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Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 1:19 pm
by ctrlFrequency
Cryhavok wrote:Yes.

Thank you, oh evil Warlord.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:12 pm
by sumowrestler
Safe to say the Bots are back in their cells? Where are the Cons at? Are we free to post our Con characters anywhere within reason on the Semper?

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:38 pm
by Cryhavok
Bots are not in their cells yet. Both them and cons should be arriving from LV-117 via shuttles.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:43 am
by DedicatedGhostArt
I won't be around anymore. sorry.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:05 am
by DedicatedGhostArt
Hey guys. I wanted to say sorry. I left and never planned to come back because of something I did that a player I was previously friends with got mad at. (Not in game, regarding something else.) Instead of taking responsibility and changing my ways, I just left and acted like the victim. I'm really sorry for what I did, and would like to rejoin the game if I can. I mainly just want Redwing back. I wanna apply for Shatter as well, but only if someone else wants to play Dropkick with me. So yeah, again, I'm really sorry, and will try and be a better person in general alongside playing in the game.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:30 am
by sumowrestler
If you are referring to the two characters from the Bumblebee movie, I am not sure how the mods will handle them. From what I read on Dropkick and Shatter they will have issues since both are a triple changer in the movie and last I knew the mods weren't planning to expand the technology beyond who we already have. High chance both would have to choose one alt mode.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 12:33 pm
by DedicatedGhostArt
sumowrestler wrote:If you are referring to the two characters from the Bumblebee movie, I am not sure how the mods will handle them. From what I read on Dropkick and Shatter they will have issues since both are a triple changer in the movie and last I knew the mods weren't planning to expand the technology beyond who we already have. High chance both would have to choose one alt mode.

They started out just with car modes, and I prefer their car-only designs anyway. I think they just look better, plus it fits really well in the game that way. Maybe later down the road they could get flight modes if the mods okay it, but it's not exactly high priority for me.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:16 pm
by sumowrestler
SillyMcGilly wrote:
sumowrestler wrote:If you are referring to the two characters from the Bumblebee movie, I am not sure how the mods will handle them. From what I read on Dropkick and Shatter they will have issues since both are a triple changer in the movie and last I knew the mods weren't planning to expand the technology beyond who we already have. High chance both would have to choose one alt mode.

They started out just with car modes, and I prefer their car-only designs anyway. I think they just look better, plus it fits really well in the game that way. Maybe later down the road they could get flight modes if the mods okay it, but it's not exactly high priority for me.

I might be willing if you consider Flywheels.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:56 pm
by DedicatedGhostArt
sumowrestler wrote:
SillyMcGilly wrote:
sumowrestler wrote:If you are referring to the two characters from the Bumblebee movie, I am not sure how the mods will handle them. From what I read on Dropkick and Shatter they will have issues since both are a triple changer in the movie and last I knew the mods weren't planning to expand the technology beyond who we already have. High chance both would have to choose one alt mode.

They started out just with car modes, and I prefer their car-only designs anyway. I think they just look better, plus it fits really well in the game that way. Maybe later down the road they could get flight modes if the mods okay it, but it's not exactly high priority for me.

I might be willing if you consider Flywheels.

You mean me take Flywheels, or have him tag along?

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:03 pm
by ctrlFrequency
Since no one is responding to Feint's post on page 5 of Syria and the story seems to be jumped ahead, I am editing Feint's post so that my actions don't look so... Weird.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 8:08 pm
by DedicatedGhostArt
ctrlFrequency wrote:Since no one is responding to Feint's post on page 5 of Syria and the story seems to be jumped ahead, I am editing Feint's post so that my actions don't look so... Weird.

Sorry about that, kinda jumped back in too late myself, so didn't make much sense to put a response in at this point. Plus I wasn't a fan of that whole moment at that stop because some things weren't written out very smoothly and I felt sorta lost, so kinda just wanted to jump ahead past all that anyway.

Edit: Not any specific person I'm referring to, just wasn't a fan of how it went from fast to slow to fast and then skipping events all over the place. Just felt sorta unorganized to me.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 8:12 pm
by ctrlFrequency
I'm not jumping back in. I was waiting.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 8:14 pm
by DedicatedGhostArt
ctrlFrequency wrote:I'm not jumping back in. I was waiting.

