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AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:02 am
by Dead Metal
Just received this:
Hi everyone,

We had an incredible response to our first survey about Auto Assembly 2009 and it's allowed us to make a lot of key decisions for next year's Auto Assembly convention to help us make it the biggest and best Transformers convention EVER that Europe will ever see. Thanks to YOUR input, we can confirm that Auto Assembly 2009 will be a TWO-DAY Transformers-only convention to be held once again in Birmingham, England, this time in our new venue, the Holiday Inn right in the City Centre.

We are still working on the exact date but we have a lot of exciting plans for the weekend including not one but TWO voice actors and a packed weekend of activities with so much going on that you won't have much free time during the weekend and plenty of different acitivies and events each day. Full weekend passes will be available as well as the option to book for single days but once again, we want to make sure that the convention is tailored to fit what YOU all want. So we're running another more detailed survey...

This time we want to know exactly what you want to see during the weekend. It's your chance to influence the programme during the weekend - what the focus of the convention will be, what events and activities we will have and even the type of things you want to see from our dealers!! 2009 is the 25th Anniversary of Transformers so lets celebrate in style!

Even if you haven't attended Auto Assembly before we still want to hear your views, and we'd love to hear from those of you who live outside of the UK who are considering attending in the 25th anniversary year next year. Don't forget that EVERY vote counts in this survey!

We will be taking all of your responses into consideration in planning for next year, as well as all of the additional comments you may make and we've already had some wonderful ideas come forward and some VERY useful comments that we will be taking on board for next time so those of you who have already responded have started to shape Auto Assembly 2009!

You can find the survey here:- ... lHMQ_3d_3d

The survey is only going to be open for a limited period of time as we want to confirm the date and first voice actor as soon as possible (we have one close to signing on the dotted line already!) and open bookings quickly so the closing date is Wednesday 15th October 2008.

Thanks in advance and we hope to see many of you there next year!

Simon and Sven
Auto Assembly

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:54 am
by Electron
wow kool, i'm really thinkin of going this year if its a two day event, you going dm?

p.s stupid arse spammer, don't nned to know about ur massages

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:04 am
by City Commander
Newsified, and credited to Dead Metal and Simon (I received an email from him earlier about this :wink: ).

Great news for all of us euro fans!
But once again, I doubt I'll go. Money is way too tight for me to consider two days of tf and booze binging

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:46 am
by Dead Metal
Thanks MB, lol this was up like a week or so. :lol:

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:50 am
by waaaaghlord
I am so there. Better start putting some cash away when I get back to the nurseries in January though, a full weekend is going to get really expensive really quickly. I think I'll start up the swap meet thread over at the AA boards again a bit closer to the time, I got hold of some cool goodies through that this year.

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:57 am
by Dead Metal
I wish I could come, but if things continue the way they do right now, I won't be able to come. A full weekend would be so awesome, just think about it, get totally pissed on the first evening, then go to the con at the second day with a hangover and buy TFs that you don't really want to :D
Fu**ing money.

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:36 am
by BigBot
I may be missing something, but this email was sent out 2 weeks ago. Another update has been given reminding people that the survey closes soon and more responses are needed.

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:48 am
by The Chronic
Survey done,

Gonna make it a priority to go next year, cant wait to see all the transformery good ness and meet up with everyone :D

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:56 am
by Electron
a londoner, in birmingham say it ain't so!

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:18 pm
by Psychout
City Commander wrote:Money is way too tight for me to consider two days of tf and booze binging
Bloody students, get a job!

Have filled it in, if only to tell them to stop holding this thing in Birmingham every year...

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:23 pm
by The Chronic
yeah mate i'll be bringin the cockney mandness up north innit gezza!

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 1:02 pm
by City Commander
Sure it's the same email bb? I only received this email this morning?

Either way, it wasn't up and now it is.

pysch-- NEVARZ!

I'm giving it two or three weeks before I consider a job. Don't wanna put my course on the line just so I can crash every night.

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 1:10 pm
by munkimus prime
I'll be coming, 2 days of transformers yay, 2 days in Birmingham boo. Hopefully I will find everyone this time.

Oh no the ODB madness has spread to the general discussion forum.

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:55 am
by Electron
City Commander wrote:Newsified, and credited to Dead Metal and Simon (I received an email from him earlier about this :wink: ).

Great news for all of us euro fans!
But once again, I doubt I'll go. Money is way too tight for me to consider two days of tf and booze binging

thats disgraceful, our only seibs news guy ain't going to the AA

how will the news be spread?

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 4:23 am
by Simes
I had tried a few times to post this to the news section but for some reason the security image wouldn't display properly while I was at work for well over a week :S

We've extended the closing date a little though so we're ending it tomorrow morning at 10:00 am GMT so you've got a little time to reply. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far though - your comments and ideas have been great and given us loads of cool ideas to work with already!

And no, Auto Assembly will ALWAYS stay in Birmingham it started as a West Midlands based Transformers convention and I don't drive so for me personally I couldn't get to anywhere outside of Birmingham without a lot of help and to be honest, it would add a LOT to our running costs holding it too far away from home for either of us with added travelling expenses, venue hire, AV hire, hotel costs etc. Trust us, we've worked it all out!!


Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:05 am
by ThunderThruster
having been to the last 2 AA conventions, i'm syked about it being planned as a 2 day event!

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:56 am
by Electron
i'm tempted to go as its a two day event and meet up with uber cool ODBer's but wht would be the cherry on top would be if there was a sweet AA exclusive, like a figure

Re: AutoAssembly 2009 update!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:55 am
by ThunderThruster
Electron wrote:but wht would be the cherry on top would be if there was a sweet AA exclusive, like a figure

i'll second that!