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Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:51 pm
by Archanubis
After this episode, I get the feeling Mr. Pettypaws gets into the situations he does because he's trying to get away from his owner for a few moments of peace! :lol:

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:11 pm
by PrymeStriker
Archanubis wrote:After this episode, I get the feeling Mr. Pettypaws gets into the situations he does because he's trying to get away from his owner for a few moments of peace! :lol:

I've only seen her once (because I haven't watched some of the other episodes that include them) and I already hate that old woman. :roll:

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:33 am
by Sabrblade
Episode 23 -

Gotta love Chase's disapproval of off-color humor. :lol:

So the Helper Bot's name really is Dither.

LOL at Chase learning about "Earth humor".

On second thought, I take that back. He's only funny when he's not trying to be.

Graham states that there's a subterranean cause for the tremors, yet, Chief states that they don't have earthquakes in Maine. I am SO hoping that these quakes are being caused by Unicron as seen in "One Shall Rise".

Blades hopes there's no such thing as a "Skyquake". Well, there was, once. ;)

Chase, just stop. Please!

Looks like the source of the earthquakes is just a giant subwoofer stored in an underground storage bunker for the Hall of Inspriation. So much for Unicron being involved. :roll:

Really liking the moment between Heatwave and Frankie.

Really? The source of all this havoc was a jukebox?! Ugh!

Whoa! :shock: Frankie can sing good! Though, I wonder, is this the first Transformers cartoon to have a music video in it?

Okay, this episode was half-stupid, half-good. The Good: Frankie's life being saved by Heatwave and almost learning of his being alive, as well as her music video at the end. The stupid: Everything else! Honestly, if it weren't for its few good points, this would be hands down one of the DUMBEST episodes of them all. #-o

Episode 24 -

Okay, this episode looks a little more promising.

Especially since this was an emergency that was too big for them to handle. They pretty much failed to save the building this time.

Though, poor Cody, getting berated for saving Mr. Sherma's life.

Ha, nice A Christmas Story reference. :P

Obvious Iron Man and Super Saiya-jin references are obvious.

Heh, something always goes wrong with anything dedicated to the mayor.

I really don't have much to say about Cody's actions as "Rescue Boy", other than Chief's reactions to Cody's actions are typical.

As was the badge eventually overloading.

In this state, Cody reminds me of G1 Sunstorm.

This episode was the better of the two, being not as dumb and little more down-to-Earth.

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 7:33 am
by Archanubis
In Shake-Up, I like how Heatwave doesn't automatically assume that Frankie's been out during his whole "out of character" moment.

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:02 pm
by Sabrblade
Episode 25 -

The time machine resembles a large portal instead of a Delorean. Oh well.

Short version of the theme song again.

The "Temporal Station" was built in 1939, but never able to work.

Chief referred to Heatwave as "Fire-Bot", his toy bot-type designation.

Whoops! The Bots got zapped into the portal with Dither.

Whoa! :shock: Dr. Morocco already! He was there back in 1939? What a twist! :smile:

Dr. Thaddeus Morocco, that is. And Cody notes how he looks exactly the same in 1939 as he does in the present.

Hello, Elma Hendrickson.

Mrs. Neederlander as a kid. Voiced by Kath Soucie.

Morocco wants world domination. Typical. :roll:

And he has a "Chamber of Youth" to rejuvenate his life. So that's how he's still young.

So Frankie didn't fully know, but just now got confirmation of the Bots being alive.

Bumblebee! Optimus Prime! OH YEAH!

They left Dither. But couldn't go back for him.

And he's been found. Oh no.

Goodbye Griffin Rock, hello Moropolis.

Uh oh, it's the Morbot Gestapo.

To be continued...

Excellent episode. So much suspense, many twists, and fun surprises. And plenty of history too.

Episode 26 -

Heatwave said the word "Decepticons".

President Arthur's hologram is sentient. :lol:

Dither was reverse-engineered into MorBot version 1.1.

Charlie Burns is a janitor in the new timeline and has no son named Cody.

Charlie just got punched by a MorBot! On screen!

Huxlett Prescott is a Taxi driver and Luskey owns a restaurant.

Burns Auto Repair. The family business.

Morocco has been sealing up the island's tunnet in fear of rebellion. And he's always suspected the Burnses of being part of such a rebellion.

Dani doesn't like flying, yet Charlie still rocks his sexy bikini apron. :P

There's no Doc Greene on the island. Cody suspects he just lives elsewhere.

Morocco's wasting no time blasting at the Burns Auto Repair shop. This episode is the most violent yet!

Secret Weapon: MOBILE COMMAND HEADQUARTERS!!! I am SO buying that now! That thing is a BEAST! Image Image Image Image

Optimus: "Rescue Bots, roll out!"
Heatwave, "Hey, I like the sound of that."


