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Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:58 pm
by cybercat
Hrm. Well, reporting in about the LJ Transformers fandom, it's still pretty tame, once you get over the robo-boinking. :grin:

There are very few ship-wars, and I've had some really good discussions with them about TF 'culture' and writing. It's been fun.

Compare them with, say, the Supernatural fandom? :shock: :shock: :shock:

So even the crazy slashfangirls of the TF fandom? Pretty mellow and articulate.

HK, except those prowl/jazz people. They crazazy! (just kidding!!)

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:56 pm
by Scatterlung
I shouldn't bitch about someone else really but this guy really made his mark.

A user added me from YouTube a while back because he liked my Transformer videos. Well, no, he like Transformers and, apparently, so did I. So he added me to MSN and started yammering away about his Transformers collection (usually starting each topic by asking me my opinion, and then answering the question himself without giving me a chance).

Fairly obsessed, yes, but that wasn't the worst of it. He then proceeded to divulge all his plans to me of owning a comic-book store/coffee-shop hybrid where customers could buy their comics and then read them in the next room. Fair enough. Except that - and this is within an hour of meeting me - he was insisting I go and stay with him in his apartment that would be above this shop. He absolutely insisted that he could arrange it all and it would be all awesome, with us discussing Transformers all day long in a sort of geek heaven.

He didn't last much longer on my list...

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:46 pm
by Autobot032
Abnormal? Absolutely.

I could go over a list of oddities but it would probably fill two pages. lol

As for Raksha, I'd say that she carried it a bit too far. When she offended a voice actor and made him feel crappy, that was crossing a line.

It's one thing to go after the writers, or Hasbro, because they have control, ultimately, but a voice actor? That's...bordering on being sick in the head.

You may not care for their performance, perhaps, or how they portrayed a character you've come to know and love, but when they're incredibly nice to you and it's genuine, and they're just a lot of fun to be around, and you diss them right to their faces, or at least within're a pretty crappy person.

It's fine to have an opinion, it's fine to voice it, it's not fine to do so right in front of the person, and especially to their face.

And I have no problem with her being a Decepticon supporter because it's a cartoon/fantasy faction that doesn't exist in reality, and we all have our favorite characters, but when you become as...obsessed as she has with their way of life and embracing the...well, I guess you'd call it evil, you have to wonder about her in the real world.

It's one thing to be a fan. It's completely another to be a zealot.

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:09 pm
by Just Negare
hellkitty wrote:
Compare them with, say, the Supernatural fandom? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Haha! Yeah! Very true! I recently watched all the seasons online cos they weren't showing them down here. The ep where they have the fan convention was very funny. Of course, until I saw that ep, I didn't know there was an "extreme" fan base.

So even the crazy slashfangirls of the TF fandom? Pretty mellow and articulate.

Yeah, but I'm a prude. (There's no appropriate smilie).

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:05 pm
by Zombie Starscream
Just Negare wrote:
hellkitty wrote:
So even the crazy slashfangirls of the TF fandom? Pretty mellow and articulate.

Yeah, but I'm a prude. (There's no appropriate smilie).

Well, they are mellow until you get into the mech-pregnancies...
Then you go into the Twilight Zone :P

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:42 am
by Just Negare
Zombie Starscream wrote:Well, they are mellow until you get into the mech-pregnancies...
Then you go into the Twilight Zone :P

To sell myself out, I'm actually following a "mech prego" story over on another site, its actually quite well done and there isnt' any graphic descriptions as to the method of pregnancy.

Plus, you know, its got a hell of a lot of angst and violence.

The mech pregnancies where Jazz comes home and finds Prowl sobbing in the bathroom with a plastic stick with a little red cross, or perhaps -> :BOT: are well... poopy McPoop poopies.

But I guess, each to their own, I suppose. Freedom of speech and all that ruckas.

However, it does detract from the violence, and isn't that the most important thing? :APPLAUSE:

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:54 pm
by kookaburra
Just Negare wrote:
To sell myself out, I'm actually following a "mech prego" story over on another site, its actually quite well done and there isnt' any graphic descriptions as to the method of pregnancy.

As much as I love fanfiction, I never ever liked the robo-preg stories, but I have found myself avidly following one too. I never thought it would happen. It wouldn't happen to involve Frenzy, would it?

