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Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:37 am
by hunter4life
look sarblade, optimus was supposed to be a homage to the generation one series, i would like for you to define for me "as interesting as brick." do you mean he was a terrible replication of what prime was back in the day? i think he was an excellent homage in the prime series and i would pefer him when compared to primes zero-compassion for humans in the bayformers: age of extinction. no seriously, i think you are totally wrong on that point. just saying.

and yes, primes sacrifice was really heroic but i didnt get upset. i know hasbro will resurrect him because hes the one that reels the audience to the transformers. without prime, there is no general interest in the market.

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:00 pm
by kaijuguy19
Sabrblade wrote:Arcee had her moments, such as whenever she'd be sarcastic or a smart aleck ("You're a human, Jack. an you build me a small intestine?") or when her emotional intensity proved to be justified like whenever Airachnid went after her friends or when she thought Megatron had killed Smokescreen. But whenever she'd let her negative emotions overcome the rest of her character, she did come off as being irritable and uncharacteristically rude.

I think her pretty blunt nature came from her time from being tortured by Airachnid back on Cybertron which does make sense for her to be at least a little uptight. I mean yeah she didn't always say the best words to help the situation like telling Bee about the "Pity party" in the Operation Bumblbee arc but I don't think it's the case of her being rude because she's annoyed as it may be just her not knowing that those words cause more hurt then good as a personalty flaw because as we saw on the show she does care deeply for her teammates a good deal even if some guys like Smokescreen get on her nerves a bit. I liked that while she's a good hearted bot who does have her soft side she still has issues and flaws that she sometimes get the better of her. I'd honestly find her more boring and stiff if she was just like how she was in G1 and Animated or like Cheetara in the 2011 Thundercats series where they're pretty much almost perfect mother figures who don't have much going on for them other then their main personalty trait.

I am curious to see how Strongarm will do as the show's newest main fembot since a lot of people liked Arcee in Prime and I'm glad that she has a different body build then Arcee and that she's more on the likes of Ultra Magnus. Makes me wonder if Strongarm's a fan of Arcee as well.

Sabrblade wrote:Bulkhead, however, I felt could have been a lot better a character had he been allowed to have fun more. His best moments were whenever he was interacting with Wheeljack or in the entire episode of "Toxicity". For the most part, though, he was just kinda there, like Bumblebee. Neither appealing nor unappealing, just an indifferent character.

I think Bulkhead's generally a jolly bot. I mean yeah he has his serious moments but it wasn't like on the levels of Magnus,Arcee and Ratchet levels of serious. I imagine him to be like if Animated Bulkhead had more of a rough life but still kept his friendly and gentle giant moments. It's a shame that he wasn't able to make amends with Breakdown and to see how those two came to dislike each other a great deal. I've heard some people say they don't like him as a Wrecker and yeah he's not like how he was in Animated but I view Bulkhead in here as having different elements to him to set him apart form Animated Bulkhead while still keeping his gentle giant and clumsy personalty.

From what we know Grimlock in RID is said to be clumsy as Bulkhead but I'm worried that Grimlock might be too much like Bulkhead however as we've seen from the clips so far Grimlock doesn't take kindly to bots leading him something that Bulkhead never did. Would be pretty interesting and funny in a way to see Grimlock and Bulkhead meet up and them having a clahs between how they do things. lol

Sabrblade wrote:But I am very much look forward to Bumblebee in this series, after having seen how capable he was in Predacons Rising, thanks in no small part to Will Friedle's wonderful performance. That guy emanates with an air of natural charisma and awesomeness. Virtually every character he plays has some degree of likability that one cannot help but be drawn towards. It happened with Eric Matthews, with Batman, with Blue Beetle, with Ron Stoppable, with Lion-O, and now it's happening with Bumblebee.

Yeah the voice actor chosen for Bee was indeed a great choice and it'll be fun to see him try to adapt to being a leader of his own right like how Optimus did in Animated. I'm curious to see if the main Decepticon villain if there is one will be similar to Animated Megatron when it comes to see Bee as being a worthy foe to him every time they fight? Also would we see an arrogent A-hole Autobot clash with Bee like TFA Sentinel Prime?

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:55 pm
by Zeedust
kaijuguy19 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Arcee had her moments, such as whenever she'd be sarcastic or a smart aleck ("You're a human, Jack. an you build me a small intestine?") or when her emotional intensity proved to be justified like whenever Airachnid went after her friends or when she thought Megatron had killed Smokescreen. But whenever she'd let her negative emotions overcome the rest of her character, she did come off as being irritable and uncharacteristically rude.