YES!!! They're taking the MHQ with them! 8) 8) 8)

They got Dither!

And they're back home! AND Doc Greene is now in on the secret!

This episode was every bit of awesomesauce I was hoping for and MORE! So much fun, so much excitement, and surprisingly darker and more violent than I expected. Man, I cannot wait for season 2! I haven't been this wowed by a whole TF cartoon season since Animated! And no Decepticons were necessary, even! All in all, I loved it. I absolutely loved it! We better get Dr. Morocco episodes in season 2, as the writing for those are above and beyond the standard for this series. And with such great effort put into these episodes, I can only hope for more. Rescue Bots, ROLL OUT!

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:58 pm
by Foxbear
Great episode! My take on it was pretty much what Saberblade stated. So I'm not going to bother reiterating what he put so well.
I simply adore the subtitles worked into this show. It doesn't just feel like some bulky, awkward addition to Prime; they are complimentary sides of the same coin.
Clearly built for seperate age groups and yet I enjoy the "kids" show as much as Prime.
I really got the feeling off of these episodes that Optimus is deliberately shielding the Rescuebots from the war by keeping them in Griffin Rock, but he sill has a deep respect for them. Just another layer of depth to an already great show!

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:07 pm
by Sabrblade
Subtitles? :???:

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:30 pm
by Foxbear
Sabrblade wrote:Subtitles? :???:

Sigh, I meant "subtleties" as in the show doesn't beat you over the head with the point. :)

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:07 am
by King Kuuga
Okay, REALLY good couple of episodes here. Tim Curry's Voice is amazing, as always. And that's in a show with some big name actors who already deliver fantastic performances. The plot was, as said, pretty dark for this show, but not in an overbearing way. They didn't broach the issue of historical racism very much, but I think Young Mrs. Neederlander's jab at Frankie was meant to be a quiet nod to the fact that race relations were not quite as pretty as shown in Griffin Rock's 1939. Aside from that, we see Dr. Morocco's past as a Griffin Rock Scientist, and apparently he's been around for a good 50 years before that. Depending on if that means he was 50 at the time, or had been working for 50 years, that makes him born somewhere between 1875 and 1889. So in the present day, he's between 123 and 137 years old, maybe even older than that. Crazy. You would think somebody would notice this Morocco fellow kept popping up and never aging. But I digress. *cough*
The exploits of the bots in 1939 were quite exciting, and we got a bit of a divergent time stream as a result of leaving Dither in the past, who was repurposed as the Morbot 1.1, and the tech for the Morbots we know was developed from them. BUT hold on a sec. 2012 Morocco from the mid-season climax invented the Morbot on his own, without having access to Dither. Does this mean Dr. Morocco is just somehow destined to build Morbots, regardless of inspiration?

Anyway, back to the future, MOROPOLIS. The man certainly is vain. And paranoid. AU Burns family are mechanics, Charlie Burns is a janitor, and Cody doesn't exist. And they still don't have a mother. (One can question whether, in such an alternate reality as this, Charlie Burns would even meet, fall in love with, and have children with whoever Mrs. Burns is in the regular universe instead of someone else, resulting in different children, BUT we like recognizable characters.) Dr. Morocco gives everybody a bit of a chase, and we get the Mobile Headquarters, AKA a new toy. A cool one, and well-integrated, I'll admit, so I'll let it slide. I loved seeing the Rescue Bots and Prime and Bumblebee take on the army of Morbots. They really have come a long way this season. Also, this marks the first time we see Optimus's vehicle mode in Rescue Bots. And he's a cab-over truck, unlike his Prime counterpart. Different art styles can't account for that one! (But being a toyline with a different story before they made a cartoon can. :P) "Rescue Bots, roll out!" I still prefer "roll to the rescue," but whatever. Prime, Heat Wave, and Bee teaming up to take out the leader Morbot was cool. Then they make it back to the past, reclaim Dither, inspire in Dr. Morocco a desire to replicate and outclass the Rescue Bots, and return to their future present, where it turns out Dr. Greene has been filled in on the sentience of the Transformers. And everybody lived happily ever after until Season 2.

SO. All told, great episodes. The only things that bug me are some of the ontological paradoxes or contradictions, but those are inherent in any time travel story. Then, there's Dr. Morocco. I'm a little bummed because his story is incomplete. Episode 14 left us with this big cliffhanger where he fled Griffin Rock with some of his stolen technology to meet with an unknown client, promising to return. But this wasn't that Dr. Morocco. This was an alternate universe Dr. Morocco who created the Morbots after examining Dither. That is where history diverges from the universe we're familiar with, and while his motivations and desires remain constant across time streams, it's not the same Dr. Morocco who hinted at connections to MECH, who sabotaged Doc Greene's work because he lost the bid to be the lead scientist. This was a man who took over the city using reverse-engineered future technology. So we dealt with and defeated a Dr. Morocco, and we saw (and participated in) his origin story, creating a Predestination Paradox, but we're still left hanging with what happens after he fled Griffin Rock in that speedboat in episode 14. Maybe Season 2 will deal with that, but I really think this plot would have worked better as season 2's mid-season climax and season 1 finale has him return from wherever he went off to. Still. It is what it is, it was a fun bunch of episodes, Dr. Morocco is a great villain and each appearance only raises more questions about him. Can't wait for season 2!

