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Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:24 pm
by Mkall
Don't need that. I got an original Lio Convoy that works well enough. I also got Botcon Raxorclaw, which is enough of that mold for me thank you.

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:35 pm
by Transform23!!
Wow this one is alot better than the red Leo Prime But why the keep repainting Leobreaker...

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:03 pm
by T-Macksimus
Transform23!! wrote:Wow this one is alot better than the red Leo Prime But why the keep repainting Leobreaker...

I think that they are figuring that if they try enough times they might finally get it right. :P
I'd say between BotCon Razorclaw and this one that we can forget the first 6-8 attempts (or whatever the # was) and finally call it good. NOW they can retire the mold.

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:25 pm
by Transform23!!
T-Macksimus wrote:
Transform23!! wrote:Wow this one is alot better than the red Leo Prime But why the keep repainting Leobreaker...

I think that they are figuring that if they try enough times they might finally get it right. :P
I'd say between BotCon Razorclaw and this one that we can forget the first 6-8 attempts (or whatever the # was) and finally call it good. NOW they can retire the mold.

They got me buying the Razorclaw and this one :P . How many repaints are there with the same mold? Razorclaw is the best Ligarjack repaint to me.

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:03 pm
by ShGarland_1383
Transform23!! wrote:Wow this one is alot better than the red Leo Prime But why the keep repainting Leobreaker...

I dunno why they do it. Why did they use the BM deluxe-class Jetstorm mold 5 times before they moved on. It's one of my favorite molds, but 5 times is a bit much. It's only because this deco leo prime is better than the U2.0 version that I'd even think of being bothered with it. This will be...what... wait a minute...
1 - leobreaker
2 - nemesis breaker
3 - red leo prime
4 - razorclaw
5 - bw-neo(?) deco leo prime

Damnit...tied with deluxe-class Jetstorm with how many times it's been used now...

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:26 pm
by Transform23!!
ShGarland_1383 wrote:
Transform23!! wrote:Wow this one is alot better than the red Leo Prime But why the keep repainting Leobreaker...

I dunno why they do it. Why did they use the BM deluxe-class Jetstorm mold 5 times before they moved on. It's one of my favorite molds, but 5 times is a bit much. It's only because this deco leo prime is better than the U2.0 version that I'd even think of being bothered with it. This will be...what... wait a minute...
1 - leobreaker
2 - nemesis breaker
3 - red leo prime
4 - razorclaw
5 - bw-neo(?) deco leo prime

Damnit...tied with deluxe-class Jetstorm with how many times it's been used now...

Yea, they're killing the mold...I have like no more intrest with the Jetstorm mold...and now the Lijarjack mole seems kinda dead to me...

Hopefully they can come up with some new mold...I think only Takara are coming up with new ideas these days...

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:04 am
by T-Macksimus
ShGarland_1383 wrote:
Transform23!! wrote:Wow this one is alot better than the red Leo Prime But why the keep repainting Leobreaker...

I dunno why they do it. Why did they use the BM deluxe-class Jetstorm mold 5 times before they moved on. It's one of my favorite molds, but 5 times is a bit much. It's only because this deco leo prime is better than the U2.0 version that I'd even think of being bothered with it. This will be...what... wait a minute...
1 - leobreaker
2 - nemesis breaker
3 - red leo prime
4 - razorclaw
5 - bw-neo(?) deco leo prime

Damnit...tied with deluxe-class Jetstorm with how many times it's been used now...

Son of a....this means I'm missing a Jetstorm! Now I've got more hunting to do, dammit. I've only got 4 versions. Thankfully there is only 1 version of Leo/Lio-whosits floating around in my family and it lives with my kids so I wont have to worry about seeing double if I'm able to lay my hands on this one. Although I did want the red version just because I thought it would look better merged with Cyb. Leader Prime.

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:31 am
by Dagon
ShGarland_1383 wrote:
Transform23!! wrote:Wow this one is alot better than the red Leo Prime But why the keep repainting Leobreaker...

I dunno why they do it. Why did they use the BM deluxe-class Jetstorm mold 5 times before they moved on. It's one of my favorite molds, but 5 times is a bit much. It's only because this deco leo prime is better than the U2.0 version that I'd even think of being bothered with it. This will be...what... wait a minute...
1 - leobreaker
2 - nemesis breaker
3 - red leo prime
4 - razorclaw
5 - bw-neo(?) deco leo prime

Damnit...tied with deluxe-class Jetstorm with how many times it's been used now...

That's it? There's only five versions of this mold? It seems like so many more, and the only one I want is Razorclaw.

Maybe this is going to be a Club figure....

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:51 pm
by ShGarland_1383
T-Macksimus wrote:Son of a....this means I'm missing a Jetstorm! Now I've got more hunting to do, dammit. I've only got 4 versions.

Don't wanna get too off topic or anything, but since I've already brought it up anyway I thought I'd do a checklist of the BM Jetstorm/aero-drone mold like I'd done for the leobreaker mold before. (Mainly wanna do it so T-Macksimus can see which one he could have missed, but also to show how the mold's been used.)

1-BM Jetstorm
2-BM Sonic Attack Jet (the "aero-drone")
3-RID Storm Jet
4-RID Jhiaxus
5-U1.0 Skywarp

Pretty sure Jhiaxus was a KB-exclusive. That's how I remember it, anyway. By this time, they'd made the switch from RID to Armada, and that switch was reflected in the packaging while this release was still RID. The Armada sticker was also thrown in, with the TF logo only altered back to the RID version.

Edit to avoid double-posting:

Dagon wrote:
ShGarland_1383 wrote:
Transform23!! wrote:Wow this one is alot better than the red Leo Prime But why the keep repainting Leobreaker...

