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TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:41 am
by El Duque
The third piece in TFClub's upcoming Project Deva has been revealed, Longhaul. The latest figure is shown in his robot mode and combiner mode. We got a look at the figure's alt mode earlier as a computer render.

Looks like you may have a decision to make when it comes to your third party Relector needs. They have also posted images of what appear to be a Reflector-ish set of robots. Three individual robots with the central piece shown in alt mode with a light-up feature.

The images can be viewed here at TFClub's Blog. However, the site requires registration so the images have been mirrored below.








Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:49 am
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Don't care too much about their Reflector, but Long Haul... :APPLAUSE: :grin:

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:55 am
by Mkall
Looks like it was a good dinner...

Now I'm torn between the two upcoming Reflectors...
I hope one will be in Anime colours and the other in Toy colours.

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:03 am
by Trikeboy
I prefer the look of PE's Reflector. Long Haul, yes please, even the Devastator mode looks spot on. Can't wait for Devastator.

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:13 am
by Andrius
I can't get over what an ambitious project TFClub is starting out with; I'm even more shocked to see a second one in the offing. Let's hope they don't overextend themselves too much...

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:21 am
by munkimus prime
They could of cleared up a bit before taking the pictures.

When Buying from 3rd Person companies, I always thought Fans Project would be the only one I'd buy from but with this coming I may have to change my mind.

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:48 am
by alexison
I wish smaller third party companies would finish one project before working in their next. Especially a project as big as Devy. Reflector could be cool but he looks a little big.

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:07 pm
by Down_Shift
I think longhaul looks really good, if a little stumpy. I like the twin cannons ala Movie Longhaul. This reflector set looks better then the other set to me. This set is using a grey resin prototype which usually means the quality of finalized plastics will be better then the black prototype PE figures. Plus these look about deluxe size which is where they should be.

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:08 pm
by Blozor
I like the look and accessories of PE's Reflector, but I don't like that they'll end up being not much bigger than Shadow Warrior. I'm not as big a fan of TFClub's look, but I like the fact that they look like they'll be more proportional to the Classics/Universe/Generations/RTS lines.

These NotConstructicons look spectacular. They also look very sturdy. They may be the best quality 3rd Party figures to come out, but I should reserve judgment until I actually get them in my hands.

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:42 pm
by dragons
:shock: wow deluxe figures that have botmodes, vehical modes, & combined mode all into one this devastator will make moive dev look like childs toy if it holds well togeather in combined mode this may tower over big crapy devastator.

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:49 pm
by LOST Cybertronian
I didn't do this but I saw it and thought I should share. It gives a rough idea of what devs would look like:


Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:49 pm
by WarGraver
As to the Reflector, I like that this set has more detail than t' other, but they lose out for not being individualized by well-used kibble. The light-up feature... meh. I don't need my toys to light up, but I will still grant that it seems they did a good job of having it in both robot and camera mode.

PE is the winner, though, no question.

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:03 pm
by Dread_Wing
OMG :KREMZEEK: Project Deva is looking to be truly awesome! I love the look of the reflector-cons too. TFClub is lining up to empty my wallet! :sad:

I shoved these together quickly:
I still think Devvy needs his big purple chest wing...

Edit: Sorry Lost Cybertronian, I did not notice you had posted that already!

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:34 pm
by Sodan-1
Not-Longhaul looks a little bulky. Just as he should be. Excellent.

Not sure how anyone can make a decision on TFClub's Not-Reflector given as we've hardly seen any of it. I am reserving finally judgement until they show us a little more, which I hope they do soon. PE's SFX is meant to getting a pre-order any day now. :-s

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:44 pm
by stangatron
man dev looks so good so far. any word on preorder yet?

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:50 pm
by Mindmaster
Like how it's a mix of G1 Long Haul and his ROTF counterpart. Most notably his flamethrower/grenade launcher-looking things. Now, if this is supposed to represent Reflector(s?), I might, emphasis on MIGHT, discard my hate for 3rd party toys, turn a blind eye and buy him(them?). ;) :lol:

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:04 pm
by LOST Cybertronian
Dread_Wing wrote:OMG :KREMZEEK: Project Deva is looking to be truly awesome! I love the look of the reflector-cons too. TFClub is lining up to empty my wallet! :sad:

I shoved these together quickly:
I still think Devvy needs his big purple chest wing...

Edit: Sorry Lost Cybertronian, I did not notice you had posted that already!

It's alright, I didn't do it just posted it here. Yours looks much better anyway. :APPLAUSE:

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:18 pm
by Rated X
I just want a reflector in a scale size like deluxe or scout. The Constructicons are bad ass but I dont like them being so big. When a huge bot towers over your whole collection (besides Unicron) it looks kind of stupid. Ill end up displaying him alone rather than with the group.

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:42 pm
by kirbenvost
Definitely prefer PE Reflector. This Devastator is going to be completely badass though, if he ends up being affordable at all.

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:09 pm
by XStarfireX
Deva looks awesome, I totally doubt I will be able to afford him in the end. Oh well I will just have to make sure one of my friends have it so I can play :grin: er..I mean... transform very carefully :P

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:15 pm
by Dread_Wing
XStarfireX wrote:Deva looks awesome, I totally doubt I will be able to afford him in the end. Oh well I will just have to make sure one of my friends have it so I can play :grin: er..I mean... transform very carefully :P

<gulp> Should I be taking out contents insurance to cover my future Transformer purchases? :P And the traditional greeting Starfire:


Just joking, of course you can 'play' with them when they come out! :CON:

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:44 pm
by Sodan-1
One more thing regarding TFClub's Not-Reflector; the light at the centre of Viewfinder. I like that it's a nice extra feature in an attempt to make it look unique, but without Spectro and Spyglass he looks like he belongs in Robert Downey Jr's chest.

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:44 pm
by Vicalliose
"My wallet weeps." doesn't even begin to describe how much this thing is going to cost.

More like "Bank account massacre." or just "Bankruptcy." jeezuz mayun. :-?

Reflector looks cool. Not as small as the other one, and will have a 'flash' light too. Though it will also be "money murder" on anyone interested.

Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:04 pm
by El Duque
I added computer renders of the Reflector set.




Re: TFClub Project Deva Update and Possible Reflector

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:11 pm
by bigwhitey21
Ok when are they going to put up some preorders for the Devastator like guys? Better be soon!! This is something I've wanted for years. A self-contained combiner. no added on parts. Perfect!