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Getting Wii Fit

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:27 am
by samanthaRogers
Video games no longer just work out your thumbs. In the past few years, games that motivate physical exercise and physical activity (also known as “exergames”) have become increasingly popular-Wii Fit being chief among these. These games have been marketed as viable kinds of physical exercise; a claim which has sparked the attention of researchers who have decided to delve deeper on the matter. Locate the article here:

Wii Fit functioning

One game in particular which has received a ton of attention is the Wii Fit. According to USA Today, the functioning of the game works thus: “In [the course of game play], consumers are invited to try yoga, strength exercises, aerobic activities and balance games while stepping and gyrating on a movement-sensitive board and following an on-screen trainer.” It also attributes a body test which measures users’ weight and BMI. These games and tests not only keep you updated on your physical fitness goals, but they also help enhance coordination and balance.

Researchers’ findings

Researchers at Southeastern Louisiana decided to ask 8 untrained women to put the Wii Fit to the test. Here’s what they found out: “These games could be used as an effective mode of physical activity to boost health in adult women . . . However, players should strive to participate at higher game amounts to gain exercise benefits.” Evidently some video games are not all that bad for us. However, as the researchers said, it’s still important to challenge yourself during game play to be able to see any significant results.

In addition, Robert Kraemer, a professor of Kinesiology and Health Studies at Southeastern Louisiana, claims, “Using the Wii Fit puts the right type of stress on your body, helps burn calories, and puts stress on the muscles . . . And occasionally, when weather doesn’t permit you to go outside, this provides a nice mode of physical exercise.”


Southeastern Louisiana University ... i_fit.html

USA Today ... alth_N.htm