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:34 am
by Counterpunch
RE: Robo-prego

Operation failed: Abort, Retry, Cancel


Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:58 am
by Neko
Counterpunch wrote:RE: Robo-prego

Operation failed: Abort, Retry, Cancel


But that's the funniest part! lol

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:49 pm
by Zombie Starscream
Neko wrote:
Counterpunch wrote:RE: Robo-prego

Operation failed: Abort, Retry, Cancel


But that's the funniest part! lol
Well, actually the fun part could be when the mech is giving birth,
that's when all the fun descriptions come in ;)

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:25 pm
by Neko
Zombie Starscream wrote:
Neko wrote:
Counterpunch wrote:RE: Robo-prego

Operation failed: Abort, Retry, Cancel


But that's the funniest part! lol
Well, actually the fun part could be when the mech is giving birth,
that's when all the fun descriptions come in ;)

I need some brain bleach. :shock:

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:04 pm
by Just Negare
kookaburra wrote:
Just Negare wrote:
As much as I love fanfiction, I never ever liked the robo-preg stories, but I have found myself avidly following one too. I never thought it would happen. It wouldn't happen to involve Frenzy, would it?

It does. ;)

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:06 pm
by Just Negare
Counterpunch wrote:RE: Robo-prego

Operation failed: Abort, Retry, Cancel


Just turn your brain off and focus on the violence.

Always on the violence. :BOOM:

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:44 pm
by Desmobot
I'm a complete geek about this stuff to most of my friends, but I've got a real life that requires real work or people will end up dead. I can't afford to get lost in a fantasy world ALL of the time. that being said, I love to take out a few minutes of my day or HOURS of my weekend and just let my mind wander into the "what if". "What if I were a Transformer?" I get all geeked out about it. Thinking about it actually gets me almost as excited as surfing, or going way too fast into corners on my bike, or even flying. It's really interesting how people can get truly lost in the stuff. I think it's quite important to have a "normal" side, but equally so to have that part of you that others see as a little strange. It's what makes you interesting! Boring people are boring. People with imagination, however, are almost never boring.

So, to be blunt, I am on the fence. I constantly meander about swaying this way and that never fully immersing myself in crazy fandom, or a bland "life". I is what I is.

:BOT: Always, (but Decepticons, like the Dark Side have cookies, hmmmmmmm.)

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:48 am
Scatterlung wrote:I shouldn't bitch about someone else really but this guy really made his mark.

A user added me from YouTube a while back because he liked my Transformer videos. Well, no, he like Transformers and, apparently, so did I. So he added me to MSN and started yammering away about his Transformers collection (usually starting each topic by asking me my opinion, and then answering the question himself without giving me a chance).

Fairly obsessed, yes, but that wasn't the worst of it. He then proceeded to divulge all his plans to me of owning a comic-book store/coffee-shop hybrid where customers could buy their comics and then read them in the next room. Fair enough. Except that - and this is within an hour of meeting me - he was insisting I go and stay with him in his apartment that would be above this shop. He absolutely insisted that he could arrange it all and it would be all awesome, with us discussing Transformers all day long in a sort of geek heaven.

He didn't last much longer on my list...

...... woah, and I thought the old dude with the van who told me to play with him was weird... :-?

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:52 pm
by Dead Metal
I think I belong into the "weird" fan list, especially if you ask Gregg Berger's daughter, his son laughed but she didn't.... Oh and Electron thinks I'm dangerously crazy. :lol:

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:32 pm
by Stormer
Desmobot wrote:People with imagination, however, are almost never boring.

I also find that to be true. And, if their interested in something like, oh, we'll say Transformers, usually their imaginations are on overdrive - at least when discussing or thinking about whatever they're into.

Desmobot wrote:So, to be blunt, I am on the fence. I constantly meander about swaying this way and that never fully immersing myself in crazy fandom, or a bland "life". I is what I is.

I find that if I listen to the soundtracks for the movies, I can write stories better. I can imagine a story through the music, and then put the story onto paper. So, I have my moments, though reality does take it's cold grip pretty regularly...

So, where occasionally I find someone here who is really out there, for the most part, we're just passionate. There's nothing wrong with that. I think everyone should have an escape from reality once in a while.

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:30 pm
by Chupacabra Convoy
I think Shortpacked pretty much says all there needs to be said about being a fan of something. Being passionate about something is great, but it should never blind you in your day to day to actions/behavior. Chance are what your passionate about was meant to being joy to the world. If it was meant to harm, then chance are Fans never want to see it see used for evil/immoral/dark reasons because it shames them and their passion. The military is great example something that was meant to harm, but ends up being a force of good if used properly and carefully. No solider views themselves as evil, and must take a leap of faith when they're called in to serve, that what they're doing will bring some good to the world someday, even if they don't live to see the pay off.

