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IDW Reconstruction Shared Universe Information

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:34 am
by Va'al
After Revolution... comes Reconstruction. Once the crossover event at IDW is over, we have news of the new monicker (but not a new event, let's be clear) for the publisher's books that will be sharing the universe established by Revolution. Featuring a whole lotta titles, from Transformers books to more liminal ones, Reconstruction has a new logo to mark out which books are part of the Hasbro shared universe. Check them all out below, with links to the existing discussion threads on our boards!

November 2016

•M.A.S.K. Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #1
•Transformers: Till All Are One #5
•Micronauts #7
•Optimus Prime #1
•ROM #5

December 2016
•G.I. Joe #1
•M.A.S.K. Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #2
•Transformers: Lost Light #1
•Optimus Prime #2
•Transformers: Till All Are One #6
•Revolutionaries #1
•Micronauts #8
•ROM #6


Greetings IDW Faithful! Let me extend a hearty thanks to all of you for joining us in celebrating some of the exciting new projects that IDW Publishing will have to offer through the rest of the year and into 2017!

In case you haven’t heard (and if you haven’t, what rock have you been under?!), we just wrapped up one of the biggest events in IDW’s history— REVOLUTION! Thanks to the storylines created in REVOLUTION, some of Hasbro’s most popular franchises are now tied into one universe of epic proportions! You no longer need to pretend what it would be like for some of your favorite characters from G.I. JOE, TRANSFORMERS, ROM, MICRONAUTS, ACTION MAN and M.A.S.K.: MOBILE ARMORED STRIKE KOMMAND to all exist together in one universe... because now they do! And the repercussions of all this co-habitation will have lasting effects on these blockbuster properties for years to come! Can you imagine what it will be
like for Optimus Prime to battle the forces of Baron Karza? Or what will happen if V.E.N.O.M. gains control of Rom’s Neuralyzer? In this brave new world, anything can happen... and probably will!

Look for the RECONSTRUCTION logo on some of your favorite Hasbro titles as an easy way to identify which comics are part of the new shared universe. And don’t worry—your favorite titles will still
be focused on the characters you’ve come to know and love, we’re just adding a little something extra to keep things fun and fresh! So, if you are a new reader, welcome aboard! If you are a regular reader of one or more of our titles, THANK YOU! I hope all of you give some of our other new titles a try as well. With all-new storylines starting this month alongside brand-new title launches, there has
never been a better time to be a fan of these beloved characters. IDW Publishing is thrilled to bring you all these comics in a way that has previously only existed in everyone’s wildest imaginations!

David Hedgecock

Re: IDW Reconstruction Shared Universe Information

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:05 am
by steve2275
im cool with this

Re: IDW Reconstruction Shared Universe Information

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:11 am
by 1984forever
What got destroyed besides the GI Joe command structure? Oh wait, that was broken already.

Re: IDW Reconstruction Shared Universe Information

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:32 am
by Henry921
As if the regular crossovers between titles weren't already contrived enough, now I anticipate an annual three month holding pattern in the TF books while Optimus Prime guest stars in Micronauts to boost sales.

Screw this noise, I'm out. I hope things go well for IDW, but I'm just gonna ignore the comics for a while and wait for the first Lost Light TPB.

Re: IDW Reconstruction Shared Universe Information

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:27 am
by D-Maximal_Primal
Can we not have little sup-titles to comics for a bit? Let's just let them run as they should, no extraneous bells or whistles

Re: IDW Reconstruction Shared Universe Information

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:32 am
by TheForgottenTaxi
Henry921 wrote:As if the regular crossovers between titles weren't already contrived enough, now I anticipate an annual three month holding pattern in the TF books while Optimus Prime guest stars in Micronauts to boost sales.

Screw this noise, I'm out. I hope things go well for IDW, but I'm just gonna ignore the comics for a while and wait for the first Lost Light TPB.

This is where I've been ever since they announced Revolution.

I really wonder if sales have gone down. Normally they go up in crossovers, but normally crossovers are between books/characters that have followings already, not the likes of Action Man and M.A.S.K. (And I say that as someone with a little nostalgia for M.A.S.K.)

Re: IDW Reconstruction Shared Universe Information

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:43 am
by TheForgottenTaxi
(Nope. Just checked and it looks like sales of Revolution were way better than sales on the individual TF books, which are actually pretty paltry. Sigh.)

Re: IDW Reconstruction Shared Universe Information

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 11:27 am
by Insurgent
If I start getting random people showing up in my tf comics, or they start doing crossovers with other people, I'm out. I stopped Revolution after issue 1 and the tf spotlights because my word, what I found it to be a large contrived mess. I fear I may just be sticking with the lost light crew.

Re: IDW Reconstruction Shared Universe Information

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 2:07 am
by BumbleDouche
The fact that they even need to keep updating us with this sort of information says it all - the story itself should be self-explanatory, that's traditionally what stories WERE.

Now we need to rely on Cliff's-notes from the publisher to understand the forceful imposition of unessential, foreign characters & the arbitrary situation into which they're all destined to save the world/universe/reality/public toilet facilities "together."

Obviously, there's a serialized nature to comics, but it shouldn't be so mentally & emotionally draining, having to sift through the drivel of G.I. Joe, Micronauts, M.A.S.K. & whatever other crapfests they came out with, just to understand some otherwise indecipherable reference in a Transformers comic, particularly when the TRANSFORMERS are all that I want.

Re: IDW Reconstruction Shared Universe Information

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:11 pm
by ScottyP
TheForgottenTaxi wrote:(Nope. Just checked and it looks like sales of Revolution were way better than sales on the individual TF books, which are actually pretty paltry. Sigh.)
The numbered ones for which the physical sales figures are available (1-3) drop off hard. Almost 30k copies of 1 moved, but only 18 or 19k for 2 and 13k for 3. Maybe this is normal and I don't realize it though.

Action Man Revolution did not do well. ROM and Micronauts did ok.

The sales of TF books tanked starting in August from a usually pretty steady clip, probably because of the awful job they did of promoting the title changes. Possibly, some casual readers thought the 55s were it for both books for good. Hopefully the new books can get some momentum back going, or maybe the digital sales can make up some ground.

Re: IDW Reconstruction Shared Universe Information

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:50 pm
by D-Maximal_Primal
ScottyP wrote:
TheForgottenTaxi wrote:(Nope. Just checked and it looks like sales of Revolution were way better than sales on the individual TF books, which are actually pretty paltry. Sigh.)
The numbered ones for which the physical sales figures are available (1-3) drop off hard. Almost 30k copies of 1 moved, but only 18 or 19k for 2 and 13k for 3. Maybe this is normal and I don't realize it though.

Action Man Revolution did not do well. ROM and Micronauts did ok.

The sales of TF books tanked starting in August from a usually pretty steady clip, probably because of the awful job they did of promoting the title changes. Possibly, some casual readers thought the 55s were it for both books for good. Hopefully the new books can get some momentum back going, or maybe the digital sales can make up some ground.

Let's hope so. that last couple of months have been somewhat forgettable