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Modern Warfare 3

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:23 pm
by prowl123
I just got this game on Friday, and I have to say, it's amazing. The Scar-L is the best gun I've ever used in any CoD game, as is the UMP45.

I also thought this was hilarious.

Re: Modern Warfare 3

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:35 pm
by SirSoundwaveIV
I gotta say I really like this. Easily slots in right behind MW in terms of multiplayer and the campaign. Survival is also a blast, even just playing by yourself

Re: Modern Warfare 3

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:58 pm
by prowl123
For some reason, every time I save and quit the campaign, it automatically resumes from level 2, no matter where I got to... why does that happen?

Re: Modern Warfare 3

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:11 am
by Swindle01
if anything im disapointed in it. No one else notice yet how its CLEARLY a console fps on rails for 'casual' people?

The graphics are identical to that of MW2 (then again MW2 was the limit of the 360s graphics power) and i cant really see much difference but the gameplay itself is so shallow.

The graphics are nice but there identical to that of MW2 and the story is ok but not that great. The guns are good but when i play this i just feel its clearly a CONSOLE fps on rails made for simple people. Its not like Bad Company 3 (example) were you need to work as a team to take out areas or actually use skill as a group to win against the other team. In MW3 just like in MW2 it just seems the main aim is - random fire like rambo and prey you kill something-

The levels are over to quitly in my opinion but they also did that with mw2 as well. Everyone moaned about the AIRPORT level yet that single level can be finished in less than 6 minutes. I really dont see what the fuss was about, yes you can shoot people if you wanted but isnt it worse in MOH that you can play as the Teliban and kill americans?

Sorry but for me MW3 is a -just look pretty and try and impress with loads of explosions- method isnt doing it for me. I like a game to look pretty but also have depth and skill and force me to become better at it to get anywere like what Bad Company 2 made you learn (especially fighting against all those level50 bastards hacking the game to crap)

Dont get me wrong mw3 is a nice looking game, i just feel it lacks anything long term and depth wise and feel its clearly a console game rather than something which can be a whole load more than it was ment to be. A perfect example of this is Fallout Vegas - you play it on the 360 and its crap! you play it on pc and you can raise graphics to max and mod the hell out of it to make it far more than it ever originally was! you can celebrate halloween in it, have new characters join you (aka misty), new quests added to the game (world of pain) new weapons added and new clothes and armour and new stores ect ect - all in all makes you replay the game and find out more. Another perfect example is Left4dead2 on the 360, its a HORRIBLE game on the 360 because it has no anti-analising which makes everything look like a horrible N64 Goldeneye styls graphics game and on the 360 you only get the offical 9 or so levels. However on the pc you can raise graphics and have tons and tons of custom campaigns. Since l4d2 was released on the pc me and my friends have gone threw over 50+ custom campaigns for l4d2 and it never gets boring because the campaigns are always new.

I just feel once the heat has settled down that mw3 will get very repetative and dull very soon just like what mw2 did

Re: Modern Warfare 3

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:12 pm
by SirSoundwaveIV
I'm just going to ignore Swindle01 on this because lol.

Anyway, I'm not sure why prowl123, I never saved near that point so /shrug. Anyways, I've been playing a ton of survival (I have like 3,4 hours in survival compared to 10 in online) and I gotta say, it's a really fun love child between Spec Ops and Zombies. It's easier to advance farther in Survival, but you get more options for buying and stuff (not to mention a level up system for it in mind) Overall I feel like Survival's a pretty great addition to the series, and it might be even more fun than zombies imo.

Also if you're having lag issues online, I hear turning off the recording helps a lot. Gonna try this later today and see if its true or not. Otherwise, outside of the Type 95 and occasional bad spawns (which most FPSes have anyway...) I feel like the multiplayer is a lot more fine tuned than MW2's- you can't sit and camp around, but you can't just rush blindly either without getting shot to hell and back. Not to mention playing a support role is a legitimately viable option thanks to the support killstreak package. Use that plus use a class with blind eye, assasin, sitrep (to pick out decoy packages/other equipment), any primary you feel like, and a stinger, and your team will do wonders...and you'll get a ton of points as well. (I've killed 3 strafing helicopters with one stinger missile lol, plus ballistic vests nets you a solid 200 plus 50 for any vest your teammates pick up.)

In general, I feel like this is the best game in the series outside of MW, and lets face it there's not much that matches up to that.