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Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 5:57 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
Burns the 1st admendement thing was for meant for Caelus. Should have quoted it to make it clear, sorry for the confusion.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 6:28 pm
by Dr. Caelus
Ultimate Weapon1 wrote:well no, just that if others have a different view, it shouldn't be attacked since they also share the same 1st admendement. And if people do have different political views, they should be talked about in a civilized manner, without one demonizing the other. That is how one learns, not through force of only one groups veiw, but many. We are to grow as a country together, not divided over opinoins or veiws. As a great man once said, "A house divided agianst itself can not stand"-Abraham Lincoln.

First of all - and Lord I get tired of saying this - the 1st amendment protects your right to speak (specifically it protects you from government suppression).

It does not, however, legally prevent other people from speaking, obligate other people to provide you with resources to speak, obligate other people to listen to you, or shield you from criticism or negative regard, or even protect you from good, old fashioned, 18th century name-calling.

Philosophically, however, it does oppose telling people they cannot voice their opinion. Yet:

Ultimate Weapon1 wrote:
Awesomepow wrote:This thread should go.Admins shouldn't have posted this news in the first place.[...]

While I agree with you, there is nothing we can do, since this site is run by an hierarchy, and not the people. [...]

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:08 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
While I did agree with AwsomePow, I was agreeing that it shouldn't have been posted in the fist place, due to what is going on now, all of us agruing and bickering is not doing any good for any of us, if we don't at least try and understand where were coming from. And no you don't have to listen to me, but shouldn't that apply to you too? I therefore do not have to listen to you either, but I will, in order to learn. Learn how you think and who you are, in order to better understand you, and find common ground so we can get along easier, if that is what you want. I just want to find peace, but DO NOT mistake that for weakness.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:16 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
And yes I did say that the site is ruled by a hierarchy, which is my opinion, it does not mean its true. I do believe that, even a website, should be "ruled" like a Democracy, where everyone is equal and everyone can voice their opinion, or facts, without destructive criticism, but proactive criticism, or correction, but done so in a way without attacking the person themself.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:26 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
Put basically, what we are doing on this website is voicing are opinion, which is what the comments section is for. And that if you know something is probably going to stire people up, which could have a negative effect, then it may not be best to do or say. But yet again this is not my website and we will have to accept the way that it is regardless.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:39 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
Now do I care about Criticism? Well yes and no. While negative criticism itself rarely gets to me, due to me not caring what other people think about me, I do however don't like seeing other people attacked, it just bugs me, and its in my nature to defend others. Negative criticism does no one good it just gets people hurt or divided. Positive, or, corrective criticism is different, as it helps people to learn from there mistakes without hurting others, or causing division, unless your a snowflake that can't stand any criticism. And, No I am not calling you a snowflake. Anyways thanks for sharing your opinions as now, I have learned.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:39 pm
by Dr. Caelus
So you're willing to listen and try to understand other people's point of views when they're expressed, you just disapprove of someone expressing his/her point of view if it's likely to cause disagreement.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:44 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
If it is to cause a disagreement, that could likely cause strife, then yes. Just what I'm saying is, think before you say. Thats all.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:46 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
Yes I am willing to listen and understand others points of veiws.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:00 pm
by Dr. Caelus
How do you reconcile saying you're a great listener while telling other people not to speak?

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:19 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
Ok obviously you do not understand me, I am saying people can say what they want, but it is wise to watch what you say, as not to cause strife. However it is not up to me what you want to say, if you want to say something without thinking about it first, then go ahead it may ,or may not, go well. It all depends on you. No I do not expect everything I say, or anything anyone else says, not to offend people, it will at somepoint to someone. Do you get it?

