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Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 2:19 pm
by no-one
I wanted to resurrect this thread with a pic in ode to why Whirl stinks.


Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:29 pm
by Rodimus Prime
I still say the new SS Dropkick would make a damn good Whirl if he was repainted.

Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:32 pm
by no-one
Rodimus Prime wrote:I still say the new SS Dropkick would make a damn good Whirl if he was repainted.
And had was a cyclops, but I thought the same thing.

Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:22 am
by Emerje
carytheone wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:I still say the new SS Dropkick would make a damn good Whirl if he was repainted.
And had was a cyclops, but I thought the same thing.

Unfortunately if Dropkick was repainted as Whirl it would probably just look like the previous movie Whirl.


Which would just be Dropkick with some dark blue patches.


Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:23 am
by no-one
I don't need/want a movie Whirl, I'm happy with the T30 figure.

On topic and I've stated this before, the weapons that came with my Whirl still stink. I have them in a container in a drawer (that I keep all my extra accessories in) and I can smell them when I open the drawer. I've isolated his weapons to try and keep the contamination to a minimum. It's a plasticy chemical smell not to different than melting plastic.

I don't think it's as bad as Burn's experience though. Must be a southern hemisphere thing :-?

Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 2:33 pm
by Burn
The stench was isolated to the weapons with second Whirl, I've since tossed them.

First Whirl, yeah, **** knows what was up with that.

Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 5:46 am
by Burn
You ever have one of those random thoughts like "Is it possible for Wolverine to get circumcised?" or "Does Morgan Freeman's voice sound better in his own head?" or you know "Did Burn ever get a non-stinky Whirl?"

The answer to all three is ... no. (Seriously, Morgan Freeman's voice can't possibly get any more awesome)

Now you're probably wondering what drugs I'm on, and why the **** I'm resurrecting this thread.

You don't want to know what drugs I'm on, and as for the resurrection, it's because ... UPDATE TIME!

Back at the start of December a guy put a Generations Whirl up for sale on one of the B/S/T Australian Transformer Facebook groups which I'm part of. I asked the obvious question.

"Does he stink?"

Now this generally confuses the **** out of people until I reference this entire **** thread. Once I'd explained the story and confirmed that I was not an idiot out to troll him (I'm just an idiot ... I'm selective in my trolling) we got to talking and he made the offer of $30AUD plus $15 postage.

Now that was a bloody bargain. Plus he'd confirmed that Whirl, did in fact, not stink.

With price and postage sorted, payment should have been easy yeah?

No ... he "didn't have Paypal" ("I've been burned by them too much"). He wanted me to pay directly into his bank account. That was instantly a deal breaker for me, and I said as much.

Suddenly though, Paypal was available.

I took a day to think things over because my gut instinct was screaming that something wasn't right here. But I took the plunge, paid the money and gave him my address.

He thanked me, then said once he'd transferred the money from Paypal to his bank account he'd get it posted.

One week later Whirl arrived.


I gave him another week before asking how he was going with posting Whirl out.

There was no response.

Another six days later, I sent another message asking if he was posting Whirl any time soon and telling him I was losing confidence in him.

No response.

Soon after this I contacted one of the group Admins and asked if I could call the guy out.

He already knew who I was going to call out because others had contacted him as well.

Over the next few days and a few back and forths with the Admin I found out the guy was apparently in hospital awaiting surgery, it was around this time that I received a message from his partner on his account advising me of such.

She knew there were deals in the pipe line, but had no idea what was what, she asked me if I could tell her what Whirl looked like and what he came with. So I sent her a link to an Amazon listing of Whirl.

And that was the last I heard from either the seller or his Mrs.

The Admin did post an update a week or so ago telling us that he hasn't had any further contact either.

Burn tried to get Whirl for a third time but third time was not the charm because the seller is either dodgy or in bad health. Burn is now out $45AUD and still has no non-stinky Whirl.

Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 9:51 am
by no-one
Burn wrote:...Burn tried to get Whirl for a third time but third time was not the charm...
Considering a lot of the other T30 characters are either getting, got or rumored to get new figures, it may be best just to bide your time. Whirl is likely to get an update soon as well.

So your second Whirl just had stinky weapons right? That's how mine is. I just quarantined the weapons, but I had other figures' accessories in the same box. :SICK: I've since moved Whirl's gear to their own containment unit. Sometimes I pop the lid and think of you. ;)^
yes, I'm doing that right now

Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:17 pm
by Burn
carytheone wrote:Considering a lot of the other T30 characters are either getting, got or rumored to get new figures, it may be best just to bide your time. Whirl is likely to get an update soon as well.

This is true.

But this thread also needs a cheerful ending. :lol:

So your second Whirl just had stinky weapons right?

The weapons were the worst part. Whirl himself had SOME stink about him. Even after treatment the smell went away a little, but it was still noticeable. Plus all the screws rusted.

That's how mine is. I just quarantined the weapons, but I had other figures' accessories in the same box. :SICK: I've since moved Whirl's gear to their own containment unit. Sometimes I pop the lid and think of you. ;)^
yes, I'm doing that right now

Thanks? :lol:

Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:42 am
by D-Maximal_Primal
Just get the Cyberverse Whirl, that will solve all your problems!

Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:53 am
by Tuned Agent
Decided to give my Whirl a quick sniff, and lo and behold, his weapons stink. It's fairly faint, so I hadn't noticed it before, but there's definitely a chemical smell.


I hope you can eventually get a non-stinky Whirl, Burn. And there's hope, because I then checked my bro's Whirl, and his doesn't stink.

Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 12:32 pm
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
This is The Thread That Would Not Die

Re: Whirl stinks!

PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2020 2:40 pm
by negativedan
My whirl also has a strong smell, very chlorine-like and will make my hands smell too if I handle it. I haven't been able to get rid of the smell and a google search brought me to this thread. Anyone have any luck yet?