I think her pretty blunt nature came from her time from being tortured by Airachnid back on Cybertron which does make sense for her to be at least a little uptight. I mean yeah she didn't always say the best words to help the situation like telling Bee about the "Pity party" in the Operation Bumblbee arc but I don't think it's the case of her being rude because she's annoyed as it may be just her not knowing that those words cause more hurt then good as a personalty flaw because as we saw on the show she does care deeply for her teammates a good deal even if some guys like Smokescreen get on her nerves a bit. I liked that while she's a good hearted bot who does have her soft side she still has issues and flaws that she sometimes get the better of her. I'd honestly find her more boring and stiff if she was just like how she was in G1 and Animated or like Cheetara in the 2011 Thundercats series where they're pretty much almost perfect mother figures who don't have much going on for them other then their main personalty trait.

I'm gonna be honest here, There were times in Prime when Arcee bordered on downright bitchy. But considering that her issues stem from the apparent reluctance of the universe to let anyone she cares about live very long, I'd say being left a bit bitter by her experiences means she's coping better than a lot of bots would. "Bitchy" is certainly a healthier response than "despondent" or "catatonic". Let's be honest, if most of us were down there in her place in that mine when she saw what was left of Cliffjumper, if it was you staring your own undead best friend in the face, who can honestly say they'd pull through after that?

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:19 pm
by kaijuguy19
Nemesis Primal wrote:
kaijuguy19 wrote:I'm gonna be honest here, There were times in Prime when Arcee bordered on downright bitchy. But considering that her issues stem from the apparent reluctance of the universe to let anyone she cares about live very long, I'd say being left a bit bitter by her experiences means she's coping better than a lot of bots would. "Bitchy" is certainly a healthier response than "despondent" or "catatonic". Let's be honest, if most of us were down there in her place in that mine when she saw what was left of Cliffjumper, if it was you staring your own undead best friend in the face, who can honestly say they'd pull through after that?

I've read some posts from other fans at some sites that downright demonized her for her less then perfect moments like what you say her being a B*itch or being reckless while others called her annoying,cruel,horrible,one trick pony and a poor excuse for a strong female character that' straight out of a 90's Image comic. While most of the points of her being written flawed are sometimes valid there were times where I felt that most of the people who bash her seem to focus on her one character trait and ignore the rest or at least consider that there is more to her. Even if she does tend to be a little rude which might be unintentionally at her part I still don't think of her as being a horrible bot. Compaired to other bots like BW Depthcharge who treated his fellow teammates even worse then she did or IDW Arcee even she's very tame.

So I'm curious to see what kind of flaws and issues Strongarm herself will have aside from likely being too strict and uptight at times. Maybe there was a time she was like Sideswipe at being a rebel but then something happened to her that made her be in the Elita Guard and one of the reasons why she gets annoyed at Sideswipe's antics because she didn't want him to be where she used to be but ends up overcompesating and not accepting that what's done's been done in her past and what she's doing to Sideswipe isn't any better.

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:24 pm
by Sabrblade
I'd imagine that she might be like a female version of Chase, only with less of a tolerance for protocol violations.

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:19 pm
by Zeedust
kaijuguy19 wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:
kaijuguy19 wrote:I'm gonna be honest here, There were times in Prime when Arcee bordered on downright bitchy. But considering that her issues stem from the apparent reluctance of the universe to let anyone she cares about live very long, I'd say being left a bit bitter by her experiences means she's coping better than a lot of bots would. "Bitchy" is certainly a healthier response than "despondent" or "catatonic". Let's be honest, if most of us were down there in her place in that mine when she saw what was left of Cliffjumper, if it was you staring your own undead best friend in the face, who can honestly say they'd pull through after that?

I've read some posts from other fans at some sites that downright demonized her for her less then perfect moments like what you say her being a B*itch or being reckless while others called her annoying,cruel,horrible,one trick pony and a poor excuse for a strong female character that' straight out of a 90's Image comic. While most of the points of her being written flawed are sometimes valid there were times where I felt that most of the people who bash her seem to focus on her one character trait and ignore the rest or at least consider that there is more to her. Even if she does tend to be a little rude which might be unintentionally at her part I still don't think of her as being a horrible bot. Compaired to other bots like BW Depthcharge who treated his fellow teammates even worse then she did or IDW Arcee even she's very tame.

For the record, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if Arcee wasn't exactly sunshine and energon goodies all the time, it's because war is hell and she's spent more time than anyone should in the deepest, darkest circle of it, seen things no bot should have to see, watched her partner get butchered in front of her just because he was there, then failed to save her next partner and wound up staring into the face of his walking corpse. Folks need to cut her some slack.

