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Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:12 am
by primalxconvoy
Google Translated Bios:

Wingspan and Pounce
These twin Clonetrons, split from their Clonebot brethren to fulfill their ambitions with the Decepticons. Wingspan transforms into a condor and takes aim at prey from the sky, while Pounce transforms into a Jaguar and persistently tracks enemies on the ground.

Windblade has the power to shake whole worlds. Her decisions affect the fate of all Transformers; Survival or death, are insignificant in her quest for justice. Her evolution into a Headmaster and Targetmaster makes her a deadly foe.

G2 Megatron
Megatron generated a new Transtector body for himself and is now a Headmaster. Megatron can use his new triple-changing ability to turn into both a robot, tank and jet fighter to bring fear to his enemies, showing that he's truly an Emperor of Destruction! His partner, "Noble", who quietly follows him, has a mysterious existence.

I've used a few liberties, also due to my poor Japanese skills...

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:38 am
by ThunderThruster
Looks like Katsudon, the Zamojin (the Face of Nijika) in the Windblade manga, and is that the Nucleon TM that came with Galavtron on the camo green megatron?

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:00 am
by Sabrblade
It's Megatron vs. Megatron, Mayor vs. Company President, G1 vs. Legends World BW.

In other words, the purple G2 Megatron Legends toy has been repurposed as a toy of Legends World BW Megatron, while G1 Megatron takes over Old Snake's green-and-purple tank that turns into a body colored like the American green-and-purple G2 Megatron toy.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:15 am
by Randomhero
Sabrblade wrote:It's Megatron vs. Megatron, Mayor vs. Company President, G1 vs. Legends World BW.

In other words, the purple G2 Megatron Legends toy as been repurposed as a toy of Legends World BW Megatron, while G1 Megatron takes over Old Snake's green-and-purple tank that turns into a body colored like the American green-and-purple G2 Megatron toy.

Yes. It’s beautiful

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:18 am
by Rated X
I dont wanna see old snake lol. I wanna see robots flirt with scantily clad chicks ! Somebody get Sakamoto some sake so he can get his groove back :-D

On a seperate note, I look foward to getting these last Takara issues and give my wallet a break. The "unified" potp decos arent perfect, but for the most part they look good minus the voyager stickers.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:48 am
by SG Roadbuster
please tell me that Megatron's comic is hinting at an actual release of a green/purple redeco of that mold.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:54 pm
by Sabrblade
SG Roadbuster wrote:please tell me that Megatron's comic is hinting at an actual release of a green/purple redeco of that mold.
Most doubtful.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 2:08 pm
by Randomhero
Sabrblade wrote:
SG Roadbuster wrote:please tell me that Megatron's comic is hinting at an actual release of a green/purple redeco of that mold.
Most doubtful.

Yeah it’s not gonna happen. It’s Sakamoto having fun that’s all. If it did happen it’ll be in years to come and an ehobby or TTM exclusive

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:04 pm
by primalxconvoy
There was an extra piece of paper that came with the clone bots. Basically, it said that the (final) robot modes for Pounce/Wingspan were mixed up with each other in the original instructions (on the back of the comic), so users should refer to the new sheet instead.

New Doc 148_1.jpg

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:04 pm
by karyuudo
Gotta love the errors of Desepticon on G2 Megatron's package and Deception Clones with Pounce and Wingspan. >:oP

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:36 pm
by Deadput
karyuudo wrote:Gotta love the errors of Desepticon on G2 Megatron's package and Deception Clones with Pounce and Wingspan. >:oP

I mean that's how it's pronounced right? ;)

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:16 pm
by primalxconvoy
Deadput wrote:
karyuudo wrote:Gotta love the errors of Desepticon on G2 Megatron's package and Deception Clones with Pounce and Wingspan. >:oP

I mean that's how it's pronounced right? ;)

Not always. "Des" could be pronounced "dess", whereas some people pronounce "Dec" as "Dees" (or even "diss").

