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Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:51 am
by Rodimus2006
If Prime continues this way it will be the best series ever made the series is just epic both in look and in story with awesome action and characters that draw you into that world.

I am a G1 original and I am actually liking Prime more than G1 cause of the dark overtone of the series and everthing makes G1 look like a kitty cat in comparison but I respect what G1 has done and how it brought joy to my child-hood.

I see lots of flash-back episode for Prime one showing us the 3 year disappearance of the cons. and another explaining the back story of how the got with Fowler and how they got the Missle Silo I dont think the makers of Prime will leave this story plot a missing gap for to long as I see these as multi-part story lines.

I also see more new characters being introduced in Prime as Optimus clearly stated that some are in hiding in the Galaxy and send a message for them to join them on Earth it is a clear indication that more will join them.

Just sucks we have to wait until Feb 11 but I guess I can watch V and play me some good games until then I waited this long just to watch Prime so another month or so is nothing.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:52 am
by Vhlad77
HoosierDaddy wrote:I disagree that Beast wars owns this series. Beast wars was good but i think once Prime really gets rolling it will be the best series since G1 and dare i say it, with it's dark undertones may eventually be better than G1.

im sorry i have to totally disagree that beast wars owns this series and beast wars deffantely didnt own G1. But i will say TFprime is better then deff BW and i will go as far as to say better then G1 as a fan of G1. But what is sad is there is few from work said they didnt like it it was more so so that they didnt like the zombie part, i have to disagree with them this mini series was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:54 am
by Sabrblade
Stormer wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Stormer wrote:So, how long have the Autobots been on Earth,
At least three years.

For some reason I had 3 years in my head - was it said in episode 1?
Yes. And episode 2.

Stormer wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Stormer wrote:how did they get there,
The Ark, which we saw in WFC and read about in Exodus.

Sorry, don't have the game. I did read Exodus, but not convinced that these three are supposed to be tied together.
It's a forced continuity, like how Cybertron/Galaxy Force was forced in with Armada/Micron Densetsu and Energon/Super Link.

Stormer wrote:Ok, stop rolling your eyes at me! I'd love to see Beast it on DVD?
Beast Wars had a total of 3 seasons, which were put on three DVD sets in 2003-2004 (which are all currently out of print).

HoosierDaddy wrote:I disagree that Beast wars owns this series. Beast wars was good but i think once Prime really gets rolling it will be the best series since G1 and dare i say it, with it's dark undertones may eventually be better than G1.
It's too early to declare TF: Prime as being better than Beast Wars. Beast Wars has had 52 episodes and 10+ years of legacy to live off of. TF: Prime has only had five episodes on a channel that's still not that well known to people (half the TF fans I talk to in person have never heard of TF: Prime or even the Hub), and those five episodes weren't even the main story; just an introductory mini-series.

Dead Metal wrote:Beast Wars was already better than G1, so if Prime is better than Beast Wars, it already is better than G1.

Though, I've a pretty suspicious feeling that Prime will definitely be better than G1 (topping Beast Wars and Animated will be a challenge, though).

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:47 pm
by SlyTF1
Burn wrote:You know, it's a pretty decent show, it's such a shame it has the stink of those two hacks attached to it. You can see their unoriginality and lack of creativity creeping in.

I see that too. Most of the lines are from G1 or the movies, Bumblebee can't talk, the characters are just Animated, but with Prowl replaced with Arcee, the zombies have to have their limbs cut or blown off. the space bridge acts just like the space bridges in Animated, the ground bridge works just like the ground bridges in Armada, and when they bring in someone who is an original version of themselves, he gets killed off in the first episode.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:37 pm
by Stormer
Sabrblade wrote:Beast Wars had a total of 3 seasons, which were put on three DVD sets in 2003-2004 (which are all currently out of print).

Yeah, I just looked. It can still be found, but I'll have to forgo buying bananas for awhile...

