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Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:32 am
by Madeus Prime
DC Universe Online

Reached the 110 CR range. Finally completed Act of Defiance without getting KO'd more then three times. Got half way through Halls of Hades before group failed miserably. Survived through Spark of Parallax without dying and completed every combination of the bosses there (Bleez, Rage Empowered Metallo, and Vice in every conceivable order).

Switched powers and name, now a quantum DPS going by Madeus Prime. Message me if any of you play or are interested in trying the game (once got a friend from level 1 to CR 45 in one day).

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 8:23 pm

Finally scrounged up enough bloodstone shards to upgrade my pimp cane! 8) Kind of regret wasting the previous ones on the fricking Saw Spear. A mediocre weapon at best. While the pimp cane is less powerful, the added range of the chain-whip mode makes it great for crowd control once it's sufficiently leveled up.

Currently trying to grind my levels up to 25 all around on vitality, endurance, strength and skill. Then, maybe I'll think of taking of Father Gascoigne. In a game like Bloodborne, you can never be too strong.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:49 pm
by BeastProwl
So I beat Xenoverse. That last boss... Asshole. His final form was easy though, not to mention grindable for zeni and xp.
Can't help but get an ocarina of time vibe from all this though.

Now i'm ready to go after the shards i need to beat the crap out of Broly and Bardock. I hear Bardock's saga is the absolute hardest out of all of them, only rivalled by the beerus and whis fights. Cannot wait!

That feel you get when you see goku standing outside the entrance to the time garden.

I also returned to Pandora today to help a friend through a bit of his campaign. I don't say it enough, borderlands is the gift that keeps on giving, no matter your mood nor what friend wants to play which one. My other friend broke the game doing moneyshot chains.

Still trying to learn Focus Cancelling in SF4. It's the 'gift' that keeps on killing my brain cells, only without the the vodka and flashing lights.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:46 pm
by Shadowman
BeastProwl wrote:Now i'm ready to go after the shards i need to beat the crap out of Broly and Bardock. I hear Bardock's saga is the absolute hardest out of all of them, only rivalled by the beerus and whis fights. Cannot wait!

The first part involves protecting Bardock from waves of enemies, you have to kill 15 of them, then Freeza shows up, and you have to bring him down to a certain level of health. It's a lot harder than it sounds, but if you can do that, the rest of those missions don't pose much of a challenge.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:01 am

At long last, I killed Father Gascoigne. Spent over a week level grinding to an apparently over-leveled lvl 53, and used every environmental exploit I learned from youtube clips. And still, it took me 3 tries. My hands were trembling, the moment I finally saw the SOB collapse to the ground.

I've heard that Father G was considered one of the tougher bosses even when compared to the later ones. Now I believe it.

On to Old Yharnam and more level grinding!

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:44 am
by BeastProwl
Got 4-5 time chasm shards, but shard #4 is prooving, well, impossible. Its purely drm, and the mission would rather give me NOTHING than the actual shard itself. I'm lvl 54, by the time i'm done here, I might actually hit the cap.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:10 am
by Shadowman
BeastProwl wrote:Xenoverse
Got 4-5 time chasm shards, but shard #4 is prooving, well, impossible. Its purely drm, and the mission would rather give me NOTHING than the actual shard itself. I'm lvl 54, by the time i'm done here, I might actually hit the cap.

Tomorrow's big patch is supposed to adjust the RNG, at least in regards to Ultimate Finishes. (It's supposed to increase the appearance of the Warnings that precede an ultimate finish requirement)

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:25 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
Well, I'm back with another blast from the past:

Prince of Persia (DOS port)
Decided to dig this one up for old times sake, as my dad loved it. And I was scared when I played it myself as a wee lad, totally panicking when I came across a guard :lol: Thanks to FAQ's I'm a whole lot better prepared now, with blocking and above all, saving. My progress?

Reached Level 4, 5 Units of Life, 50 minutes remaining.

I aim to pass level 6 with at least 35 minutes remaining, pass level 9 with 20, that should give me enough to finish the game.

I will say this:

- Spike Traps? No problem
- Guards? Annoying, but passable.
- Chomp Traps? Make me nervous...

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:39 pm

Nothing's ever easy or even moderate with this game, is it?

Right after killing Father Gascoigne, I'm now gained access to Old Yharnam and Cathedral Ward. The former, I'm trying to avoid, as exploring it the wrong way can leave me with an NPC turning hostile. The latter, I don't have full access to because I need some damn badge to open a gate...which I get from killing a boss. Either that, or I kill yet another boss to gain entry via another route.

Just when I thought things have calmed down for a while.... :BANG_HEAD:

Well, at least I now have access to better grinding fodder, instead of spending a whole 2 hours killing scrubs at Central Yharnam just to gain enough blood echoes for one level-up. Using the same 2 hours, I can now grind enough blood echoes to level up 3 times, which isn't half bad. I'll see about killing that boss (Cleric Beast) for the badge once I hit the soft cap on all the skills.