Depth Charge didn't HAVE teammates. Depth Charge had no interest in being part of the team.

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:53 pm
by kaijuguy19
Nemesis Primal wrote:
kaijuguy19 wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:
kaijuguy19 wrote:I'm gonna be honest here, There were times in Prime when Arcee bordered on downright bitchy. But considering that her issues stem from the apparent reluctance of the universe to let anyone she cares about live very long, I'd say being left a bit bitter by her experiences means she's coping better than a lot of bots would. "Bitchy" is certainly a healthier response than "despondent" or "catatonic". Let's be honest, if most of us were down there in her place in that mine when she saw what was left of Cliffjumper, if it was you staring your own undead best friend in the face, who can honestly say they'd pull through after that?

I've read some posts from other fans at some sites that downright demonized her for her less then perfect moments like what you say her being a B*itch or being reckless while others called her annoying,cruel,horrible,one trick pony and a poor excuse for a strong female character that' straight out of a 90's Image comic. While most of the points of her being written flawed are sometimes valid there were times where I felt that most of the people who bash her seem to focus on her one character trait and ignore the rest or at least consider that there is more to her. Even if she does tend to be a little rude which might be unintentionally at her part I still don't think of her as being a horrible bot. Compaired to other bots like BW Depthcharge who treated his fellow teammates even worse then she did or IDW Arcee even she's very tame.

For the record, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if Arcee wasn't exactly sunshine and energon goodies all the time, it's because war is hell and she's spent more time than anyone should in the deepest, darkest circle of it, seen things no bot should have to see, watched her partner get butchered in front of her just because he was there, then failed to save her next partner and wound up staring into the face of his walking corpse. Folks need to cut her some slack.

Depth Charge didn't HAVE teammates. Depth Charge had no interest in being part of the team.

Oh ok. Sorry if I didn't understand what you mean earlier. Yeah I think she could be cut some slack because like you said she's among the group of Autobots that have seen the darker horrors of war by a complete sadist too. That alone can do some trauma.

And fair point about Depthcharge too but still he was pretty much an a-hole to Primal and his team all the same though that's likely the point of his character.

RID 2.0 Decepticons.....How many do we know of?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 8:44 am
by Lockdownhunter
Not sure.I only know Bisk,Steeljaw and the shark monster thingy.So far,I like them!

Re: RID 2.0 Decepticons.....How many do we know of?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 8:52 am
by Jelze Bunnycat
Lockdownhunter wrote:Not sure.I only know Bisk,Steeljaw and the shark monster thingy.So far,I like them!

Steeljaw: Wolf
Bisk: Lobster
Hammerstrike: Hammerhead Shark
Underbite: Dog-thing
Thunderhoof: Stag

Re: RID 2.0 Decepticons.....How many do we know of?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 9:14 am
by Lockdownhunter
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
Lockdownhunter wrote:Not sure.I only know Bisk,Steeljaw and the shark monster thingy.So far,I like them!

Steeljaw: Wolf
Bisk: Lobster
Hammerstrike: Hammerhead Shark
Underbite: Dog-thing
Thunderhoof: Stag

Thanks!!!!!!!!Animal based cons that turn into vehicles?I might like the concept better if they appeared in the Prime series.But they still look good in RID!A stag-based transformer?! Never heard of it before?

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:43 am
by Sabrblade
Accoring to this Tweet, I think the Japanese name for the new RID cartoon might be "Transformers Adventure".

Need info on RID 2015 series - Please Help

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:47 am
by Rodimus2006
I been out of the Loop lately, & I Have not been following RID 15 that much, I know only the Vaguest of Details on it.

Such as the show being a Sequel to Prime, the Animation is similar towards Animated.

Being the 1st Cartoon since Animated that has been on CN. Premieres sometime in Spring.

Jefferson Darcy voices someone in RID more than likely a Human Character.

Bee keeps on seeing Visions of Optimus. New Bots being Grimlock, Sideswipe to Fix It don't know any others.

Could someone compile the What is Known Facts on what has been revealed So far.

What about Arcee & Bulkhead they survived Prime are they in RID.

What about Miko, Raf & Jack will they be in RID if so then they would be in their 20s.

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:05 am
by PrymeStriker
Sabrblade wrote:Accoring to this Tweet, I think the Japanese name for the new RID cartoon might be "Transformers Adventure".

Still better than "Robots in Disguise."

Rodimus2006 wrote:Such as the show being a Sequel to Prime, the Animation is similar towards Animated.

More like the aesthetic is a cross between Prime and Animated. Funny, considering the former is a cross between the Live Actions and Animated.
Basically, Prime just got a bit more Animated. Which is ironic, because Prime's animation is clearly superior to RID15, which is also ironic because Animated was ironically sort of sloppy in regards to ani...