That's not what I was saying, I meant I jumped back in too late, and at that point it was sorta too late to respond without confusing current events.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:21 am
by ctrlFrequency
I am having a bad day today because I have misplaced the iPad the Department of Commerce entrusted me with... I know the darn thing is here somewhere... I keep hearing the email alerts. But I need to start work but can't until I find it. Makes me.frown at the living room a lot. (Found all my personal Android tablets that went missing... No iPad...)

I'm taking this to Chatterbox because Silly suggested I "interact" more.

People are allowed to play their characters as they want to. Not always possible, when interacting with others, sometimes you have to do a little give and take.

What is not cool is PMing people to tell them how to play their characters. Even worse on behalf of someone else who may not have asked for intervention.

I did not know Starscream was going to blame Vertigo, Lock On, and Feedback for going to Mars. But hey, I ran with it the best I could. It's Starscream. Which is why I didn't have Vertigo get involved (Lock On and Feedback stopped him).

If Chibi has a problem with this CHIBI can message me. Not SILLY.

I am sick of constantly getting PMs from Silly trying to "teach" me how to RP.

I know how. I do it all the time.

Instead of sending me accusatory PMs, pointing out all the many things I'm doing wrong, try talking to me. I may be in a sour mood over Syria all together, but I am getting to the point where my cringe every time I get a PM.

I make mistakes. I may read things wrong (I am dyslexic so some times I will miss words, or have to read a post several times to understand it). But I do know how to role play.

Also, it takes two. Especially in Syria, and especially with Feint, most of what I post goes largely ignored. It is very frustrating. I keep trying with Feint, and now, this time, I was intentionally ignored. I said my peace on that yesterday. I was trying to let that go until I started receiving PMs telling me how badly I RP.

I am 45 years old. I have been RPing for over 20 years. In one messageboard RP, people actively sought out to RP with me because I was always easy to RP with... Because I always taking others characters into consideration.

In my deleted post, Feint offered to interact with Redwing, this is something that is out of character for him. For his personality, he would just sling some not so veiled insults, and possibly fire off a warning shot if he was irritated enough. But... That doesn't make for good RP.

Feedback should not have stopped Vertigo from confronting Starscream. Feedback doesn't have a filter. He doesn't have the personality to stop himself if he disagrees and Lock On would likely go and punch Starscream (he is not a fan of Starscream). But that would have made things difficult. And to be honest I don't really want to play 6 characters in that thread, so I'm trying to subtly put the 3 Seekers off in the background (Chibi suggested that, I felt it was a good idea).

If you don't like what I am doing on Syria. Tell me here. not PMs. I am not going to start with a he said/she said game around here again.

I just want to RP. Which means RPing with the people in the threads I am in. Sometimes that means setting up and scattering my characters (which is what I was getting around to on the Semper Tyrannis), sometimes that means doing things that on the surface don't productive. But they are leading to something and, unless I have a blonde moment (always possible), I will do everything I can to be inclusive of other characters.

But sure as **** don't go and bitch at me in PMs because I will get pissed off.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:38 am
by DedicatedGhostArt
Okay, thanks for the info. I'm sorry my contribution to the mess. I was intending to respond to Feedback, but due to me falling out HEAVILY with another player (whom I shall not name), I ended up having to leave for a while. After returning, just barely getting some form of interaction in the story was pretty much as much as I could do, simply because the story feels too scattered in time and I wanted to continue rather than backtracking. Especially since I wasn't a fan of how Redwing was played during that and it was just annoying to me all around.

Also I'm sorry for misunderstanding, myself. The way I read your post it didn't fully register to me that Feedback stopped Vertigo. From my perspective it was one of those "It's working perfectly aaaand... now it's ruined" kind of moments, but I suppose it's not as bad as I initially thought.

Also I'm sorry for how the PMs came across. I should've proooobably filtered myself a bit more.. but.. honestly, the point still stands that in order to interact properly, you kind of gotta explain things to other players as well, which you have now done. So again, thanks a bunch. Hope you find that iPad!