Still need to see where I can get twin bloodstone shards, as my weapons have hit a plateau right now. It never hurts to be over-leveled in this game.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:14 am
by BeastProwl
Recoome's ultra fighting bomber is one of only 2 moves iv'e kept throughout the entire game. It made the bardock mission easy, and my melee-centric playstyle wrecked the broly missions. Too bad great ape bardock was just windowdressing. Why is the great ape the only giant boss in this game? Where's harudigarn? (I know i messed up the spelling, ok?) He would have been a very welcome raid boss, heck even giant Metal Cooler. Or just Cooler in general...

I'm lvl 69 (hehe) and am currently sitting through Ginyu's training to eventually reach frieza training. But im wondering if its worth it, since im one level away from goku, and mastering his training and sparring with him gives you Beerus as a mentor at lvl 80.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:40 am

Turns out, Cleric Beast was a massive pushover when you're fighting him at level 65. It really hits home just how unfairly hard Father Gascoigne was as a first boss.

Anyways, I got the hunter chief badge, and gained access to the rest of Cathedral Ward.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 3:32 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
Prince of Persia

Reached Level 8, 7 units of life, 40 minutes left

Doing great so far, but having to replay levels over until perfection (i.e. not dying) gets tiring. Worse, this level is one of the evil ones with timed gates that have traps right in front of them. Which means serious leaps (and sprints) of faith, which I hate...

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:45 pm

Finally reached level 70, and continuing to grind levels.

Spoke to Eileen the Crow a second time for her sidequest, but I'm still not confident enough to take on Henryk--he's a fellow hunter, after all. I'll think on it once I hit level 80, or if grinding levels at Cathedral Ward starts becoming tedious, which will be a sign that I've leveled up enough to take on either Henryk or Vicar Amelia.

Also killed the 2 NPC hunters guarding the doors to the right edge of the town. The one with the mace wasn't too hard, but the other kept spamming his damn blunderbuss (with infinite ammo?! WTF!). Finally took him down by sneaking behind him and doing a charged R2 using my Hunter's Axe--too bad he's immune to Visceral Attacks. Either way, repeated twice and took the SOB down.

The going's still pretty good for now--been able to make enough blood echoes for 2 level-ups in about 3-4 trips around Cathedral Ward. The giants are pretty easy to kill; just dash right in front of them and spam charged R2. Their hits will almost always miss because you're too close to them. At 780 blood echoes a kill and since they go down so easily, they're well worth the trouble.

And the grinding continues....

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:42 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
Prince of Persia (DOS Port)


Yup, I succeeded at what my dad failed to do: beat the game :P Yeah yeah, FAQ's, YouTube and whatnot, who cares? My final tally?

9 Life Points, 6 minutes and 13 seconds remaining

In this mad dash to the end I did die a number of times, not gonna lie. Plus, I took the cheap way of beating the final boss Jaffar.

So what's next? Go for Prince of Persia 2?

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 8:44 pm

Still grinding levels at Cathedral Ward, and recently read about an exploit I could use to farm twin bloodstone shard to level up my weapons. Will make a backup of my game save and try it out later.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:02 pm
by BeastProwl
Hit the cap in Xenoverse, respecced, and FINALLY got Goku to spawn. I'm almost done with his training. My next wish on shenron, I think, will be for me to redo my character. Since he's a striker, i want him to be massive. He's tiny right now, wich doesn't quite work, plus he'd look badass if he was bigger, so yeah. The next wishes will be for more characters. I want that Super 17. But I gotta get Gogeta first.

I was also challenged today. A lvl 72 saiyan. He spammed deathballs as super saiyan. See, problem with most saiyans I see is that thats all they know how to do. They never combo, I got in close and he was done for. I beat him to death after his SS ran out.
So, if I make another character, what race should I choose? I wanna make a Ki Blaster this time. Any ideas?

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 2:29 am

Just killed Henryk. Wouldn't have been able to do it if Eileen hadn't come to the rescue. After that, I just kept spamming poison knives at him.

He didn't cough up much; just an "heir" rune that I don't have the tools to upgrade my weapons with yet, and the ability to buy his armor.

Also f**ked up the Djura sidequest; came too close to the machinegun tower, and now he's hostile. I hear there's a really cheap trick to kill him. I'll try it out soon.

For the time being, it's back to level grinding.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:44 am
by Shadowman
BeastProwl wrote:Hit the cap in Xenoverse, respecced, and FINALLY got Goku to spawn. I'm almost done with his training. My next wish on shenron, I think, will be for me to redo my character. Since he's a striker, i want him to be massive. He's tiny right now, wich doesn't quite work, plus he'd look badass if he was bigger, so yeah.

My lady Majin says otherwise. I gave her the shortest height, the highest voice, and I named her Majin Noodle. And I gave her Innocence Breath as one of her Ultimates, so she'll giggle at least once per fight.