That said, Star Wars Fans, and Trekkies are not the worst fanboys/Fangirls out there, politicians are. Just because they wear suits and command power doesn't make their passion any less dangerous. When we disagree, our egos get bruised, but when they do, lives get ruined either through their inactivity or activity. Not to mention their popularity contests can really degrade themselves, their supporters, and the country they love.

****, now you all know how weird I am.
=P~ :KREMZEEK: 8-}

Edit: It just occurred to me: The worst action preformed any Transfans has ever done to another human being was the Bomb/death threats to Bob Skir.

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:48 pm
by JetOptimus23
SlyTF1 wrote:
JetOptimus23 wrote:Hey, at least in our Fan Group, none of us speak in Cybertronix; like Trekkers & klingon.

Then again, humans could only pronounce it by gargling.

I speek Cybertronian. I memorized the Decepticon alphabet because I dont feel like doing the Autobot one. And I do speek Cybertronian.

ummmmmmm... wasn't expecting that.

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:11 pm
by JetOptimus23
I may be the geekiest of all of you! Not only do i have a massive collection of Transformers toys, merchandise, games, & comics, but a huge area of my brain dedecatied soley to Transformers trivia. Also, a huge collection of Yugioh cards, 5 game systems with a TF game on each one, and a lot of DVDs.

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:07 pm
by Tristar
I own less than 30 TF's and if I eliminate KO's I own less than 20

I'm a fan of Dr. Who

I'm a Trekkie

I want to learn Klingon

I like Star wars

I read Fanfiction

I am not bothered by shipping though sometimes it just creeps me out not all shipping just some.

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:20 am
by Senator Ratbat
Well I've never been to any of the Botcons or other TF cons, so I really haven't had the chance to have a face-to-face with another Transformers fan, ever. I'm a normal college guy myself, though. Most of my friends are the same way, just with different areas of passion - one of my friends is a mecha nut, another is a huge Spider-Man fan and watches a ton of anime, one is a hardcore gamer (and I mean hardcore, nonstop, beat a game on launch day and brag about it type), and another is really into steampunk. I know them mostly by their favorite interests, and they know me as the Transformers nut. They come to me if they have a question about something they saw in ROTF or Animated or whatever, and I come to them for questions on mecha, Star Wars, steampunk, anime, Spider-Man, etc. We all feed off each other, and usually get really interested in each other's passions as a result.

My passion for TF has never been a problem in relationships either, despite more than one girl pointing out the fact that I troll toy aisles at Wal-Mart where toddlers are looking at the same figures I am, lol. But it's viewed as a pretty normal passion, I'd say. Most adult men nowadays have a passing interest in Transformers, or at least an appreciation for the cool factor of the classic 80s series and the live-action movies. Hell, my Facebook profile has a picture of ROTF Legends Grindor instead of my face, and no one seems to really think anything of it.

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:19 am
by LoRANeHUdsOn
Transformer and GIJoe fans on the average do seem more normalized than others and a bit more grounded in reality. Oh there are a number of ass-clowns but on the whole that's true for about every fandom regardless of what it is.

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:43 am
by SJ21
Wow. A 2 year bump. Impressive.

Re: Weirdness and Transfans

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:58 pm
by At0mic Cav3man
I'm a relatively normal guy. I'm 32, married with two kids. I work a full time job and a part time one at Gamestop. I'm outgoing and pretty accepting of everyone, and I'm rarely ever serious. I like to keep things light. I'm the guy at work who is always laughing and kidding around. I'm very slow to anger, and it's rare to ever see me actually angry (you can assume almost anything I post on these boards has a kidding, laughing tone to it).

I'm very lucky in that I found a woman who accepts me for who I am, so my hobbies (video games, comics, Transformers, etc.) have never been an issue. The people at work (my full time is a small locally owned business) don't mind my nerdiness, and we all get along great. Most of my friends are people I met working at Gamestop after high school, so among them, my interests aren't anywhere out of the ordinary.

I'm a jeans and t-shirt guy (usually something with comics or something on it). It's not hard to tell what kind of stuff I'm into if you pay attention to the things I wear.

I laughingly refer to myself as a dual-class geek. I'm into all the above mentioned stuff, and I can build a computer from the ground up, but I'm also into hunting, hiking, fishing and lots of other manly stuff. I'm a weird mix of interests I guess.