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:54 am
by Chibi Starscream
Hey Freq. I had intentions to reply to Feint but hadn't gotten around to posting for those characters yet. You weren't ignored. It's good Silly took back Redwing. Anyway about Starscream and ur boi, yes I had him blame them. It's what he would do. However, it could have been a lot worse but I want to be fair to you. You want fairness. Everyone does. As far as your post, I vented about it to a few friends. Venting is something common amongst RPers, however it really isn't a big issue. I'll just play along accordingly. So no worries.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:58 am
by DedicatedGhostArt
[I deleted this]

By the way Freq, I don't at all think you're a bad person or anything. And I'm not part of some "inner circle" or anything. I'm just casually playing. Don't take what I said as something broad or personal, it's only what I saw myself. And some of what I saw was wrong, and I'm sorry. Hope we can all play and get along now. Let's just move past the past negative stuff and start fresh, ya know? (And honestly, I wasn't angry at all. And frankly I'm getting along better with you than a different player.)

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:02 am
by ctrlFrequency
Here's the thing, Silly...

It hasn't been an isolated incident. You are constantly PMing me to "teach" me how to RP. And then did to Feint exactly what you accuse me of doing. Not interacting. Redwing wanted to either have Feint get out of the Humvee or you thought he was out to interact. I wasn't comfortable doing that so I had Feint ask for the location. Okay, well, no one answered him. So I tried to continue the attempted when the Seekers got back in the Humvee. You left. You left well after I posted. It was the last time Feint was posted for. You came back and not only ignored Feint but suddenly moved the entire convoy to where Megatron was. And you did it on purpose because you said you weren't going to try to figure out what was going on.

That is a big middle finger to me as far as I am concerned. That says "I don't care enough about RPing with you to even dismiss you in character"

So I grumbled as politely as I could and changed my post.

Then you try to tell me how to play my characters. Well... Might as well flip me off with the other hand on that one.

I wouldn't be mad if it had only happened once. But it has been constantly. Constant apologies. Followed months later by the exact same PMs, insert different character of mine.

If you don't want to RP with me, fine. I am fantastic at avoiding people.

But don't lecture me on not interacting when you ignore my post. Don't tell me I don't know how to RP when you demonstrate the exact thing you blame me for doing.

I really don't want to apologies.

From this point on I don't intend to do any real interaction in Syria anymore. There is too much prickly feelings on my end to even attempt it. All I ask is no one complain I am not interacting with anyone.

I have tried.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:14 am
by DedicatedGhostArt
Freq, when I said I had no idea what was going on, I literally meant that. I didn't know where your characters were, and I assumed that everyone was where Megatron was. I was following where I thought Thundercracker was. Again, there was no ill intent towards you, I simply misunderstood and I am sorry. (I also edited the post above yours in this thread because I felt it was misplaced humor and I'm also sorry for that.)

I had a really bad falling out with another player, and honestly I was tryna also get away from their characters too. I didn't know where everyone was currently because it wasn't really made clear (or I missed a lot because I'm sure I did), so I just followed where the other seekers went (or so I thought). I thought Feint was going along as well.

Also as I said, I ended up leaving for a while during the time when I WOULD have responded to Feint. I think Amethyst even ran in and killed the fool Redwing was talking about anyway, which I wasn't a fan of. Not tryna insult other players here, just stating that I think that whole situation was frankly really stupid. And you were probably one of the least at fault in that situation if at all. Tbh Syria was a whole mess of randomness for a bit, and I'm still not fully sure what the hell happened.

So as stated above, I want to kind of start over with interaction. Redwing can interact with Feint or one o your other characters again, it's just I don't wanna even touch that whole mess that just happened some posts ago. Plus I wrote my last post with Redwing kinda late so I was just trying my best to kick SOMETHING out, ya know?