BeastProwl wrote:I was also challenged today. A lvl 72 saiyan. He spammed deathballs as super saiyan. See, problem with most saiyans I see is that thats all they know how to do. They never combo, I got in close and he was done for. I beat him to death after his SS ran out.

That's not even a flaw with Saiyans, that's just their players not knowing what they should be doing. Death Ball leaves the victim stunned for a significant amount of time, time that could, and should be spent using Maximum Charge.

BeastProwl wrote:So, if I make another character, what race should I choose? I wanna make a Ki Blaster this time. Any ideas?

Gosh, if only I knew of a race that's almost specifically designed to spam Ki attacks. Perhaps if they had some manner of iconic transformation with Golden hair.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 4:35 pm
by BeastProwl
Having Broly's Z-Soul didn.t help the poor guy out much either, a melee frost demon with super armor? Bro...Run...

My friend's a majin girl, he like using her grab, alot. Lots of people leave our fights with headaches...and bloody noses.

I was thinking Namek, but yeah, I can try saiyan I guess. I solemnly swear i'll try hard not to be an ass. Emphasis on try.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:25 pm
by Madeus Prime

Got to 112 dps today, got 2 Skill Points, bought the highest possible rings, the most boring gear imaginable but oh well.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:52 pm
by Shadowman
BeastProwl wrote:Having Broly's Z-Soul didn.t help the poor guy out much either, a melee frost demon with super armor? Bro...Run...

The issue is that he was using Supernova, and not Perfect Kamehameha, a move that is much harder to dodge than you'd expect, and leave the user invincible while it casts.

And Super Armor? You mean the thing Broly and Mira use? Where do you even get that? Not that I plan on using it, I see that as way, way dirtier than any Ki spamming around. It's just there to prolong fights, to make enemies tougher without actually having to adjust their balance or AI. It's not as bad as Perfect Play would be, but you fight Broly enough times, you really learn to hate it.

EDIT: I'd also like to point out that, now that I'm thinking about it, the other guy probably wasn't terrible. You were just 13 levels ahead of him and using an ability normally reserved for bosses. It wasn't a matter of skill, the fight was unfair from the beginning.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:19 am
by Henry921
Mostly just playing GTA Online right now. If anyone wants a teammate for heists and the Criminal Mastermind challenges, hit me up on Xbox Live (360 and One).

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:34 pm
by BeastProwl
We were around the same level when the challenge was issued, just an fyi.
And its not so much Super Armor like the AI's have. I mean, it is, until you lose like half a centimeter of that health bar. Its really only good for getting in that first combo risk free, and the can vanish or break out, so its not super cheap.

I believe you get the soul know what i cant for the life of me remember, but the soul's called "Kakarooooot!" And i believe it enhances your strike supers as well as health, so it had additional benefits that I find far more useful than any armor I can have. At least i'm not resetting the soul. It activates when you heal as well. You can be a real dick with this thing equipped!

And it was Deathballs, not supernovas. And I -think- this was before they patched them. So it wasn't exactly an easy win, like space dodgeball only with heatseekers for like a quarter of your health. He broke that armor early on.

Anyways, I guess i hadnt hit the cap yet. I'm lvl 84 I think. The cap's 85. I thought it was 80, so yeah. I've mastered Beerus and trust me when I say he's a pain to spawn... But man do those Balls of Destruction make PQ's easier with my saiyan (There is no variation of that sentence that doesn't sound dirty)
I don.t think i'll pvp with my saiyan though, he just feels cheap. PQ's are dirt simple though, and i'll probably use him as a support character.
I'm currently looking to train with Android 18. She's one of a few mentors I havn't finished that I want too. But I heard Evil Slash got seriously nerfed. From what I hear, it actually takes skill to use now, good. My saiyan will love it i'm sure.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:53 pm
by Shadowman
BeastProwl wrote:Anyways, I guess i hadnt hit the cap yet. I'm lvl 84 I think. The cap's 85. I thought it was 80, so yeah.

It was, but the compatibility patch for DLC2 upped it to 85.

BeastProwl wrote:I've mastered Beerus and trust me when I say he's a pain to spawn... But man do those Balls of Destruction make PQ's easier with my saiyan (There is no variation of that sentence that doesn't sound dirty)

I saw him spawn twice in one sitting...on my level 60 Majin. Fortunately he spawned on my Saiyan in the same sitting.

Re: Game Progress Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:17 pm

Sometimes I wonder if it's the game's reputation that's really making things seem even harder than they are.

Even at level 86, which is really high for such an early stage in the game, I'm still getting cold feet in taking on any of the bosses. Of course, the gameplay is pretty good, which makes level grinding not so much a chore as it is a therapeutic process. Maybe it's the stronger enemies I've been encountering at the Forbidden Woods that made me feel the need to keep leveling up.

I guess I'll have to make a point to at least try killing Djura after reaching level 90.