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A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:28 am
by Nekoman
It was on this day, twenty-five years ago that the first product of the franchise we all know and love hit newsstands: Marvel’s first issue of Transformers came out twenty five years ago today. That would make today the day the first Transformers product was released, and is the birthday of this franchise as such. Back in 1984, who would have thought we’d still see Transformers today? Let alone a series of high-budget films, action figures, and comics.

Today is truly a grand day to be and Transformers fan, so celebrate it with us, here at Seibertron, and discuss your thoughts on this.



Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:36 am
by Editor
Truely a special day, now to turn it into a holiday.

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:49 am
by Nightwalker
Happy Birthday!

I remember when that first issue came out. One of the best days of my life :grin:

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:50 am
by PrivatePoop
Now wait just a minute here! This thread says May 8 and I see on that comic book scan it says September 1! What gives??

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:52 am
by Terrorsaur_85
How ironic i get my encore trailbreaker today from the mail--the day it marks 25 years..kinda has meaning doesn't it? :D

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:56 am
by Oilspill
Happy 25th birthday Transformers! :D

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:57 am
by SJ21
Every time I see that Transformers are 25 years old it makes me feel extra old.

PrivatePoop wrote:Now wait just a minute here! This thread says May 8 and I see on that comic book scan it says September 1! What gives??

The date on the comics is when the comic stores are supposed to pull the unsold comics off the shelves, not when they are released.

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:12 pm
by Solrac333
And here I am today, on my day off, watching my vehicle Voltron dvd. Well, I am playing with my TF as I watch.

I wonder what the next 25 year will bring... :-?

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:14 pm
by Solrac333
...we'll be the new versions of old men with their model trains in 25 years.

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:21 pm
by Editor
omega666 wrote:...we'll be the new versions of old men with their model trains in 25 years.

In my day we had transformers that were made with metal and if they broke there was no, "oh just snap that leg back on" we didn't have ball joints, they were all blocky, and some didn't even look like they did in the comics or show. and those shows were hand-drawn and the colors weren't always right, and the stories were silly. And we liked it, We loved it.

So you can have your computer holographic series where the toys look indentical and are easily fixed because they are made of space-age materials, because as flawed as ours were, they were better, because they were first.

Are you kids still here? Get off my lawn!

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:26 pm
by Ultra Magnus
Yeah! :APPLAUSE: That's an awesome bit of trivia!

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:41 pm
by Tripredacus agent
Happy birthday to all Cybertronians- Decepticon and Autobot alike, here's hoping in another 25 years we can all celebrate with real giant transforming robots.

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:45 pm
by Megatron Wolf
Who would've thought that TF would live this long? I bet there wasnt a single person in the 80s that thought it would survive 5 years let a lone 25. So should we consider this a unofficial holiday or a birthday? Either way ill have to have a drink later in honor of this remarkable mile stone. 25 years damn i feel old. Well any way happy Transformers day to all(except my stalker).

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:49 pm
by Hard Hacker
I neglected to honour the occasion.

However, given that a toy-selling franchise has lasted so long, I can safely bet on reaching the next round number to honour the occasion!

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:54 pm
by First-Aid
Wow...a very special day indeed. 25 years now. This would be a good thread for our first Transformers. Mine was Mirage, way back in 1984. He was one of the few Transformers that had...(gasp)...elbows!

A perfect picture for this thread would be if Ryan could dig up a picture of Meg and Optimus shaking hands...

Here's to another 25 years!

Editor wrote:In my day we had transformers that were made with metal and if they broke there was no, "oh just snap that leg back on" we didn't have ball joints, they were all blocky, and some didn't even look like they did in the comics or show. and those shows were hand-drawn and the colors weren't always right, and the stories were silly. And we liked it, We loved it.

So you can have your computer holographic series where the toys look indentical and are easily fixed because they are made of space-age materials, because as flawed as ours were, they were better, because they were first.

Are you kids still here? Get off my lawn!

Oh yeah...and I remember we had to WALK to the store...uphill both ways! And we had to work for them becuase they didn't have money back then! We worked for 22 1/2 hours a day just for a tiny figure! We had to sell our organs to get figures like Grimlock and Soundwave! And don't get me started on Fortress Maximus...just look at my prosthetic legs! ANd it was SNOWING when we were walking to the store and it was 500 below absolute zero Kelvin with a 220 mph windchill...

I think my Depends needs to be changed...

