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Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:32 pm
by Flashwave
primalxconvoy wrote:Yes, I actually refer to them as Pirrahnacons, as that's what they look and act like. Why were they called Sharkticons to begin with , I don't know.

Remember, Pirrahnacon is already taken by the Seacon gestalt. Also, while the Sharkticons may have a more pirrahna like mouth, they have the whole shark fin motif and the "Jaws" thing of giant killer sharks that was out A decade before that makes Sharks more terrifying

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:33 pm
by TF-fan kev777
Black Hat wrote:
And EVERY time I see you posting your thin-skinned "Stop liking what I don't like" drivel I'm going to point and laugh, and tell you what an idiot you are. You have two options:

1: Continue posting your crap in here and continue getting ridiculed.
2: Stop coming into the thread and avoid the source of your butthurt.

Those are your choices. I would recommend the latter.

Well said. I would only add an option 3. If you know that the comics offend you, but otherwise like the legends thread, most devices and computers have the awesome scroll feature that let's you quickly go right past what you don't want.

I do it all the time.

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:33 pm
by primalxconvoy
This is true, but I think the Sharkticons were released before the Seacons, right?

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:35 pm
by Kurona
I repeat: stop. That goes for both of you.

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:36 pm
by Flashwave
primalxconvoy wrote:This is true, but I think the Sharkticons were released before the Seacons, right?

You know, I wondered about that as I wrote it and almost went to go check. Now you've got me curious. But I wonder if the productions would have been close enough that Pirahnacon was already chosen even if the toys weren't first? Defender dropped right before the movie, who was his "opponent"?

EDIT: Hmm. TFWiki lists the Seacons as 1988, so that sorta blows me out of the water (buh-dump-bum) I still stick to my Jaws theory though. [-( :-P

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:41 pm
by primalxconvoy
TF-fan kev777 wrote:
Black Hat wrote:
And EVERY time I see you posting your thin-skinned "Stop liking what I don't like" drivel I'm going to point and laugh, and tell you what an idiot you are. You have two options:

1: Continue posting your crap in here and continue getting ridiculed.
2: Stop coming into the thread and avoid the source of your butthurt.

Those are your choices. I would recommend the latter.

Well said. I would only add an option 3. If you know that the comics offend you, but otherwise like the legends thread, most devices and computers have the awesome scroll feature that let's you quickly go right past what you don't want.

I do it all the time.

No. The content causes heated debate. It's not just me who has an issue with this. Regardless of which side of that debate people fall in, a mod has voices concern over it boiling up.

The common sense thing to do is to NOT have such content in the general thread. However, if it must be that way, then hide it behind "spoiler" links or something similar. This is a thread for everyone, not just you. It's akin to posting pornographic, political or other "taboo" subjects, including plot spoilers. Generally, there are steps that can be taken by websites to limit such confrontations, which then gives such sites more power to control posts.

If such due diligence was enacted, then there is more scope for calling out those who have "come to the thread" purely to troll, and/or help point them to a discussion thread that is more appropriate.

Mixing up news posts to one thread, but especially content that is known to cause heated or emotional debate/feelings isn't exactly a great thing to do.

Also, the main point here isn't my complaint or the one/s prior to that, but the mod asking us to "play nice". If they want that, they should moderate the content of the site to achieve that goal.

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:49 pm
by primalxconvoy
Flashwave wrote:
primalxconvoy wrote:This is true, but I think the Sharkticons were released before the Seacons, right?

You know, I wondered about that as I wrote it and almost went to go check. Now you've got me curious. But I wonder if the productions would have been close enough that Pirahnacon was already chosen even if the toys weren't first? Defender dropped right before the movie, who was his "opponent"?

EDIT: Hmm. TFWiki lists the Seacons as 1988, so that sorta blows me out of the water (buh-dump-bum) I still stick to my Jaws theory though. [-( :-P

I'm sure "shark" was considered more marketable than "piranha" at the time.