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:25 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
And if the thing said is known to cause strife, but you say it anyways and expect everyone to agree, then you cant expect everyone to agree, especially in a good way, if the thing being said is in a negative way. Yet again WHATEVER YOU WANT TO SAY, SAY IT, I dont have to agree though, and I can do so in a non negative way.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:36 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
Here I have an example for you, go back and look at what I said to Seibertron himself, and see if what I said should have been said, hopefully then you'll understand I'm not just talking about others keeping their mouth shut, when it is not wise to say anything, because it could cause people to become angry, IM TALKING ABOUT ME, BECAUSE I AM THAT PERSON. the person who caused strife im telling you not to make my mistake, and learn from it. Please understand what I am saying.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:36 pm
by Dr. Caelus
So you think people should say what they want to say, but you think this news article should not have been posted.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:45 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
Its was and it caused so much trouble, but now I see and understand what you say and mean. Let me take you to the beginning. The post itself was known to be controversial, yet was posted, and expected to be received well by everyone, I did receive it well and took it as a joke, it was only when Seibertron started attacking someone for their veiw, was when I started to defend them for their veiw. And then said things that SHOULDN'T have been said. Therfore causing strife and
anger among this thread, that you now see before you today.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:49 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
Do not make my mistake of trying to defend someone then, offend others by not thinking before saying.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:52 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
As you can see anger from one person can influence others, and cause it to last for quite ahwile.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:56 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
The post was fine, it was what happend afterwards that wasn't.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:05 pm
by Burn
Mate, let me just say, I think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

I can't remember how long I've been Forum Admin, or even Forum Staff before that, what I do remember though is that as far as political discussions go, this has been the most calmest I have ever seen in all my years on this site.

The previous political discussion ended up locked because one person implied that those who didn't vote for a particular candidate were simply uneducated, that person belittled others because they didn't share his opinion, the entire conversation became incredibly heated with a lot of mud slinging back and forth.

This? Oh this is a bloody walk in the park! :lol:

Should the original article have been posted? eh, I have no opinion one way or another, when it comes to Transformers news we don't pick and choose, we just news it and let people discuss it.

And that's what we did, and that's what happened. Sure things were said that probably shouldn't have been said, but all in all, it's been a good healthy discussion.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:19 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
Good and I hope it stays that way, as I don't want it to get heated. You may be right, I might just be making a mountain out of a mole hill. Thanks for being understanding too, as I really appreciate that.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:21 pm
by Ultimate Weapon1
And I did enjoy the news, but you know happend.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 2:55 pm
by Stealth Claw
As a Canadian I have a question? Why do ppl support Trump? I think he's doing a horrible job with Noth Korea, also he wants to back-out of the free trade agreement, which will cause Economic issues with us in Canada. So he doesn't even care about one of the USA's closest allies. So I'm just unsure why he's supported since 90% of everyone I know in person doesn't like trump, he's not liked here in my end of Canada. just wanted to give my Option.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 3:28 pm
by Dr. Caelus
Stealth Claw wrote:As a Canadian I have a question? Why do ppl support Trump?

Some Americans are single issue voters - one topic or policy is so important to them that they have to subordinate all other concerns to that. As a result, Trump gained a lot of dedicated voters by winning the Republican nomination.

Otherwise, Trump's a really good marketer, and engineered a personal platform which cast his worst qualities as strengths. It created a nearly impossible standard for his opponents to run against - e.g., a lot of Trump's supporters love it when he's rude or unprofessional, but tear apart anyone else who lapses into the same.

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 3:38 pm
by Stealth Claw
Caelus wrote:
Stealth Claw wrote:As a Canadian I have a question? Why do ppl support Trump?

Some Americans are single issue voters - one topic or policy is so important to them that they have to subordinate all other concerns to that. As a result, Trump gained a lot of dedicated voters by winning the Republican nomination.

Otherwise, Trump's a really good marketer, and engineered a personal platform which cast his worst qualities as strengths. It created a nearly impossible standard for his opponents to run against - e.g., a lot of Trump's supporters love it when he's rude or unprofessional, but tear apart anyone else who lapses into the same.

thanks, that answer makes a lot sense, still don't like him but your reply makes me not like him less, but I understand him more with that reasoning a lot more,

Re: Transformers Homages in R. Sikoryak Comics Projects

PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:51 pm
by Noideaforaname
Stealth Claw wrote:As a Canadian I have a question? Why do ppl support Trump?

A lot of us down here are thinking the same thing...

I assume part of it is simply the two party system at play (conservative values = anyone but "the left" = Republicans = Trump) and people being unwilling to actually engage in politics ("My side is in charge, I trust they'll take care of things"), and if they do engage it's only to justify their position (whataboutism, cherry-picking new laws that support whatever personal issue, etc.). Tribalism, I suppose.

Part of me suspects that as the USA steadily grows more progressive, the Right absolutely refuse to shift Left by even the tiniest margin and thus has to resort to.... that.