Anyways, I shall raise a glass of Chivas 18 in honor of the occassion tonite! Then I shall raise one glass in honor of each character..:-P

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:39 pm
by Blackstreak
Happy Birthday Transformers!! :APPLAUSE:

I still enjoy those original comics. Got every single issue too (except the ones w/ G.I. Joe in them). My first issue purchased was #24 from a 7-Eleven on the way home from school (no, there wasn't any snow but I did walk up hill).

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:47 pm
Transformers. Yes the mighty and awesome Transformers. To me The Transformers means the world. If they never would have existed my life would have definitely been altered in the negative. Thank you Transformers, for being there when no one else would. The Transformers. Happy Birthday!

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:59 pm
by chuckdawg1999
This is very cool, and very sad that we're remembering it, and I'm a bit misty eyed too because I'm remembering all I've loved and lost over 25 years. Lets not forget the gentleman who had the idea to create a truck that became a robot. HE is the father of Transformers.

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 2:04 pm
by Prime Evil
I just want to say Happy Birthday to the franchise that gave me so many fond memories, so many good friend, and many good times. I am who I am today because of TF's and Optimus Prime. Here's to 25 years, and to 25 more great years to come.

A round of energon for everyone on ME!!

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 2:22 pm
by Runael
Tripredacus agent wrote:Happy birthday to all Cybertronians- Decepticon and Autobot alike, here's hoping in another 25 years we can all celebrate with real giant transforming robots.

Yes! That would be awesome!

I may not have lived back in the eighties, but I have seen the G1 episodes and I am grateful that I ever became interested in Transformers. My first figure was Hotshot, but sadly I lost him :sad: , or so my dad tells me. The first series I ever saw was Beast Wars. I'm glad I was curious enough to buy one, otherwise I wouldn't be here today, collecting TFs, eager to collect more, playing HMW, or be waiting impatiently for the movie. Happy Bithday Transformers! :D

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 2:29 pm
by T-Macksimus
First-Aid wrote:Wow...a very special day indeed. 25 years now. This would be a good thread for our first Transformers. Mine was Mirage, way back in 1984. He was one of the few Transformers that had...(gasp)...elbows!

A perfect picture for this thread would be if Ryan could dig up a picture of Meg and Optimus shaking hands...

Here's to another 25 years!

Editor wrote:In my day we had transformers that were made with metal and if they broke there was no, "oh just snap that leg back on" we didn't have ball joints, they were all blocky, and some didn't even look like they did in the comics or show. and those shows were hand-drawn and the colors weren't always right, and the stories were silly. And we liked it, We loved it.

So you can have your computer holographic series where the toys look indentical and are easily fixed because they are made of space-age materials, because as flawed as ours were, they were better, because they were first.

Are you kids still here? Get off my lawn!

Oh yeah...and I remember we had to WALK to the store...uphill both ways! And we had to work for them becuase they didn't have money back then! We worked for 22 1/2 hours a day just for a tiny figure! We had to sell our organs to get figures like Grimlock and Soundwave! And don't get me started on Fortress Maximus...just look at my prosthetic legs! ANd it was SNOWING when we were walking to the store and it was 500 below absolute zero Kelvin with a 220 mph windchill...

What sucks is that I have lived all my life in the Pacific Northwest AND my house was in a valley. So I REALLY DID have to walk uphill...both crappy NW weather to get my ass to a TRU. Just to get Transformers. These young punks today don't have ANYTHING to whine about. They bitch about Jetfires having a cane...I'll show them how to fight with a cane. Just throw one of the little whiners my direction...

It's cool that they posted a pic of the first comic book. I still have the original six issues bagged and boarded.
And my first figure was Starscream (a birthday present) and my 2nd and 3rd figures were Wheeljack and Huffer which I purchased at a Jafco store. (Anyone else remember those?) I can't remember what the next figures were. The orderly forgot to bring my Alzheimer meds this morning. At least I think those are what those pills are for. I am supposed to get pills, right? Guy next door get's pills, I durn well better get 'em too...shove this walker right up his...

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 2:39 pm
by megaoctane5
happy birth day transformers :D

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:08 pm
by Zeds
Oh my G1 youth. How I miss thee :sad: Happy 25th :grin: Gotta watch some old skool G1 TF eps tonight!

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:41 pm
by Irken17
since transformers live long wouldnt be their 25 millionth birthday?

Re: A Very Special Day: Transformers Turns 25!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 4:01 pm
by emeraldbeacon
Irken17 wrote:since transformers live long wouldnt be their 25 millionth birthday?

Technically, that would make them 4,000,025...