Bee keeps on seeing Visions of Optimus. New Bots being Grimlock, Sideswipe to Fix It don't know any others.

Strongarm is the only other new Autobot. All the 'cons are brand new. Underbite, Hammerstrike, Steeljaw, Bisk...

What about Arcee & Bulkhead they survived Prime are they in RID.

What about Miko, Raf & Jack will they be in RID if so then they would be in their 20s.

Not yet, but the creators said that if the show is renewed for a second season, characters from Prime will return. I'm hoping we get Airachnid and Bulkhead back, or maybe even Raf, so that we can clean up some messes left over from Prime. :D

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:38 pm
by Rodimus2006
Does Jefferson D'arcy VA a Human Character I know they are at least 2 Humans in RID.

Who is the Main Decepticon Baddy now, Hopefully No Megatron or Galvatron hopefully this goes in a new Direction.

What is the overall Plot of RID about, We know about Visions of Prime usually with Visions that means Prime will be in it eventually in a Physical Appearance.

Also How many years after prime about 10 years is that about right.

I am with you Sabre RID needs to address some of the Loose Plot holes that Prime left Unfinished. Similar towards Dragon Age Inquisition leaving me even more confused when I began it being some major WTF Moments in the game.

I Just hope RID isn't to Kiddyfied being a Long time Transfan since Day 1 loved Prime cause of its Darkness Tone. Would hate to see RID being something like Uncle Grandpa or some other CN Cartoon of those nature if so then I will skip RID.

Next year is 31 Years of Transformers for me, Excited for RID but also Nervous also in what kind of Direction it will be going towards & its over all plot.

We know nothing on RID such as who is the main Baddy, what the Story is, where RID is going.

Also hopefully in RID, I hope we see some Combiners.

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:05 pm
by Sabrblade
Rodimus2006 wrote:Does Jefferson D'arcy VA a Human Character I know they are at least 2 Humans in RID.
Ted McGinley (use his real name, will ya?) is voicing Denny, one of the two human allies of the Autobots. He's a father who apparently runs a junkyard.

Rodimus2006 wrote:Who is the Main Decepticon Baddy now, Hopefully No Megatron or Galvatron hopefully this goes in a new Direction.
No one knows, but Steeljaw and Underbite are the fandom's biggest guesses.

Rodimus2006 wrote:What is the overall Plot of RID about, We know about Visions of Prime usually with Visions that means Prime will be in it eventually in a Physical Appearance.
Be's leading a small team on Earth to recapture a bunch of escaped Decepticon convicts who busted out of a crashed prison transport ship that was possibly being piloted by Bee's team.

Rodimus2006 wrote:Also How many years after prime about 10 years is that about right.
We don't know.

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:27 pm
by Rodimus2006
Sabre do you think we will see more on Energon in RID such as in Prime we had new Colors & they all had different Properties such as Red Energon or Dark Energon which is Purple.

Maybe some new Colors being White Energon which would give the Power of Invisiblity.

Orange Energy would make you Invulnerable to even Laser Blast or any other forms of Harm.

Also I hope in RID 15 we see the return of Combiners. Which hasn't been seen except in Toys then again in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen with Devestator.

So I would love to see some Combiners come back. Also I think I recogonize the name Underbite if I am not mistaken that has been in Transformers before.

Could of swore the others sound like Blasters Cassettes from G1.

While Underbite sounds like a Sharkticon. or from the Old days or in comics or a Toy. I know I have heard that before.

I guess we will learn more considering RID 15 debuts in the Spring/Summer.

I will give it a Shot & take it from there but I have to see more than a few episodes before I can make a judgment on it.

Cant say it sucks cause we haven't seen it.

Going to be awesome next year.

Shield Continues, Falling Skies Series Finale & lastly RID 15 Debuts on CN.

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:10 pm
by Sabrblade
Rodimus2006 wrote:Sabre do you think we will see more on Energon in RID such as in Prime we had new Colors & they all had different Properties such as Red Energon or Dark Energon which is Purple.
We don't know.

Rodimus2006 wrote:So I would love to see some Combiners come back. Also I think I recogonize the name Underbite if I am not mistaken that has been in Transformers before.

Could of swore the others sound like Blasters Cassettes from G1.

While Underbite sounds like a Sharkticon. or from the Old days or in comics or a Toy. I know I have heard that before.
It's a new name. Closest preexisting name would be "Overbite".

Rodimus2006 wrote:I guess we will learn more considering RID 15 debuts in the Spring/Summer.

I will give it a Shot & take it from there but I have to see more than a few episodes before I can make a judgment on it.

