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Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:32 pm
by Archatron
Cliffjumper Prime wrote:a little of topic, but I just wanted to know what the difference between henkei and gentei is (i.e. what do they mean and are they considered different toylines in japan) this is purely for my own curiousity.

Gentei literally means "limited" in Japanese, its the word for "limited" and it is indeed and pricey. :grin: So I preordered one too. :lol:

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:01 pm
by Cliffjumper Prime
Archatron wrote:
Cliffjumper Prime wrote:a little of topic, but I just wanted to know what the difference between henkei and gentei is (i.e. what do they mean and are they considered different toylines in japan) this is purely for my own curiousity.

Gentei literally means "limited" in Japanese, its the word for "limited" and it is indeed and pricey. :grin: So I preordered one too. :lol:

thanks! :grin:

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:26 pm
by Archatron
Welcome. Oh, and Henkei means "change" o going with the toyline, "transform". :wink: I was educated by asking the same questions you did, I dont know Japanese yet. :-(

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:44 pm
by Megatron Wolf
Holy hell thats alot of cash! Looks like i wont be getting one.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:19 pm
by DevastaTTor
DeadPool69 wrote:Autorant: If you want to make money, buy stock. Toys area really not a very sound investment strategy. The market for them is very small, and the cache of people willing to mortgage their house for one is still smaller :P When the economy goes down, as it is now, that market is going to crack that much further as a result. Hard to justify to your wife why you're sending the kids to public school so that you can afford that Botcon seeker you've had your eye on :P

Autorant off: Sorry, that just comes over me at time :P

Preordered him. I'm really enjoying how Hasbro and Takara are taking the ball and running with it on relatively minor characters. Its really very spiffy...I just hope his targetmaster has some colors Other than yellow :P

Actually, with a piece like this, the potential to make money is probably a safer bet than stock right now. Don't get me wrong, I don't make a habit of buying a bunch and making a quick buck off fans. But an exclusive like this could be worth considerably more some day so I don't make apologies for buying an extra to keep around.

Fortunately, I'm pretty diversified so this make up only about .0001 percent of my portfolio. Unfortunately, it may currently be the only part actually making $.

PS-what's wrong with public school? Most of us here probably went to public school and my wife happens to be a teacher.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:20 pm
by DeadPool69
Well in the first place, now is the best time possible to buy stocks...and in the second I don't like public schools. The reasons for that are of a personal nature, and I have no wish to discuss them on this forum. Sufficed to say, I did not enjoy my time in them.

Onto the subject at hand, an investment to my mind should be something that has real value. The simple fact is that an action figure molded of blue plastic has no more or less intrinsic value than one cast of red plastic. The only reason why the blue one is 500 dollars, is because people in the market are driving the price up...and I think the term we should use in describing that is a 'bubble'. Eventually, if this recession deepens, people will prioritize buying food and gas over the blue ones for 500 dollars. When that occurs persons wanting to sell it for 500 dollars will be out of luck, and the price will go down.

Admittingly anything you invest in carries associated risks, but I'm not betting my retirement on these.

Personally, I just wish people would stop inflating the bubble, and just accept that these are toys, not investments. I don't see it happening...but thats my two cents.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:44 am
by Bonger
OMG, you guys had me cringing at what the price was going to be as I was reading this thread. I was thinking this was going to be like 200 bucks. Imagine my relief to log on to BBTS and see it the usual 110 for the exclusive.

However, I will be pissy if this ends up like the generations Ratchet on sale for 50ish in a few months.

So, any word on the pre-order for Ghost of SS?

And speaking of the Wildrider repaint, did that ever make it to BBTS, I don't recall seeing the pre0order there.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:59 am
by DevastaTTor
DeadPool69 wrote:Well in the first place, now is the best time possible to buy stocks...and in the second I don't like public schools. The reasons for that are of a personal nature, and I have no wish to discuss them on this forum. Sufficed to say, I did not enjoy my time in them.