There are slight differences in production, depending on your area if the world, etc, so changing the spelling could actually change your pronunciation.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:01 pm
by Sabrblade

Clonetron Set:
In 2011 of the G1 World, Pounce and Wingspan are offered high positions in the Decepticon army by Galvatron in exchange for betraying their friends, Fastlane and Cloudraker, and stealing a treasure map left behind by the Space Pirates. While they succeed, the map does not lead to the stockpile of proton energy they had expected, and the two Clones remain low-ranked Decepticons even as Galvatron and Scorponok are defeated. Ten years later they return to the Pirate Planet, believing there's more to the pirates' pyramid than they saw during their first visit, and find a hidden basement containing an interdimensional portal. They theorize that the reason the proton energy is nowhere to be found is because the space pirate Duncan never hid it in the pyramid in the first place, but transported it to another world.

In the Legends World, Highbrow is researching the mysteries regarding the energy that created the dimension when he's interrupted by Cloudraker reacting to something. Cloudraker explains that he's connected to Pounce as they were created in the same cloning experiment, and he can sense that his "brother" has arrived in this dimension. Aware that the Decepticon Clones have searching for the pirates' energy lately, the Autobots realize the Zamojin must have been working with the Space Pirates to gather energy and use it to create the Legends World, and if so, the world is doomed if the Decepticons take away the energy. They roll out only to find that Pounce and Wingspan have defeated Metroplex using the mutant Autobot Targetmasters, which have absorbed the proton energy hidden underground to become extremely powerful. Declaring that they're sick of being ruled over and treated as lab rats and that it's their time to rule, the Decepticon Clones attack Fastlane and Cloudraker, who plead with them to return the energy to the Legends World. Fortunately the Autobot Clones manage to grab the Targetmasters, which then fly off in different directions to avoid being used for evil again. Pounce and Wingspan retreat, telling their brothers to remember this day, and Fastlane and Cloudraker respond that they'll gladly remember it until the day comes when they can reconcile.

Targetmaster Windblade:
Neo Akihabara City is attacked by the berserk mutant Targetmasters Pinpointer, Spoilsport and Peacemaker, and Windblade, determined to protect the world that forgave her for her past actions, comes to the city's defense only to be shot down. With the city in flames and even Broadside defeated, a despairing Windblade wishes that her big sister Nijika was there to help, then realizes that Nijika is in fact present in the Legends World. She makes her way to where Katsu Don is rebuilding Nijika and requests that her creator convert her into a Headmaster compatible with her sister's body, conceding that she's even willing to become a Zamojin puppet again in exchange for Nijika's power.

Katsu Don accepts her deal, and Headmaster Windblade and Nijika soon depart to save the city from the mutant Targetmasters. With her new robot mode, Windblade is able to deflect the Targetmasters' blasts and seize Pinpointer, forcibly combining him with her sword and using the weapon to send Spoilsport and Peacemaker flying off to parts unknown. The city is saved, but it's a bittersweet victory: when Tigatron returns home, he finds a good-bye note from Windblade explaining that she has returned to the Zamojin and asking the residents of the Legends World to destroy her if she ever attacks them again.

G2 Megatron's summary hasn't been done yet as of this typing.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:11 am
by primalxconvoy
Cheers! I wonder if it's possible to actually combine her sword with Pinpointer?

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:50 am
by Burn
primalxconvoy wrote:Cheers! I wonder if it's possible to actually combine her sword with Pinpointer?

It can. I saw pictures the other day, unfortunately I can't find them now.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 7:21 am
by Sabrblade
G2 Megatron comic summary:
With G1 Megatron having left Tera-Kura Co. to become mayor, president Beast Megatron is once again in charge... until the company is suddenly invaded by Concurrence troops led by Old Snake, who needs resources to recover from the setback of being discovered by the Galactic Peace Alliance. Snake proceeds to place Megatron in a tube and extract his "beast portion", transforming him into a wholly robotic Headmaster loyal to the Concurrence. Seeing their plot for world conquest as a way to take revenge on G1 Megatron for overthrowing him, Beast Megatron happily uses Tera-Kura's facilities to mass-produce Concurrence weapons, including a tank transtector that he uses to personally lead an attack on the mayor's office, Trypticon.