Cant say it sucks cause we haven't seen it.
This is all we know about the new cartoon -

And these:

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:37 am
by PrymeStriker
Rodimus2006 wrote:I am with you Sabre RID needs to address some of the Loose Plot holes that Prime left Unfinished.

Um...I...kinda...said that...not Sabrblade... :???:

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:36 pm
by Maggotron
I was wondering if this project for a follow-up to TF Prime was in limbo. So I think it may not come out for a while. But the ideas you have are great. They could happen.

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:12 pm
by Sabrblade
Maggotron wrote:I was wondering if this project for a follow-up to TF Prime was in limbo. So I think it may not come out for a while. But the ideas you have are great. They could happen.
What are you talking about? The toys are out right now and the show's coming next year.

Who do you think will be in RID 2015?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:34 pm
by Ninja Dude
I think Galvatron and maybe Soundblaster will be in it :CON:

Re: Who do you think will be in RID 2015?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:48 pm
by Sabrblade
Ninja Dude wrote:I think Galvatron and maybe Soundblaster will be in it :CON:
Based on what?

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:45 am
by Sabrblade
We just might have a possible estimation for an airdate of the series.

French website Les Accros Aux Séries (meaning "Addicted to the Series") has posted that the Canal J TV network will be airing the show in France at some point in February 2015 (no specific airdate is given, just "February").

With the show airing that soon in France, the U.S. and other English-speaking markets can't be too far behind, right?

Here's the original text from the announcement:
Canal J diffusera la nouvelle série d’animation de la franchise Transformers intitulée Transformers, Robots in Disguise en février 2015, pour le moment aucune date de diffusion n’a été annoncé mais la série sera diffusée en février prochain.

L’histoire débute avec l’écrasement sur Terre d’un vaisseau de prisonniers Décepticons.
Optimus Prime missionne Bumblebee de mener une équipe débutante d’Autobots qui aura pour mission de capturer les prisonniers échappés.
Mais Bumblebee devra tout d’abord apprendre à diriger une équipe !
Les nouveaux héros s’apercevront rapidement que leur mission n’est pas facile, tout comme de travailler au sein d’une équipe forte en personnalité !

Modified Google Translation:
Canal J will broadcast the new animated series of the Transformers franchise titled Transformers Robots in Disguise in February 2015, currently no release date has been announced but the series will air in February.

The story begins with a spaceship of Decepticon prisoners crashing on Earth.
Optimus Prime gives Bumblebee a mission to lead a team of new Autobots whose mission is to capture the escaped prisoners.
But Bumblebee must first learn how to lead a team!
The new heroes quickly realize that their mission is not easy, and will have to overcome their differences to work as a team!

Transformers: Robots In Disguise 2015 Potentially Airing in February

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:45 am
by Va'al
Thanks to some detective work by fellow Sabrblade, we know that France will be airing the new Transformers: Robots in Disguise animated series at some point in February 2015. The news, copied and translated below, is from French website Les Accros Aux Séries,and includes a synopsis for the show.

Animated series in non-Anglophone European countries are usually dubbed, rather than subtitled, meaning that the series must be ready for broadcast in English already - what do you think, will we be seeing Bumblebee versus the new Decepticons by the end of January?


Original French wrote:Canal J diffusera la nouvelle série d’animation de la franchise Transformers intitulée Transformers:Robots in Disguise en février 2015, pour le moment aucune date de diffusion n’a été annoncé mais la série sera diffusée en février prochain.

L’histoire débute avec l’écrasement sur Terre d’un vaisseau de prisonniers Décepticons.
Optimus Prime missionne Bumblebee de mener une équipe débutante d’Autobots qui aura pour mission de capturer les prisonniers échappés.
Mais Bumblebee devra tout d’abord apprendre à diriger une équipe !
Les nouveaux héros s’apercevront rapidement que leur mission n’est pas facile, tout comme de travailler au sein d’une équipe forte en personnalité !

Canal J will air the new animated series Transformers: Robots in Disguise in February 2015. There is currently no actual date, but the series will air next February.

The story begins with a spaceship of Decepticon prisoners crashing on Earth.
Optimus Prime gives Bumblebee a mission to lead a new team of Autobots to capture the escaped prisoners.
But Bumblebee must first learn how to lead a team!
The new heroes will quickly realise that their mission is not an easy one, and will need to work together as a strong team!

Re: The Official Transformers: Robots In Disguise (Animated Series) Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:05 am
by Sabrblade
Before anyone jumps to conclusions, Optimus Prime is still dead. Previous trailer indicate that he gives Bumblebee this mission while still being dead.