I dunno why they do it. Why did they use the BM deluxe-class Jetstorm mold 5 times before they moved on. It's one of my favorite molds, but 5 times is a bit much. It's only because this deco leo prime is better than the U2.0 version that I'd even think of being bothered with it. This will be...what... wait a minute...
1 - leobreaker
2 - nemesis breaker
3 - red leo prime
4 - razorclaw
5 - bw-neo(?) deco leo prime

Damnit...tied with deluxe-class Jetstorm with how many times it's been used now...

That's it? There's only five versions of this mold? It seems like so many more, and the only one I want is Razorclaw.

Maybe this is going to be a Club figure....

Yeah, just the 5, unless there's a variation to the Japanese release of Leobreaker I dunno about. I dunno about using this deco as a club figure,'d make more sense to use this deco as an HTS-exclusive. (SDCC hasn't happened yet. It could get launched then...)

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:06 pm
by waaaaghlord
Jetstorm doesn't make for a fair comparison as all 5 releases (was there a BWR release as well?) are straight repaints. The Leobreaker mould has seen no less than 3 head variants across it's many colours.

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:07 pm
by ShGarland_1383
waaaaghlord wrote:Jetstorm doesn't make for a fair comparison as all 5 releases (was there a BWR release as well?) are straight repaints. The Leobreaker bould has seen no less than 3 head variants across it's many colours.

good point, waaaaghlord. still counts for 5 variants, but they didn't retool the Jetstorm mold any in that list I put up, so it is a bit different. Edit: I'd think there would have been a release in BWR, but isn't that the Japanese release of BM?

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:11 pm
by waaaaghlord
Yes, Beast Wars Returns was the Japanese (TRU exclusive I think, but I could be wrong on that) release of Beast Machines from a couple of years back. Nowhere near the full line saw the BWR treatment though and I'm not sure which toys did and didn't see release. The colours were meant to be more show acurate though, so if there was a Jetstorm it would have been a minor plastic/paint variant to the original Hasbro release (as indeed are many Takara vs Hasbro releases of the same mould as the same character).

Going wildly off topic, Beast Machines remains the single greatest Transformers cartoon to date, it's a real shame that it was so short lived (and that the Maximal toys sucked).

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:56 pm
by T-Macksimus
O.K. lets see if I can do this without backtracking.
1) Thanks for the checklist. Very helpful. Now coinciding with that and correct me if I screw this up...
2) Numbers 1,3 4 and 5 with corresponding primary colors Blue, White, Orange and Black meaning I'm minus the Drone!??
3) Good point about the head molds but didn't 1 of the 5 jets have a slightly different missle style (like that freaking matters)
4) I was going to debate waaaaghlords last comment but when I remembered the lack of human element in Beast Wars compared to the clips of Energon and Cybertron that I watched last night, I realized he may well be right. Beast Wars had no irritating brats that you just want to reach out and strangle so that makes it the best series.

Going back to #3, don't answer it either way. It's not important. I was going to question the 3rd head-mold but then I realized it must be Razorclaw although I don't know if it was just the camera angle or what but the pic for this guy made his head seem narrower than the pic on the box for the Universe version. Did anyone else get that impression?

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:10 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
waaaaghlord wrote:Yes, Beast Wars Returns was the Japanese (TRU exclusive I think, but I could be wrong on that) release of Beast Machines from a couple of years back. Nowhere near the full line saw the BWR treatment though and I'm not sure which toys did and didn't see release.

So everyone gets this right (I've given up on trademark vs. copyright):

Blast Punch Optimus Primal
Mega Cheetor
Blackarachnia (repainted)
Noble Savage (repainted)
Silverbolt (repainted)

Tank Drone as Tankor (repainted)
Motorcycle Drone as Thrust
Ultra Jetstorm
Obsidian (repainted)
Strika (repainted)
Megatron Megabolt (repainted)

Everything else was unreleased, including the deluxe Jetstorm (it never got remolded btw). Some did get into Japan via Universe "USA Editions".

Back on track...

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:02 pm
by ShGarland_1383
T-Macksimus wrote:1) Thanks for the checklist. Very helpful. Now coinciding with that and correct me if I screw this up...
2) Numbers 1,3 4 and 5 with corresponding primary colors Blue, White, Orange and Black meaning I'm minus the Drone!??

NP. And it looks like you might be missing the drone. For visual reference, though: Jetstorm VSD entry and Sonic Attack Jet VSD. Both at least have the tech spec card, so you have that to go by at least.

T-Macksimus wrote:Going back to #3, don't answer it either way. It's not important. I was going to question the 3rd head-mold but then I realized it must be Razorclaw although I don't know if it was just the camera angle or what but the pic for this guy made his head seem narrower than the pic on the box for the Universe version. Did anyone else get that impression?

Know you didn't want an answer, but the third head is I think based off G1 Predacon commander Razorclaw. In the 2006 botcon comic, I think G1 Razorclaw was given credit for forming what we know as the BW Predacons by expanding his G1 combiner team into a full-blown army. Think his appearance in the comic led to the figure at this year's botcon, much like the Elita-1 figure being from the Classicverse comic from botcon 07.

Re: First Look at New Leobreaker Redeco?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:25 pm
by T-Macksimus
Thanks again guys. Yup, I'm minus the drone. I'm pretty sure I know right where I can pick one up but I have neither the cash nor the inclination to deal the place that has it even if it is just a 15 minute drive away.
As for question 3, the answer about the head is fine I just didn't want anyone to waste time about my missle inquiry.
I'm not overly concerned about head sculpts now that I think about it because my display space is so limited he would probably be in lion mode just for the sake of stability where he would be displayed. The RM version would be right alongside with the Legends version directly under the head/chest, all in lion modes.