To Starscream's shock, G1 Megatron is unwilling to fight back, not wanting to see a subordinate get hurt ever since a previous incident, and instead looks for a way to undo Beast Megatron's brainwashing without harming him. Soundblaster explains that Old Snake has previously turned Transformers into artificial humans and has used the same technology in "reverse" on Beast Megatron, but they can likely restore him to normal if they can recover his extracted beast portion. The Decepticons find that the beast portion, calling itself "Noble", was unceremoniously tossed aside by the Concurrence and picked up by Nightscream, who's gotten him a job as an opera singer at Weirdwolf's circus. G1 Megatron goes there and explains the situation, convincing a reluctant Weirdwolf to let him bring Noble and Beast Megatron together by telling him the the Concurrence is a threat to the circus too. With help from the still-loyal Slipstream, Blackarachnia, and Nightbird, he then takes over Tera-Kura, luring Beast Megatron and Old Snake back to the office where he's waiting in a borrowed tank body of his own.

G1 Megatron tries to talk Beast Megatron down, but his brainwashed counterpart only responds that he'll take over the world and become Decepticon leader in G1 Megatron's place, and the two come to blows. Beast Megatron manages to grab his opponent's gun during the battle, only to find it part of G1 Megatron's plan—the gun is in fact a transformed Noble, who transforms into beast mode, plucks Beast Megatron off of his body and combines with him. Their union restores Beast Megatron's mind, and he joins forces with G1 Megatron to send Old Snake and his forces fleeing. In the aftermath, Beast Megatron remains split between two bodies and assumes an evil personality whenever he's separated from Noble, though Noble tries to keep him on the right path.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 7:42 am
by ZeroWolf
Loved the old snake cameo, but who is the concurrence?

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 7:54 am
by Sabrblade
ZeroWolf wrote:Loved the old snake cameo, but who is the concurrence?
The Concurrence is an organization of human villains first introduced way back in the Binaltech storyline. They consist mostly of human villains from the G1 cartoon (or humans related to those villains) and G.I. Joe villains.

Their roster includes Doctor Arkeville, Lord Chumley, Shawn Berger Jr., Count von Rani (Iron Klaw from G.I. Joe: Extreme), General Kreiger (General Blitz/Garrison Kreiger), and most recently Michelle (from "Only Human"), the King of Daros (from the Japanese Headmasters episode "Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!!"), and Old Snake.


Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 7:54 am
by primalxconvoy
ZeroWolf wrote:Loved the old snake cameo, but who is the concurrence?

English Summaries to Takara Legends Manga for Decepticon Clones, Windblade and G2 Megatron

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:23 am
by william-james88
Fellow Seibertronian Sabrblade has found the summaries to the three new chapters in the Legends Manga series by Sakumoto. Below are the summaries to the comics that came with the Decepticon Clones, Windblade and G2 Megatron. It is best to read them while looking at the comics we recently posted to get a full sense of what is going on.

We even get to know who makes up the villain group the Concurrence, which includes Doctor Arkeville, Lord Chumley, Shawn Berger Jr., Count von Rani (Iron Klaw from G.I. Joe: Extreme), General Kreiger (General Blitz/Garrison Kreiger), and most recently Michelle (from "Only Human"), the King of Daros (from the Japanese Headmasters episode "Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!!"), and Old Snake.