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 5:08 pm
by Burn
Oh you crazy whack-a-doodles. *cracks knuckles* Let's get down to business, and let's start with this.

Kurona wrote:I repeat: stop. That goes for both of you.

See this guys? Staff member. primalxconvoy, you ignored the direction of a staff member.

primalxconvoy wrote:Then WARN people about these pictures. If you THINK that any content is going to cause problems, then take steps to reduce it.

Previously, this site merely showed links to the comics, rather than full images. Other methods include a separate thread for such content and/or with a warning, such as "NSFW/May cause offence" etc.

I came to this discussion page from the Kup Misassembled news post i didn'texpect to see inappropriate, possibly sexual/misogynistic portrayals of women on the same page.

EVERY time I see this here, I'm going to comment about it. That's not to say I would always do so if due diligence has been met, but expect such comments if you openly post content that causes such debate.

Here's a tip. Rather than flooding the discussion with your complaints, if you have a problem with News articles, bring it up with the news crew by sending them an e-mail., or go straight to the Head News Honcho Va'al,

Because what you did? Now I gotta deal with this, and people gotta deal trawl through a bunch of off-topic posts.

Which brings me to ... *drum roll* ...

Black Hat wrote:And EVERY time I see you posting your thin-skinned "Stop liking what I don't like" drivel I'm going to point and laugh, and tell you what an idiot you are. You have two options:

1: Continue posting your crap in here and continue getting ridiculed.
2: Stop coming into the thread and avoid the source of your butthurt.

Those are your choices. I would recommend the latter.

Nope. No way. Nuh uh. Not gonna happen. You do not get to mock or ridicule another member of these forums. You also don't get to tell other members what they can and can't do.

So as Kurona said, stop. Both of you. Any further crap like this and the warnings get issued.

Now, back on topic peeps! And when I say back on topic, I mean that, if you feel the need to respond to this post, send me a PM. I'll try not to read them until I get through this headache inducing pile of paperwork you guys interrupted me from working on.

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 5:11 pm
by primalxconvoy
Thanks for the reply. Sorry to cause a headache. To be meta, I don't think there are many posts here. Just the most recent ones. Prior to this, it was just different opinions without any "war" going on.

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 5:30 pm
by Burn
Burn wrote:Now, back on topic peeps! And when I say back on topic, I mean that, if you feel the need to respond to this post, send me a PM. I'll try not to read them until I get through this headache inducing pile of paperwork you guys interrupted me from working on.

No really? Did you just decide to ignore this primalxconvoy? Did you feel you had to have the last say? Because guess what! When a staff members gives directions, YOU FOLLOW THEM!


Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 6:07 pm
by SW's SilverHammer
I hope Atari make a cameo, hopefully in the octane/starscream mini comic.

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:44 pm
by Randomhero
the_neptrix wrote:
Black Hat wrote:Man, it's good to see Shaoshao in fiction that isn't blatantly horrific. I do so love anime Chinese girls. Let's hope poor old Atari gets her time to shine again.

I'd have to agree, though there aren't a lot of them. Some people seem slightly offended, though. Japanese media is just sorta like that.

Yeah I saw the comics and was “cool can’t wait for the English translations” except for the hot rod one being 80% dialogue bubbles and started seeing people acting offended and didn’t understand why. Saying “NSFW” what? This is let porn, there no nudity. I don’t get it.

Just sounds like people need to be something to be offended and want their voice to be heard .

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:44 pm
by fenrir72
primalxconvoy wrote:Then WARN people about these pictures. If you THINK that any content is going to cause problems, then take steps to reduce it.

Previously, this site merely showed links to the comics, rather than full images. Other methods include a separate thread for such content and/or with a warning, such as "NSFW/May cause offence" etc.

I came to this discussion page from the Kup Misassembled news post i didn'texpect to see inappropriate, possibly sexual/misogynistic portrayals of women on the same page.