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:47 pm
by Dorca
So, just watched it again with my roommates, and thought of something that I don't think has been mentioned yet--

What happened to all the Zombicons? Does anyone else find it absolutely horrifying that Cybertron is just full of zombies now? So much for ever going home, Autobots. See what you did, Megatron? See what you did?

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:56 pm
by Sabrblade
Dorca wrote:So, just watched it again with my roommates, and thought of something that I don't think has been mentioned yet--

What happened to all the Zombicons? Does anyone else find it absolutely horrifying that Cybertron is just full of zombies now? So much for ever going home, Autobots. See what you did, Megatron? See what you did?
Maybe they all got caught in the explosion with Megatron, what with them being so close to the Space Bridge (almost touching Megatron's fingertips) when it blew.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:43 pm
by HoosierDaddy
Dorca wrote:So, just watched it again with my roommates, and thought of something that I don't think has been mentioned yet--

What happened to all the Zombicons? Does anyone else find it absolutely horrifying that Cybertron is just full of zombies now? So much for ever going home, Autobots. See what you did, Megatron? See what you did?

Ah, but the plot thickens. What if they find a way to somehow bring them out of that zombie stage and allow the TF universe of characters to come back to their normal selves and really open up the number of characters? I can dream can't I? :D

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:52 pm
by HoosierDaddy
I'm sure the writers won't do this but since the power of Unicron infused into the sparks of the Bots creates evil zombies why couldn't the autobots find a way to infuse the power of the even more powerful Primus into them to return their sparks to normal? Sure some would still be loyal to the decepticons whiles others would still be loyal to the autobots but it gets rid of the zombie problem.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:59 pm
by Galvatron X
Regarding the "Zombicons", how exactly did they get to the Space Bridge anyway? Was it on the ground at Cybertron? You mean to tell me an entire planet of Zombicons made it to this space bridge in, what, 2 minutes?

Just thinking out loud here. I'm really not that much of a stickler for details like this...

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:22 pm
by Dorca
Energon Is My Drug wrote:Regarding the "Zombicons", how exactly did they get to the Space Bridge anyway? Was it on the ground at Cybertron? You mean to tell me an entire planet of Zombicons made it to this space bridge in, what, 2 minutes?

Just thinking out loud here. I'm really not that much of a stickler for details like this...

Um... um... Dark Energon magic?

By part 3, I came to the conclusion that Dark Energon is capable of anything that is convenient to the plotline. :lol:

(I'm usually pretty good at suspension of disbelief. It helps. :D )

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:40 pm
by Burn
Energon Is My Drug wrote:
Burn wrote:You know, it's a pretty decent show, it's such a shame it has the stink of those two hacks attached to it. You can see their unoriginality and lack of creativity creeping in.

Great comment.

I like you, Burn. You're as cynical and surly as I am!

Sounds like a challenge! :P

SlyTF1 wrote:they bring in someone who is an original version of themselves, he gets killed off in the first episode.

This is a good point.

High point of drama - Cliffjumper actually being killed. Sure he MAY come back down the line but he MAY also not.
Low point of drama - Megatron getting blown up and assumed dead.


'cause that's never been done before and he's never not come back from the dead.

Oh wait, Orci ... Kurtzman ... nevermind.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:37 pm
by MagnusRex
Rented War For Cybertron and beat it. They are pretty much forcing the continuity of the game and Prime. Thing is, what is the time gap supposed to be between WFC and Prime? There could be a millennium or two, or three, or four, between the game and the show. Which if it is the case, could leave a lot open for interpretation. Sure, dark energon was pretty common in WFC, but if a great deal of time has passed it could have become scarce.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:57 pm
by zer0das
So I haven't all the posts here, but I'll just make some criticisms:

1. MIKO's Voice Actress.
-She's supposed to be voicing an exchange student from Japan, however her accent is Mexican. Living in Southern California, this is quite jarring and difficult to believe. Even the actress herself is Asian--at least get the accent on the correct side of the globe.