Onto the subject at hand, an investment to my mind should be something that has real value. The simple fact is that an action figure molded of blue plastic has no more or less intrinsic value than one cast of red plastic. The only reason why the blue one is 500 dollars, is because people in the market are driving the price up...and I think the term we should use in describing that is a 'bubble'. Eventually, if this recession deepens, people will prioritize buying food and gas over the blue ones for 500 dollars. When that occurs persons wanting to sell it for 500 dollars will be out of luck, and the price will go down.

Admittingly anything you invest in carries associated risks, but I'm not betting my retirement on these.

Personally, I just wish people would stop inflating the bubble, and just accept that these are toys, not investments. I don't see it happening...but thats my two cents.

To avoid getting way off topic, this is my last comment on this.

I'm sure your intentions were well placed with your original response but no matter how many emoticons you pasted in it; it came across as judgmental when you question my judgment or that of others here you don't know with regards to how people spend their money.

People come here to talk about their hobby and collections, not to receive unsolicited financial feedback. If people choose to buy figures for potential resale, that's their business. And I doubt there are too many, if any, people here who have bet their retirement on future values of figures and collectibles.

I don't disagree with anything you've said regarding investing and have indeed been capitalizing on the current market. But I have a financial planner and the Fidelity folks to help me make decisions with my investments and to give me advice. I come here to talk about one of my hobbies.

And lastly, with that whole school thing, you brought that into the conversation, not me. I'm sorry if it's a sensitive subject for you.


Now, back on topic: I hope that we get to see some actual images of this figure soon and that it lives up to the hype.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:07 am
by Sid Burn
DevastaTTor wrote:I'm sure your intentions were well placed with your original response but no matter how many emoticons you pasted in it; it came across as judgmental when you question my judgment or that of others here you don't know with regards to how people spend their money.

People come here to talk about their hobby and collections, not to receive unsolicited financial feedback. If people choose to buy figures for potential resale, that's their business. And I doubt there are too many, if any, people here who have bet their retirement on future values of figures and collectibles.

QFT and seconded Devastattor, I think you wrapped up this possible flame job perfectly. I cant help but throw in my two cents though.

Deadpool69, considering how many people lost their shirts in the states through their stock portfolios, and seeing as I can still sell a Botcon Thundercracker ("the blue one") for a couple hundred bucks if I was so inclined (I am not) I think touting the benefits of american stocks is pretty hilarious at this point in time.

They are apples and oranges regardless (stocks and bots)
As Devastattor mentioned, the amount of collectors stockpiling sealed exclusives for a possible profit down the road is minor and no one expects that profit to be their "retirement." It is an added bonus to collecting something as widely loved as Transformers.

Even a sealed wheeljack, AFA graded 80 at best would only fetch couple thousand, and that is 25 years later.
So I dont think anyone is deluding themselves past a profit of a few hundred bucks for Strafe down the road.

What I know for sure is that very few serious collectors regard their collection as a pile of "blue and red ones." These toys mean something to me and I come to Seibertron to enjoy other posters who feel the same. If all these are to you are chunks of plastic, I would ask why you are on a forum that is dedicated to them.

Back to topic, apparently we are getting shots of strafe this month. I am not sure if he is even bot or con at this point. Betting on bot considering the name.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:31 am
by Counterpunch
Are we discussing who is and who isn't ballin'?

It's all Henkei-a-go-go up in my crib.

Shoot, I've had Strafe on order from the day it was announced.

...and for the record, BBTS never got Wildrider. They're just now getting their act together for these Gentei releases.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:50 am
by Prime Evil
Counterpunch wrote:Are we discussing who is and who isn't ballin'?

It's all Henkei-a-go-go up in my crib.

Speakin of cribs, I still gotta check out your new digs man. And to see the collection displayed in all it's glory. The pics I've see won't do it justice I think.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:02 am
by rpetras
They're getting nutty with the prices of these exclusives.