EVERY time I see this here, I'm going to comment about it. That's not to say I would always do so if due diligence has been met, but expect such comments if you openly post content that causes such debate.

Megs blasting Ariel at the torso in War Dawn isn't misogynist? What about drowning Carly to death in the Immobilzer. Violence in reality and fiction serve a purpose to push a story line. Also, in the end Siao Siao kicked Destron butt in the end.

As for NSFW, people keep on wondering where Convoy's trailer disappears to. so when you do the "henshin" to Targetmaster mode and back, you expect the civilian clothes to remain unscathed? Of course it'll get them torn off. Apparently, the human civilian clothes of the Legends Universe don't have Reed Richard's unstable molecules set up. 8-}

At least Rodimus brought Siao Siao a towel. Speaking of which, Siao Siao is waaaaaaaaaaay older since 2005 as the year is 2021.

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:21 am
by Rodimus Knight
Are the Pack In Comics only 2 pages this time? I hope someone translates them soon. I look forward to reading them.

Re: Takara Tomy Transformers Legends Thread

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:25 am
by Sabrblade
Rodimus Knight wrote:Are the Pack In Comics only 2 pages this time?
Only the biggest toys like Leaders and Titans get longer comics.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:44 am
by zodconvoy
Sooooo... translations when?

Do we have anybody on these because context would be nice. I can't even tell if the comics are posted in the right order.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:15 am
by Stuartmaximus
Noone responded to my post [-(

I said....

was that Beast Machines Megatron?

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 1:51 pm
by Burn
Stuartmaximus wrote:was that Beast Machines Megatron?

It would appear to be, BUT ... I don't know enough about these stories to say for certain.

Wait for one of the know-it-alls.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:53 pm
by Sabrblade
Stuartmaximus wrote:Noone responded to my post [-(

I said....

was that Beast Machines Megatron?
It's a blimp whose inflatable body is based on that BM Megatron head.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:00 am
by King Kuuga
Man they pack so much content into these comics it's very hard to follow the action, doubly so when I can't read the dialog. I didn't even pick up that these characters were the targetmasters until reading the thread.

I do think it's a bit sketchy that the artist chose to draw the woman's butt so prominently through her dress several times and put her in compromising positions but it's more "Japanese weirdness" and less "misogymageddon".

Also, who IS Shaoshao Li? I have never heard of her before. I see Kiss Players coming up, does she originate from there, or elsewhere?

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:21 am
by Sabrblade
zodconvoy wrote:Sooooo... translations when?

Do we have anybody on these because context would be nice. I can't even tell if the comics are posted in the right order.

Sharkticon comic:
To Shaoshao Li's annoyance, Hot Rod shows no interest in working to afford a transtector nor searching for the lost Targetmasters, and he instead spends his time fishing and waiting for things to work themselves out. The catch of the day turns out to be a Sharkticon that immediately gobbles up Hot Rod, but he's alright as he finds that its inside are hollow and outfitted with controls. Given that Sharkticons are not native to the Legends World, he concludes that it's an artificial clone and a lead towards the Targetmasters, who they believe have mutated and developed new abilities.

Indeed, Scourge and the Sweeps have found that Blowpipe can now fire electro-clone beams and have been using him to clone Sharkticons from a tail taken from the creatures' current habitat, Beast. Their plan to create an army and conquer the world, but they're interrupted when Hot Rod and Shaoshao, piloting the runaway Sharkticon, smash through a window. Sweep No. 7 merges with his transtector and uses Blowpipe to take control of the Sharkticons, sending them to surround and execute the intruders, but Hot Rod's own Sharkticon refuses to fight back against his own people. Fortunately, Hot Rod has prepared reinforcements in the form of Grimlock, who has used his Headmaster form to take control of Trypticon and menace the Sharkticons into turning on the Sweeps. Scourge flees with Blowpipe, but Hot Rod and Shaoshao capture the remaining Sweeps and hand them over to the police, where they are offered jobs. Their first assignment is to capture the Sharkticons as well, so Hot Rod has to go straight back to fishing.