-These guys can't write human kids.
Not only did they fail effectively address "why" these kids are important--because they're not. And yet they allow them to get in the way all the time forcing the kids to have really precocious skills such as advanced understanding of computers, reckless behavior, and emo-ness. I think that if the kids were advanced on their own terms, having them actually be employed as "interns" by the Autobots like Fowler is some sort of liaison might be better so as they aren't a hindrance/burden, but an asset.

Episodes 1-2 were excellent in terms of pacing.
Episodes 3-5 became increasingly less interesting. There could be a number of reasons for this, but whatever, I'll just leave that at the discretion of the viewer.
>>Keep the action going, and stop using lame plot devices (Dark Energon, Satellite Arrays, Kids).

-Beast Wars got the facial expressions down very well. Gaping holes as mouths do not impress. I think they could have made this a lot more dynamic. Oh well, at least Megatron looks good.

Some praise:
I like it. The first two episodes are absolutely awesome in terms of story. Yet, the final three episodes seemed lackluster, and thus while I like it, I don't love it. If this series is to top Beast Wars in terms of quality, there's a lot that needs to be stepped up in terms of writing.


Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:27 pm
by SlyTF1
zer0das wrote:So I haven't all the posts here, but I'll just make some criticisms:

1. MIKO's Voice Actress.
-She's supposed to be voicing an exchange student from Japan, however her accent is Mexican. Living in Southern California, this is quite jarring and difficult to believe. Even the actress herself is Asian--at least get the accent on the correct side of the globe.

-These guys can't write human kids.
Not only did they fail effectively address "why" these kids are important--because they're not. And yet they allow them to get in the way all the time forcing the kids to have really precocious skills such as advanced understanding of computers, reckless behavior, and emo-ness. I think that if the kids were advanced on their own terms, having them actually be employed as "interns" by the Autobots like Fowler is some sort of liaison might be better so as they aren't a hindrance/burden, but an asset.

Episodes 1-2 were excellent in terms of pacing.
Episodes 3-5 became increasingly less interesting. There could be a number of reasons for this, but whatever, I'll just leave that at the discretion of the viewer.
>>Keep the action going, and stop using lame plot devices (Dark Energon, Satellite Arrays, Kids).

-Beast Wars got the facial expressions down very well. Gaping holes as mouths do not impress. I think they could have made this a lot more dynamic. Oh well, at least Megatron looks good.

Some praise:
I like it. The first two episodes are absolutely awesome in terms of story. Yet, the final three episodes seemed lackluster, and thus while I like it, I don't love it. If this series is to top Beast Wars in terms of quality, there's a lot that needs to be stepped up in terms of writing.


All of this. Except for the pacing, I thought each episode got more and more interesting. But it did seem like episodes 1 and 2 where paced better, its just that I thought the ideas of each episode got more exciting. Especially the Optimus VS Megatron, I was waiting for that since the second episode!

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:47 pm
by Dorca
zer0das wrote:-Momentum
Episodes 1-2 were excellent in terms of pacing.
Episodes 3-5 became increasingly less interesting. There could be a number of reasons for this, but whatever, I'll just leave that at the discretion of the viewer.
>>Keep the action going, and stop using lame plot devices (Dark Energon, Satellite Arrays, Kids).

Hmm, I personally thought the episodes only got better as time went on. 4 was a high point for me, actually. So much action! And the Optimus Prime vs Megatron battle at the end was a lot of fun to watch.
Anyway, I think a lot of it was that they needed to get some of the exposition and explanation out of the way so it won't be necessary in future episodes. But I do like how they left enough unsaid that we'll probably get some fun flashback episodes... I'm a sucker for flashback episodes. :)

zer0das wrote:3. DULL SURPRISE.
-Beast Wars got the facial expressions down very well. Gaping holes as mouths do not impress. I think they could have made this a lot more dynamic. Oh well, at least Megatron looks good.