Clonetron Set:
In 2011 of the G1 World, Pounce and Wingspan are offered high positions in the Decepticon army by Galvatron in exchange for betraying their friends, Fastlane and Cloudraker, and stealing a treasure map left behind by the Space Pirates. While they succeed, the map does not lead to the stockpile of proton energy they had expected, and the two Clones remain low-ranked Decepticons even as Galvatron and Scorponok are defeated. Ten years later they return to the Pirate Planet, believing there's more to the pirates' pyramid than they saw during their first visit, and find a hidden basement containing an interdimensional portal. They theorize that the reason the proton energy is nowhere to be found is because the space pirate Duncan never hid it in the pyramid in the first place, but transported it to another world.

In the Legends World, Highbrow is researching the mysteries regarding the energy that created the dimension when he's interrupted by Cloudraker reacting to something. Cloudraker explains that he's connected to Pounce as they were created in the same cloning experiment, and he can sense that his "brother" has arrived in this dimension. Aware that the Decepticon Clones have searching for the pirates' energy lately, the Autobots realize the Zamojin must have been working with the Space Pirates to gather energy and use it to create the Legends World, and if so, the world is doomed if the Decepticons take away the energy. They roll out only to find that Pounce and Wingspan have defeated Metroplex using the mutant Autobot Targetmasters, which have absorbed the proton energy hidden underground to become extremely powerful. Declaring that they're sick of being ruled over and treated as lab rats and that it's their time to rule, the Decepticon Clones attack Fastlane and Cloudraker, who plead with them to return the energy to the Legends World. Fortunately the Autobot Clones manage to grab the Targetmasters, which then fly off in different directions to avoid being used for evil again. Pounce and Wingspan retreat, telling their brothers to remember this day, and Fastlane and Cloudraker respond that they'll gladly remember it until the day comes when they can reconcile.

Targetmaster Windblade:
Neo Akihabara City is attacked by the berserk mutant Targetmasters Pinpointer, Spoilsport and Peacemaker, and Windblade, determined to protect the world that forgave her for her past actions, comes to the city's defense only to be shot down. With the city in flames and even Broadside defeated, a despairing Windblade wishes that her big sister Nijika was there to help, then realizes that Nijika is in fact present in the Legends World. She makes her way to where Katsu Don is rebuilding Nijika and requests that her creator convert her into a Headmaster compatible with her sister's body, conceding that she's even willing to become a Zamojin puppet again in exchange for Nijika's power.

Katsu Don accepts her deal, and Headmaster Windblade and Nijika soon depart to save the city from the mutant Targetmasters. With her new robot mode, Windblade is able to deflect the Targetmasters' blasts and seize Pinpointer, forcibly combining him with her sword and using the weapon to send Spoilsport and Peacemaker flying off to parts unknown. The city is saved, but it's a bittersweet victory: when Tigatron returns home, he finds a good-bye note from Windblade explaining that she has returned to the Zamojin and asking the residents of the Legends World to destroy her if she ever attacks them again.

G2 Megatron comic summary:
With G1 Megatron having left Tera-Kura Co. to become mayor, president Beast Megatron is once again in charge... until the company is suddenly invaded by Concurrence troops led by Old Snake, who needs resources to recover from the setback of being discovered by the Galactic Peace Alliance. Snake proceeds to place Megatron in a tube and extract his "beast portion", transforming him into a wholly robotic Headmaster loyal to the Concurrence. Seeing their plot for world conquest as a way to take revenge on G1 Megatron for overthrowing him, Beast Megatron happily uses Tera-Kura's facilities to mass-produce Concurrence weapons, including a tank transtector that he uses to personally lead an attack on the mayor's office, Trypticon.

