skywarp-2
retrothrust wrote:Honestly it already looks way better than the alien attack, in everything but the feet, so if they just fix the feet I would have no complaints at all.

I agree, honestly if they just do the feet, and give him the Calves like the 4Ever model above, it would look almost the same. I think the back needs a bit of work too.

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:54 pm
by retrothrust
skywarp-2 wrote:
I agree, honestly if they just do the feet, and give him the Calves like the 4Ever model above, it would look almost the same. I think the back needs a bit of work too.

From the front his inner Shin plates' flat back edge can make his calves look flat, but these other angles make them look a little better.

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:13 pm
by retrothrust
The back is still miles ahead of alien attack, and alien attacks calves, while smoothe, are kinda boring.

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 2:08 pm
by shajaki
I just realized this thing existed. He looks more impressive than AA's version. I hope he's still in the works :-?

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:12 am
by User897
shajaki wrote:I hope he's still in the works :-?

Same here. After the El-Cid reviews started coming in, I definitely prefer this one so far.

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:17 am
by blazedriver
very VERY awesome but may i ask what toys that ROTF megatron (his arm in the 4th image) and that other optimus (his left arm and his sword also in the 4th image) thanks because i would like to get them

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:33 am
by Evil Eye
Damn that is impressive. I mean, not for me (I don't particularly care enough about the Knight Optimus Prime design to want an MP of it) but still damn cool.

Re: Unique toys updated images of Challenger TLK Optimus prime!

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 9:07 pm
by is456