The mouths left something to be desired, but I noticed a lot more emotion in the eyes of the characters.
And a couple of the characters actually manage to pull off the mouth... Ratchet, for one.
But I do agree for the most part. I watched this with my roommates, and there was always a collective sigh of relief when Optimus put away his mouth.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:47 pm
by TylerTerror
the zombie decepticon thing was a little out there for me but i guess no worse than the stuff that went down in the 80's

but to be honest i liked it and so far am only looking forward to the release of a bulkhead toy :D

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:31 pm
by Rodimus2006
WFC is in the beginning of time eons before the crash landing of Earth. on how it connects to Prime in the timeline i guess it takes places before the movies some point around or before Movie-1.

Prime is a really good series the Zombie Rising thing is a nice touch and makes sense to use it with Dark Energon is a nice combination.

I think if you even get a tiny morsel you are still infected by it like Arcee even though she did get a decontaomination bath I say the dark energon has already inbeded itself into her systems were a decon bath wouldnt help her.

I say this could come back to haunt Arcee later on not unless the Autobots find a way to purify the Dark Energon some how. Remember Megatron Controls Dark Energon maybe he can control Arcee in a future episode.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:22 pm
by Stormer
Well, for a couple of hacks, Orci and Kurtzman sure do get around. They've got quite a few things under their belt that I wasn't aware of - Star Trek (which might kinda make sense that the music in Prime kinda sounds like that score), Eagle Eye, The Island. They've also been involved with Fringe, Xena, Hercules and Hawaii Five-O - which is why I decided to look them up, because I just got through watching that show and caught the credits.

And, I also decided to look up who did the music for Prime - Brian Tyler. To his credit: The Expendables, Fast and Furious and Law Abiding Citizen.

Michael Giacchino did the music for Star Trek - just in case anyone else but me was wondering. Prime's score isn't available for purchase as far as I can tell.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:37 am
by Rodimus2006
Were have you been under a rock lately yes Star Trek 2 has been talked about for a year or so now.

Rumored to have Khan in it from the old movies will now instead feature an old scool 1966 original series villain in it instead such as Mudd they had a poll asking us which of the Villians from the 60's would they like to have in the new Star Trek film.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:40 am
by Dead Metal
Rodimus2006 wrote:Were have you been under a rock lately yes Star Trek 2 has been talked about for a year or so now.

Rumored to have Khan in it from the old movies will now instead feature an old scool 1966 original series villain in it instead such as Mudd they had a poll asking us which of the Villians from the 60's would they like to have in the new Star Trek film.

He said nothing of Star Trek 2, he mentioned the first since that was written by Orci and Kurtzman.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:21 am
by Sabrblade
Rodimus2006 wrote:WFC is in the beginning of time eons before the crash landing of Earth. on how it connects to Prime in the timeline i guess it takes places before the movies some point around or before Movie-1.
No. The movies have nothing to do with WFC and Prime. They're separate realities altogether.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:26 am
by Rodimus2006
If Prime dosent have anything to do with WFC then why is it using Dark Energon which was in WFC also the Drones AKA The Eradicons were also in WFC in the Autobot Campaign.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:06 am
by MagnusRex
Rodimus2006 wrote:If Prime dosent have anything to do with WFC then why is it using Dark Energon which was in WFC also the Drones AKA The Eradicons were also in WFC in the Autobot Campaign.

I think Sabrblade was saying that Prime and WFC have nothing to do with the movie.

Re: The Official Transformers: Prime Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:09 am
by Stormwolf
Rodimus2006 wrote:If Prime dosent have anything to do with WFC then why is it using Dark Energon which was in WFC also the Drones AKA The Eradicons were also in WFC in the Autobot Campaign.

The dark energon question itself should point out that they are two different continuities. Dark energon was well known in WFC and Megatron already infused himself with it before attacking Cybertron.

In Prime they didn't even know if it was possible to infuse a TF with it (which takes place after the shutdown).

Additionally, Prime Soundwave, Bumblebee and Starscream are vastly different characters when compared to their WFC counterparts.