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PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:03 pm
by Autobot032
*Elita_One* wrote:Dammit, someone tell me what the hell is going on!!

Unfortunately, you're stuck in the middle with the rest of us, so you'll have to learn what it's all about. (once explained, you'll hate me for it, because you'll need to pour Drano on your brain to remove it. It's that f*ckin' stupid.)

2001 (I believe...) an Ohio native who's in the military, decided to have his name legally changed to MR Optimus Prime. (I sh*t you not, he actually did this. His wife (or girlfriend, I don't remember exactly) and kid now have the last name Prime as well.)

For more information, click this link: ... soldier%29

And then last week, this Jason "Megatron" Burrows fellow decided to have his middle name legally changed to Megatron. (Click this following link for sad truth... )

Now, "Optimus Prime" has called out "Megatron" for a battle.
(Yes, I'm 100% serious, and yes it is that f*cking pathetic.)

We don't even know if they're remotely serious or not, burt if they are, we hope this "battle" is for charity at the very least. If it isn't, then I hope we're allowed to beat the stupid out of people, because this goes beyond ridiculousness.

It's one thing to name yourself after a character (it's excessive, but I can deal with it. It's happened before.) a completely different and totally *INSANE* matter.

Now, Elita...don't you feel just a little dumber having learned all of that? I know I sure do.

...*cries* I just felt a braincell die!

pittsburg_22_m wrote:Horrible. Let these douche bags exploit their gay oil rub down somewhere else and leave my beloved transformers out of it. :-x

Wow, excessively wrong. That's pretty crude to put it that way. However, I do understand where you're coming from (anger wise) and fully agree.

This is stupid.

Will it end lives? Of course not.
Is it so stupid it hurts? You betcha.

I'm so terribly embarrassed right now, if I get any redder my face will explode.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:05 pm
by *Elita_One*
Holy ****, my IQ just dropped considerably.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:10 pm
by Prowl20
Seriously, get 40 other people and have a real life version of Battle Royale. My money's on Optimus.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:13 pm
by Autobot032
*Elita_One* wrote:Holy ****, my IQ just dropped considerably.

Sad, isn't it? Don't feel bad, we're all a bit more stupid after it.

And before anyone says anything, let me clear this up right now.

Regardless of how stupid this is, or the name changing, MR Optimus Prime has my full respect because he goes out there and helps defend us. I fully support our military and our soldiers, even if I don't support the war.

No matter how ridiculous I think he is for all of this TF crap, he still has my respect in every other way, so don't even try and say otherwise.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:24 pm
by kary
This is so **** lame. It's like calling yourself Penis.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:28 pm
by Autobot032
kary wrote:This is so **** lame. It's like calling yourself Penis.

HAHA! Thank you! That was a good laugh, and oh so true.

This whole thing is like an E-Penis contest for the most pathetic.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:44 pm
by Methusalen
I've chatted with Mr. Optimus Prime, he seems like a pretty nice guy, and I respect he & his unit for serving over in Baghdad... If he wanted to change his name, who cares? Does it affect you in any way? No? Oh, then ignore it... Obviously his wife has no qualms about being Mrs. Prime, so why should you?

As for the "Call out", I assume it was begun in jest... But as I haven't read the other threads yet, I can't say for certain. It sounds like something I'd do for the heck of it... You change your name to reflect that of a character you respect, and find out someone changed theirs to that of 'your' arch-enemy? Come on, who wouldn't? :lol:

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:46 pm
by Autobot032
Methusalen wrote:I've chatted with Mr. Optimus Prime, he seems like a pretty nice guy, and I respect he & his unit for serving over in Baghdad... If he wanted to change his name, who cares? Does it affect you in any way? No? Oh, then ignore it... Obviously his wife has no qualms about being Mrs. Prime, so why should you?

As for the "Call out", I assume it was begun in jest... But as I haven't read the other threads yet, I can't say for certain. It sounds like something I'd do for the heck of it... You change your name to reflect that of a character you respect, and find out someone changed theirs to that of 'your' arch-enemy? Come on, who wouldn't? :lol:

I wouldn't. Many others wouldn't either.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:56 pm
by *Elita_One*
I'm gonna change my name to Sandy Vagina.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:21 am
by Megatron Wolf
This i want to see. Seeing as how Prime is in the Armed forces my money is on him right now. All i have to say is.......


PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:40 am
by *Elita_One*
Okay, I'll get blasted but I don't give a ****, I am going to be totally honest right now.

This Optimus guy, good for him for fighting in a poopy war, that deserves recognition and respect, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he's being immature about something as gay as another guy using a name from TR. He's just upset because he wants to be the only guy with a TF name and that's lame. Although I find it incredibly stupid to change your name to something like Optimus Prime or Megatron, it's this Megatron guys' decision and it shouldn't matter because it doesn't affect people's lives. It's his business and no one has the right to bitch about it. Who gives a **** if he wants to change it? This army guy didn't copyright Optimus Prime, he just stole it too so who cares? He should be worried about the damn war, not what some other guy wants to do.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:46 am
by Dead Metal
Poor Megatron he never did anything to nobody! Bad Optimus Prime.
By the way do you know Optimus Prime wrote a fan letter to IDW?

Oh and again by the way, it is a very stupid thing to change your name to a TF name.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:07 am
by teroh1988
i think its a bit of an overreaction, by everyone else, it seems to me that this whole "calling out" was started as a joke and i find it funny that people assume that hes upset about the fact that he didnt want to change his entire name and i doubt he actually wants to have a knock down drag out fight. Its odd that people want to change their names to that of their childhood heroes, but its THEIR business not ours.
That said, Id love to see the two in TF costumes with some sock em boppers!!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:54 am
by Autobot032
teroh1988 wrote:i think its a bit of an overreaction, by everyone else, it seems to me that this whole "calling out" was started as a joke and i find it funny that people assume that hes upset about the fact that he didnt want to change his entire name and i doubt he actually wants to have a knock down drag out fight. Its odd that people want to change their names to that of their childhood heroes, but its THEIR business not ours.
That said, Id love to see the two in TF costumes with some sock em boppers!!

Joke or not, the whole damned thing is stupid and embarrassing for the rest of us (if news of this idiocy gets out).

That's my problem with it.

And some will say it doesn't bother them (and they're most likely telling the truth) but there are more than just me and Elita who are ready to hide the fact that we're even in this fandom because of silly crap like the topic at hand.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 5:32 am
by Noisemaze
Autobot032 wrote:
...why aren't we allowed to club stupid people?

Cuz that would wipe out our entire species!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 5:50 am
by Tigertrack
Noisemaze wrote:
Autobot032 wrote:
...why aren't we allowed to club stupid people?

Cuz that would wipe out our entire species!

Now that was the best line I've heard all day! :grin:

I doubt this is serious, in the manner that people are hoping. Just a little fun jesting by the involved parties. :-? Don't let it ruin your day or anything.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 6:18 am
by Autobot032
tigertracks 24 wrote:
Noisemaze wrote:
Autobot032 wrote:
...why aren't we allowed to club stupid people?

Cuz that would wipe out our entire species!

Now that was the best line I've heard all day! :grin:

I doubt this is serious, in the manner that people are hoping. Just a little fun jesting by the involved parties. :-? Don't let it ruin your day or anything.

*points to bolded part* Damn right.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 6:29 am
by Black Bumblebee
*sigh* It's just a joke thingie guys... I swear... everything's gotta be taken so seriously.

I'm surprised no one has stated how this "mock" battle is going to rape their childhoods.

Bleh. Get over yourselves.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:48 am
by Nico
HAHAHA!!! i want to see them beat the **** out of eachother, wearing a cosply of their respective name!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:11 am
by BlurPrime
one shall stand one shall fall..... go optimus prime.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:09 am
by Matt D
Heard has it that Megatron's friends just changed their names to Soundwave, Thunder Cracker and sky warp and Prime's friends have changed their names to Iron hide, Prowl and Jazz.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:08 pm
by City Commander
lol cool.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:16 pm
by pittsburg_22_m
Posting this as "news" only furthers the belief that transformer fans are DORKS. Thanks, now I have to hide my collection when friends come over ! :-x :-x :-x :-x

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:25 pm
by City Commander
Oh stop being pathetic.
Normal is undefinable, and so there is absolutely nothing wrong with buying tfs.

Op vs Megs


PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 5:26 pm
by Hairball178
Meh. At least they're not going all Star Trek with a full-on Klingon wedding, complete with costumes and absolute fluency in the Klingon language.