No thanks.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:32 am
by SJ21
100+ is a lot to ask for a figure that sold for 10 in a different color. I will just stick to with my Cyclonus and be happy. If someone I know gets this exclusive, I will be happy to see it. (Not likely though, because I am a lonely collector around these parts.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:07 pm
by Prime Evil
SJ21 wrote:100+ is a lot to ask for a figure that sold for 10 in a different color. I will just stick to with my Cyclonus and be happy. If someone I know gets this exclusive, I will be happy to see it. (Not likely though, because I am a lonely collector around these parts.

Dood, I'm out by you about once a month or so. :D

Mebe when I get him, i'll swing on by and you how nice he is. lol

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:37 pm
by Rijie
Prime Evil wrote:
PorQPine wrote:I'm in. These Henkei Exclusives have been awesome, and I'm hellbent on owning every one of them.

So far, the only exclusive that I don't have from the Univers/Cls/Henkei line is Breakdown, and I miiight bite...later. But the fact that he looks so much like SG HotRod turned me off to the figure and price tag. Wait...I didn't pick up the Henkei TC+SW, but I already have the us version and Botcon's.

He's actually pretty different from SG Hot Rod, and very well done.

Skywarp and Thundercracker are alright, but still nothing compared to Crystal Convoy.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:02 pm
by Free Fall 19
guys...i literally think i just preordered the last one...thats weird. it went from preorder to sold out like 30 seconds after i checked to see if my preorder had gone through and it had. i was really pumped when i saw this guy too!

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:24 pm
by Firebird
Free Fall 19 wrote:guys...i literally think i just preordered the last one...thats weird. it went from preorder to sold out like 30 seconds after i checked to see if my preorder had gone through and it had. i was really pumped when i saw this guy too!

Well that was quick.

I hope everyone who wanted to order him was able to.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:53 am
by Savage
Well, I'm really glad I preordered one immediately. Looks like the people who preordered multiple Strafes are gonna have a pretty easy time selling them in a few months.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:40 am
by ThunderThruster
SJ21 wrote:100+ is a lot to ask for a figure that sold for 10 in a different color. I will just stick to with my Cyclonus and be happy.

Agreed, although i may just pick up another cyclonus and repaint it myself!

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:16 am
by Giant Purple Griffin
Is it going to be G1 or G2 strafe? The mold reminds me more of G2 strafe so that would be my guess unless there's any other information I am unaware of.

Here they both are:

G2 Strafe:

G1 Strafe:

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:31 am
by Mkall
How do we know that it's not going to be something completely original?

Also there's a member on that made a nice digi-bash of him in G2 colors NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE REAL FIGURE:

thread here

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:09 pm
by Sid Burn
I really hope they stick to the G1 colour scheme, the G2 one is horrible

the mold looks much more like the G1 Strafe

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:08 pm
by Archatron
Cliffjumper Prime wrote:
Archatron wrote:
Cliffjumper Prime wrote:a little of topic, but I just wanted to know what the difference between henkei and gentei is (i.e. what do they mean and are they considered different toylines in japan) this is purely for my own curiousity.

Gentei literally means "limited" in Japanese, its the word for "limited" and it is indeed and pricey. :grin: So I preordered one too. :lol:

thanks! :grin:

FYI, I guess depending on who you ask, Gentei can also mean "exclusive" #-o Either way, expensive and harder to get than regular Henkei, but usually worth the extra cash.

I loved the Technobots so this buy was a no brainer for me. Not to insult anyone's opinion, but damn I hope they go with the G1 colors or I may free up one for someone. (:| That G2 scheme just isn't jiving with this mold, IMO.

If you other guys like it, thats cool with me. Enjoy 8)

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:13 pm
by MagnusPrimal
Preorder is back in-stock on BBTS.

I ordered one. Don't know if I'll actually keep it or not. That's a lot of money for a deluxe figure.

Re: Gentei Strafe up for Preorder at BBTS

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:48 am
by ThunderThruster
Sid Burn wrote:I really hope they stick to the G1 colour scheme, the G2 one is horrible

the mold looks much more like the G1 Strafe

TBH, i think the mold would suit Scattershot better!