Also about the PMs, I don't want you thinking that's something isolated to you. I have a nasty habit of getting into stuff I probably shouldn't just because I want something to change. Even if it changes for the worst. My main goal was just to figure out what you were doing, and now I know. Again, please don't take what I said (even if it seems so) as a broad opinion, when really it was me just saying things based on my own confusion mostly. Again, I'm sorry, and hopefully I'll do better now with RPing.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:16 am
by ctrlFrequency
Chibi Starscream wrote:Hey Freq. I had intentions to reply to Feint but hadn't gotten around to posting for those characters yet. You weren't ignored. It's good Silly took back Redwing. Anyway about Starscream and ur boi, yes I had him blame them. It's what he would do. However, it could have been a lot worse but I want to be fair to you. You want fairness. Everyone does. As far as your post, I vented about it to a few friends. Venting is something common amongst RPers, however it really isn't a big issue. I'll just play along accordingly. So no worries.

There is... A lot of off site conversation going on. None of it I am privy to.

This is frustrating and welcomed at the same time. But... Everyone needs to keep in mind, I am not in the loop. I am doing complete improve here (I'm actually okay with that, I have a strong improv background).

I do wonder what the hell not confronting Starscream about the like is doing to hurt things. I specifically didn't interfere a just set my characters up to go into the background.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:19 am
by Chibi Starscream
ctrlFrequency wrote:
Chibi Starscream wrote:Hey Freq. I had intentions to reply to Feint but hadn't gotten around to posting for those characters yet. You weren't ignored. It's good Silly took back Redwing. Anyway about Starscream and ur boi, yes I had him blame them. It's what he would do. However, it could have been a lot worse but I want to be fair to you. You want fairness. Everyone does. As far as your post, I vented about it to a few friends. Venting is something common amongst RPers, however it really isn't a big issue. I'll just play along accordingly. So no worries.

There is... A lot of off site conversation going on. None of it I am privy to.

This is frustrating and welcomed at the same time. But... Everyone needs to keep in mind, I am not in the loop. I am doing complete improve here (I'm actually okay with that, I have a strong improv background).

I do wonder what the hell not confronting Starscream about the like is doing to hurt things. I specifically didn't interfere a just set my characters up to go into the background.

Don't worry about it. You're fine. I'm just going to stop RP discussion with Jerry so he doesn't bother you. If I have a real problem I'll be sure to PM you. Btw I asked After to have Viper give your guy his drone back, so there ya go.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:20 am
by ctrlFrequency
Silly... I don't want to play my characters in that thread anymore. I don't want to interact. I'm just riding it out until it's done because there is no graceful way to leave the thread.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:21 am
by ctrlFrequency
Chibi, Viper gave Vertigo his drone back on the Obliteration.

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:28 am
by DedicatedGhostArt
ctrlFrequency wrote:Silly... I don't want to play my characters in that thread anymore. I don't want to interact. I'm just riding it out until it's done because there is no graceful way to leave the thread.

Honestly I don't want mine there anymore either. At least I didn't when it was so random and hard to follow. Maybe now it'll be better, but it really damaged Redwing's character a bit. I think the main issue was when I had left a couple of times and then Redwing ended up having 2 OTHER players within the same mission. I'm thankful to them, but also frustrated that I left those couple of times. (And by the way, those couple of times I was going through some very mentally damaging events, which I will NOT talk about online, but there's some context.)

Re: Chatterbox

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:43 am
by ctrlFrequency
I get things are hard to follow... There is no way to avoid that in this type of RP. Subplots.

But you could have asked. When I get lost I search the thread. Keyword the character that was present at the last point I was sure of and then find the last post I remember, then read, skipping anything that doesn't specifically pertain to the subplot.

If I am still confused, I ask. You could have asked me since Feint and Redwing had spoken before you left.

There has been a lot of jumping ahead without reading what others have posted in that thread.

That thread more, than any other I have had to go back and edit my posts because I misunderstood or typed something completely wrong and threw things out of whack. But the important thing is I didn't just say screw it and jump ahead. Stuff happens. There is no one here that is perfect.

I'm just done. Sid and Cravex are the only ones who acknowledged Feint, Reaver, and Blackout were there. I thank them for that, but it's all too frustrating to be ignored.

PS, I finally found where I his my iPad. The federal government will be proud of me.

This is what I mean by blonde moment. I looked in that box and didn't see it.