To Starscream's shock, G1 Megatron is unwilling to fight back, not wanting to see a subordinate get hurt ever since a previous incident, and instead looks for a way to undo Beast Megatron's brainwashing without harming him. Soundblaster explains that Old Snake has previously turned Transformers into artificial humans and has used the same technology in "reverse" on Beast Megatron, but they can likely restore him to normal if they can recover his extracted beast portion. The Decepticons find that the beast portion, calling itself "Noble", was unceremoniously tossed aside by the Concurrence and picked up by Nightscream, who's gotten him a job as an opera singer at Weirdwolf's circus. G1 Megatron goes there and explains the situation, convincing a reluctant Weirdwolf to let him bring Noble and Beast Megatron together by telling him the the Concurrence is a threat to the circus too. With help from the still-loyal Slipstream, Blackarachnia, and Nightbird, he then takes over Tera-Kura, luring Beast Megatron and Old Snake back to the office where he's waiting in a borrowed tank body of his own.

G1 Megatron tries to talk Beast Megatron down, but his brainwashed counterpart only responds that he'll take over the world and become Decepticon leader in G1 Megatron's place, and the two come to blows. Beast Megatron manages to grab his opponent's gun during the battle, only to find it part of G1 Megatron's plan—the gun is in fact a transformed Noble, who transforms into beast mode, plucks Beast Megatron off of his body and combines with him. Their union restores Beast Megatron's mind, and he joins forces with G1 Megatron to send Old Snake and his forces fleeing. In the aftermath, Beast Megatron remains split between two bodies and assumes an evil personality whenever he's separated from Noble, though Noble tries to keep him on the right path.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 5:33 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
Ooooook... Megatron and Noble are a rehash of a Beast Machines plot point. I get that. Even tho it actually succeeded the way it was supposed to, it now makes even less sense:

Beast Machines
- dragon part turned into the dragon Savage
- the technological half was destroyed
- the wolf part was never explained

- Both halves intact
- Beast part, a T-Rex, turned into a dragon/wolf combo


Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 5:36 pm
by Sabrblade
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:Ooooook... Megatron and Noble are a rehash of a Beast Machines plot point. I get that. Even tho it actually succeeded the way it was supposed to, it now makes even less sense:

Beast Machines
- dragon part turned into the dragon Savage
- the technological half was destroyed
- the wolf part was never explained

- Both halves intact
- Beast part, a T-Rex, turned into a dragon/wolf combo


Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:09 pm
by william-james88
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:Ooooook... Megatron and Noble are a rehash of a Beast Machines plot point. I get that. Even tho it actually succeeded the way it was supposed to, it now makes even less sense:

Beast Machines
- dragon part turned into the dragon Savage
- the technological half was destroyed
- the wolf part was never explained

The wolf part comes from Silver bolt, One of Megatron's servants.That is why once silver bolt comes back, he only has his bird element.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:14 pm
by Sabrblade
william-james88 wrote:
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:Ooooook... Megatron and Noble are a rehash of a Beast Machines plot point. I get that. Even tho it actually succeeded the way it was supposed to, it now makes even less sense:

Beast Machines
- dragon part turned into the dragon Savage
- the technological half was destroyed
- the wolf part was never explained

The wolf part comes from Silver bolt, One of Megatron's servants.That is why once silver bolt comes back, he only has his bird element.
That was never confirmed officially, only speculated.

And raises a further question as to how and why Megatron would have gotten Silverbolt's wolf half anyway. Or why not the bird half too. Especially since he didn't seem to get anything rhino or wasp related from Rhinox and Waspinator, whose sparks were in the same situation as that of Silverbolt.

Re: Takara Legends Manga Thread

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:20 pm
by primalxconvoy
william-james88 wrote:
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:Ooooook... Megatron and Noble are a rehash of a Beast Machines plot point. I get that. Even tho it actually succeeded the way it was supposed to, it now makes even less sense:

Beast Machines
- dragon part turned into the dragon Savage
- the technological half was destroyed
- the wolf part was never explained

The wolf part comes from Silver bolt, One of Megatron's servants.That is why once silver bolt comes back, he only has his bird element.

"While "Savage" is clearly Megatron's dragon half, it is unclear where the DNA for the wolf form "Noble" originated. Some fans have speculated a connection to Silverbolt's wolf fuzor form but nothing in the show particularly supports this."

(Source: - )