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Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:01 pm
by Metroplexsmash
I am so sad I believed that that game would last for a while and what about the chARECTERS THEY PROMISED US :BOT: :CON:

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:07 pm
by Ultra Markus

actually i don't really care, play-ability sucked graphics where okay but it needed to be more flexible with controls so i had no interest to play it very much

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:08 pm
by Megatron Wolf
well that didnt last long, not surprised really the game wasnt that great plus im sure a bunch of people had problems running it like i did. Should've put it on consoles and used a better company, would've hit a bigger audience and had better production value. Oh well just another missed opportunity by hasbro.

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:22 pm
by Ultra Markus
i also feel sorry for those who might have spent any money for the extras in that game

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:43 pm
are they canceling it to open something bigger/better or is a FAIL in all its glory? >:oP

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:26 am
by Madeus Prime
Hmph! Saw this coming from a mile away after I saw the graphics and playability.

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:50 am
by PrymeStriker
I haven't played TFU in a couple of months due to personal obligations. Now I really don't have a reason to go back.

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 8:08 am
by Pot Bot
lets hope they start again and make it what it should have been ( a true MMO) or worst case a Destiny/Dragon age style mp game.

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 8:46 am
by funklizard
This is sad; because, conceptually, there was a lot of promise here.

Unfortunately, it was mostly just promise and concept. The sad fact is that the experience underdelivered significantly.

I'm sure that the constraints of the browser-based platform were part of the problem; but let's look back at the timeline:
  • Announced summer of 2011
  • Registration available a full year later, summer of 2012
  • Open beta nearly two more years later, summer of 2014
And here we are at the very end of 2014 with this property just barely threatening to get off the ground with a feature set well short of what was initially promised. In the time that it's been in development, the TV show upon which it was based has come and gone. That fact alone substantially diminishes its relevance in terms of brand promotion.

There are probably multiple levels of execution failure within Jagex to account for this; but it should have been readily apparent to project management that things were going pretty far sideways sometime in 2013. No one likes to see a project they've poured their heart and soul into fail; but the merciful thing to do would probably have been to pull the plug back then along with an announcement that the title had been "indefinitely postponed".

On the bright side, I'm sure this has been a valuable learning experience for many of the people involved. And I hope they have better luck next time.

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:11 pm
by Cthulhunicron
not at all surprised. I tried playing this game but I just got bored. No classic characters and really confusing/boring combat.

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:54 am
by Kyleor
Jagex lied a lot about what the game was and wasn't going to be, then came out with just another MOBA game, because making the promised MMO was going to be 'too hard'. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't awesome. It wasn't too different an experience from the other existing Transformers and other MOBAs, and other 'free-to-play-but-pay-to-win' games. I enjoyed the game, but Jagex got what they deserved for continually lying to the fans then coming out with a sub-par game. Hopefully Hasbo will find someone that is willing to do the work to make a genuine Transformers MMO.

Transformers: Universe Unreleased Motion Comics from Mi

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:18 pm
by Va'al
After the closing down of the Hasbro and Jagex collaboration on Transformers: Universe, the MOBA game that never really came to fruition, there are still multiple corollary projects that also never saw the light. One of these is a series of motion comics using artwork from the game, orchestrated by UK based company Mi. These were meant to accompany the game as promotional material, and some work in progress pieces do exist - and can be found here. Read more on the whole project below, and check out the embedded videos!

Transformers… Robots in Disguise – Jagex Promotional Pieces
Transformers... Robots in Disguise

“Transformers..Robots in disguise” Echoes through every child of the 90’s ears (despite the blockbusting Michael Bay efforts). We were asked to look at a solution for a extended creative to introduce Transformers Universe to the world and its characters. Commissioned by Jagex and Hasbro we set about our work. We quickly decided it was much better to have 10 Episodes rather than 1 trailer which didn’t really speak to the demographic. We have all been disappointed watching MMO trailers and then actually playing the game!This also allowed us to use what would usually be the budget for one trailer across episodic release.

A lot of R and D work went into the project and we looked at even rendering it all in real-time in unity making the solution we came up with interactive also.(Which did give us some inspiration when we worked on the WW1 interactive piece for the BBC).

Unfortunately the ill fated game Transformers Universe was re-booted several times and our work was consigned to the archives :-( (As they decided to go with in game captures for a trailer).The game has been fully decommissioned now unfortunately and a lot of really talented people re-assigned within Jagex or moved on to great things. (Nick cooper, Steve Huckle, Gerrard, Andy.. all great chaps).All audio was by Jagex internal, (Legend that is Ste Lord and his team), we “up rezzed” pretty low game models, created environments from concepts and then went about our usual business and came up with a motion comic treatment we really loved. Mixing some CGI sequences with motion graphics manipulated stills and some super sharp editing from our team. Script and content direction came from Jagex’s Alex De Rakoff and Alexander Horton.

Initial meetings were in person and then we used cinesync daily to keep us on track. (Which worked great with so many stakeholders on the franchise).

We hope you enjoy our 2 episodes that were still WIP, We have another half done we may finish of as a labor of love. (you may see some similarities in the transformers prime series also as some of the characters are shared). We really fell in love with them and sooo wanted to complete the set!

ah well….

Like Optimus we lived to fight another day.

Autobots…..roll out!


Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:06 pm
by Black Bumblebee
Awwwe... so sad when a labor of love like that has to be cut short. I would no nothing of that, of course *cough, cough*

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:15 pm
by PrymeStriker

...Megatron sounds like total ****.

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:08 am
by Sabrblade
Password Required.

Videos are private.

Re: Transformers: Universe MMO Browser Game Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:32 pm
by Va'al
Sabrblade wrote:Password Required.

Videos are private.

We were asked to remove the news post, and all links have been removed from the site itself as you poiint out. :)