Hot Rod comic:
In the year 2021 in the G1 World, Micromaster Hot Rod is called from Micro to the Galactic Peace Alliance's new headquarters by his old partner Shaoshao Li, who has left Earth Defense Command and become an Alliance agent. She explains the latest findings regarding the disappeared Targetmasters, revealing that they were mutated by the plasma energy bombs and blown into the Legends World. The duo's mission is to covertly travel there and recover them.

In the Legends World, Hot Rod's new job as police officer has netted him a transtector, if only a small one that to Shaoshao's annoyance doesn't fit both of them comfortably in vehicle mode. (Ai explains that they're on a budget as the vehicle was paid for with taxpayer money, and warns him to be careful with it.) When Scourge resurfaces, having cloned himself using Blowpipe's ability, Hot Rod merges with the transtector and confronts the villain. Shaoshao is grabbed by one of the clones, but Hot Rod takes it on and reminds his partner that she can fight as well using a new type of Master-Braces, which let her clothe herself in Firebolt-type Targetmaster armor. Scourge uses Blowpipe to create three evil Hot Rod clones to back him up, but Hot Rod defeats them all with a Jinchōkon Power blast from Shaoshao's gun mode. As they celebrate their successful recovery of Blowpipe, however, the two learn that Shaoshao ends up buck naked when she transforms back. Hot Rod is reminded of their Kiss Player days and theorizes that her clothes turned into part of the energy that she fired.

Kup comic:
Kup lives in the Legends World with the human girl Sue and makes a living as a used car salesman, a job that's getting more interesting as more and more transtectors end up on the market. His latest purchase gives him pause as it looks just like his old pickup truck mode, which reminds him of his life before he became a Micromaster to settle on Micro alongside Hot Rod. His time there came to an end when the settlers were attacked by a wild Sharkticon, and despite all his life experience, he was overcome by fear in his tiny new body and fled Micro, abandoning his comrades. His guilt and continued fear have left him plagued by nightmares and he refuses to talk about the past with Sue, not wanting to recall any bad memories, but she comforts him and encourages him to think of the good memories he's amassed in his long life. Kup reflects that good things have indeed happened to him, most recently when he came to this world in search of a body, found Sue lost on the streets and took her in.

Suddenly, Sharkticons attack Kup's shop, paralyzing him with fear as his traumatic memories resurface. Since he refuses to fight the creatures, Sue takes matters into her own hands and uses Master-Braces given to her by her mother to gear up in a Recoil-type Targetmaster suit, carries Kup to the transtector and encourages him to face his fears. Thanks to her, Kup manages to merge with the transtector and uses her gun mode on the Sharkticons, who turn docile. As Sue plays with one of them in the aftermath, Kup realizes her kind heart affects the blasts from her Targetmaster mode, granting them the power to disperse an enemy's fighting spirit. He reflects that he'd forgotten how strong people can be when they work together, no matter their size.

Later, Kup is shocked to learn from Sue that she's the daughter of none other than Marissa Faireborn, having run away from home following a fight with her mother.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:50 am
by fenrir72
Alice and Zoroku


separated at birth?


Kup and Sue

Good thing we didn't hear any twisted fabrics related to the closeness between the two.....alone....on an alien planet/alternate universe etc 8-}

Re: New Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:03 am
by Cyberpath




Re: New Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:20 am
by fenrir72
Cyberpath wrote:




Who's the guy with Xiao Xiao? Spike? Also, is that the Concurrence with Doctor Arkeville? So he escape Seibertron in his go kart chair in the Ultimate Doom?


New Takara Tomy Transformers Legends LG46 Manga Online

PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:43 am
by Va'al
Via fellow Seibertronian Cyberpath, we have a new instalment of the Takara Tomy Transformers Legends manga via the official web page - namely, chapter 46 in the series, featuring a Bayload of explosions. Check it out in Japanese below, and stay tuned for when we'll have an English translation!