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:43 am
by Sabrblade
^ Slag, YEAH! Now that's what I like to see! 8)

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:28 pm
by King Kuuga
What? Hyper-analysis? Walls of text? Or just my enthusiasm for the show? :P

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:34 pm
by Sabrblade
That Bot wrote:What? Hyper-analysis? Walls of text? Or just my enthusiasm for the show? :P
All of the above! :grin:

(though, in regards to option 2, only when the walls of text are well made and awesome, which this one is) ;)^

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:29 pm
by Sabrblade
One word: BEAST!!!


:michaelbay: :michaelbay: :michaelbay: :KREMZEEK: :KREMZEEK: :KREMZEEK: :KREMZEEK: :KREMZEEK: :michaelbay: :michaelbay: :michaelbay:

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:09 pm
by Foxbear
Sabrblade wrote:One word: BEAST!!!


:michaelbay: :michaelbay: :michaelbay: :KREMZEEK: :KREMZEEK: :KREMZEEK: :KREMZEEK: :KREMZEEK: :michaelbay: :michaelbay: :michaelbay:

Two words=> I WANT!

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:48 am
by King Kuuga
3 words: Eh, it's neat.

(it functions awesome in the show but I don't like the look. It works for the bots but a giant tank of a truck like this could stand to be a little longer)

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:14 am
by Sabrblade
Foxbear wrote:Two words=> I WANT!
Two words=> I GOT! :mrgreen:

Though, they slightly changed the design of the vehicle in the cartoon from the design of the toy to make it look more like an armored assault vehicle painted red instead of a fire truck. The shape's mostly the same, but the toy looks less... beast.


Still imposing in size though, since this toy is quite large.

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:33 pm
by Foxbear
:-? Soooo, when does this show start up again? :-?
I'm going to need something to get me through Prime withdrawl.... :cry:

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:51 pm
by Sabrblade
Foxbear wrote::-? Soooo, when does this show start up again? :-?
I'm going to need something to get me through Prime withdrawl.... :cry:
Wish we knew.

All we know is that they have at least begun recording the episodes, as D.C. Douglas spoke of recording episode 27 with special guest star Roger Craig Smith not too long ago. 8)

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:55 am
by King Kuuga
I'm guessing February, like the first season. Could be wrong, though. They might want to stagger it so it doesn't overlap with Prime, and then they have Transformers airing year-round.

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:11 pm
by PrymeStriker
That Bot wrote:I'm guessing February, like the first season. Could be wrong, though. They might want to stagger it so it doesn't overlap with Prime, and then they have Transformers airing year-round.

How about the second season of Rescue Bots airs in February and ends in Fall 2013. After that ends, season 3 of Prime airs. :grin:

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:21 pm
by Sabrblade
PrymeStriker wrote:
That Bot wrote:I'm guessing February, like the first season. Could be wrong, though. They might want to stagger it so it doesn't overlap with Prime, and then they have Transformers airing year-round.

How about the second season of Rescue Bots airs in February and ends in Fall 2013. After that ends, season 3 of Prime airs. :grin:
How about they go air season 2 much sooner than that so we don't gotta wait so long? Image

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:02 pm
by PrymeStriker
Sabrblade wrote:
PrymeStriker wrote:
That Bot wrote:I'm guessing February, like the first season. Could be wrong, though. They might want to stagger it so it doesn't overlap with Prime, and then they have Transformers airing year-round.

How about the second season of Rescue Bots airs in February and ends in Fall 2013. After that ends, season 3 of Prime airs. :grin:
How about they go air season 2 much sooner than that so we don't gotta wait so long? Image

Yeah, that'd be nice. Although, I still think they'll end Season 2 around the beginning of Season 3 of Prime, making the Fall 2013 date true.

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:45 pm
by Stuartmaximus
still no full series on DVD! only that pish 6 ep Roll To The Rescue

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:41 pm
by Sabrblade
Stuartmaximus wrote:still no full series on DVD! only that pish 6 ep Roll To The Rescue
It's all on Netflix, though. ;)

Re: The Official Transformers: Rescue Bots Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 6:10 pm
by Archanubis
Is there going to be a Season 2 for this series? With news that Beast Hunters will be the final season for Prime, I'm wondering how this will affect RB, since the two series do share a continuity...